The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 18, 1896, Image 1

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i k0 OH! Mm mm h.
NO 193
What the Presidential Can
didates Did Yesterday.
He Visited Hi Campaign Manager at
Cleveland Yesterday.-Mr. Bryan
I.HIIFI IrTlngtua.
. Cleveland, O., Aug. 17. Major Wil
liam McKinley, the Republican presi
dential nominee, accompanied by bia
wife, returned to Canton this morning,
after having spent Sunday in this city
as the guest of M. A. Banna, the Re
publican campaign manager. .
When Major and Mrs. McKinley ar
rived at the depot this morning to take
the train for Canton, they found a crowd
of -people waiting to eee them off.
Hearty cheers were given for' McKinley,
to which : the nominee responded by
bowing and raising his hat. The dem
onstration was not concluded until the
train had pulled out.
Hanna will leave for New York this
evening to visit the Republican head
quarters there and look after important
business in connection with the cam
paign.. When asked today as to the truth or
falsity of the recent report that McKin
ley would Boon take the stump, Mana
ger Hanna responded that McKinley
would do no speaking daring the com
ing campaign.
Hanna is confident of the success of
the Republican party at the coming
election,' and says that evidence contin
ues to come in of 'the weakening of the
free-silver craze in various states.
- The Morales Raiders.
Washington,' Aug. 17. The war de
partment has received dispatches -from
General Wheaton, detailing the move
ments of the troops in pursuit of the In
dian raider6 - from Mexico. It is be
lieved that such disposition of the troops
has been made as will intercept them if
if they attempt to cross into Mexico.
The Indians are on foot and are pursued
by mounted troops. Mexican authori
ties will establish a garrison at Nogales
for the purpose of preventing further In
dian raids.
Mryan at ron(hkeete.
POUGHKEEPSIE, .N.- Y., Aug. 17.
When W. J. Bryan reached Poughkeep
eie 400 people were on deck to greet him.
and followed him up the street cheering
and shouting for a speech. When he
reached the depot the crowd became so
insistent that Bryan finally yielded to
their wishes, and standing on a box
"I am up here for rest, and I did not
. expect to make a speech, but I probably
shall not see you again, and I will take
this opportunity to say a few words to
yon. I an very glad to see you all
From the tone of the New York opposi
tion prees one would be led .to suppose
there was no silver eentiment in this
state. I am glad to see here the refuta
tion of that fallacy and to notice that
even the great New York press cannot
stifle the wishes of the people. This is a
time when the thinking people outnum
ber corporations and when people will
vote according to their own judgment.
"It is to be the greatest campaign' we
young people have even seen, and I be
lieve is a good sign when we can, as in
this campaign foresee independence. We
are naturally an independent people,
and this is a time when' that independ
ence should be asserted."
Then Bryan asked, "How many here
are silver men?"
A number of men raised their hands,
and he said : "I want you to study up
this matter and see how many silver
men you can get out for our campaign."
"How are you for the workingmen?'
shouted a man in the crowd.
Bryan hesitated a second and then an
swered: "Will you take what I have
said and what I have done, consider it
very carefully, then judge as between
our cause and that of our opponents?
The candidates represent only the poli
tics in their parties, and it is not for me
to tell you what is your duty. It is for
yon to study the issues and I am glad
that you are doing 60, and when you find
out what your duty is. do it:"
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan left on the New
"'BugiJL ' ' '
Absolutely Pure.
A cienm of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latent United Slate
Government Food Eeport.
Koyal Bakiko Powder Co.. New York
York Central train for Tivoli, where Mr.
Perrine will meet them.
Like Darius Greene.
New Yobk, Aug 17. A special cable
from -Berlin to the Jonrnal says that
Professor Otto Lilienthal, the well known
inventor, died Tuesday from the effects
of a fall from hi9 flying machine. The
aeronaut arose 15 meters from the moun
tain when he lost his balance and fell to
the ground head first. His last words
were: "Mine is the true inventor's
The Barking or Dogs.
Vaedoe, Norway, Aug. 17. Dr. Nan-
een left thia morning for Christiana.
The meeting between Nansen and Jack
son, the English explorer, was the result
of the barking of dogs. The Norwegian
and companions were exploring when
they heard barking. Following -, the
sound they reached Jackson's camp.
V'ardoe has been decorated in honor of
Naasen's return. -
Famous Journalist Passes' Away at Her
Hamilton, Mass., Aug. 17. Mis Mary
Abigail Dodge, writer, biographer and
controversialist, died here this evening.
Miss Dodge sustained a stroke of "par
alysis whiie sitting at the breakfast table
yesterday morning. She fell from her
chair, was picked up unconscious, and
remained in that condition until her
Since the illness of last year, which
came on suddenly in the Blaine mansion
in Washington. Miss Dodge lived very
quietly at her old home in Hamilton,
Mass. Her strength had never rallied
after that illness, but. during that time
she had been able occasionally to drive
about the town and to entertain, in her
old delightful manner, the friends who
called upon her. Her literary work dur
ing this time had been fragmentary,
done by the help of an amanuensis as a
diversion when some current event had
especially attracted her interest.
His Last Patrol. -.
Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 17. M.
Ames, city marshal, died at midnight
Sunday, after a ' brief illness of three
days. For years he was afflicted with a
complication of liver and kidney trouble.
He was taken ill three days ago, and be
came unconscious . Sunday evening, ex
piring at midnight.
Mrs. Drews is prepared to furnish
board and lodging for four or five pupils
attending school in The Dalles at $12
per month. Apply at residence, corner
Court and Tenth streets. :- agl2-dlm
Kednctlon In Wood.
The Dalles Lumber Co. will close out
their stock of 16-inch stove wood, cut
ready for stove at "$2.00 per cord in order
to obtain yard room for fall stock.
jly25-dlm. v. -
Backlen's Ariacs salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fev'ei
sores, tetter, chapped hands,.' chilblains,
corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. - For - sale Dy - Blakeley and
Houghton, druaitiste.-' - "j-
Nicely furnished room, with or with
out board, at Mrs. Helm's, Fourth street,
foot of Rinehart stairs. " al3
No more BOII3. no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly'a Iron Tonic . The Snipes
Kineraly Drug Co.- Telephone No. 3.
A Boy Murderer.
Minnesota, Minn., Aug.- 17. Carl
Ran berg, an lS-j ear-old boy of this
place, was thot and almost instantly
killed by a stranger, who calls himself
Walter H. Glass of Nebraska City, Neb.
The weapon used was a shotgun of large
bore. Two other lade, Mike Bunce and
Gaeger, who among others were with
young Ranberg at the time, were also
wounded by stray shots.
Glass gave himself up to the authori
ties and was taken to 'Marshall and
lodged in the county jail. He claims
that he was provoked 10 shoot by insult
ing language used by some of the boys
in the hearing of the prisoner and his
wife. '
To All Whom It Mav Conceen :
By order of the Common Council of
Dalles City, made on the 3d day of Au
gust, 1896 and entered of record in the
records of Dalles City on the 4th day of
August, 1896, notice is hereby given that
the sidewalks on the following streets
have been declared dangerous by eaid
council on said 3d day of August, and
the eid Common Council will proceed
to make the improvements as herein
after stated, on eaid streets, or parts of
streete, so declared dangerous, afttr
fourteen days from the first publication
of this notice, to-wit, August 7, 1896;
and the cost of such improvements of all
each sidewalks, and of each of them,
will be charged and levied upon the
property adjacent thereto and directly
benefited thereby, as by charter pro
vided. , ; " ' .
The sidewalks declared dangerous and
about to be built are as follows, to-wit :
1. To build a sidewalk on the west
side of Court street from Second street
to the alley, along lot 5 in block 4.'
2. To build a sidewalk on the south
side of Second etreet, between Court and
Union streets, along lot 3 in block 6.
3. To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Second street from Union etreet
east 72 feet, along lot 8 in block 4, and on
Union etreet from Second street to the
alley, along lot 8, in block 4.
4. . To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Fourth, along, the property now
occupied by W. E. Garretson.
5. To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Fourth- street, along lot 4 in
block 2. '
6. I'o build a sidewalk on the north
6ide of Third street, along lot 6 in block
5, and on the west side of Washington
street, along lot 6 in block 5, from Third
etreet to alley.
7. To buiid a sidewalk on the north
side of Alvord street along lots 3 and 4,
in block 2, between Langhlin and Fed
eral streets.
8. To build a eidewalk on the east
side of Washington street, along lot 12
in block A, and on the north side of Ful
ton street, along lots 9, 1G, 11 and 12, in
block A.
9. To build a eidewalk on the north
side of Second street, between Washing
ton and Court streets, along lot 9, in
block 3.
All of said sidewalks will be built and
constructed in accordance with the pro
visions of the charter and ordinances of
Dalles City.
Dated this 7th day of August, 1896.
Gilbebt W. Phelps,
Recorder of Dalles City.
The Cheapest, Purest 2
cine in the world 1
An Effectual Specific
for all diseases of the
Liver, Stomach
. - and Spleen.
Regulate the Liver
and prevent Chills
and Fitter Malari
ous Fevers, Bowel
Complaints, Rbstlbss-H-css,
Jaundice and
' Nothing ts so unpleasant, nothing so common, as
bad breath ; and in nearly every case it comes from
the stomach, and can be so easily corrected if you will
take Simmons Liver Regulator. Do not neglect so
ore a remedy for ttfis repulsive disorder. It will also
improve your appetite, complexion and general health.
How many suffer torture day after day. making life
a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing1
to the secret suffering from Piles. Yet relief is ready
to the band of almost any one who will use systemati
cally the remedy that has permanently cured thou
sands. Simmons Liver Regulator is no drastic,
violent purge, but a gentle assistant to nature.
SHOULD not be regarded as .
a trifling ailment in fact, nature
demands the utmost regularity of
the bowels, and any deviation
from this demand paves the way '
often to serious danger. It is -
, quite as necessary to remove .
' ; ' impure accumulations from the
bowels as it is to cat or sleep, and
no health can be expected where
tusuve uaoit 01 ooay prevails.
sick, headache:
This distressing affliction occurs most frequently.
The disturbance of the stomach, arising from the
imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in
the bead, accompanied vith disagreeable nausea, and
this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick
Headache, for the -relief of -which take Simmoma
Liver Regulator or' Medicine. .
manufactured only by
' J. H. ZETT.rre St CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. .
Residence, '. Tenth and Liberty Streets.
jly23-tf - '
Tbasda, Hug. 20. 1
of the Gi?eat
JPor Infants and Children.
Castoriav promote Digestion, and
overcomes flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
Bleep natural. Caatoria contains na
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
tnown to me." H. A. Archer. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
For several yean, man ecommetOed you
. Castorla,' and shall always continue to do so.
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.'
Edyoi F. Pardkh, M. D-,
125th Street and 7th Ave, New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
wltiiin easy reach."
Carlos Mabttn. D. D.,
.. New York City. .
Th CiKTAUa Comtakt, 77 Murray Street, K. Y.
Second and
Streets, opp.
We are now settled In our new quarters, and
are prepared to do all kinds of work in our Hue.
We make Corsets, Ladies' Dress Reform Waists,
Misses' and Children's Waists. Abdominal Bands
Or Supports of various styles. . These goods are
oil made to order; a good fit guaranteed or no
sale. Why nt patronize home industry? If this
western country had ten per cent of the money
paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would
make us all rich. Why not keep the money at
home by building ut industries at home. Fac
tory and oftice at corner Second and Washington
; entrance at First National Bonk.
- Help "Wan tea Male.
Wanted Solicitors for campiign book "Bry
an, Bewail and Free Silver, ' authorized by
Bryan, written by K. L. Metcalf, editor Omaha
World-Herald, appointed author by Bryan.
Contains speeches and pltitform. A bo nana for
agents, a free silver mine for workers. . Only
11.50. The only authorized book. 60 per cent.
Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free., Begin
now with choice of territory. Permanent, prof
itable work for '96. Address,- The National
Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago. . . ...
liast Day
Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St..
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and varions points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. ,
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Ohlcbeatet'B Enat!a I)taand Bpaa4.
Original Only 6 ravine
vrc, always retiablA. uoica ask .
!.- rW for CftfeAettfer MTnglu Dia-d
mown MranH Id kh ud art tueuuiio
tui. sewed wita blt ribbon. Tak)
tions and imiatinJ, At Drtirjrii. or awfkd 4ta.
in tmtsp ffcr psu-ctourmra. tncuimkiais aai
Klk,f Taw CUm. in Uttr. bv wstmrm
r Malt 10,900 TkUmbi&1i. Nam rntr
fTM r mtrMTsWlral ft II 1 (toMtii
"The Regulator Line'
The Daflss. Portland ail Astoria
Navigation Co.
Frelgm autl Fasssnoer
Through Daily Trips (Sundays
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles nt 8 a. m., connecting at the Cos-,
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak si'-cet dock) at 7 a. m., connect
ing witu Sterner Regulator for The
One way 3M
Round trip 3.0C
Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, 7vith
out delay at Cascades,
Shipments for -Portland received mt
any time day or night. Shipments for
n ay landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solieted.
Call on or address. . -
General Agent
M Rnrnl M I V lrimarr.fta
0 M erKUMU I ocdarrocTrp.
Itiary ltIXKi i'OlSON permanently
inured in 16 to oft days. Ton can be t rented
j home for same nrice under same frnaraa
J ty. It yoa prefer to come here we wi!lcoa
inry tract to DaT railroad f arsand Dotal bill
wvnsyv. j i jii n' v ui 11 juu uavc uum )
curj, imuae
curv, iodide ootush. and still have acfaeai
pxins.xM ucous
xina.vTi ucous i aitiies in mourn, sore hi-nut.
llmoiefl. sJoDoer
Imples. Copper Colored Snots, (71era oe.
any part of the obdy, Ilalr or E;
nv rrt of the bodT. Ilulr or Fvphrntta r-. I tln-
oat, it is this Secondary UCOOI POISOll
laruaranteetoiCTire. We solicit the most obsti
nate cases aou cnaitentre tns world for av
case we cannot care. l'hts disesse has always
baffled the skill ot the most eminent physi
cians. 50000 capital benind our uuconaV
Uonal snaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed ok
SDpllcatioo. Address COOK RKMEDV
O Masonin Tample, CHIfcACrO, 'TlTTTT
. Subscribe for Thk Chbo.vici.b and get
the news.