Glosing Oat Sale of Shirt Waists J Short Lengths in Dress- Goods. ' - i We have still left some of our choicest numbers in Special Sale of Garden Hose. Waists. They all go in the same lot at. One-half the Regular Price. REMNANTS , REMNANTS REMNANTS There has been accumulating in our stock of Dress " Goods, a number of new and very desirable rem nants. We Offer Them at Half Price. Don't overlook this sale, the most important one of the season. Cotton Dress Goods at less than cost. Fishing Tackle, Loaded Shells, Powder, Shot, -AND A- General Line -OF- Camping Supplies -GO TO- ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS MAIER & BENTON 167 Second Street, oppo site A. M. Williams & Co. To close out our present stock of Garden Hose, we will make extremely low prices on what we have. You can save money by buying your Hose now. The whole stock is in our center window. Wlien this is gone we will not sell any more at the prices we are now making. K&iLlTS CROWE. Ifaep Oac the Flies. SCREEN WIRE, SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS. Now in Stock. New Styles and LiOw'Prices. Odd Sizes made to order on Short Notice. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalles Daily Ghromeie. FRIDAY. AUGUST 7, 1896 Weather Forecast. Portland, Aug. 7, 1HU6. Fok Kastern Oregon Tonight and tomor row fair and warmer. Paoue. Observer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. there will be a good half crop, but that bad it not been for the warm spell there would have been the largest crop of wheat ever known in Sherman county. He thinks bis own farm will average about 15 bushels to the acre. Speaking of the price of wheat he says that Walla Walla merchants allow 40 cents on the ! new crop and are anxious to get all they ! can at that figure. - The first two car loads of wheat that got to Portland sold respectively for 46 and 40)4 cents. Oh, Tammany! Oh, Tammany! How could yon be bo cruel ? you've swallowed all the silver pills And Hill is in the gruel. End of the Institute. There will be a special meeting of the city council tonight. he first gun of the campaign wa fired at Pendleton last night by Hon. Harry Watkins, Populist nominee for presidential elector who addressed the citizens on "the political issues of the day." The Arlington Kecord has offered its editorial columns to all of its subscribers who may wish to contribute articles on the money question until September 1st. The Record will say nothing editorially itself until that date. Judge Eakin has filed an opinion in the case of Stuttler et al vs. Baker county, whereby about $21,000 in sciip issued by Baker county officials is held to be void, and the sheriff and treasurer re enjoined from receiving any of the scrip in payment of taxes pending an appeal of the suit to the supreme court. River pirates are again at worS Losses of oars and rowlocks have been frequent for over it week, but last night tbe theft of a small boat was made from Mr. Page's houseboat below the trestle in Mill creek. In addition to the boat, which was a good one, worth about $50. i a valuable sturgeon line 100 feet Ion was also taken. Mr. W. F. Grunow alj reports the loss of a pair of oars. There is a growing demand for house room in The Dalles. It is thought that when the school season opens, when many families come in from the country to give their children schooling, that houses will be very scarce. Rent, even at the present time, commands a very high figure proportionately to other prices. There is a good opportunity preeented in The Dalles for the renting of cottages and tenements should more be built. The teachers' institute closed today a very pleasant and profitable month's session. Though the earlier part of it was during the excessive hot weather, conducive to a very languid interest, for the past two weeks it has been delight ful. The attendance has steadily grown and the interest was re' ark able. Those who have attended tb institute throuh- ut have gained the - ost, and may con gratulate tnemselve, whatever has been the sacrifice. However, those who have attended only a day or two have gained some ideas which will be of last ing benefit, and will repay them for the effort expended. The institute has been in the hands of capable instructors and the teachers have worked with a will, making the long session one which will always be remembered with pleasure. That they themselves realize their profit is mani fest by the unusually long- and compre hensive vote of thanks which they took before adjourning. Institute Resolutions. The Comlne Fair. I SAY, CHAPPY, The annual county fair begins this Where are you eating now? Why, I year Oct. '20th. It is not too soon to j am eating at the Clarendon Restaurant commence taking an active interest in it ( and Cafe, No. 87 Second street, and I on the part of farmers generally. The custom is a most ancient and honorable one, designedto promote agriculture and the prosperity of the nation. In a large measure it brings producer and consumer together, cementing friend ship and stimulating industry. In olden times even monarchs were not aloof from contributing their share to the success of the country fair by all means in their power, giving awards for productions and even taking a part in the sports. To this day there are rulers who till the soil and thus set a good ex ample to tbe people they rule. The custom has survived the ages and even finds a welcome in the most democratic of countries. Hence country fairs may indicate prosperity. The more attrac tive, lively and meritorious it is, tbe more it shows the stable foundation and perpetuity of the republic. The Wasco county fair this year is held subsequent to the state fair. There should be a liberal display in tbe art and agricnltural halls. The- fruit ex hibit especially should be made the very finest if it is to show what is tbe actual fact, that Wasco county leads the state. As for the sports, some fine racing horses are promised for the season. The speed program is already out. - PERSONAL MENTION. gained thirteen pounds in two weeks. beats anything I ever saw. It SUNDAY PINNER BILL OK KAKE, AUG. 7th. Beets. SOUP. Mulligatawney. Cucumbers. Green Onions. SALAD. Chicken au Mayonnaise. FISH. Baked Chinook Salmon, a la Cream au Gratin. - ENTREES. . Boiled Westphalia Ham, Champagne Sauce. Chicken Pot Pie. . "- Veal Cutlets breaded, a la Millianuise. Chicken Liver au Brochtte. , Spanish Cream run's. BOASTS. Prime Ribs ot Beef, au Jus. Leg of Lamb, Mint Sauce. Spring Chicken with Dressing. VEGETABLES. Corn on Cob. Mashed Potatoes. String Beans. DESSERT. Queen of Puddings, Golden Sauce. Ice Cream, Pineapple Flavor. Blackberry Pie. ' Peach Pie. When yog mant to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE Our prices are low and our goods are first-clasp. Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. Peaches. Coffee. FRUITS. Nuts and Raisins. Tea. Plums. Milk. Resolved, That we, the teachers of Wasco county, Oregon, in institute as sembled, feel it our duty, and do here- i i , . , i . - . . i uy acknowledge me oongations we are i under to Supt. J. L. Gilbert for his un tiring efforts to make the institute both pleasant and profitable to all. Resolved, That we desire in this man ner to express our appreciation of the Vparty there emcient worn, ana aiso oi me superior XJrB- j x and A. J Mr. Walter Moore is in the city. Mr., A. J. McHaley drove in today. Mr. T. A. Hudson left this afternoon for Sea V iew. Messrs. J. A. Gulliford ferigham are in town today. Mrs. Dan Malarkey of Portland came up yesterday and returned on the local today. "Miss Mabel Riddell left for Stevenson ithis morning to join the large camping its being caught in a hay fork. Tuesday Alex McLeod of Kingsley was thrown from a header sustaining injuries of two broken ribs and possibly serious inter nal injuries. On Wednesday John Green broke a leg by being thrown from a header bed to a rock breaker. Tb two latter-named will be con tinea to the house several months, instructions we have received from In structors Ackerman, Gavin, Shelley and Hill. Resolved, That we hereby tender our thanks to the board of education of Dalles City for their kindness .in grant ing to ns the use of their high school building ; and also to Mr. Glasins for his; promptness and courtesy in dis charging the duties of janitor. Resolved, That we take this oppor- - i Three serious accidents have occurredSl tanuy OI returning our tnanKs to tne in the country this week. On Monday Vtzens oe .wanes, ana especially to Henry Mulkins lost part of a finger by lhf PreBa of the city for tho klnd and Wheat in Shemn County. Mr. S. B. Adams has just returned from a trip to Sherman county, where be has ranch interests. . He reports that courteous treatment we have received at their hands during our sojourn among them. - J. H. Hill, Louise Rintocl, . Flora Bassoxi. . Committee. . Keal Estate. Burgess came in from' fBakeoven vesterday and returned this morning's stage. Florence, and two sous left for Portland on the Regulator this morning. Mr. D. M. French returned this after noon from Fossil. He reports his brother, Smith, to be better, Dr. How ard giving his assurance that he is out of danger. Mr. French has been very sick man. Reduction In Railroad Farea. As there will be numerous requests for reduced rates on account of political meetings during tbe coming contest, it has been decided that in order to treat j all parties alike, a one fare rate will be made by the O. R. & N. Co. tor various meetings of this character. This of course is intended only for oc casions where there is sufficient number to justify a reduction in rates. This is done so that there wil' be no partiality in favor of any one p'arty. E. E. Lytle, Agent. Itucklen'G Arinc Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, eores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. f or sale Dy siaKeiey ana Houghton, druggists. A. S. Blowers and wife to William Haynes lot 1, sec B, Waucoma; $600. A. S. Blowers and wife to Eva B. Blowers 2 acres in sec 34, tp 3 n, r 10 e; $100. - Subscribe for The Chronicle " BORN. In this city, Friday, Aug. 7th, to the wife of Prof. Gavin, a daughter. There is nothing that causes women greater discomfort and misery than the constant recurring Headache. Men suffer less with Headache. "My wife's health -was very indifferent, having Headache continually, and just two packages of Simmons Liver Regulator released her from all Headache and gave tone and vigor to her whole system. I have never regretted its use." M. B. DeBord, Mt. Vernon, Ky. The Daisy McCormick Reaper, the beBt on earth, is sold by John M. Fil loon, Eaet End, The Dalles, Or. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrisman & Corson. 11 FULL, LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to eees&ll my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. REMOVAL. Jacobson Book & Music Co. and Harry Liebe . have moved to New Vogt Block. . DEALER IN- CEEATvl Mil IrvliVkiiLJ Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL, PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. AU orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shon corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Oregon RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Adjoining E. J. Colline & Co.'s store.