Gentlemen of The Dalles. We are showing a splerided line of Spring and Summer Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese labor. Our garments are made on the premises by skilled workmen. H. E. BALCH. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The Dalles Daily Chflffiiele. The only Republican Daily Newspaper n Wasco County. SATURDAY. - - JULY 25, 1896 FIN BE SIECLE. It would be preposterous to., draw any parallel between the times of the French revolution and the scenes which are being enacted in America today, but there are,, nevertheless, some circumstances which " fit both centuries. The same feeling of un lest pervades America now which swept over France one 'hundred years ago: the same agitaiion against -wealth, and the railings ot the unfor tunate against the fortunate. That the French revolutionists were wholly wrong in their views and action?, is not for a moment consid ered, though the excesses into which they plunged were unjustifiable. In America the symptoms which are manifest, though they are not re assuring for the mainlainance of a satisfactory commercial condition, Will lead to nothing beyond material discomfort. Civilization has ad vanced too far and the nation is too lusty for an attack such as over whelmed France and made the rule of Napoleon possible. And yet the fruits which this year is bearing show that the American people have been Teading away from the teachings of their earliest and best instructors. In the convention which is meeting bow in St. Louis can be seen some examples of this truth. The conven tion is composed of men from vari ous pursuits in life, and whose train ings were obtained in widely differ ent circumstances. Many of them aspire to good citizenship, and con scientiously believe in the principles they are advocating. But there is a class among them, and who sympa thize with them, consisting of proj fessional agitators; men of revolu tionary instincts, who are of a turn of mind which precludes success in any line of work save in stirring strife. Of unbalanced temperments, they are capable of being carried away by their own enthusiasm, and can lead unthinking people to dan gerous precedents. Tt is from this class of men that the country has to fear. Altgeld is one of them; Tillman is another, "Cyclone" Davis, "Bloody Bridles" "Waite are other examples of enthu siasth run riot, and the country and age which produce them have cause to ponder over the future. Many of the principles which these men ad vocate are inimical to .the country's welfare, and the only panacea for such ills as we are suffering through the disturbance to our commercial equilibrium will be obtained by a return of national prosperitj-, which will keep the people employed and allow ot no idle minds wherein such schemes may be contrived. The Democrats are averse to hav iug any discussion over the tariff during the campaign. The tariff is a dead issue they say ; no one wants to hear about protection or free trade. But four years ago the ques tion of protection and free trade was tb.8 all-absorbing one. The advo cates of the later policy won, and their theory has been given a prac tical test anc proven a failure. The American people are but waiting for the day to come when they can ren- 78 Second Street. der their verdict. In the meantime what reason exists for trusting the Democratic, party, with its free sil ver platform, after its utter failure of the last three years? The fruit crop of Oregon this season will not be so large as a year ago; but less damage has resulted in "Wasco county than in any other sec tion. As a country suitable for di versified fruit culture this section has no Superior, and the future prom ises great things. PROGRESS. People who get the greatest degree of comfort and real en joyment out of life, are those who make the most out of their opportunities. Quick perception and good judgment, lead such promptly to adopt and make use of those refined and improved products of modern inventive genius which best serve the needs of their physical bein?. Accordingly, the most intelligent ana progressive peopla are found to employ the most refined and . perfect laxative to resr- rulate and tone up the .stomach, liver, and N bowels, when in need of such an agent hence the great popularity of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are made from the purest, most refined and concentrated vegetable extracts, and from forty -two to forty -four are contained in each vial, which is sold at the same price as the cheaper made and more ordinary pills tonna in the market. In curative vir tues, there is no comparison to be made be tween them and the ordinary pills, as any one may easily learn by sending for a free sample, (four to Eeven doses) of the Pel lets, which win De sent on receipt of name ana aaaress on a postal card. QNCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR, The Pellets cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tontrue. indisrestion. or dyspepsia. windy belcbings, " heart-burn; " pain and 1 . r. . . - . - . -l . uiairess alter eaiing, ana Kinarea aerange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up in glass vials, therefore always tresn ana reliaoie. one little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are mildly cathartic. As a dinner pill." to nroTnot ditresrinn. take one each day after dinner. To relieve distress from over-eatine. thev are- on- equaled. -They are tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will readily take them. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be "just as good" It may be better for the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he is not the one who needs help. Address for free sample, World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, 663 Main Street, Bcttalo, N. Y. When Baby was sick, we gav her Castorla. When she tras a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Then she had Children, she gavothem Castoria. When You Want Ice Cream, Lemonade, Candies, Nuts, Home-made Taffy, Cigars, Tobacco, Fruits, &c, Call at the New Ice Cream Stand, Meond door north of Kahler's Grocery Stare, where you aiwuvs gei me oesi. jlyia NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the following list ui warrants nave ueuu issued zor more tnan seven years tirior to the first dav of Jnlv. I80fl. and are now remaining in the office of the County Clerk of Waeco County Or., uncalled for, and unless said warrants are presented for payment within sixty days from said July 1st, in accordance with section two, Laws of Oregon, page 1865, the same will be cancelled and pay ment thereof will be refused. mm 2 Fr Date of what To whom Issue. Issued. Issued. Amt July 7, 1888 318 29 Jnror E. A. JS. Weber U 20 July 9, 1 88 393 29 Chnmn VV. H. Weist 2 00 Sept. 10, 1888 511 -9 Witness Frai cis White 1 70 Sept, 10, IS81 537 2U Witness Tnos.- Williams 1 70 6ept. 10, 1888 524 29i Witness Thos. Williams 1 70 Sept. 10, 1888 508 2s Witness James White 1 70 The above is a list of warrants remaining in the Clerk's office for more than seven years. By order of County Court, A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk. Ilyl6-5t For Rent. The lower story of the Miehelbach block, cor ner of Second and Onion streets, now vacant, will be rentad on a long or short-time lease at reasonable figures. Also the Micbeibach garden and fruit orchard, with buildings for occupation. Apply to George Williams, administrator of the Miehelbach estate. apr3-tf Write or call for prices, of farm ma chinery. '. John M. Filloon. StOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper - will be pleased to learn that there ' .' : least one dreaded' disease that science has been able to cure' in all its' Btagea, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure-known" to the medical fraternity. Catarrh . being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Halt's . Catarrh Core is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surtaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the ' disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitntion and assieting nature in doing its worn. The proprietors have to much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for anv case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Chenky & Co., Toledo, O; Sold by Druggists, 75 cents. Anheuser beer on draught at the Mid way. REMOVAL. H. Hirii's Dry (Ms sure -HAS MOVED New Vogt Block. GREAT BARGAINS Will be offered during the summer months in All Kinds of DRY Boots and Shoes, Etc. TH E CELEBRHTfiD COlilJmBlfl V BfEUlE$Y, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed ob be market. Tim TygH Val ley Creamery Ask Vanbibber 5c Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight, TELEPHO ICsTS USTO. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. IE3E- GL IE IT ZEST. These Mast Go at Once. A home with lot, worth $900 ; $750 takes it. Owner leaving city, and must sell. Three lots only five blocks from Court honse. Lay in fair shape; $150 for the three. One fine business lot in heart of city ; $800. Among a multitude of offerings, -these three are the vfery best. Match them if yon can. ''. Fred D. Hill, Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Room 12, Chapman Block. . mayl-tf ' Reduced Bates. Effective March 22d. The O. R. A N. Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as fol lows : Two day rate, good going Satur day and returning Monday -night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all trains. . . ' E. E. Tvrrx, m24-dwtf Agent . All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have how the opportunity to try it free.. Call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. R. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a ropy ot Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good nd cost you nothing. Blakeley & Houghtion's Drugstore. " 4 Through trains on the O. R. & N will run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec ond class will run in connection with the Union Prcific, the same as heretofore. A through first-class sleeper from Port' land to Spokane, connecting with the first-class sleeper to St. Paul and a through tourist sleeper from Portland to at. l'aul, will be ran in connection with the Great Northern railway. E. E. Lytle, Agent. INTO THE- GOODS, Clothing', Is Delicious. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. price 50c. 80. EK STI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis Denver Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAHEB9 Leave Portland Kverv Five Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JEL o. Sua lAlo For fnll details call on O. K. & Cos Agent Ths Dalles, or address W, H. HUELBUET, Gen. Pass. Agt Portland, Oregon ' ' - New Schedule. . Effective Tuesday, April 7thj the fol lowing will be the new schedule: Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :50 a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m. : Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :40 p. m., and leaves 10 :45 p.m. -' Train .No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05 p. m., and west-bound train No. .7 leaves at 2:30 p. m. . Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m, daily and ar riving at The Dalles In. m. daily, con necting with train Noa. 8 and 7 from Portland. . ? Lvtlk, . . Agent. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER OBI DR&TOHT AiStubling & Williams The above are Sole Aeents in The Dalles for this celebrated Beer, both in "bottle and keg. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage,, unequaled as a tonic. , Not a 'Woman That doesn't admire the handsome new stock of C. F.. Stephens, which comprises everything pleasing to the feminine fancy. i New Goods, New Prices. Everything new hut the management. New pat rons are . numerous, and if everyone knew the really fine bargains which are always temptingly displayed, no time would be lost in hastening to the store. Take a glance over the stock: C. F. STEPHENS. Agent for the W. L. Douglas Shoes. .1 s. -aw P CD 02 O CD CQ r I , a a oS & CD The Dalles Commission Go., -DKALEES IM- Coal, Ice and Produce, Foreip and Domestic Emits and Yepialles. Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for its purity and lasting qualities. ROCK NPKINGS. HOSLTN, ANTHRACITE and OEOSGE9 VEEEK CO Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. BLAKELEY 175 Second Street, Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON". "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates. -MJCHELBACH BRTOK, . UNION ST. Kill or Catch those Flies with "TANGLEFOOT" or "DTJTCHER'S LIGHT NING FLY KILLER; Only 5c a Double Sheet at Donnells Drug Store. in Town The Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liprs and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOR THE Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON". FOR FUEt MANtFACTl II FDBrO & HOUGHTON The Dalles; Oregon