The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 19, 1896, Image 4

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Nervous Prostration
Complete Recovery by tlio Use of
Ayer's SarsaparOia
" Some years ago, a.- a result of too
close attention to busiiicsa, uiy health
fiiiled. I bi-ouuie weak, nervous, wait
unal! to look after my interests, and
manifested all the .symptoms of a de
clitift. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, beiriui to inripijpve at once,
ami gradual I v increased mv weiijlit from
OHO liiiiulr;il iul tv vm $ m- ti x- t i i Wf.f
hundred pounds. Sinro then, I and ny
family have used this medicine when
needed, and we are all in the best of
health, a fact which we attribute to
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil
dren would have been fat her lefts to-day
had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
of which preparation I cannot say too
much." II. O. Hisson, I'OHtmaster and
Planter, Kinard's, S. O.
Ayer's sfi Sarsaparilla
AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills.
Through trains on the O. It. & N will
run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen
dleton. Through, sleepers, first and sec
ond class will ran in connection with the
Union Prcific, the same as heretofore.
A through first-class sleeper from Port
land to Spokane, connecting with the
first-class sleeper to St.. Paul and a
through tourist sleeper from Portland to
St. Paul, will be run in connection with
the Great Northern railway.
E. E. Lytle, Agent.
Reduction In Railroad Fares.
As there will be numerous requests
for reduced rates on account of political
meetings during the coming contest, it
has been decided thai in order to treat
all parties alike, a one fare rate will be
made by the O. R. & S. Co. tor various
meetings of this character.
This of course is intended only for oc
casions where there is sufficient number
to justify a reduction in rates. This is
done so that there wiP be no partiality
in favor of any one party.
E. E. Lytlb, Agent.
Two Lives Bared.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City
111. was told by her doctors she had
Consumption and that there was no hope
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery completely cured her
and she says it saved her life. Mr. Tbos.
Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naturally thank
ful. It is such results, of which these
are samples, that prove the wonderful
efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and
colds. Free trial bottles at Blakeley &
Houzhton'a Drug tore. Regular size
50 cents and $1 00.
Lost I Loatl
On the morning of Jaly 4lh, between
5 and 8-Mile creeks, a tan-colored valise
clothing and other valuables. A liberal
reward will be paid on leaving the same
at this office. jul6-dis-wlm
Kstray. "'.
A black horse branded HO on left
shoulder, weight about 1100, came to
my place August 9th, with C. Schmidt's,
horse. Owner can secure same by call
ing upon the undersigned.
J. A. Simonson,
al8 wlm Three-Mile.
Stockmen Attention.
J. C. Meins.deputy stock inspector for
The Dalles district, Wasco county, Ore
gon, will have his office with R. E. Salt
marshe & . Co., at the stock ' yards.
Please address all letters relating to this
business in care of Saltmarshe & Co.
al4 dlw.
T.ihrarv will be riven this week. Snb-
Bcriptions solicited
year. .
Furnished room by young man. Ad
dress with particulars A. B. this office.
The Right l'rlnclple.
Galveston News, Dem.
, The free American voter should try to
get above party prejudices this year.
The presidential candidates have them
selves encouraged every voter to stand
by his convictions on the money ques
tion. It does not lie in the mouth of
any McKinley man to berate a Republi
can voter for casting his ballot for free
silver and for the Chicago ticket if he
believes that way. It does not lie in the
mouth of a Bryan man to criticise any
sound-money Democrat for voting for
McKinley. If you believe in free silver
vote that way. If you believe in eonnd
money vote for McKinley. Let us settle
this question in a courageous and con
scientious manner and get it forever out
of the way.
More Than a Mile Mado a Minute In a
Recent Trial.
Aided by a southerly wind and a per
fectly, clear, sky. the first test of the
pig"eons which are to represent the first
Chicago Homing club in the National
federation races this year was a inos-t
nota We success, says the Chicajro Chron
icle. The trial was remarkable in more
than one feature. Two hundred and
eighty-oue birds, the larg-cst number
which the club has ever liberated from
one rucixiff station, made the trip, and
of that number every bird was rcposiisfr
peacefully in its 'oft by one o'clock in
the afternoon. 'The time made by the
first birds to arrive home was the fast
est ever made over the course, and rep
resents u speed of more than a mile a
The birds were liberatef: at Monec,
42 miles away from the nearest loft,
at 7: SO o'clock, and White Wing's, owned
by I,. Verschueren, stepped back in its
loft at S : 1 4i i- White Whips was closely
followed by nearly hall" the flock.'and "(
arrivals were reported between 8:15 and
S:37. ' Inasmuch as every bird sent at
least as much as five minutes in circling
before starting- on a line for home, the
speed shown is materially more than
a mile in each 60 seconds.
As an illustration of how little even
the best fanciers are able to judg-e of
thf merits of their own pets, it is in-terf-stir;
to note that White Wing's had
becu considered almost worthless. Only
a month ag-o he was flown from Sixty
first street, a distance of eirht, miles,
to his loft, anil took 16 days to make the
journey. That was his first trial, ami
he was sent to Motiee Saturday quite
as much in the hope that he would be
lost as for anv other reason.
There's more clothing . destroyed by
poor soap than by actual wear as the
free alkali rots them. Hoe cake is
pure. : jly24-i
Save ide wrappehs Hoe Cake - Soap
wrappers are worth a cent apiece. Ask
Pease & Mays for premium book. j!y24--i
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the Ktate of
Oregon on the 12th dav of August. 1896, in a
suit therein pending wherein Stella K. Eddv ia
plain'iff and O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor
John Barger, State of Oregon, as trustee for the
common school fund of Wasco county, Oregon,
Joseph A. Johnson and C. W. Cather are defend
ants, to me directed and commanding me to sell
all of the lands hereinafter described to satisfy
the sum of f 377.50 and interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 10th
day of June, lts9fi, and the farther sum of $00 at
torney's fees and 9-0 costs and disbursements, I
w'll, on the 19th day of September, 1890, at the
hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court
house door in Dalles City, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
all of the following described Teal property situ
ated in said county and state, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point 100 feet west and 60 feet
south from the southeast corner of that tract ol
land deeded by Star A. Stephenson and D. D.
Stephenson to Geo. W. Rowland, parallel with
the western boundary line of Neyce und Gibson's
Addition to Italics City, thence southerly- 120
feet; thence westerly J00 feet to the eastern
boundary line of tin Dalles Military Reserva
tion: thence north along said reservation line
120 feet; thence easterly on the south line of
Eighth street to the pluce of beginning; to
gether with all and singular the tenements, her
editaments and appurtenances thereunto' be
longing or ia any wie appertaining.
al5 5t-2 Sheriff of Wasco County, Or-
Notice is hereby given that the following list
of warrants havu been issued for more than
seven years prior to the first dny of July, 1896,
and are now remaining in the office of the
County Clerk of Wasco Count- Or., uncalled
for, and unless said warrants are presented for
payment within sixty days from said July 1st,
in accordance, with section two, Jawsof Oregon,
page 165, the same will be cancelled and pay
ment thereof will be refused.
Date of
To whom
July 7. 188Sir,18;29 Juror IE. A. E. eber
July 9, l88;393:2tt:Chnmn W. H. Weist
8ept. 10, lS8j511j29lWitnesslS'raLcis White
Sept. 10, 188)53729! Witness Tnos. William
Sept. 10, 1888ir24!29'Witn9 Thos. WhlUi-is
Sept. 10, 1883 30S 29 Witness James White
1 20
Z 00
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
'The above is a list of warrant remaining in
the Clerk's office for more than seven years.
By order of County Court,
A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is heieby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Wasco Countv executor
of the last will and testament of ..'nines Mo
Gahan, deceased. All persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are hereby
notified to present the same to me at my office
in Dalles City, Oregon, with the proper vouchers
therefor, within six months from the date
. Dated August 5, 1896.
aug8-Et-ii K. F. G1BONS, Executor.
Hohingaod Blind, Bleeding r Protrortlng PH., yield M
ftPiSSt?'1'?' remedy: suopTEi?
Ho. Ucuwuu or aail. ii. ItuSAMItO. rkliaZ Pml
pJ2&g ' ' ' '
m ii . - J? it
m r 11 s H
m 1 i M
Off for a Six
No matter how much you arc
charged for a small piece of other
brands, the chew is no better than
"Battle Ax' For 10 cents you
get almost twice as much as of
other high grade goods
Lumber, Building-
Traded for TTn-vr Crn
ROWE &, CO.,
The highest
tobaccos is " Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
knows there
as good as
You will find one
eacn two ounce
r i
pons insiac eacn iour ounce
bag cf Black well's Durham.
ttf? J
Jiuy a bag ot
coupon which gives a list
of valuable presents and how
to get
President of the United States
will, as always, be found in the thickest of the fight, battling vifroroaajy for sound
business principles, which will bring pring prosperity to the cation.
The New York WEEKLY TKIBUNE ia not'only the leading Republican
paper of the country, but ia pre-eminently a national family newspaper.
Its campaign news and diacueeions will interest every American citizen.
All the news of the day, foreign correspondence, agricultural department,
market reports, short stories complete in each number, comic pictures, fashion
plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of items of household interest,
make up an ideal family paper. We furnish the "Semi-Weekly Chronicle and
"New York Weekly Tribune' (both papers), -
CASH IN ADVANCE. The regular subscription price of the two papers Is 12.75. Subscrip
tions mnv begin at any time. Address all orders to Chronicle Pub. Co. Write yonr name and ad
dress on a postal card, send It to Geo. W. Best, Room 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and a
sample copy of The New York Weeklv Tribune will be mailed to yon.
Months' Trip.
Material and Boxes
i n "Rophti T .a-nri Syr
The Dalles, Oregon
claim for other
is none just
coupon inside
Dag, ana two con
. f
this cele-
03) 5S
.5;, :v M
W 1
GERMAN. '.','"" 1
The undersigned desires to orgaitizn a class in
German. Every American citizen who can af
ford both time and expense ought to' be master
of at least two languages. The German language
ha many advantages over modern languages on
account of ber profound literature in all branch
es of ancient and modern science produced in
her world-renowned universities. Those who
would drink from these inexhaustible and yet
unaduitei ated fountains of knowledge, must
master the language which contains the key to
them. The undersigned will organize a class in
German, and will begin with actual work on the
first day of September. The class will meet two
or three times a week in the evening or wheh
most convenient to the i upils. Rapid progress
guaranteed to those who will get down to earn
est labor. All who desire to participate in this
work will please announce their intention to
the nndertigned at an early date, as the class
will be limited to a certain number. Charges
will be very reasonab'c.
The undersigned will also organize a class in
Latin. There are so many reasons why those
who desire to advance their knowledge beyond a
common school education should take at least a
oonrse in Latin, that probablv everybody is fa
miliar with at least some of them. I will not
take space here to speak of thebeanties of the
Latin language nor of the many advantages in
life possessed by those who have mastered it. 1
will here ouly announce my intention to organ
ize a c. ass in Ijtin. Rapid progress guaranteed
to those who will work hard . :harares vctv rea
sonable. All-desiring instruction iu Latin are
Kindly requested to announce their intention to
ine unaersignea neiore sepie-nDer, it possible.
Awaiting Vi ur application. I am. verv resoect-
fnlly yours. L. GREY,
augti-lmo - Evangelical Lutheraa Pastor.
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are dne to arrive at Portland.
FROM JCSE 23, 1?05.
press, Salem, Rose- 1
I burg, Ashland, Sac- I
1 ramento, Ogden,San
1 Franciseo, Mojave, (
j Los Angeles, Kl Paso, j
I New Orleans and I
I East I
8:50 P. SI
'8:10 A. M.
A. XI.
Roseburjr and way hta-
4:40 i: M.
fvia Woodburn fori
Mt.Anfrel, Silverton,
i West 8cio. Browns-
I viUe.fjprtngfleld and j
I Natron 1
4:00 P.M.
7:30 A. M.
t4:43 P.M.
Salem and way stations
no .00 A.M.
tuorvauis ana way
1 stations 5
iMcMlnnvllle and)
way stations (
t 6:20 P.M.
t 8:25 P.M.
Daily. fDany, except Sunday .
Attached to all Through Trains.
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest races irom
J. B. KIRKLANI). Ticket Aeent.
All above trains arrive at and depart lrom
urana t;enirai aiaiiou, r ntn ana i streets.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jetterson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20,
10:15 a. m., 12:15, 1:55, 5:15, 6:30 p. m., b:00 p. m.,
and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only.
Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, H:2j a. m., 1:30,
:ic, 7:o, a:oa p. m.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p.m.
Arrive at Portland, 9::i0 a. m.
Leave for AIRI.TK on Mnnrinv. Wp)iipu1hv nnt
Fri 'av at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues-
oav, -inursaay ana sacuraay at:U) p. m.
Sunday trains for OBWKGO leave at 7:30, 9:00,
11:00 a. in., 12:40, 2:00, 3:30, 5:30, 6:50 p.m.
Arrive at Portland at 12:35,8:40, 10:30 a: m
iz:i9, i:w, .i.ia, 4: is, t:ju, 7:w p. m.
Manager. Asst. O. .'& Pass. Aet.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
ine county ot wasco. -In
the matter nf the estate of Phoebe M. Dun
ham, deceased. Citation.
To Mrs. Clara Lannins, Mrs. Mary Hodges and
Georee Maddox, Greeting:
In the name of the 8ta e of Oregon. You are
hereby required to appear In the County Court
of the State of Oreeou, for the Countv of Wasco.
at the courtroom thereof, at The Dalles, in the
County of Wasco, on Monday, tbe 7th dav of
September, 18U6, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
mat aay, tnen ana mere to snow cause, if any
there be, why an order should not be made and
entered herein authorizing and directing the ad
ministrator of said e-tate to sell the real prop
erty belonging to said estate, to-wit, a strip of
land K3J4 feet wide and 100 feet long off the east
side of lot No. 11 in Block No. 6 in Laughlin's
Addition to Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon.
This citation is served upon you, tbe said Mrs.
Clara Lannlng, Mrs. Mary Hodges and George
Maddox, by order of the Hod. Robt. Mays, Judge
of said Court, made July 25, 1896.
Witness, the Hon. Robert Mays, Judge of
the County Court of the State of Oregon,
SEI. for the County of Wasco, with tbe seal
of said Court affixed, this 25th day of
July, A. I). 1896.
Attest: A. M. KELSAY", Clerk.
By Simeon Boi.ton, Deputy.
Administrator's Sale.
Notiee is hereby given that tbe undersigned
will, on -arurday, the 22nd day of August, 1896,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said
day at the front door of the county courthouse
in Dalles City, Wasco, Co., Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand,
the following described real estate belonging to
the estate of C. V. Lane, late of Wasco County,
Oregon, and now deceased, to-wit: Lots one (II
and two (2) and eleven (11) aud twelve (12) and
tbe north half of lots three (3) and ten (10) in
block SI in Baiids Second Addition to the town
of Antelope, in Wasco County, Oregon, said
real estate will be sold subject to a mortgage
thereon in favor of W. Bolton & Co., dated Octo
ber 3, 1895. for the sum of $305.55, and interest at
tbe rate of 10 per cent per annum from said date.
Dated at Dalles City, Or , this 21st day of July,
Administrator of the estate of C. V. Lane,
deceased. . jy25-5t-ii
Notice of Final Account.
To all Whom it Mat towcEBN
Notice is hereby given that G. J. Farley has
flleu his final account as administrator of 'he
estate of Joshua W. Reedy, deceased, and that
said final account will come on for hearing on
Monday, July 13th, 1896, at which time a hearing
will be bad as to any and all objections to such
final account, and the settlement thereof.
This notice is given by order or Hon. George
C. Blakeley, county judge. Dated this 11th duy
of Judo, 1896. G.J.FARLEY,
Adm'r of tbe estate of Joshua W. Reedv, de
ceased. - .
il 1 PACIFIC R. R.
P txLI man
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
ST. FA If I.
HLXA and
Thfough Tickets
"K vr TOBS
For information, time cards, mans and tickets.
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent.
The Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland, Oreg u
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
Kansas City
St. Paul
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
Kverv Five Days for
For full details call on O. K. fc Cn.'s Agent
Tha Dalles, or address
W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Oregon
' New Schedule.
Effective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol
lowing will be tbe new schedule:
Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 -.50
a. m., and leaves 4 :oo a. m.
Train, No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:40
p. iu., and leaves 10:45 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrives at Tbe Dalles 12 :05
p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves
at 2:30 p. m.
Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers
between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav
ing Tbe Dalles at 1 p. in. daily and ar
riving at Tbe Dalles 1 p, m. daily, con
necting with ' train Nos. 8 and 7 from
Portland. E. E. Lytxk,
Window-Glass and
Picture Moulding.
EC. 3-LEN" nsr.
For Rent.
The lower story of the Michelbach block, cor
ner of Second and Union streets, now vacant,
will be rentad on a long or short-time lease at
reasonable figures.
Also the Michelbach garden and fruit orchard,
with buildings for occupation. Apply to George
Williams, administrator of the Michelbach
estate. aprS-tf
iiloiAio iisio