The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 27, 1896, Image 2

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of The Dalles.
We are showing a splended line of Spring and Summer
Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere.
No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese
labor. Our garments are made on the premise's by
skilled workmen.
Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
The only Republican Daily Newspape n
Wasco County.
AUGUST 27, 1896
For President,
For Vice-President,
GARRET A. HOBART ... .New Jersey
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEEK Marlon County
Tr SMITH Wasco
3. r. CAPLES Multnomah
' The fundamental principle of the
free silver statesman is that the "de-
. monetization" of silver has enhanced
gold, and the increase in the price of
gold has made it more difficult for
wage earners to acquire it. In rela
tion to what has gold increased in
value? It has not increased in value
in its relation to what the wage
' -earner has to exchange for it ; rela
tive wages and prices in gold in the
United States of all occupations, tak
ing wages of 1860 as 100, are given
by statisticians as follows:
Prices Wages Prices Wages
180 llG.8 87.7 1S71 122 9 147.8
18&0 102.3 92.7 1880 106.9 141.6
1860 100 100 1890...... 92.S 158.9
ISO 117.3 133.7 1891 : 93.2 160,7
From 18C0 to 189J, wages have in
creased C0.7 per cent, and during the
same time prices of articles for which
the laborer must exchange his earn
ings have decreased 7.8 per cent. In
Great Britain the increase in wages
has been 23 per cent during the 15.
years ending with 1892; in France
the increase from 1 875 to 1 883 was,
among carpenters and laborers, 33
per cent and among ten classes of
common day laborers from -1805 to
1883 120 per cent. During these
periods these nations were upon a
.gold basis or went from the silver to
the gold basis.
From 1873 to 1891 the average fall
in price of eleven of the chief agri
cultural products of this country was
26 per sent; during the same period
the average fall in twenty-three of
the principal manufactured and other
articles consumed but not raised here
was 55 per cent. Measuring , the
price of gold by corn, the agncul
tuial product of this country which
is least influenced by foreign compe
tition, foreign demand, new methods
of cultivating and harvesting, we
find that it has . enhanced C per cent
from 1873 to 1891. We believe .that
a careful examination of all statis
tics will show, when considered, in
the light of increased production
and improved facilities for produc
ing and transporting, that the relative
price or gold lias fallen ana not en
hanced. It should also be borne in
mind that gold and silver are' not
consumed ; the existing volume is
rapidly increasing; while all agricul
tural products when once used lose
their existence.
The state portage railway, last
seen at the Cascades of the Colum
... bia, has disappeared. One rumor
78 Second Street.
says that this railroad, which cost the
people of Oregon $60,000, disap
peared between two Days and no
one knows what has become of it;
another is to the effect that the canal
swallcwed it, the last appropriation
of congress having been too small to
satisfy' its rapacious maw. If the
latter i nmor is correct we hope the
State Portage Commission will not
go near that awful canal; having lost
the railroad we can't afford to lose
our commission also.
The Cascade forest reserve is a
great benefit to the government of
ficials who have a salary as a member
of a commission or who get fees for
serving processes; these dependents
upon the government take pleasant
outings to Cloud Cap inn and Crater
lake and return to report the baneful
effect of pasturing sheap in the tim
ber, never having seen a sheep ex
cept such as were on exhibition at
some county fair. They travel the
roads used by tourists are enter
tained as dead heads and when they
return tu Portland write out a report
that sheep men believe in burning
the pasturage upon which they de
pend to maintain their flocks. A
short lime ago several sheep owners
were arrested, taken to Portland as
common criminals in charge of two
deputy marshals, were advised by
the aforesaid marshals to employ
counsel and were then allowed to re
turn home ; an injunction case was
begun against one party which was
to be a test case and this was indef
initely postponed, presumably until
such time as the sheep owners could
conveniently remove their sheep.
Every lawyer, outside the U. S. At
torneys's office, to whom the matter
has been submitted finds no authority
of law for the exclusion of the sheep,
and yet deputy marshals are now
threatening to arrest every herder
who does not immediately remove
the sheep in his charge from the res
ervation. The sheep men, if no one
else, have discovered that there is
something radically wrong with this
administration. .
The Populists of Portland are
brighter than the Popocrats they
have discovered that Pennoyer is a
demagogue. What will become of
Pennoyer when the Popocrats find
him out? ' There will then be no
wigwnm at all.
It shonld be constantly borne in
mind that the Bryan Sewall ticket
offers the American people nothing,
except the free coinage of silver at
16 to 1, which the present adminis
tration has. not forced upon us; all
they promise, aside from free coinage,
is what we have had to endure dur
ing the past three and a half years.
Major McKinley's letter of accept
ance which was made public today is
a declaration of principles from ihe
pen of a statesman and a man ot
large experience in public affairs; it
has nothing of the politician but
everything of the statesman. Its es
sence is that we need open mills, not
open mints. . .
Under A(enu Wanted.
Ladies or Gents everywhere to intro
duce our fast selling goods ; needed ' by
all. "One agent made ; $93.50 in one
week.'' You can do the same. $1000
yearly earned and permanent position.
For particulars, address with , stamp,
Swiss Herb Tea Co., Chicago. . a26-'lw r;
Mrs. E. Sharon and Mre. Bassett have
opened dressmaking parlors in the
Chapman block. ang20-lw
Round Cornered Sack Suits in all the pop
ular cloths, Cheviots, Cassimeres, Serges, Tweeds
trimmed and tailored in the highest style of the art
sewed throughout with pure silk thread cut to fit
the figure and made to wear as only perfect goods
can wear. : .
This Label on a Garment In- F
cures Perfect Fit : w
and Satisfaction
It stands for the best that
Money Can Buy or Skill
Sold by PEASE & MAYS,
CE'mefiT WALiKS.
DUtylBIiE, StiBSTflflTIfllt, OWflMEtfTfllt.
Cost only twice as much as wooden walks, and will last
forever. One ebould surround every block in the city.
Make a specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran
tee their work. Estimates of cost furnished on appli
cation to the above. .......
This well-known Brewery is now turning out the beat Beer and Portei
east of the Cascades. The lateet appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
he markt.
Reduced Kates.
Effective March 22d. The O. R. & N.
Co. will reduce their round trip rates
between Portland and The Dalles as fol
lows: Two day rate, eood going Satur
day and returning Monday night, $3.
Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all
trains. E. E. Lytle,
m24-ditwtf Agent
SlOO Reward 100.
The readers of this - paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to enre. Send for 'list of
testimonials. Address :
. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists, 75 cents.
There's no clay, flour, starch or Other
worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no
free alkali to burn the hands. jly24
Executor's Notice.
.Notice is heieby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the Ktate of Oregon for Wasco County executor
of the last will and testament of James Mc
Gahanr deceased. All persons haying claims
against the estate of said deceased are hereby
notified to present the same to me at my office
In Dalles City, Oregon, with the proper vouchers
therefor, within six months from the date
hereof. ' - -.
Dated August 5, 1S90. . -
augS-ot-ii . . K. F, GIBONS, Executor.
Help Wanted SI ale.
Wanted Solicitors for campaign book "Bry
an, Sewall and Free. Silver," authorized by
Bryan, written by R.. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha
World-Herald, appointed ' author by Bryan.
Contains speeches and platform. Abonanzfor
agents, a free 'silver, mine for workers. Only
11.60. The only authorized book. 50 per cent.
Credit given. Freight paid. Ontntfree. Begin
now with choice of territory. Permanent, prof
itable work for '96. Address, The National
Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago.
MM 1 'U-1'HII.'JUJJ15 "P.IN l .L
The Dalles, Or.
J. S. Schenk,
J. M. Pattebsojt.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
- Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
' remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco anc! ort-
D. P. Thompson. Jso. S. Schenck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Libbe.
H. M. Bkatx.
Money Loaned.
First mortgages on improved property nego
tiated. We are prepared to negotiate first mortgages
upon improved farms in Oregon, Washington
and Idaho with eastern parties and foreign cap
italists at the usual rate of interest. Mortgages
renewed that have been taken by other compa
nies now out of business. Address (with 8'amp)
Mebvim Swartz,
jnll5-rt . Baker City, Or.
Meals at All Hours
From 6 a. m. to 10 p. m.
Board, $3 to $-4 per week
at Mrs; C. Nelson & Co.'s.
Steam Wood Saw.
Wood Sawed by the Champion Wood
Saw, every other day- Monday .Wednes
day and Friday during September.. ,
. Leave orders at Blagden & Morris'
Blacksmith Shop on Third Street '., '.
Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply
amilies with the celebrated Gambrinus
keg or bottle beer, delivered free of
charge to any part of the city, Tele
phone 34.
CHines and Cigars.
Anhensef-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
"beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic.
Not a Woman
That doesn't admire the handsome new stock of
C. F. Stephens, which comprises everything
pleasing to the feminine fancy.
New Goods, New Prices.
Everything new but the management. New pat
rons are numerous, and if everyone knew the
realty fine bargains which are always temptingly
displayed, no time would be lost in hastening to
the store. Take a glance over the stock.
Agent for the W. Ij. Douglas Shoes.
Cascade Watm Springs Hotel
Board and Room per day ,..$1.25
Board and Room per week. $7.00 and 8.00
Baths 25c each
For Particulars Address T. TrTrTr-irT"y
274 Taylor Street,' - - aug7-dylmo - - PORTLAND, OREGON
xfi O
i i 11
ii .
a g
The Dalles Commission Co.,
Coal, Ice and Prote, Poreip ail Domestic Fruits M VepiaMes.
Oysters. Fish, Poultry and Game in Season.
NORTH POWDER ICE, which ia noted for its purity and lasting qualities.
Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets.
Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding.
1 There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune".
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of Farniture and Carpets
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates
Kill or Catch those Flies
Only 5 c a Double Sheet ; at
Donnell's Drug Store.
on draught
and in oottles.
in Town
IhE Germania
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Gambrinus Beer.