The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 29, 1896, Image 3

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a"8ftk A - W .,
Gentlemen's Negligee Shirts.
lies for ins
A complete line of size, and a large assortment to
choose from, in Negligee Shirts with starched col
lars and cuffs. To close at 45 and 60 cents.
Bicycle or Camping Leggings,
In Tan and Black, made of strong Canvas or Jersey.
Special, 65c and 85c.
' " '
Defender Batiste .
During this week 4c.
An immense stock to choose from. AT COST.
Ladies' Tan Hose.
Dark Tans, extra fine 40 gauge. 40c per pair.
Fishing Tackle,
Loaded Shells,
i , '
i Powder, Shot,
General Line
Camping" Supplies
167 Second Street, oppo-
PEASE & MAYS lisite A-M-wfflta
Would rather have nice bright Tinware, than heavy
granite or enameled ware, if it did not rust. This has at
last been overcome, and we have a line of Tinware that will
not rust.
We fully Guarantee our Anti-llust tinware not to rust,
and will replace with new am- article that does free of
charge to our customers.
ryeep Oac the flies.
Now in Stock. New Styles and LowPrices.
Odd Sizes made to order on Short Notice.
Tho Dalies Daily Cbtfomeie.
JULY 29, 1896
Weather Forecast.
Portland, July 28, 1890.
Fok Eastern Oregon Today fuii and to
morrow warmer.
1'agdk. Observer.
Kaodoni Observations and Local Event
of Lesaer Magnitude.
to be
All Maccabees are requeeted
present at the meeting tonight.
The air is once more clear, and the
dietant mountains seem as distinct as if
they were but half a mile away.
Salesmen are having a buggy fixed up
as an advertising carriage, and will be
gin tomorrow soliciting trade for Battle
Ax plug tobacco.
The first car of fruit for the east waB
loaded today, being a car of peach plums
I shipped by The Dalles Commission Co
Another car will follow tomorrow.
Nearly everybody in Stevenson is pre
paring to go or have already gone to'
Lookout mountain at the head of Rock
creek, about 25 miles away, .where a rich
quartz find is reported.
Howe's large warehouse building on
Second street is approaching completion.
The company will do business in accord
ance with the times and will trade lum
ber, building material and boxes for bay,
grain, bacon, lard, anything the farmer
has to exchange that is not too perishable.
A party of English tourists, mostly
ladies, were called by a citizen, while all
were in a store on Second street last
night, to look at the hose team running
by. They stepped to the door, but cov
ered their faces with their hands, one of
the modest visitors, screaming: "Oh,
they haven't got their pants on."
The Kkflmams "Ptnnpfir rerYiinrlfi nna nf
the good old days before the advent of
the railroad and telegraph. In its issue
of the 24th ot July, received today, it
- baa the following from a Mt. Zlon cor
respondent: "The 4th of Julv has
come and gone and no rain yet." "Si
Wilder of IIood'River came down on his
bicycle on the 4th to spend the day with
his folks." , .'
very lew namuiviuua win uo raiacu
in Josephine county this year. Neither
Lee nor Shattuck, our former water
melon kings, have any planted to speak
of as prices of late years have tasted
bitterly of hard times. The hot sun has
cooked the melons of the Sacramento
valley, so our Willamette valley friends
will have to rely on their own produc-
. tions in this line. These are always late
and scarce. Grant's Pass Courier.
the subordinate lodge9 will lose whatever i
MA.n:4.Hnnn l j . vc . n I
after the change in the 'Constitution.
One of McConnell's bondsmen said yes
terday that, although no one knew where
the defaulter had gone,' the matter had
been reported to the police and every
effort would be made to find him and
bring him back to answer for his crime.
It has transpired since the departure of
McConnell that he in some way pos
sessed himself of $1000 life insurance
which was carried in the order by the
late H. G. Mathies, and spent it with
the rest of his stealings. The money
was placed in McConnell's bands to pay
the widow, and he blew it in, and the
"widow is deprived of the benefits which
the husband provided for her by joining
the order. Oregonian.
A History of Kecent Financial Legisla- '
lion a Study Today. j
In the history class today, led by Prof, i
Acker man, there were discussed the
silver bills of 1870, 1873 and IS78. The I
historical facts merely were reviewed, !
entirely apart from a partisan stand-!
point, which would not have been tol- j
era ted. This discussion consumed most j
of the time. The text was from Thomas' ,
history, an advanced work better suited j
For tomor
The Missis-
Bales His Own Wool.
Mr. J. H. Sherar is in the city. . A
art of his wool clip has already arrived
and the rest is on the way. Mr. Sberar's
wool can easily be told from all the rest
as it lays on the D. P. & A. N. ware
house platform. It has been baled and
bound with iron straps. The device for
doinz this is Mr. Sherar's own invention,.
All his wool is now baled oei'ore leaving
the ranch. In these days wheu it re
quires the most rigid economy for a wool
raiser to market his wool without loss,
any invention which will reduce ex
penses should be hailed, with satisfac
tion. Besides reducing bulk, the chief
advantage in baled, wool is that the
transportation rates are much less than
upon bags. - ... "
Keal Estate Transfers.
Priscilla and W. P. Watson to W. H.
Gilbousen, lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 3
Fulton's addition ; $1.
Thoa S. Buck to James Sutherland, a
portion of five acre tract hitherto con
veyed by deed from S. H. Prather and
Geo. T. Prather to D. W, Buck; $75.
left for Portland this
Mrs. Horton
Y Judge Bradshaw returned this afterY
inoon to tne sea coast. j
"Mr. J. K. Warner "of White Halmon
left for his home this morning'.
T. Nolan left on the afternoon! " waB found that we could not express
s m. i. jNoian leic on
train for Portland on business
Mr. Balch, the tailor, returned from a
short trip to Hood River today.
Judge BlakelVjleft this afternoon lor
the coast. He V not in the best of
health. ' ,
to teacners or oiner pupus
row the subjects will be
sippi jetties, resumption of specie pay-j
ment in 1879, the polygamy bill, the j
civil service act, the Brooklyn bridge,
and standard time ; ail very attractive
subjects, which should draw many
Theory Ackerman. The study today
as special methods in spelling. For
morrow it will be training of the
iorals and training of the will.
Grammar Ackerman. Yesterday,
finitives ; today, gerands.
General History Ackerman. The
view of the Roman Empire was com-
leted today. -
Physiology Ackerman. Nervous sys-1
tern to sympathetic system today ; com
plete tomorrow. !
Writing Gilbert. In form completed
analysis of capitals, figures and princi-
pies. Discussed the requisites necessary
to teaching good writing in the schools
under the heads of good teaching, good
copy, good deek, good paper, good hold
ers, good ink, good blotters, pen wiper,
practice paper, blackboard, and cleanli
ness. The five following studies were under
the direction of Prof. Gavin:
English Literature Addison and the
Spectator. . . -
Mental Arithmetic Began advanced
course, including "cup . and cover,"
"chess" and "time" problems.
Phonics Pronouncing list of twenty
words, and drill on additional principles
of pronunciation.
Bookkeeping Class planned to begin
work today.
Geography Special work on state
, Mrs. Hill led the study. in composi
tion, which included figures of speech.
and the cruiser Philadelphia. It is al-t
most certain that both of these members
of Uncle Sam's white squadron will be
there in August and take part in the
regatta. Added to these features will
be various marine sports, interspereed
between the races, as well as entertain
ments on shore. The days and evenings
of the week will be fully occupied, and
thtf affair , as a whole cannot be
one of the best exhibitions of aquatic
sports ever given on the ' Northwest
TeacuerK' Association at Newport.
The following circular was received
and read before the institute from State
Supt. G. M. Irwin :
It is my purpose to hold a teacher's
association at Newport, commencing
August 18, and continuing four days.
This institute, while especially de
signed for the teachers of the Willam
ette valley, yet all of the teachers of the
state are invited. While not to bs con-
r i . i. i . : r . 1. ... - 4
Biueruu tut auuuai lucctiug ui tuc Bime j
teacher's association, yet it is greatly
desired to engage the attention of all
teachers in the western part of the state
especially. " ,
It is at a time and ' place where and
when many people will be gathered for
their summer outing, and the occasion
will be one of profit as well as pleasure
No better seaside rusort can be found
on our coast, and the most economical
arrangements, in regard to transporta
tion and entertainment while at New
port, will be made. You can enjoy the
recuperative opportunities of the eea
beach and at the same time make a
matter of profit in your profession. A
suitable program will be duty prepared
and sent out to all in due time. Arrange
ments are being made for first-class
workers in the association.
When yog wmt to bay'
Seed Wheat, - Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley ,Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the
Our prices are low and our goods are fire t-clas.
Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
Card of Thanks.
He llobbed a widow, Too.
The books of George F. McConnell,
the defaulting Knights of Pythias grand
keeper of records and seal, are being ex
amined by experts, and from present in
dications the loss to the grand lodge will
not amount to more than $1000, although
X3ounty Judge Robt. Mays is in the
city on business connected with probate
Mrs. T. C. Donnell left this, morning
for White Salmon, where she will visit
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Warner.
The FitzGerald Bros., Eugene Looney
and McMein of McMeio & ; Morrow,
sheep growers of the Mitchell country,
are in the city.
Mrs. Laura B. Logan, Miss Laura
Knowles and Ray Logan, who have been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crossen left
this morning for Portland. . . ,
Subscribe for Thk Chbo.vici.e and get
ne news.
J many thoughts-without using figures
Spelling drill, followed in Greek and
Latin suffixes.
The following names were' added to
the list of teachers: Effie Wakefield.
Virginia Hillgen, Rachel Morgan, Min
nie Elton, H. Cat Johnson, H. L. Howe,
E. E. Wrenn, Zetta Smith. Cora ConDle.
Lillie Copple, Anna Sears, Marguerite
Shelley, Emma Ward, R. H. Andrews,
Hattie Allen.
Among the visitors today were Mrs.
Dr. Shacktlford, Mrs. L. S. Davis, Mrs.
C. L. Gilbert and Rev. Phelps.
I wish to convey my appreciation and
thanks for the prompt manner in which
the A. O. U. W. supplied me with the
insurance check of $2000 upon the life
of my beloved husband, B. T. Conroy.
Mrs. Maggie Conroy.
In this city, July 29th, to the wife of
H. LI Kuck a son.
Awarded .
Highest Honors World's Fair,
v Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
. The Water Carnival '
: Among the many attractive features
of Astoria's coming . water carnival will
be tb4 ocean yacht race between the
Jessie and w the Aggie, and the presence
in the harbor of the battleship Oregon
Most Perfect Made. .
40 Years the Standard.
Successor to Chrisman Sc Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
and Harry Liebe -
have moved to New Vogt Block.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S-PAINTS used in all our work -and none but tbe
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or &oap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. AH orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sta.. The Dalles. Oregon
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
REPAIRING PROM PTLY DO XF. Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s store.