The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 15, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
NO 191
McKinley and Hobart Wheel
men's Clnb Meets.
Clubs Arm to Be Or(nlet l;dr Mili
tary Kales-- PrUleattaI Cum
palgn Flans.
Chicago, 'Aug. 14. The ' executire
committee of the National Wheelmen's
McKinley and Hobart Club held a meet
ing last night in their rooms at the
national Republican headquarters.
Messrs. Ilanna and Dawes, of the na
tional Republican committee, were pres
ent, and a line of action was agreed
npon. ' ' '
From the mass of correspondence re
ceived from other cities seeking informa
tion, it is evident that large masses will
have to be handled, and nothing but
military discipline can accomplish this
without confusion. The execntive com
mittee has therefore adopted ihe follow
ing plan of organization :
Companies of not more than fifty nor
less than 30 shall be formed, each com
pany to choose a captain,' lieutenant,
standard-bearer and bugler.
Every four companies shall be organ
ized into a battalion and shall choose a
major, who may select his aids and a
Every battalion shall form a regiment,
for each regiment a colonel shall be
chosen, who shall select his aids and
standard-bearers. The. execntive com
mittee shall choose brigadier-generals.' -
It is intended to - have a meeting at
Chicago of all the members of the na
tional organization at least once dnring
the campaign. For organization in other
cities and towns the national execntive
committee urge that the above line be
followed as closely aB possible. ;
Any person desiring' to form a branch
in his locality,' by addressing the na
tional secretary, Charles Whitacre, -at
the national Republican . headquarters,
Chicago, will have forwarded to him the
necessary literature and instructions..
campaign' uossip.' '
Joint Financial Debate Will Probably
Be Given Up.
Washington, Aug. 14. It ie probable
that there will be no" joint-debate be
tween the gold and silver standard
bearers. The idea has few advocates in
the Republican ranks here,' and Chair
man - Babcock, of the Republican con
gressional committee, is pronounced in
his opposition to it.
When asked whether Mr.-McKinley
would take ' the stump; he eaid he did
not know, but hoped . that Mr.. Bryan
would continue to talk, as everything he
said made Republican votes. "
Representative Mercer, of Nebraska
secretary of ' the committee, " strongly
. favors a stumping tour by McKinley.
He eaid: : ;
"On the Pacific coast the great and
vital question is the tariff: So far as the
money question is concerned, we have
the best of that argument, as all will
readily see if they take the pafns to in
form themselves. I should like to see
McKinley make a tour, beginning in
California, working up the Pacific coast,
then coming East, giving about six
' weeks at the end of - the campaign to
that work." ; ; '-.' ; ;
Ti of Candidate Bewail' Vessels Seized
y for Debt." ' .
New York, Aug. 14. Two ships be
longing to Arthur Bewail, Democratic
vice-presidential candidate, were seized
by the marshal on libels yesterday morn
ing, but were subsequently released
upon the filing of a bond. Mr. Sewall
is the head of the firm of Arthur Sewall
& Co., shipbuilders of Bath, Me. His
: partner is unknown to the libellants,
who designate him in the complaint as
"John Doe."
The two ships, the Iroquois and W. F.
Babcock, were repaired on July 2d and
July 15th last at the drydocks of the
John N. Bobbins Company. The amount
of the bill was $848 and $852. The re
pairers declare they have repeatedly
asked for payment of their bill, but
could get no money. A second attach
ment againet the Iroquois wa9 obtained
by Lewis Davis, owner of the barken
Absolutely Pure.
A ciaum of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United Slate
Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powdbk Co.. New York
tine E. 8. Powell, which was injured in
a collision with the Iroquois ic June and
damaged, it is alleged, to the extent of
$8,000, for which amount action was
brought. ' K' .
San Franvlsco Stan Designs a New
San Fbancisco, Aug.' 14. Dr. C. A.
Smith, is more enthusiastic than ever
over his, flying, machine since he re
ceived a telegram Wednesday : from
Washington informing him that a patent
had been granted on his device for sail
ing through the air. A company was
ncorporated in this city last Saturday
to build Smith's airship, navigating air
vessels and carrying on a general busi
ness in them.. I.J. Truman, president
of the Columbian bank, and George T.
Garden are among the stockholders.
The attorney for the ' company is M. M.
Estee. '
These well-known men declare that
Smith's machine appears feasible as a
mechanical proposition, and that it is
really a most ingenious solution of the
difficult problems that have faced - the
scientific' 'aeronaut. Smith himself
claims it will lift' itself and additional
weight, and more that, be can - so con
trol its flight aB to practically imitate a
bird on the wing. - This means that the
airship can be lifted from the earth "and
depressed at the will of the', engineer,
who may also steer his vessel hither and
thither, describe circles regardless of the
wind, and perform evolutions like a ship
at sea.
. It is still further claimed for this won
derful invention that it can ' be driven
into the very teeth of a storm. Indeed,
if all that is claimed for it proves true,
the long-talked-of airship will soon be
an accomplished fact. '' ' .-,. ' '
' The company intends to open a work
shop at once and begin the construction
of Dr. Smith's first airship. And in the
course of a few months, the expectation
of seeing the, machine arise and. float
aloft will be very strong.
Klectric Bitters. "
Electric Bitters is a' medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally heeded, when ' the languid ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the liver
is torpid and sluggish and the need of a
tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt
use of this medicine ' has often averted
long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers.
No medicine will act more surely in
counteracting and. freeing the system
from- the. malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion, ' Constipation, Dizziness
yield to Electric Bitters. 50c and $1 per
bottle at Blakely & Houghton's drug
store. . ' ' - ": '. : .; 1
Bnoklen'o Armca salve. .
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively . cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. .' For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists. - . .
A good recommendation for Simmons
Liver Regulator is, that it is purely
vegetable and strongly tonic. Then too,
it is better than Pills because easier to
take in -liquid. or powder and with no
griping, while the relief from' Constipa
tion, Biliousness, Sick. Headache and
Dyspepsia is fluick and sure. ,"I find
Simmons ".Liver Regulator a very safe
and valuable family medicine." -"Rev.
J. M. Rollins, Fairfield, Va. .
No more BOILSnomore PIMPLES
Use Kinersly'e Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3.
. or TH
(Now Placerrille, Cal.)
Taken-from rec ord of P ioneer., and pnblishe
by permission, of the Marshal of the society.
'In the palmy days of pioneer life 1849 when
they had two grades of hash (low grade and 18
carat), "beef upalong" was another dainty dish
unknown to modern culinary science. Forty-six
years brings considerable change, even in hotels.
. sours.
Bean U 00 Ox Tail (short)
. '- .. BOASTS. '
Beef, Mexican (prime cat)
Beef, Upalong , .
Beef, plain .. . .
Beef, with one potato (fair size) ...........
Beef, tame from the States
Baked beans, plain . . . ,
Baked beans, greased
Two potatoes, medium size
Two potatoes, peeled
- uttrbbs.
Sauerkraut ..........
Bacon, fried
Bacon, stuffed ........... .-
Hash, low grade
Hash, 18 carats.
OIHI. - "
Codfish, cakes, per pair ..,...'."..:.
Grizzly, roast
Grizzlv; fried
Jack Rabbit, (whole)
' Rice pudding, plain -.
Bice puddding, with molases ,
Rice pudding, with brandy peaches
Square meal, with desserts.
..,''. Payable ia advance- ,
Gold scales on the and of the bar. .
.11 50
. 1 50
. 1 00
. 1 00
. 1 25
. 1 50
: 75
. 1 00
. - SO
- 75
. 1 00
. 1 00
. 1 60
. 75
. r oo
. 75
. l oo
. 1 00
. ' 75
,. 1 00
. 2 00
. 3 00
- f BBC ; ; ... .
BILL OF FARE, - . . --
' No. 87 Second 8 tree t, The Dalles.
All for 25 cents.
.- SOUP. -.
Consomme a la Royale.
Pickled Beets. , Cucumbers. Cold Slaw.
Fillet of Halibut a la Normandie.
Browns Natural.
'"'"' ; " ENTREES. '""' ;
Chicken Croouette a la Polonaise.
Chicken Liver and wings. Saute a la Bordelaise.
rot Koasc a ia Vienna.
Fillet of Beef au Champignons. . ' .
Baked Apple Xamplingst. wine Sauce.
' 0X81-8. '
Prime Ribs of Beef, au Jus.
Loin of Pork, Apple Sauce.
Spring Chicken with Dressing.
VEGETABLES. '"- , ...
Corn on Cob. String Beans. Potatoes in Cream.
' " DESSERT. '
English Plum Pudding. Hard and Brandy Sauce.
Lemon xce iream.
Plum Pie. Peach Pie.
Pears, Peaches and Plums.
Tea. MUX. Coffee..
Dinner from 11 :30 a. m. to 8 p. m.
To Vxl Whom It May Concern :
- By order of .the. Common Council of
Dalles Citv, made on the 3d day of Au
gust, 1896, and entered of record in the
records of Dalles City on the 4th - day of
August, 1896, notice is hereby given that
the sidewalks on the following streets
have been declared dangerous by said
council on said 3d day of August, and
the eaid Common Council will proceed
to make the improvements as herein
after stated, on said streets, or parts of
streets, so declared dangerous, after
fourteen days from the first publication
of this notice, to-wit, August 7, 1896 ;
and the cost of euch improvements of all
such sidewalks, and of each of them,
will be charged and levied upon the
property adjacent thereto.. and. directly
benefited' thereby, as by charter provided.-
; The sidewalks declared dangerous and
about' to be built are as follows, to-wit:
. 1. To build a sidewalk, on the west
side of Court street from Second street
to the alley, along lot 5 in block 4.
2. . To build a sidewalk on the south
side of Second street, between Court and
Union streets, along lot 3 in block 6.
' 3. - To ' build a sidewalk on the north
side rf Second street from Union street
east 72 feet, along lot 8 in block 4, and on
Union street from Second . street to the
alley, along lot 8, in. block 4.
4. To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Fourth, along the property now
occupied oy w. uarretson.
5. . To build a sidewalk on the north
side - of Fourth street, along lot 4 in
block 2.
: 6.- To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Third street, along lot 6 in block
5, and on the west side of Washington
street, along lot 6 in block 5, from Third
street to alley. . ..... .J. . -
7. To build a sidewalk on the north
Side of Alvord street along lots 3 and 4,
in block 2, between Laughlin and Fed
eral streets. .
;-,8. To build' a" sidewalk on the east
side of Washington street, along lot 12
in black A and on the north side of Ful
ton street, along lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, in
block' A. '
9. To build a sidevalk on the north
side of Second street, between Washing
ton and Court streets, along lot 9, in
block 3: - - ' - -
All of said sidewalks will be built and
constructed in- accordance with the, pro
visions of the charter and ordinances of
Dalles City . . - ;: . . -. :
Dated this 7th lay of August, 1896.
' ; . . - Gilbert W. Phelps, C;
.-" Recorder of Dalles City..
There's more clothing destroyed by
poor soap than by actual wear as the
I free alkali' rota them. : : Hoe cake is
pure. ; jly24-i
August 26th is the Last Day,
' , The day set for the beginning of our Removal,
- and the end of our Gfr eat Sale. Until then evei-y
' item in the store remains as it is : .
for Tnfanta and Clilldrcn.
; Catoria promote Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation,' Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child Is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural.' - Caatorisv contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
: ' "Caatorlafs so well adapted to children Chat
I recommend it as superior to any prescription .
.taon to me." H. A. asohir, M. D-,
. Ill Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y.
For servenu years um racommeiiSed your
Castoria,' and shall always continue to do bo, .
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.' 1
Edwi F. Pardib, M. !.,
. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Onstoria
within easy reach."
Caiuis Xinra, D. D.,'
, .NewYork City.
Toa Cektads Ookpajtt, 77 Hurray Street, K. Y.
Second and
. Streets, op'p.
. , Bank.
We are" now settled in our new Quarters, and
are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line.
we maue corsets, iMaion uress netorra naists.
Misses' and Children's Waists. Abdominal Bands
or Supports of various 'stvles. These (roods are
all made to order; a good fit guaranteed or no
sale. Why not patronize home industry? If this
western country had ten per cent, of the money
paid eastern and forelen manufactures it would
make ns all rich. Why not keep the money at
home by building up industries at home. Fac
tory and office at corner Second and Washington
: entrance at First National Bank. . - .
Help Wanted Male.
Wanted Solicitors for campaign book "Bry
an, Sewall and Free Silver' authorized by
Bryan, written by R. Ii. Metcnlf, editor Omaha
World-Herald, ' appointed author by Bryan.
Contains speeches and platform. A bonanz for
agents, a free, silver mine for -workers. Only
fjLSO. The onlv authorized book. 50 per cent
Credit sriven. Freight paid.- Outfitfree. Begin
now with choice of territory. Permanent, prof
itable work for '96. ' Address, The National
Book Concern, Star Building, Chicago.
ipcs-Kinersly Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
- " . Eastern States.-
' Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco,. Portland Ore
gon,; Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington. .
, Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. -.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Chlcfcestc!' Ensil!i Plsm it BrmHd. .
Arc, alnt-vA r-Hbl. ladic msk
Drujrjrtnt br C&ichtmtai- JtnaUrh Dia
mond Jfraut in if uxi (.fd bm-wiic it led iriih blue ritLt. Xtako
don and imit.aurm, AtDrgxiats,oraend4e.
la itimpi fur narttculrs, tCMtimoniaUs iid
Relief for Tlc," in iMKr, bv return
Mali. 10.000 TtatUmonialM. Name Jhxptr
Irhr-rtTrr'ii.rtifcTWlr Hiaii.
uThfe Regulator Line'
Tie DaDfis. Portlani anJ Astoria
Navigation Co. '
FiGigixt ana Passoiigor iin3
Through Daily' Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Kegel ator leaves The
Dalles at 8 a. m., connecting at the Cas- '
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles : City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak el 'cet dock) at 7 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The .
Oneway;....::......: ......... .2D0
Round trip 3.04
Ratas Greatly Reduced. . ;
All freight, except car lots,'
will be brought throtigh, with- -out
delay at Cascades.
I Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. , Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on 'or address,
.General A cent .
i A gPECIALTYonraST7 ;
nary kiaiuu trt3iAja permanentlv
oared in 16 to& dnys. You can be treated as.
home f orsaxne price under same unnu
t y. If von vruf er to corao here we nil I em.
tract to Day railroad fareanrt hotel hillRjrvw
nocharjTS, i f we ia i 1 to cure. If you have taken nmr
enry. Iodide potash, aod still have auhes an4.
pains, Hocoua Iatclies in mouth. Sore ThroaAv
JTimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers oat
any part of the body, liair or Ey ebrows C-illinr
out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISoS'
we jrnarantee to ctire. We solicit the most obsti
nate eases and cnalleae;Q tho world for at
case we oaanot enre. 1'bis diwase has always)
baffled, the s kill of the most eminent physW
clans SSOOA00 capital behind our uneonda.
Uonal guaranty. Absolute "proofs Rent waled oat
anpUcation. Address COOK KISMKXY CO-.
03 Masonic Temple. CHICAGO, iU7 .
Subscribe for Ths CnaoyiCLK and get
he news. . '