(I ) ft A ;0 VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1896 NO 170 FOR By our GREAT REMOVAL SALE, now on, the usual quiet month, of July lias turned out very satisfactory; in fact OUR BUSINESS IS BOOMING. What makes it? Such Offers as These -WHICH OCR CUSTOMERS FIND EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED. LADIES' SHOE DEPARTMENT. Regular Sale Ladies' Strap Sandals, tan............'. $1 40 $1 15 Lace Oxfords, tan 1 50 1 25 " " " point or square toe, tan.. 1 65 1 50 " - " " point or square toe, tan.. 2 25 1 95 " Southern Tie, cloth foxed... 2 50 2 10 Needle Toe, 20th century last 3 00 2 50 " White Canvas Oxfords, white kid trimming 1 50 Gentlemen's Underwear. Regular Sale Fancy Balbriggau, each $ 37.4 $ 25 White Jean Drawers, pair : 45 Solid Colored Ribbed Underwear, each 75 50 Camel's Hair Merino, each 75 50 Blue Mixed Derby Ribbed, each 75 50 Natural Wool, first quality, each 2 00 1 50 Silk Finish Balbriggan, each 1 00 75 Fine Night Shirts 75 . 55 " .. 1 75 1 30 Canton Flannel .Night Shirts 1 25 1 00 HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Our celebrated Ladies' 25c Tan Hose reduced to 20c Regular 50c Hose reduced to ......... ...... ..40c Regular 65c Hose reduced to ... 50c Misses' and Children's 25c Tan Hose reduced to ......20c 30c '" " reduced to 25c " , " 35c , " reduced to ..... 30c Ladies' 25c Full Fashioned 40-gauge Fast Black 15c Regular 33Je Black ...:.25c Regular 42c " . ..... .....35c Regular 50c 40c Still a few sizes left in our Childs' Fine Ribbed Fast Black at . .: 5c pair it Gentlemen's Overshirts. 50c buys an uncommon good Shirt, such as those 75c Laundered Percale at...: $ 50 10 different lines of Negligee,' regular 65, 75 and 85c . 50 Good assortment of $1.00 Shirts at 80 Celebrated Y.'S. F. Silk and Wool mixed; reg. $2.00 1 45 " Silk ana Wool mixed; reg. 2.25 1 80 Manhattan Silk and Wool mixed regular 3.00 2 00 Manhattan Cellular Body Shirt ...regular 2.50 1- 85 PRINCETON SACK. SUMMER SUITS. No time like the present. Our Clothing is Selling. Some of the choicest are these 3 and 4-button Cutaways. Our regular $11.75 Suits at $ 9.40. Our regular 12.00 Suits at 9.75. Our regular 12.75 Suits at 10.75. Our regular 13.50 Suits at 11.45. Our regular 15.00 Suits at 13.00. Lots 4855 Latest 3.button Cutaway Frocks nobby Plaid: Regular $16.00 Suits . ..at $12.80 Lot 4893 Grey Mixed Plaid: Regular $15.00 Suits.... at $12.00 Special Reductions in Boys' and Children's Clothing. A. El. ffl a. a willieis & o SUCCESS IS IN SIGHT Bryan Men Confidently Make This Claim. with the question of organization today. The Bryan men have pat forward Gen eral Weaver for temporary chairman. This is a shrewd move. They do not believe the opposition will care to make a fight against their late standard bearer. - - "CYCLONB" DAVIS RESOLUTION. ABSOLUTE CONTROL IS ASSURED They Are Positive That Bryan Will Be Nominated Are Making Vigorous Efforts. St. Louis, July 21. The. Bryan man agers confidently claimed this morning that they had passed the Rubicon, and their control of the convention was prac tically assured. - There are conditions and details yet to be worked out, but they believe they have won the main victory, the nomination or indorsement of the Chicago ticket. An attempt of some Populists to force the withdrawal of Sewall and the nomination of a Pop ulist for vice-president had been de feated by the stand taken by Bryan's friends, and the positive answer of Chairman Jones, of the Democratic na tional committee, that such a thing could not be considered. - Notwithstanding the confidence of the Bryan managers, however, they will not relax their efforts. They have a most complete organization, and every man has instructions for today; Tbey will canvass every incoming delegation and keep up the work of proselyting among those already -here. Although they claim a victory, they believe there 'will be a bolt of the radicals, and, paradox ical as it may seem v this is what some of the most level-headed desire. The Democratic managers certainly are not averse to a split which will carry .out of the convention the extreme men. . They claim that the allegiance -of some of these men could do the ticket infinitely more harm than good. The battle, of course,' will come on the . floors pfLthe convention, and no one now doubts that there will be a general display of bad blood.: - . ..... The national committee will wrestle He Will Ask the Populists to Support Bryaa. St. Louis, July 21. "Cyclone" Davis, of Texas, will ask the Populist conven tion to adopt the following : ; "Whkkeas, McKinley and the .Repub lican par.ty represent . the existing gold standard, perpetuation of which means that the national banking system is to be rechartered for fifty - years, and our national debt to be refunded and made a gold instead of a coin debt, and bonds to run for fifty years, and, . ', Whereas, This system is to be fast ened upon the country by treaty with foreign nations under the false pretense of an international conference, which means the ultimate enslavement of the masses, and the complete establishment of the classes ; . . - "Resolvd, That to defeat .this meas ure and insure McKinley 's defeat so far as our vote goes, we pledge ourselves to nnite with the Democrats on one set of electors in each state, which is the sen timent of the middle of-the-road " Popu lists." ; ' - . HI IS FOK BUY AN. Congressman Towne, a former Repub lican, So Declares Himself. ' St. Louis, July 21. Congressman Towne, of Minnesota, one of the silver Republicans who walked out of the St. Louis convention and announced . the severance of his allegiance to.' the Re- bupucan party, arrived here today. "The silver movement in Minnesota,' said he, "is growing by leaps and bounds. -.Among . the Republicans, I was amazed at the widespread defection in; favor of s'UTer. . Republicans and populists are enthusiastically for Bryan, in the belief that it is only bv a union of the silver forces that the battle for the restoration of silver can be. won in this campaign. ..'I appreciate .very ,hghly tlie compli- ment involved in the suggestion of my name here for president, but an inde pendent nomination, in- my . opinion, is impracticable. Bryan should be in dorsed, I am for Bryan." NORTHWEST NOTES. Joseph Kibler, while bathing in- the river at Lebanon, was accidentally drowned. He was 22 years of age. Cloclin's saw mill, situated on Deep creek, near Medical Lake, Wash., was burned to the ground. The loss is $2500. The remains of Ed Moran were found floating' in the Puyallup river yesterday. Moran is supposed . to have drowned himself on June 30th last. Walter and Russ Atkins, two boys 20 and 18 years old respectively, were drowned.- while bathing in the Willam ette river near Wheatland yesterday. Adjutant-General Tuttle has received from the secretary of state a warrant for (5917, with which to pay the militia boys for their services at Astoria during the recent fishing troubles. " Hon. Samuel Layman, a prominent aad well-known Oregonian, died at his home near . Woodbnrn. yesterday from the effects of in juriea which he sustained some weekB ago by falling from a cherry tree. Mr. Layman was 63 years of age. The residence of R. A. Erv in at Pom- eroy. Wash., was destroyed by hre, to gether with all its contents. A boy who was in the dwelling was forced to jump from a second-story window to escape the rapidly advancing flames.; None But Ayer's at tne World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla en joys, the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact urers of other earsaparillaa sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, bnt they were all turned away under the application , of the rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. . The .decision of the world's fair authorities in tavor of Aver's .Sarsaparilla was in 'effect as follows "Ayer's Sareaparilla., Is not a patent medicine.: It. does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." -: - v ' - " . - Anheuser beer on -draught at the Mid way. - , ;. Bills Allowed. The following is a partial list of the bills examined .and allowed at the July term of the circuit court : - GRAND JCBOBS. John M Marden 00 Fred Fisher . .: 6 00 8 M Baldwin . . f 13 00 T C Dallas 10 00 JWConnell 11.20 ID Driver 13 20 J E Barnett '. - 6 00 WITNESS GRAND JURY. F H Van Norden Mrs L' Page Daisy Wilson Mrs E Roberts : Joseph Proulx. .... James II Blakeney H L Chenoworth James Sharp R V GIbons R H Darnielle. Chris Bills ...... B H Thurston..,. FG Connelly... .; John Hampshire A A TJrquhart Lewis Porter Francis McCown ......... Mary Snipes . .... ......... . . '. . . JUROR CIRCUIT COURT. M H Nickelsen . . . F H Van Norden H S Davidson John A Wilson. William Bushkirk ; J M Smith J J Lewis R H Darnielle... James Kelly ......... .......... Geo Cooper. .... .r. .... ....... .. G JK (Jastner James Le Duor. Frank Peabody . O B Funk .... R F Wickham Paul Kreft S B Adams. John Parrot. -. , J W Johnston. ... . ... . . . ...... ... . Jesse Blakeuey .". ... J H Crosa v - . . . . A Sandrock . ..... R H Weber . r ..... . . . . ... J I Thomas. : .- Hugh Cbri8man ... . : . ..... H F Dietzel . . , . .... . . . .,. .... . N M Lane. . . . ................. : .' N Whealdon ..... . . . . ; . . . . ... . ,- :: WITNESSES CIRCUIT COURT. Chris Bills . . ...-. . R V Gibons . -'. . . . h York. . ...... :. ;k ... . . H- L Cheuoweth B H Thurston . . .'. ... ...... .'.-. . . G W Phelps. ... . . . . -: LE Crowe....,; 6 40 2 00 2 00 13 60 12 40 8 40' 11 20 2 00 12 80 2 00 17 20 16 00 15 00 2 00 2 00 16 00 - 2 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 . 4 00 - i4O0 4 00 , 4 00 . ,4 00 . 4'00 4 00 10 00 ; 6 00 , 6 00 6 00 . . 4 00 : . 0 0 . 4 On 1 4 Oo JasHBlakenev 4 00 F C Connelly.'. 4 00 Fred Wilson 4 00 Jas Sharp 2 00 Frank Summers 4 00 Harry Hampshire. .... ; 400 Lewis Porter 4 00 Francis McCown 4 20 Mary Snipes. 420 MISCELLANEOUS. C F Williams, sprinkling street.. 4 50 W A Johnston, supplies pauper. . 5 00 H Clough, repairs on jail 1 00 Jos T Peters & Co, lumber for county roads 8.87 Chronicle Publishing Co, publish ing... 10 25 L Rorden, supplies pauper 7 60 Oregon T & T Co, messages 3 70 J W Blakeney, expressage. 1 25 J W Dukes, deputy eberiff and work in booths 600 James Hoean, digging grave for Campbell 5 00 F H Wakefield, services assessor-. 104 08 A D McDonald, bridge lumber ... 10 68 T J Driver, bills rendered. .... . : .162 97 Van Pagan, Adams & Co., naila for county bridge '3 96 Coast Agency Co. tvpe writer rib- " bona 2 00 Dalles City Water Works, water rent May and June 14 25 Sam Orlnops (Indian) witness jus- ' tice court .. ." 5 90 Mrs Spino, witness justice court. . 5 90 James Spino " " . 5 90 j Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and ate particu larly effective in the cure'of Constipation and Sick Headache. For. Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. 1 hey are guarrenteea to do perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by tbeir action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great ly invigorate the system. - Regular size 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley & Hough tion , Druggists. 4 .'- When you find a person who has tried Simmons Liver Regulator you are sure to bear them say something in its favor. Mrs. G. T. Judy, Blue Grass, 111., re cently wrote: . "I cannot do without Simmons Liver Regulator since I know the valne of it as a ' family medicine." And Dr. W. P, Gibb?, of Beaufort, S. C., says :i ''I prescribe Simmons Liver Reg ulator, and know it to be a first-class Href medicine." ' " Tor Infants and Children. Ca-atoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and ite sleep natural. Cactoria, contains no Morphine or other narcotic propertv. Castorla Is m well adapted to children that S recommend it as superior to any prescription tnown to me." II. A. Abcsib. M. I, 111 Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn, H.T. "For several years I hare recommenaed yon Castorla, and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial rentuta.1 Edwin F. Pardbk, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The nse of 'Castorla is so universal and Its merits so well known that it reams a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the m telliicent families who do not keep. Castorla. within easy reach." CjjkIjOs Mabttn. I). D., New York City. Ths Ckstaub Compact, 77 Hurray Street, K.T. Corset i Second and AVastiington Streets, opp. French's Bank. ' We are now iie'tled lu onr new quarters, snd are prepnred to do alt kinds of woik In our W'e make Coisets, Ludies' Dress llcform Waists, Misses' and Children'). Waists. Ab-iomiiil Bands or Supports of various strles. These goods are all made to order; a (rood fit guaranteed or no vale. Why not patroaiW! home industry T If mis western country had ten per cent- of the money paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would make us all rich. Why not keep thevmoney at home by building ui Industries at home. Fac tory and office at corner Second aad Washington: , : entrance at First Natioual Bank. .