Gentlemen of The Dalles- hammer We are showing a splended line of Sprin Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese labor. Our garments are made on the premises by skilled workmen. . H. E. BALCH. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. TS Second Street. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Nexcepapei Wasco County. TUESDAY. AUGUST 4. 1896 MIOM REPUBLICAN 3 For President, "WILLIAM M'KIXLEY ...Ohio For Vice-President, GARRET A. HOBART Xew Jersey might be placed be3"onfl their juris diction. The Democratic platform is bad enough, but the Populist is far worse and this is the platform upon which Bryan stands. Will these dangerous doctrines by accepted by the Ameri can people ? Not unless the majority is bereft of common sense. The average annual revenue under the McKinley law was 1 83,000,000 ; under the Wilson bill $156,000,000. This is but one phase of the question since the damage to the country through the importation of foieign soods and the consequent loss to American labors cannot be estimated in numbers. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER Marioi County 8. M. YOB AN Lane E. L- SMITH Wusco J. F. CAPLES. .....Multnomah "It is immaterial, in my judgment, vluther the sheep grower receives any ben efit frmn tlie tariff or not. Whether he does or does not, I am for free wool." Extract from speech of Wil liam J. Bryan in the house of representa tives when the Wilton bill was under consideration. Do the Ameiican people want a return of prosperity or do they not ? It would seem from the way some are shouting for Bryan that a return of good times had better be put off indefinitely. The panic through which we have been passing since 1893 will suffer in comparison with what we shall experience in case Bryan be elected. THE PAST AND PRESENT Record of H. S. & M. Clothing is such as to recommend it above all others to every man who appreciates excellence without. high price ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER OET DRAUGHT , ArStubling & Williams The above are Sole Agents in The Dalles for this celebrated Beer, both in "bottle and keg. Anheuser-Busch Malt Ntitrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. Not a Woman in Town That doesn't admire the C. F. Stephens, which pleasing to the feminine fancy handsome new stock of comprises everything This Label on a Garment In- , eures Perfect Fit and Satisfaction It stands for the best that Money Can Buy or Skill Produce. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon. New Goods, New Prices. Evei'3'thing new but the management. New pat rons are numerous, and if everyone knew the -really fine bargains which are always temptingly displayed, no time would be lost in hastening to the store. Take a glance over the stock. C. F. STEPHENS. Agent for the W.'L. Douglas Shoes. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. WHAT BRYAN REPRESENTS. Brvan stands before the country as the candidate of three parties the Democratic, the Populist and the National Silver part-. The last named is of little consequence as a political organization, and .its aims and objects are included in the plat forms of the other two. The declaiation of principles which the Democratic convention enunci ated has rightly been considered as carrying with it anarchistic tenden cies, but bad as it is, it does not go to the extent of the Populist plat form. The two platforms agree as to free silver, but the Populists go farther and demand a sufficient in crease of the circulating medium to 'restore the just level of prices and labor." That would mean an ab normally large issue of paper money or depreciated coin, which are other names .for inflation, and inflation means wholesale robbery and ulti mate bankruptcy. It is a reckless policy and would not only cover us with shame before other nations, but bring a series of disasters upon us, destroying a confidence in our finan cial system which would bring about its overthrow. Nothing worse could befall a nation than to break down its respect for commercial and fiiian scial integrity. The Populists demand the govern ment ownership and control of rail "ways and telegraphs a proposal which would involve serious consid erations and extend paternalism in government to a dangerous degree They declare for an income tax and denounce the adverse decision of the supreme court "an arraignment of one of the most respectable tribunals -in the civilized world by a popular assembly led by turbulent spirits, en titled . of course to have an opinion ,"' on such -a. profound subject, but not entitled to command respect for it;" p.nd they condemn the bond issues as unnecessaj- and without author ; ity. :, '- ; ; The Populists seek little less than a revolution, and they seek to tie the hands of the United States courts so that the men who lead in the riots CREAM Most Perfect Made. 4o Vests the Standard. Special Engagement at Vogt's Opera House, Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 10th and 11th. It May Do as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writee that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with- severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was af fected. , He tried mrny so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began to use Electric Bit ters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Tice ouc ana $1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. The Discovery Saved His Life. . Mr. G. Caillouttee, Druggist, Bearers- ville, 111. Bays : "To Dr. King's New Discoverv I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but ' of no avai and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discoverv in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial a Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Through trains on the O. R. & N will run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec ond class will ran in connection with the Union Prcific, the same as heretofore. A through first-class' sleeper from Port land to Spokane, connecting with the first-class sleeper to St.- Paul and a through tourist sleeper from Portland to St. Paul, will be run in connection with the Great Northern railway. . E. E. Lytle, Agent. Prof. D. M. Bristol's Educated Horses, Ponies and Mules. Further particulars will appear in to morrow's paper. i-l -am P CD o a as CD M Xfl CD S OS lhe Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOR THE- Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OREGON. The Dalles Commission Co., -DE.A1.EBS IM- Coal, Ice and Produce, Foreip and Domestic Fruits anil VepiaMes. Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for its purity and lasting qualities. COilLi ROCK SFBISGS. ROSLYX, ANTHRACITE, and GEORGES CHEEK FOR FUEL MANUFACTUK ruRPo Phone 12S and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON CEOIET WAliKS. DURBIiE, SUBSTflSTIBIi, OUKflMEJlTfllt. Cost only twice as much as wooden walks, and will last forever. One should surround every block in the city. Make a specialty of laying Cement Walks, and guaran tee their work. Estimates of coet furnished on appli cation to the above. Meals at All Hours From 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Board, $3 to $4 per week at Mrs. C. Nelson & Co.'s. THE CELEBRATED COLiUmBlR BfEC0EnV, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. , This well-known Brewery ia now turning out the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed ob he market. : RUPERT & GABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Adioining E. J. Collins & Co.'s store 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon ARTISTS MATERIALS. Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RAN DALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. - UNIClv ST. t n . . . i ii t?m isjlii or atcii mose i nc with "TANGLEFOOT" or "DTJTCHER'S LIGHT NING FLY KILLER; Only 5c a Double Sheet at UUU11C11 O 11 Uiui-.