. v. Every mi a w ww -i . . em is www' - s M CM H U Hi XX H III House Gentlemen's Negligee Shirts. i ninn F O R yy ooiu A complete line of size, and a large assortment to choose from, in Negligee Shirts with starched col lars and cuffs. To close at 45 and 60 cents. Bicycle or Camping Leggings, In Tan and Black, made of strong Canvas or Jersey. Special, 65c and 85c. Fishing Tackle, Loaded Shells, Powder, Shot, -AND A- Defender Batiste During this week 4c. Parasols. An immense stock to choose from. AT COST. Ladies' Tan Hose. Dark Tans, extra fine 40 gauge. 40c per pair. PEASE & MAYS General Line -OF- Camping' Supplies GO TO- ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. MAIER & BENTON 167 Second Street, oppo site A. M. Williams & Co. wife - It Would rather have nice bright Tinware, than heavy granite or enameled ware, if it did not rust. This has at last been overcome, and we have a line of Tinware that will not rust. We fully Guarantee our Anti-Rust tinware not to rust, and will replace with new. any article that does free of charge to our customers. EIAYS S CROWE. Ieep Ode the plies. SCREEN WIRE, SCREEN DOORS, WINDOW SCREENS. Now in Stock. New Styles and Low'Prices. Odd Sizes made to order on Short Notice. JOS. T. PETERS & CO The Dalies Daily GHFonicie. FRIDAY. JULY 31, 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. lUmlom Observation and Local Event of Lesser Magnitude. There is si letter at this office addressed to Mr. Allen. 'One hobo was fined $5 this morning- -an amount totally inadequate to his ability to pay. He languishes in the calaboose. Jim Banshee, an Indian, was arrest ed last evening for throwing rocks at a residence, and will be tried before the recorder. The laying of a cement walk was com menced in frontof the French block, on the north .side of Second street, this1 afternoon. II Five cars of sheep were shipped lasl night by Mr. Ketcham to the Union) Meat Company. They were purchased from Wm. Kelsay. The July' run of salmon has come into the river in full force at Aetoria, and so many fish are being taken that the can neries are unable to handle the catches. The new cement walk is finished around French's bank and is a very handsome piece of work. It presents a mute but powerful invitation to other property-owners to do likewie-v Win. AlcArthur, a brother of Judge L. L. McArthur, died very suddenly this week in Washington. . Deceased was formerly a justice of the peace in The Dalles, where he was well known and universally respected the graves in the Masonic cemetery, says the FoeBil Journal. The only green ; thing left is a weeping willow at the grave of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller's baby. This Mr. Miller saved by buiid- mc nupr if ft nnnitn frnmn xa; H w 1 Vie covered from the ground up with clos wire screening. j Astoria will hold its third annual re gatta during the week of August IS 22 which will include the State Firemen's! tournament. ' The battleship Oregon will be in the harbor during the week. people. yrJngir M' H. S FIRST CAR OF FRUIT. Tlie Keel Men' Couacit. I PeacU Plums Lead tite SeaHun All Fruit Will Be W01 Packed. he first car of fruit left ast night billed for Chicago. sisted entirely of neach olums. were 800 boxes, divided as follows: A. S. Bennett 663, M. M. Ctishing 12, Robt. Tt nnn. W Thara f ! i Hill 24, E.Lane 13, O. D. Taylor 9. The 1ar Ch'e' f car was shipped by The Dalles Commis sion Co. and consigned to Porter Bros. The fruit may go to Chicago nnbroken The great council of the lmi roved Or I der of Red Men elected the following grand officers : J. K. Carr, great sachem ; Schuman, great senior sagamore; ohn Michell, great junior sagamore; H. H. Newhall, great prophet ; F. Say- j or, great chief of records; E. J. Hy-j land, great keeper of wampum. The i was I nlaced at S100. The bond of the trreat jA:hief of records was placed at $500, and grana Keeper oi wampum ai jfiouu ana and one of the features will be an ocean race between two of the fastest schoon- or may be erB on the Pacific coast. Astoria ia mak- SMr. Stadelman : . . I f . !llnw1 nf mqnh Wlnma id.F nir. nrAntnt ! . IUS B'" (Jirmuuua lur me cvcui, v"""",,s' UDOl t t ,lrl,.;i Pojor ) plum and expects to entertain at peopl gineer W. J. Sherman and Fireman" Sterling are very proud over their new engine, JMo. 72, which brought in the local train at noon today, being the um run tor tne new locomotive, it is very handsome; the interior finishings being nickel-plated and the sand dom decorated with an eagle. The Salem Statesman has received a telegram from Senator John H. Mitchell, from Atlantic City, N. J., which says: "I expect to reach Portland not later than August 15, and will do all in my power to hold Oregon in the Republican column, but I cannot make any arrange ments to speak until . after reaching home." lverted to other points, ft , , , , eays it is the finest car- the great keeper of wampum ftirn- ami. uuuua uy a KUnraume Keciwr nt iuc The Scow Gronoded. Work on the Astotia railroad is being pushed with all rapidity, and this fall will see completion of the greater por tion of this new line. Three hundred men are now at work and more are wanted, eays the Oregonian. The next show for The Dalles will be Bristol's horse show on August 10th. It is a leader of its kind and worth while anybody's going to bee. Sells and Forepaugh's circus will not get any nearer to The Dalles than Pendleton. Ln the very poorest t: has seen A. M. William Vogt have expended lars in ' erecting . mam buildings of great beau' is not the dullest town i I P v.T "es thSeoetftryJ jo. ana max usands of dol- new store, he Dallei the country TbeWBlversity ot Oregon at iugene is rapidly becoming the foremost insti tution of higher learning in the North west. Tuition is free and the literary and scientific courses are . equal to the best. Free information may be obtained by addressing University of Oregon, Eugene, Or. . . The University of Oregon at Eugene . may be truly called the people's school. It aims to give equal opportunities, to rich and poor. Education makes all men equal. Board and . lodging $2.50 per waek. Address University of Ore gon, Eugene, Oregon. - ' Grasshoppers , have eaten every bios Bom and leaf off the flowers growing on After years of service carrying wheat, tock, teams and all kinds of freight cross the tempestuous Columbia the Uld scow at Arlington refused to be used as a pleasure craft for a crowd of jolly Arlingtonians and she grounded. . Capt. Nelson, R. E. Smith, R. T. Cox, A. W. Shanard, A. J. Coe and Roes Beardsly had started for Long Island on a hunt ing expedition Tuesday morning. The wind was up stream and all things favor ing a pleasant journey, .. About five miles above town the old scow lurched, reeled and began rapidly eettling. The captain, and crew took to the life boat, which they had taken the precaution to have with them, and reached the shore which fortunately was but a few fathoms away. Their stock of provision, ammu nition, beds, guna and fishing tackle was safely transferred to the small ' boat and the whole crowd reached Arlington in time to catch a freight train and proceed on their way. Arlington Record. Notice. There will be an election of chief en gineer and assistant engineer of The Dalles Fire Dept. at the engine house on Monday evening, August 3d, between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock. jy31-2t " ' Ked action In Woed. ' The Dalles Lumber Co. will close out their stock' of 16-inch stove wood cut ready for stove at $2.00 per cord in order to obtain yard room for fall stock. jly25-dlm. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kineroly's Iron Tonic' The Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. packing. I There is not as overripe p in the loT, and nearly all were picked at iust the right time, a trifle green. The car should bring the top price. There will be two more cars of this same fruit the present season. The second car will go tomorrow night. ' About 300 boxes of it will come from Root, Sellinger and Elliot, Moeier. A lesson has been .learned from last year, a very important one. That is that all fruit, to command paying prices, must be properly packed. , California has been - the teacher and Oregon has finally become the pupil. The car of fruit which left last night was splendidly and systematically packed. An expe rienced packer was employed by The Dalles Commission Co., who has taught and is teaching others how to pack, the fruit. He goes out to some orchard, and instructs a number of subordinates, and when they become expert enough, goes to another. In this way air of our fruit men will be enabled to have experi enced packers, which means from 50 to 100 per cent, more for their fruit. Fair ly ripe fruit may be shipped with safety if it is assorted. But a ripe and green plum or peach must not be packed side by side. Funeral of Frances Rreft. The last of the sad chapter of the ac cident of Wednesday evening was the burial of Frances Krett today. The funeral occurred at the residence of the parents on Ninth street at 2 o'clock p. m. A very large number of friends and acquaintances ot tne lamily were pres ent to pay their final respects to the de ceased, among them many of her school girl friends. The funeral was largely attended by members of the Dezree of Honor and A. O. U. W of which or ders the deceased's parents are mem bers. - The sermon was preached by Rev. L. Gray, the Lutheran minister, which was, the faith accepted by the de ceased. He spoke very fittingly of her virtues and pictured the life beyond the grave in hopeful colors, as warranted by the Christian faith. A slight accident occurred as the fu neral traia were starting to leave for the grave, . The carriage in which were Beated Messrs. Geo. Kellar and C. L. Gilbert was pressed against a wall of rock by. the other carriages and resulted in crushing a wheel. The horse was un hitched and the occupants found other accommodations. '- ' was given the great sachem to appoint organizers. . The Dalles was selected at the next meeting place of the great council. WHERE TO DINE SUNDAY. Sunday Dinner at the Clarendon Bee - tanrant, 87 Second Street. SOUP. Chicken Broth. Chicken Salad an Mayonnaise. Beets. Cucumbers. lettuce. When yog mant to ky Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Our prices are low and our goods are first-clao. Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. FISH. - Baked Chinook Salmon, a In Allemmide. fommes Natural ENTREES. Boiled Chicken, Oyster Sauce. Chicken a la Espagnole. Chicken Liver and Wings, a la Jardeniere. Fillet of Beef, a la Bordelaise. Oyster Fatties, a la Bichamcl. Jelly Tartlets. Pancakes, a la Celestine. " ROAST. Prime Ribs of Beef, au Jus. Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce. Spring Chicken with Dressing. VEGETABLES. Egg Plant-fried in Batter. ' Mashed Potatoes. Corn on Cob. DESSERT. Lemon Cream and Blackberry Pie. Chocolate Ice Cream. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrisman & Corson.) " FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. FRUITS. Peaches. Nuts and Raisins. Apricots. Cofi'ee. Ice Tea. Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply amilies with the celebrated Gambrinus keg or bottle beer, delivered free of charge to any part of the city. Tele phone 34. ' REMOVAL. Jacobson Book & Music Co. and Harry Liebe have moved to New Vogt Block. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CFlEAIil liii Most Perfect. Made:"1 40 Years the Standard. 33- "757. VATJSB, -DEALER IN ! PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. j V And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in ! WALL, PAPER. WALL PAPER. I PRACTICAL PALNTER ana' PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Aeents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem- icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. .. - Store and Faint Short corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles. Ore"-o RIIPFRT A AARn ' Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in - -.. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TENTS and WAGON COVERS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s store.