The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 13, 1896, Image 1

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NO 189
continued the case until tomorrow, or-
dering Neagle to have an attorney pres
I ent to do his talking tomorrow.
Governor Stone Makes the
lie Make Iloqneiit Defense of the
Chicago l'latform and the Dem
ocratic Party.
Kkw Yokk, Aug. 12. Wiliiain Jen
nings Bryan, of Nebraska, and Arthur
Sewall, of Maine, were tonight formally
notified of their nomination by the
Democratic party for the offices of presi
dent and vice-president, at a meeting in
the big Madison-Square garden, forming
a notable political event, and a remark
able climax to the remarkable tour of
the presidential candidate across half
the continent. An army of unnum
bered thousands filled the streets and
crowded about the building in the hope
of securing admission. In the hall,
which was like a fiery furnace, Bryan
spoke to 20,000 people for nearly two
hoars. His' address dealt almost en
tirely with the financial question ; was
more argumentative and less eloquent
than his historic Chicago speech, and
only in a closing appeal to the citizens
of New -York did he speak in the strain
in which he bad captured the Chicago
convention. He was surrounded by
many of the silver leaders. The Demo
cratic leaders, with the exception of for
nter State Treasurer Danforth, who pre
sided over the meeting, and Congress
man William Sulzer, who organized the
first Bryan club in the state, were not
Mr. Sewell 'spoke briefly after Bryan
and was heartily cheered. Governor
Stone, of Missouri, delivered the notifi
cation speech, which declared that the
work of the Chicago convention was the
work of the plain people, and that Bryan
was their candidate.
After the notification meeting, Mr.
Bryan was driven to the Hotel Barthol
di, facing Madison square; where he
spoke again on a balcony, with Mr.
Sewall and Airs. Bryan, who shared with
her husband all the honors and atten
tion of the day. This second audience,
standing in the streets, seemed to be
composed mostly of workingmen, and
Mr. Bryan exhorted them to support
the cause of free silver with one of the
most effective and open speeches which
he has made in the campaign. Lesser
lights of the party and single-tax men
held six overflow meetings on the streets
around Madison square, . and made
speeches during .the garden meeting.
Altogether, the opening " of the TJemo
crt,tic campaign made an exceedingly
lively night. ,
The police lines were formed about 9
o'clock, by 1000 picked men. As the
hours rolled on the crowd increaeed so
rapidly that this large force was almost
powerless to handle it. Twice the 40
000 men, women and children who were
cheering and surging to get closer broke
through the ranks, and with difficulty
were driven back. Only one person was
reported injured a marvelous fact, as
the enormous crowd jammed the streets
for many blocks. '
Bryan Has Laryngitis.
Niw Yokk, An. 12. W. J. Bryan,
the Democratic nominee for the presi
dency, is suffering today from an attack
of acute laryngitis. A specialist who
was called to attend him, hopes Mr.
Bryan will be able to deliver his speech
at the notification meeting this evening.
A Free-Thought Congress.
Chicago, Aug. 12. Liberals and free
thinkers from all parts of the world are
preparing for a congress of liberals in
Chicago, November 13, 14 and 15. R. E.
Ingersoll and all the prominent Ameri
can liberals are expected. Mrs. Besant
will come if possible. G. W. Foote and
Charles Watts, of England, have already
promised to be on hand.
The intention is to have a reunion
and jollification of all freethinkers, and
every country on earth has been sent an
invitation to be present..
Vowers at Variance. -
London, Aug. 12. It is seiui-oflicially
stated that there is no truth in there
port published by the Daily Chronicle,
that Great Britain and Russia are on the
Absolutely Pure.
Acreimrof tartar bakinx powder. Highest of
U in leavening strength. latent United States j
mrera Hwi j-oraiitj!. i
Koval Fowdki: ;o., Xcw ork .
point of reaching an agreement "to save
both Armenia and Crete from Turkish
oppression without disturbing the peace
of Europe," which agreement, it was ad
ded, would involve the presence of the
Russian army in Armenia and the Brit
ish fleet at Crete "to guarantee Turkish
compliance with the terms of agree
ment." It is stated on the other hand
that there is great discord among the
powers as to the measures that should
be adopted regarding Crete, Russia, it is
further asserted, is showing a marked
disinclination to allow great pressure to
be brought to bear upon the sultan.'
Japanese Troops Against "atires of
, " Kormosa.
Victoria, Aug. 12. From far Formosa
where for upwards of a year Japanese
troops have been vainly striving to crush
out the seeds of post-bellum opposition
to Japanese innovation?, comes a story
which, for barbarous cruelty, and defiant
violation of all ethics of civilization, has
fortunately few parallels in history.
The terrible tale of rapine, murder and
wanton 'cruelty reached here by the
steamer Empress of Japan, and fully
bears out the statement on the situation
in Formosa given publicity by the Rev.
Dr. Mackay on his return to that island
six months ago.
Other equally credible correspondents
are now the witnesses against. Japan,
and the bcrden of their arraignment is '
that, 'seeing neither fame nor profit to i
be gained in the Subjugation of the For-
reiosans by the arts of modern warfare,
recognized as legitimate by civilized
nations, the Japanese troops sent to the
island have embarked in a crusade of
blood, their object being to crush out all
signs of discontent by as far as possible
exterminating the native population.
In this campaign there were no for
eign powers to make protest, no foreign
press representatives to herald to the
world the atrocities, the telling of which
would briog upon Japan, the contempt
of all enlightened people.
Says the Tainanfu representative of
the China Mail :
"As a result, the policy of extermina
tion has been zealously pursued from the
beginning of the campaign, and what,
with the destruction of their crops, the
burning of their villages, the desecra
tion of the graves of their loved ones,
the violation of their wives and daugh-
ters, and the butchery of their innocent !
children, the people are driven to the ;
laBt expedients of desperation." !
He Almost Vrectpltatea
a Itow In the
San Francisco, Aug. 12. David Nea
gle pleaded not guilty to assaulting A.
J. Collins this morning. The slayer of
Judge Terry was not represented by
counsel, and that fact nearly led to a
sensational scene before the conclusion
ot the proceedings.
W. C. Cubery and other witnesses!
testified' that Neagle' was about the
Southern Pacific general offices and
brutally banged Collins' head against
the railroad. Prosecuting Attorney
Reed tried to develop testimony show
ing that Neagle was connected with the
Southern Pacific as "bouncer." Neagle
violently objected to this line of ex
amination. Reed addressed the court,
saving :
"If this man is employed as a hired
ruffian, it is competent to show it."
"I am not a .hired ruffian," shouted
Neagle, advancing toward Reed.
Police -Judge Low, believing a per
sonal encounter imminent, suddenly
Shah's Assassin flanged.
Teheran, Aug. 12.--Malloh Kezza,
who assassinated the shah, of Persia in
May last, was hanged this morning in
the presence of an immense concourse.
To Alt, Whom It Mav Concern:
By order of the Common Council of
Dalles City, made on the 3d day of Au
gust, lSJK and entered of record in the
records of Dalles City on the 4th dav of
August, 1896, notice is hereby given that
the sidewalks on the following streets
have been declared dangerous by said
council on said 3d day of August, and
the Slid Common Council will proceed
to make the improvements as herein
after stated, on said streets, or parts of
streets, so declared dangerous, after
fourteen days from the first publication
oi mis notice, to-wit, August 7. 1896:
.. , . . ' s ' . ,',
auia mc wrai ui euuu luiuruvemeoia oi ail
I , . 1 ,. , i . .
suca siaewaiKs, ana oi eacn ot tnem,
will be charged and levied upon the
property adjacent thereto and directly
benefited thereby, as by charter pro
vided. '
The sidewalks declared dangerous and
about to be built are as follows, to-wit:
1. To build a sidewalk on the west
side of Court street from Second street
to the alley, along lot 5 in block 4.
2. To build a sidewalk on the south
side of Second street, between Court and
Union streets, along lot 3 in block 6.
3. To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Second street from Union street
east 72 feet, along lot 8 in block 4, and on
Union street from Second street to the
alley, along lot 8, in block 4.
4. To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Fourth, along the property now
occupied by W. E. Garretson.
5. To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Fourth street, along lot 4 in
block 2.
0. To build' a sidewalk on the north
side of Third street, along lot 6 in block
5, and on the west side of Washington
street, along lot 6 in block 5, from Third
street to alley.
7. . To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Alvord street along lots 3 and 4,
in block 2, between Laughlin and Fed
eral streets!
8. To build a sidewalk on the east
side of Washington street, along lot 12
in block A, and on the north Bide of Ful
ton street, along lots 0, 10, 11 and 12, in
block A.
9. To build a sidewalk on the north
side of Second street, between Washing
ton and Court streets, along lot 9, in
block 3.
All of said sidewalks will be built and
constructed in accordance with the pro
visions of the charter and ordinances of
Dalles City.
Dated this 7th day of August, 1896.
Gilbert W. Phelps,
Recorder of Dalles Cit v.
None Kut Ayer's at the World's Fair
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra
ordinary distinction of having been the
only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at
the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact
urers of other sarsaparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their
goods, but they were all turned away
under the application of the rule for
bidding the entry of patent, medicines
and nostrums. The decision of the
world's fair authorities in favor of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows:
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent
medicine. It does not belong to the
list of nostrums. It is here on its
A good recommendation for Simmons
Liver Regulator is, that it is purely
vegetable and strongly tonic. Then too,
it is better than Pills because easier to
take in liouid or powder and with no
erininir. while th rtliof fmm VmHH wa
Uon- Biliousness. Sick Headache and
Dyspepsia is quick and sure. "I find
Simmons Liver Regulator a very safe
j and valuable family medicine." Rev.
i J. M. Rollins, Fairfield, Va.
' Reduction In .Railroad Fares.
. As there will be numerous requests
for reduced rates on account of political
meetings during the coming contest, it
has been decided tba! in order to treat
all parties alike, a one fare rate will be
made by the O. R. & S. Co. for various
meetings of this character.
This of course is intended only for oc
casions where there is sufficient number
to justify a reduction in rates. This is
done so that there wil' be no partiality
in favor of any one party.
E. E. Lytlk, Agent.
' There's no clay, flour, starch or other
worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no
free alkali to burn the hands. jly24
Residence, Tenth and Liberty Streets.
Jly23-tf t
Only Ten More Days j
August 2pth is the Last Day,
The day set for the beginning of our Removal,
and the end of our Great Sale. Until then every
item in the store remains as it is :
For Infant and Children.
Ca-storia, promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency,' Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caatoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic propei-tv.
" Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescr Iptloo
tnown to me." H. A. Archer, m. I).,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" For several years -uav recommenced your
Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so.
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.'
En-win V. Pardee, M. D.,
12Sth Street and 7th Are., Hew York City.
"The use of 'Caatoria is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
CabIjOS Martyic, D. D.,
New York City.
The Ckstaub CoKPAjnr, 77 Hurray Street, N. Y.
Second and
Streets, opp.
We are now settled in our new quarters, and
are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line.
We make Corsets, Ladies' Dress Reform Waists,
Misses' and Children's Waists, Abiominsl Bands
or Supports of various styles. These goods are
all made to order; a good fit guaranteed or no
sale. Why not patronize borne industry? If this
western country had ten per cent, of the money
paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would
make us all rich. Why not keep the money at
home by building up industries at home. Fac
tory and office at corner Second and Washington
: entrance at First National Bank.
' Help Wanted Hale.
Wanted Solicitors for campaign book "Bry
an, Sewall and Free Silver' authorized by
Bryan, written by R L. Metcalf, editor Omaha
World-Herald, appointed - author by Bryan.
Contains speeches and platform. A bonanz for
agents, a free silver mine , for workers. Only
$1.50. The only authorized book. SO per cent.
Crediteiven. Freight paid.-. Outfit free.- Begin
now with choice of territory. Permanent, prof
itable work for '96. Address, The National
Book Coneern, Star Building, Chicago. -
rw...,-,, a
- ......
lipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington. -
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker! Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
fl" CkkbMtor'l DltmMd Bread.
al V .H.,i- . rir .
lruria4 for ChicJteUer1 EgUh ia-,
wumdBmH in Ke4 ud Gold mettJUe
'boxes, sealed with blue libbno. XK
Mikfk Iff AiM ''matron mtbacuit
' tlon aud imitation. At Druggists, oratd4e.
In stamp Cor p&rtkmlavr. ttinaBiftU and
Keiles ror njsxiic in ieitcr, or man
iw m-hi. ai
-M L.l
"The Regulator Line'
Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigni ana Passenger Lias
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 8 a.m.. connectingat the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak si i-cet dock) at 7 a. m., connect
ing wiiti Steamer Regulator for The
Oneway....... ' $2.00
Round trip 3.09
Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. . Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live Block shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General A rent'
fniQDD poison
1 l 1 Clary liLOOD POISON permanentr
j I 3cnredtnl6to86days. Ton can be treated at
X,J i homo for same price nnder same gmaraat
, j ty. If you prefer to come here we wUIoob
mmr triicf. to nnTrailmaii farAAnd hnrnl hill . a
nocharge.lf we fail to cure. If you haye taken dmi
cory, Iodide potash, and still have achea audi
fsins. Mucons l'atches In mouth. Sore Throat,
imples. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers oa
any part of the body. Hutr or Eyebrows falllna
out. It is this Hecoadary BLUOD POISON
weirnavranteetocure. We solicit tbe most obsti
nate cases and eiiallonce the world foray
case we eannot cure. This disease bas always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
cians. 500,000 capital behind our nneowiV
UonaJ guaranty- Abeolutejproofs sent sealed oa
application. Address COOK KEUfiOY rat.
OS Masonki Temple, CUlCAUU,
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