- A?7D A ! was 'rn. i', ;..! ' U: yc.:rs y jh-:v on i;;y Uiii-c, wiiicti w !;-. -rei.tii:. '. iin i n.-aU 'l m e-ji I :! :-;, iiw-iritiir in-.' ilinl. ro li i Sic i!iH : lo si'.vi' ir.y life, n ! i I'fsvl. ? v.it.i ii'.i'iici-il li .a.vit'.i .Sj'-s;i;.::--:'::t. a!tl. after it ." oi" !.;. '.'.fs, l!st" ! was ;rn. )',;!, i(i' yc.;rs yvltli :i !Vtr:tl 1 1 1 i 1 1 As . irv 1 li'-S'ia fn ('.;:; r. 0 my jpiic: .": lac:ut!i iiiii)!Mv I ).-::!i.sUl i:: tlii:-: triM'.nirat. n-.-i:! i In : "( v;is c:. tiit'iy Iifal: !. Since thou. I i f.t Oyer's Karsnjwrif :t :;i!skiiai!y m ton:;- :ir.d 1iIi(I-i:;i!it. r.nd, i. -!(;r;l, it seems as tt!!-.i;!i I cojiM v.t ki'f Iioii.se wiilumt it." Mrs. S. A. .FiKLDS, ;l:xi!i!r!-M. la. The Only World's Fair Sarsspsri.la . Ayer's PiSSs Regulate the L;vt-r PERSONAL MENTION Mr. T. A. Van Norden left this after noon for Newport. Mrs. Wm. Michell and Miss Michel! left for Long Beach today. Ad. Kellar returned today from the .Red Men's state council at Portland. Mr. Troy BJlelley returned home this morning, having finished his labors be fore the institute. Mrs. Feeneyf Portland, a sister of Mr. R. H. Darnielle, arrived today on a visit to the latter and his family. Attorney John H. Hall, a partner of V T Ifnma vcia I. I 1 1 - uv , it xxi vunu viuy JU icjfai business and left for Portland on the .afternoon train. Rev. I. N. Hazel and wife left on the 'Regulator this morning for California. They were accompanied to the landing by numerous friends and members of the congregation to bid them goodbye. . !V Kportefl Battle of Sheepmen. '"The Foseil Journal says : - J. M. South brings word to town of a desperate battle between sheepmen and cattlemen on Snow mountain, boubh west of Canyon City, which took place about a week ago. Mr. South was at Muddy Station Thursday, when the Mitchell-Antelope stage driver brought word to O'Neill, manager of the Prine ville Sheep & Land Co., that Mr. Kitch en, one of the company's employes, was one of three sheepmen killed, two cat tlemen being also slain. Another of the eheepraen killed was Earnest Sherar, a nephew of Jos. Sherar, the well-known woolgrower and buyer. Young Sherar was known to a number of our people as the pitcher of the Antelope baseball club. For several years "he has been buying and shipping sheep for his uncle, and oni;the occasion of the battle he, with several others, including Mr. Kitchen, was driving a band of sheep across the country to the railroad, pre sumably to Huntington, for shipment. There have been so many fake "sheep fights" in Grant county this year that this may be like the others, simply made up in order to scare sheepmen from going into the mountains with their flocks, but this story, in that it gives the names of some of tbe killed and was accepted as true by Mr. O'Neil, has symptoms of truth in it. A reporter of The Chkoniclr en deavored to find out whether there was any truth in the above story or not From Mr. Wiseman it is learned that he has letters from Earnest Sherar of date since the event spoken of, which would show that there is no foundation for the sensational story in the Fossil paper. - " Reduced Rates. Effective March 22d. The 0. R. & N Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as tol lows : Two day rate, pood going Satur day and returning Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets zs.bu. uooa on an trains. E. E. Lytxk, m24-dttwtf Agent Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply amilies with the celebrated Gambrinus keg or bottle beer, delivered free of charge to any pert of the city. Tele- phone 34. AVER'S A LOCAL ILLUSTRATION. iDTMtmeot Countermanded In Umatilla County. In so small a city as Pendleton the evil results of the silver agitation are made manifest, says the Tribune. A resident of that city was sent $5000 for investment in Umatilla county warrants, bat was immediately telegraphed after the St. Louis populist and silver conven tions not to invest another dollar. Umatilla county warrants are , now selling at 98 cents, but it is thought that the present scare will seriously affect the price of city anl county securities. On so small a pretext as the possibility of the triumph of the silver party, sev eral persons have become ', so alarmed as to withdraw their small holdings from the banks in Pendleton, which they know will go to a premium in the event of any change from the gold standard. It is the millions of small depositors all oyer the country who wield a mighty influence over the money market and who roave much to do with fomenting a panicky feeling through their loss of con fidence. If at this time depositors feel uneasy, it is not impossible to imagine the wild and frantic raid on the banking institu tions of the country that would immedi ately follow the success of a free-coinage ticket. It is not difficult for a man to under stand that, no matter what the money of final redemption is, it cannot be ob tained without work, and once it is hon estly obtatned, the owner very naturally will exercise every precaution to prevent its loss throngh exchange for an inferior money if he can prevent it, as now, by holding on to the best money known to the civilized world. CALL TO INSURANCE MEN. What Are They Going; to Do to Avert the Free Silver Peril? Thrift, a life insurance newspaper, sounds a note of warning to insurance men regarding the danger of the free silver craze, and cai'.s upon them for action. "Gentlemen of the life insurance busi ness, what are you going to do about it?" it asks. "Stealthily drawing nearer and nearer the life insurance citadel, in which are guarded liabilities to 5,009,000 policy-holders aggregating more than $13,000,000, is the epidemic silver mad ness born of discontent, selfishness and demagogiem. Should the dread infec tion fasten upon a sufficient number of American citizens to pollute a majority of tbe next electoral college, the almost inevitable result, in the judgment of many of the ablest students ot econom ics, would be a financial earthquake which in any event would depreciate the policies of even the strongest life insur ance companies in half, or less than half. their face value, and vtry possibly wipe out of existence scores of smaller com panies which constitute the sole bulwark between thousands of families and abso lute pauperism, in the death of the earning heads of these families." The Waee-Earsers Battle. Philadelphia Tiraea, Dem. While all classes and conditions of the American people are vitally interested in the issue of the great battle for the maintenance of national and individual credit, the people who are more inter ested than all others are the wage-earners of the country. Men with capital of all grades can adjust themselves to new conditions with the least possible sacri fice, but the wage-earner has his whole capital in his labor, and any 'new condi tion that changes the value of labor must be a serious misfortune to tbe working man. The great contest of 1896 is the wage- earners' battle. Let them see to it that they do not turn with auicidul hands upon themselves. Write or call for prices of farm ma chinery. John M. Fiiaook. You'll be surprised when you try Hoe Cake soap, and wish we had told you sooner. It is made by patented pro cess. JIVS4-11 No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly'e Iron Tonic. The Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. The Discovery saved Bis Life. Mr. G. Caillouttee, Druggist, Bearere- ville, 111.- says : "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was np and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or bouse without it." Get a free trial a Blakeley & Hon ghton's Drug Store. - B nekton's Aran ele. The best salve in the world for cuts, braises, sores, ulcers. Bait rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents per . box. For sale ty Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. "Knocks Out (U) The Large P Grade of " Battle me saie or otner urra fhf Apcer - v bv savins: thev are O 9 as "Battle Ax," for he is anxious y to work off his unsalable stock fr Y0V3 .r. u uu nothing BUT THE GENUINE 4CKWEli I'LL. ylsA myysC. Plllli'llil-ii 1 Wi - Yoa win one- coupon mM'$Wi I insido-ach two ounce basr Lumber, Building" Material and Boxes Traded for TJa v. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., PREPARATIONS FOR The Great OF NOVEMBER S ARE ALUEADY UNDER WAY. A NEW President of the United States IS TO BE ELECTED, AND THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will, ae always, be found in the' thickest of the fight, battling vigorously for sound business principles, which will bring print; prosperity to the cation. The New York WEEKLY TRIBUNE is not" only the leading Republican paper of the country, but is pre-eminently a national family newspaper. . Its campaign news and diacassions will interest every American citizen. All the news of the "day, foreign correspondence, agricultural department, market reports, short ' stories complete in each number, comic pictures, fashion plates with elaborate descriptions, and a variety of items of household interest, make up an ideal family paper. We fu-ni9h the "Semi-Weekly Chronicle and "New York Weekly Tribune ' both papers), ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, CASH IN ADVANCE. The regular subscription price of tbe two papers I 12.75. - Subscrip tions niav begin at any time. Address all orders to Chronicle Pub. Co. Write your name and ad dress on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Room 2, Tribune Building, Nevr York City, and a sample copy ol The New York Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you. t O All Others." Piece and High C Ax " has injured $ oranas or nigner 3 to ftriflns? nn vnti X J 'Must as good" The Dalles, Oregon. IVrSBSSX 1 ! m Rndtwoeonoons inside ea-h I Ijgffil 5SI1? 1 ' Durham. Buy a bag of this I OP ' jJB0m celebrated tobacco and read I Ba3' , JfwMfitI' M I" tne coupon which gives a I 'iM9 illlSTSSf list of valuable presents and I 2jg how to get them.-- , . I Battle "The Heplalor Line The Dafles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freloat and Passenger Line Throneh Daily Trips f Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 8 a.m.. connecting at tbe Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles Citv. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at" 7 a. m., connect ing will; Steamer Regulator lor The Dalles. '.IH8KNUKK KATKJ. One way .......... Round trip... .:. . . .2.!K) . . 3.O0 Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. tn. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY General A grunt THE DALLES. OREGON Dl ORTHERN Sll PACIFIC R. R. H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. JPAIT L MINNEAPOLIS DULVTH KAKGO to GKANU FOIIKS CKOOK8TON WINNIPEO HELENA and BUTTE Through Tickets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA JffSW YOKE BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps and ticket, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, ine ijaiies, Oregon A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon J. 9. SCHKNK, President. J. M. Patterson. Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on - New York, San Francisco an i '"ort- . . land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thokpson. Jno. S. Schxnck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbk. H. M. Beall. R-I-J3-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cares the common every-day ills of humanity. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tralus leave and are due to arrive at Portland. FROM JUNK 23, 1S95. f OVERLAND KX press, Salem, Rose- ' I burg, Ashland, Sac- I 1 ram en to, Ogden,San 1 Franciseo, Mojave, ( I Los Angeles, Kl Paso, j New Orleans and I I East J Rosebursr and way tta 8:50 P. M 8:10 A. M. S:S0 A. M. Daily except Sundny 4:00 P. M. tions '1 : W P. M. Via Woodburu for 1 MtAngel, Silvertou, West Scio, Browns- vllle.Sprlngfield and j Natron i except Sundays. Saleiu and wy statlnns 10.00 A.M. :30 A. M. i uorvains ana way i t stations " ( McMiunvillu a n dj (Way stations t 6:2I) P.M. t S:25 P. M. H:45 P.M. DniIy. fDaily, except Sunday. DINING CARSOS OUDEN KOUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Other, 1S4 Third street, where through iiketa to all points in the Kustern Stntt, Catu,tla and Europe can be obtained at lowest tales from .1. H. KIRKI.ANI), Ticket Agent. All alKjve truina arrive at and depart irniu !raud Central Station, Fifth mid I streets. YAMHILL DIVISION'. Pat&euger Deixt, foot of Jenerson street. Iave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20, 10:15 a. m., 12:15, 1:55, 5:15, 6:30 p. m.,8:00 p. nu, and 11:30 p. m. on. Saturday onlv. Arrive at Portland, 7:10, S:30,"ll;2.'; a. m., 1:30, 1:15, 6:-0, 7:40. 9: p. in. Leave for Sheridan, week duvs, at 4:30 p.m. Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for A1RLJE on Monday, Wednesday and Kri'av at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 a. m., 12:40, 2:00, 3:30, 5:30, 6:50 p.m. Anive at Portland nt 12:35,8:40, 10:30 a. m 12:15, 1:50, 3:15, 4:15, 6:30, 7:55 p. m. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manaeer. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Ant. ipes-Kners!y Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second. St., THE DALLES, - - OR. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERA LBANK1NG BUSINKB Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago. St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. . Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Ura - Chichester's Knells Diamond lb rEfiNYROYAL. PILLS safe, aiw&js reliable, uidie swk lrag&l for CktchtuUr i Bnglith Dia-M montt Brand in UaI aad Gold meta.liic ? boxes, scaled with Mae ribboo. Take no others. Refuse. SmnnfrmitM rubltUu- f turn and imitation. At Dnigjrit, or -wod 4c tn Btampa for particular, tcstimoaiaU and Relief for Kadle," in Utter, by retara Mall. 10,000 TcAtimonialB. Nam IXtper '. nlLDDD POlSOn n lA SPECIALTYSSKil"! 1 t 2 L.iiiiy j-juvfw mrM.ajm pGrzaanentiy J . curedlnl5to85daTS. Yoacanbetreateaat Jhomeforeame price unJer same uarao ly 11 you preierig come oere wo wll eon tract to payrailroadfareandhotelhllu .rw. noebaree.if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer cary, iodide potash and still have aehea and paina, IIucous l'atclies in mouth. Sore Throat. Fimples. Copper Colored Spot. Cleers oa any part of theTxxly, Hair or Eyebrows falllne oat. It is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we cruarariteo to cure. We solicit tne most obsti nate cases and challenge tbe world for m ease we oannot core. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. S500.000 capital behind our udcodoV tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed oa application. Address COOK REMEDY COb. &03 Maswnlo Xemple, (XHICAUO, XMJL Subscribe for Thb Crroniclk. Sd N K