VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1896 NO 175 OUP u '""V CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. In order to put our Stock in good shape for Fall, we have selected all broken lots, or styles for which the demand will soon be over, and priced them, so they will, without a doubt, make the desired room 200 Pairs of Men's Pants, Assorted Patterns, Will be sold as follows: Regular $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Pants at $1.00 pr. 2.00, 2.25, 2.50 Pants at 1.50 pr. 2.75, 3.00, 3.25 Pants at 2.00 pr. 3.00, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00 at 2.50 pr. $3.75, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50 at 3.00 pr. We advise an early inspection of tbeee lotp, as these prices will move them. OUR ENTIRE STOCK BOYS' KNEE PANTS. All sizes, from 3 to 14 vears. Regular .25 Pants at $ .15 pr. " .30 Pants at. 20 pr. .50 Pants at 38 pr. " .00 Pants at .45 pr. " .75 Pants at 50 pr. .85 -Pants at .GO pr. " 1.00 Pants at : .75 pr. 1.20 Pants at 90 pr. 1.50 Pants at 1.10 pr. Just think, Pants at 15c pair. Boys' Knee Pants Suits. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Will tr- and help yon along. Just a few Suits at $ .50 each An assortment at : .75 each Suits worth $1.25, $1.50, at 1.00 each Suits worth 1.90, 2.00, at 1.40 each Suits worth 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, at .. 1.90 each Suits worth 3.00, 3.25, at.. 2.15 each D02STT MISS THIS. An assortment of $3.75, $3.95, $4.45 and $4.50 Suits at $3 20 a Suit YOUR CHOICE. Novelties in Child's Suits, Sizes from 3 to' 7 3'ears. Juniors, Reefers, &c, at one-fourth off. Long Pants Suits for Boys, from 12 to 18 3'ears. Assortment of Specil $2.95 Suits at $2 15 Choice $3.45, $3,75. $4.20 Suits at 2 75 Two lines $4 75 and $0.00 Suits at 3 50 Three Hues $5.00, $5.25, $6.00 Snits at 4 25 SPECIAL BARGAINS. Clays, Fancy Worsteds and Cassimeres, ileg. $G.95, $7.75, $8.45.... Choice, $6.00 ALL SUMMER UNDERWEAR, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, STRAW HATS, HOSIERY AND NECKWEAR, Everything in the House Reduced. A. M. WILLIAMS & G A. T.1. WILLIAMS & THE CAMPAIGN IS OS Republicans Will Begin Act ive Work This Week. ALL PRELIMINARIES SETTLED Perkins Cuosen for Assistant Secretary nf ihn Hiatlnnal I.nariii- PavnA ! Expected at Chicago. Chicago, July 27. It is practically settled that S. A. Perkins, chairman ol the executive committee of the Ameri can Republican College League, and member of the executive committee of the National League, will be given the place of first assistant secretary under Secretary Osborne, of the national Re publican campaign committee, with beadqnarlers at New York. There were no signs of life about the National Republican Headquarters Bun day, everything being closed tight, in accordance with the instructions of Chairman Hanna. A man was eent to the headquarters early in the day to get the private mail of Mr. Heath and some of the members of his staff, but with this exception, no one entered the rooms during the day. This week will witness the beginning of severe campaign work. The work thus far has been of a preliminary char acter, arranging the forces of the differ ent departments and outlining the mat ters to be covered in the near future. H. C. Payne is expected to reach here to day and there will be a meeting of the committee the latter part of the week, after Mr. H anna's return from New York. ' - - Populists Who Will Stamp for Sllrer. St. Louis, July 27. Among the speak ers who will take the stump for the Pop - nlist ticket will be Senator Butler and ex-Cbainnau Taubeneck, E. Y. Debs, Robert Schilling, of Milwaukee; Senator Allen, of Nebraska; Senator Peffer; Mrs. Roberts, of Georgia, and many others, including Coxey and Carl Brown. . Mr. Debs is a strong supporter of the initiative and referendum. The cur rency will be the pivot around which the majority of the speeches will revolve j and the women that will be sent out will make that their especial point of at tack. Mrs. Roberta made a speech in the convention seconding the nomination ot Bryan, and, in the five ininntes that she was before the convention, won for her eelf the reputation of being one of the most forcible and logical speakers that has ever addressed a Populist gathering. "Cyclone" Davis was discussing the outcome of the convention with a party of friends in the Lindell corridors yester terday. He said : """ "There were a thousand men in that convention who differed with me, and there could have been but one result the selecting of Bryan. It was a case of either making them believe they were wrong and myself and my little band of 250 were right or give up. We had to give up, of course. We were, not all statesmen, and the thousand on the other side were neither fools nor traitors. We concluded they were right." ENGLISH KANKEKS' TIEW8. Effect in America of JLaw. a free-Silver LONDON GLOBE'S COMMENT. British Interests Will Suffer However the Election Goes. London, July 27. The Globe this afternoon publishes a long article headed "American Communism," concluding as follows : . "There is a clear issne between the gold standard allied to extreme protec tion and free coinage coupled with con fiscatory socialism. Whether McKin- ley or Bryan is elected, British interests are bound to suffer. While the victory of McKmley is certain to harass our trade with the United States, that of Bryan could not fail to produce a finan cial convulsion which might shake the Old World to its verv foundation." London, July 27. The Daily News has an interview with Mr. Joseph Herbert Tritton, a banker of the firm of Barclay, Bevan. Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Company, in which he is quoted as say ing: "Passage of a free-silver bill would cause a rise in pricee, and would glut America with silver from the Eastern countries, causing a complete dislocation of the entire basis of exchange between East and West. It would also canse tCe hoarding and disappearance of gold from circulation. Gold would go to a premium. There would be a disappear ance of foreign capital, causing a severe panic and general commercial ruin. "The first cure for American financial distress must be the contraction of their paper issues, both bank notes and treas ury, issues. If Mr. Bryan wins, inter national bimetalists will see an oppor tunity. But it is very doubtful if they will be able to seize it. The history of the Latin Union has conclusively shown that any international bimetallic anion must collapse through its own weight." THE GOLD RESERVE. William Henry Smith Dead. Chicago, July . 27. William Henry Smith, late general manaeer of the As sociated PreBS, died at Lake Forest, 111., this morning. He bad been sick for several days of pneumonia. There's no clay, flour, starch or other worthless filling in "Hoe Cake" and no free alkali to burn the hands. jly24-ii Eastern Bankers Deposited Over a Million Dollars Yesterday. Washington, July 27. The bankers are making good their promises in the matter of turning in gold to the treasury, and today the reserve was swelled by the addition of $1 ,145,000 in coin, $400 000 coming from Boston, $250,000 from Chicago and $495,000 from New York. There was drawn out today $129,100 in coin and some in gold bars, leaving the reserve at the close of business standing at $105,073,919. The available cash bal ance amounted to $262,016,560. 1 . ever. We are tired of working for those who would destroy us." In speaking of Bryan's nomination, he says there were so many men at St. Louis who were candidates for office and who hoped for Democratic indorsements in their respective districts, that they swept the convention to Bryan. He adds that Bryan is talking too much and is standing over a powder magazine. the free-silver craze, Populists and an- archists." j TO WITHDRAW KKVAX, Between Donnelly's Candid Statement. Minneapolis, July 27. Ignatius Don nelly returned home - today . from St, Louis. In the next issne of his paper, the Representative,' Mr. Donnellv will say : "we nave done wen. we snail sup port Mr. Bryan and the Populist ticket nntil the end of the campaign, , and ' we shall then withdraw from public life for COUNTY SURVEYOR. Residence, Tenth and Liberty Streets. jly23-tf Considered at a Conference Jones and Stone. Jkffeeson City, Mo., July 27. Chairman Jones, of the Democratic na tional committee, arrived today, and called on Governor Stone. They were in conference some' hours, and it is said they considered the matter of withdraw ing Bryan's name from the Populist ticket. Major T. O. Towles, of this city, sec retary of the national bimetallic league, and who was closely allied with Gov ernor Stone and Senator Jones in their fight for Bryan during the St. Louis convention, met Senator Janes in Kan sas City and accompanied him to Jeffer son City. Governor Stone met them at the depot with his carriage. Major Towles would not talk tonight about the interview. When Governor Stone was seen to night, he positively declined to be inter viewed about his conference with the national committee chairman, further than to say there was nothing for the press in the interview. After the con ference, Jones took the train for St. Louis. Horatio Kins; Writes to McKinley. West Newton, Mass., July 27. Hon. Horatio King, ex-postmaster-general, whose official life at Washington cov ered time from 1837 to 1861, has eent a letter to Hon. William McKinley, in which he says : "The danger now threatening the sta bility of the United States is most ap paling. I earnestly entreat you to listen to the warning appeal of Hon. W. C. Whitney. It is your opportunity to place your name along with that of Lin coln, high on the roll of honor and fame You can well afford to set aside for the time being all minor political questions, and lead off resolutely on a war against Lost! Lost! On the morning of July 4lh, between 5 and 8-Mile creeks, a tan-colored valise clothing and other valuables. A liberal reward will be paid on leaving the same at this office. jul6-d.ts-wlm To Kent. Two furnished rooms at Fourth and Liberty streets. . ' 21-lwd Mas. Cham. When you find a person who has tried Simmons Liver Regulator yon are sure to hear them say something in its favor. Mrs. G. T. Judy, Blue Grass, 111., re cently wrote: "I cannot do without Simmons Liver Regulator since I know the value of it as a family medicine." And Dr. W. P. Gibbs, of Beaufort, S. C, says : "I prescribe Simmons Liver Reg ulator, and know it to be a first-class liver medicine."' Bncklen'o Aruc salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruption., and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale oy Blakeley and tLougnton, druggists. None But Ayer's at the World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact urers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but tbey were all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrnms. ' The decision of the world's fair authorities in tavor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrum's. It is here on its merits." c For Infants and. Children. Cavstoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishuess. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoriav contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription tnown to mi" H. A. Archer. M. I., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn. H.T. Vnr RAvem vwir. "Boommeifaed 1 ' nastoria. and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial results. Edwik F. Pardbb, M. D 125th Street and 7th Ave., Hew York City. "The nse of 'Castorla,' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." GtKLOS MlRTTH, D. D., New York City. Th Csbtavb Compart, 77 Hurray Street, N.Y. Pacitc Corset Co. Second and Washington Streets, opp. French's Bank. ' We are' now settled in our new quarters, and are preired to do all kind of work in our Hue. We make Corsets, Ldies' Dress Reform Waists, Misses' and Children's Waists. Ab lominal Bands or Supports of various styles. These goods are all made to order; a (rood lit guaranteed or no sale. Why not patronize home industry? If lata western countrv had ten per cent, of the money paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would, make ns all rich. Why not keep the woner at home bv building ui industries at home. . rae torv and office at eorner Second and Washington. ': entrance at First National Bank..