Wholesale. Gentlemen , jVTALtT LiIQUOftS, CEUnes and Cigaps of The Dalles- We are showing a splended line of Spring and Summer Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese labor. Our garments are made on the premises by skilled workmen. H. E. BALCH. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER dduo8ohttt.es. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 78 Second Street. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newspapei n Wasco County. FRIDAY. AUGUST 28, 1896 MIOML REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President, WILLIAM M'KJNLEY..-. Ohio For Vice-President, GARRET A. HOBART New Jersey For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER Marion County B. If. YORAN Lane X. I." SMITH Wasco J. r. CABLES. Multnomah THE APPROACHISli CAMPAIGN The campaign of 189G, more than any during the past thirty years, de mands of all parties fairness and fieedom from deception or error. The financial question has become, .through the agitation of the com bined forces of the advocates of a greater supply of money, the prom inent issue. It is an issue that must not be determined by trickery or fraud,for such a determination would be a source of danger to the ultimate prosperity and possibly to the very existence of the nation. It must be n educational campaign in the tru est and highest sense. Oratory of the sky rocket order vituperation and appeals to prejudice will, move some voters, but the intelligent lab orers and farmers who constitute ninety per cent of the voters of the nation will attempt to understand the effect of free coinage before they will vote for it, and in this lies the assurance that this latest proposed experiment of Democracy will not be tried. Between now and the No--rember election the truth, so far as history and reason can reveal it, can be and should be found. It is utterly useless for the advo cates of free coinage to quote single passages from the utterances of Lin coln, Grant, Blaine and others of the illustrious dead, to support their claims. The American people know' the Popocrats and Populists who quote these statesmen know that were they able to speak to the Amer ican people today their advice would be in the words of McKinley and of Sherman not in the words of Bryan, Altgeld and Mrs. Lease. Said Mr. Blaine Feb. 7, 1878, in the U. S. Sen ate: "At current rates of silver, " free coinage of a dollar containing 41 2 grains, worth in gold about 92 cents, gives an illegitimate profit to the owner of the bullion, enabling him to take 92 cents worth of it to the mint and get it stamped as coin and force his neighbor to take it for a full dollar. This is an undue and unfair advantage, which the govern ment has no right to give co the owner of silver bullion and which defrauds the man who is forced to take the dollar." What would Mr. Blaine say as to the free coinage of a dollar w.orth only 53 cents in gold? "It (the free coinage of silver) would not make labor easier, the boars of labor shorter or the pay better. It would not make farming less laborious br more profitable. It would not start a factorj', nor make a demand for an additional day's labor. It would create no new oc cupations. It would add nothing to the comfort of the masses, the cap ital of the people or the wealth of the nation." These utterances from McKinley's letter ot acceptance cannot be re futed. Talk about the lap of indo lence and the brow of labor sounds well in a stump speech; they are, however, nothing but appeals to prejudice ami their use is an attempt to influence men, not by reason, but by hatred. McKinley is no "boy orator." lie speaks forth "the words of truth and soberness." The peicentage of silver coinage has been increasing ever since 1873. In 1872 we coined $21,812,645 of gold and $2,504,488.50 of silver; in 1890 we coined $20,407,182.50 of gold and $39,202,908.20 of silver; in 1872 the coinage of gold was near ly ten times that of silver; in 1890 the coinage of silver was nearly one and a half times that of gold. Will the silverites if they come, into power, ever treat gold as well as the gold bugs have treated silver? The Dalles has recently felt the ef fect of a good example in the matter of sidewalks. The appearance of the principal business portion of town has been improved 100 per cent during the past three weeks by the construction of cement sidewalks. Times are hard but The Dalles is growing and rapidly improving in appearance even under the regime of a gold standard. Mr. Bryan said at Syracuse yestei day: "We want enough standard money to keep pace with the demand for money and increase of popula tion." He knows, if he knows any thing about the money question, that under the gold standard of the last forty or more years the per capita circulation of standard money has been steadily increasing. Mr. Biyan asks: "Is there a man who believes the age of oratory is gone?" Taking Bryan's idea of or atory, such a man has been beyond the. reach of newspapers since the Chicago convention was called to or der, and must live where tkere are no Populists. Redaction in Railroad Fare. As there will be numerous requests for reduced rates on account oE political meetings daring the coming contest, it has been decided thai in order to treat all parties alike, a one fare rate will be made by the O. R. & JJ. Co. lor various meetings of this character. This of course is intended only for oc casions where there ia sufficient number to justify a redaction ia rates.' This is done so that there wil' be no partiality in favor of any one party. E. E..Lytle, Agent. Through trains on the O. R. & N will run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec ond class will run in connection with the Union Prcific, the same as heretofore, A throngh first-class sleeper from Port land to Spokane, connecting with the first-class sleeper to St. Paul and a through tourist sleeper from Portland to St. Paal, will be ran in connection with the Great Northern railway. ' "' E. E. Lyti.e, Agent. Wanted. Mrs. Drews is prepared to furnish board and lodging for four or five pupils attending school in The Dalles at $12 per month. Apply at residence, corner Court and Tenth streets. agl2-dlm j Round Cornered Sack Suits Jn all the pop ular cloths, Cheviots, Cassimeres, Serges, Tweeds trimmed and tailored in the highest style of the art sewed throughout with pure silk thread cut to fit the figure and made to wear as only perfect goods can wear. This Label on a Garment in sures Perfect Fit j?-""" and Satisfaction LWr It stands for the best that Money Can Buy or Skill Produce. Sold by PEASE &c MAYS, GEDEflT WALiKS DURABLE, SUBSTfltfTIIUi, ORflflflEflTRIr. Cost only twice as much as wooden walks, and will last forever. One should surround every block in the city. Make a specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran tee their work. Estimates of cost furnished on appli cation to the above. THE CELEBRATED COIiLJmBlR BfECUEHY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. ' This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he market. Reduced Rates. Effective March 22d. The O. R. & N. Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as fol lows: Two day rate, good going Satur day and returning Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all trains. E. E. Lytlk, : . m24-dAwtf Agent SlOO Reward VIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science baa been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive care known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Ball's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength .by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. Chknky & Co., Toledo, O. sCTSold by Druggists, 75 cent?. There's no clay, flour, starch or other worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no free alkali to burn the hands. . jly24 Executor's Notice. Notice is heieby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State oi Oregon for Wasco County executor of the last will and testament of James Mo Gahan, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same to me at my oflice in Dalles City, Oregon, with the proper vouchers therefor, .within six months from the date hereof. Dated August 5, 1896. aug8-5t-li K. F. GIBOTfS, Executor. Help Wanted Male. Wantrd Solicitors for campaign book "Bry an, Bewail and Free Silver," authorized by Bryan, written by B. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha World-Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanz for agents, a free silver. mine for workers. Only tliGO. The only authorized book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, prof itable work for '96. Address, The National Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. ag91m The Dalles, Or. J. S. SCHENK, President. J. M. Pattkkson. Cashier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bignt Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remittea on aay oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on flew York, San i ran Cisco anc Port land. OIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck. En. M. Williams, Gso. A. Likbk. H. M. Bbaix. Money Loaned. First mortgages on improved property nego tiates We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages upon improved farms in Oregon, Washington and Idaho with eastern parties and foreign cap italists at tne usual rate oi interest. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other compa nies now out of business. Address (with srnmpj . illSBVin BWAKTZ, jnlJ5-tf Baker City, Or. Meals at All Hours From 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Board, $3 to $4 per week at, Mrs. C. Nelson Sc Co.'s. Steam Wood Saw. Wood Sawed by the Champion Wood Saw, every other day :Monday .Wednes day and Friday daring September. Leave orders at Blagden & Morris' Blacksmith Shop on Third Street. . TELEPHONE 130. ' Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply amilies with the celebrated Gambrinus keg or, bottle beer, delivered free of charge to any part of the city. Tele phone 34. Anheuser-Btisch Malt Nu trine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Not a Woman That doesn't admire the handsome new stock of C. F. Stephens, which comprises everything pleasing to the feminine fancy. New Goods, New Prices. Evething new but the management. New pat rons are numerous, and if everyone knew the really fine bargains which are always temptingly displayed, no time would be lost in hastening to the store. Take a glance over the stock. C. F. STEPHENS. Agent for the W. L. Douglas Shoes. Cascade Watm Springs Hotel IS NOW OPEN FOR GUESTS. Board and Room per day ......... Board and Room per week Baths -, For Particulars Address T MOFFETT, 274 Taylor Street, - - aug7-dylmo - - PORTLAND, OREGON Is 3 to q3 TO O o CQ r-l ri I I Ph bo M The Dalles Commission Co., -DEALERS IM- Coal Ice and Profluce, Fereip anil Domestic Fruits and. VepidWes. Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for its purity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPKINOS. KOSLYN, ANTHRACITE nt GEOKGKS CKEEK COAZi Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. "TViere is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, ' Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. - - . UNTO. ST. Kill or Catch those Flies with "TANGLEFOOT" or "DUTCHER'S LIGHT NING PLY KELLER; Only 5c a Double Sheet at -Donnells Drug Store. in Town $1.25 $7.00 and 8.00 25c each Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Lipors and Cigars. SOLE AGENT FOR THE Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, - - OREGON. FOR KTTKI. MANUFACTUR PVRFO