The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 21, 1896, Image 1

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NO 169.
By our GREAT REMOVAL SALE, now on, the usual quiet month of July has turned
out very satisfactory; in fact OUR BUSINESS -IS BOOMiNG. What makes it?
Such Offers as These
Regular Sale
Ladies' Strap Sandals, tan :.. $1 40 $1 15
Lace Oxfords, tan , 1 50 1 25
" " " point or square toe, tan.. 1 65 1 50
" " " " point or square toe, tan.. 2 25 1 95
Southern Tie, cloth foxed 2 50 2 10
Needle Toe, 20th century last 3 00 2 50
" "White Canvas Oxfords, white kid trimming 1 50
Gentlemen's Underwear.
Regular Sale
Fancy Balbriggan, each '. $ M 25
White Jean Drawers, pair ,45
Solid Colored Ribbed Underwear, each...:. 75 50
Camel's Hair Merino, each 75 50
Blue Mixed Derby Ribbed, each 75 50
Natural Wool, first qualit'', each 2 00 1 50
Silk Finish Balbriggan, each 1 00 75
Fine Night Shirts 75 55
" 1 75 1 30
Canton Flannel Night Shirts 1 25 1 00
Our celebrated Ladies' 25c Tan Hose reduced to .......20c
Regular 50c Hose reduced to 40c
Regular 65c Hose reduced to 50c
Misses' and Children's 25c Tan Hose reduced to 20c
.." - " " 30c . " reduced to 25c
" " 35c " " reduced to 30c
Ladies' 25c Full Fashioned 40-gauge Fast Black 15c
Regular 33c Black T. 25c
Regular 42-c " 35c
Regular 50c " .....40c
Still a few sizes left in our Childs' Fine Ribbed Fast
Black at... ,. 5c
Gentlemen's Overshirts.
50c buys an uncommon good Shirt, such as those 75c
Laundered Percale at $ 50
10 different lines of Negligee, regular 65, 75 and 85c 50
Good assortment of $1.00 Shirts at 80
Celebrated Y. S. F. Silk and Wool mixed; reg. $2.00 1 45
Silk and Wool mixed; reg. . 2.25 1 80
Manhattan Silk and Wool mixed regular 3.00 2 00
Manhattan Cellular Body Shirt -regular 2.50 1 85
No time like the present.
Our Clothing is Selling
Some of the choicest are these 3 and
4-button C vita ways.'
Our regular $11.75 Suits at $ 9.40.
Our regular 12.00 Suits at 9.75.
Our regular 12.75 Suits at 10.75.
Our regular 13.50 Suits at 11.45.
Our regular 15.00 Suits at 13.00.
x j i nr - x - i i o 1 it . i
JjOls moo jjuiesi. o.ouuon vuiaway
Frocks nobby Plaid:
Regular $16.00 Suits..... at $12.80
Lot 4893 Grey Mixed Plaid:
Regular $15.00 Suits at $12.00
Special Reductions in
Boys' and Children's Clothings
Populists' Ranks Are Torn
hy Dissensions.
Question of Indorsing; Bryan Causes
All the Difficulty Both Sides
Are Determined.
was stated at the conference today that
Taubeneck bad given np the fight, hav
ing been soared by the attitude of the
leaders on the ground. At headquar
ters many expressions were heard indi
cating disapproval of the endorsement
of Bryan. There is not much said
about candidates, middle-of-the-road
men saying they are prefecting arrange
ments to control the convention.
Ignatius Donnelly says that although
he was in favor of maintaining the peo
ple's party and putting a straight ticket
in the field there was every indication
that they would be overridden and
Bryan endorsed.
St. Louis, July 20. Senator Jones of
Arkansas, chairman of the Democratic
national committee, said' today:. "I
hope the Populist convention will en
dorse Bryan and Bewail, and since I
arrived I have received a good deal of
encouragment in that hope." Jones
will be in conference with the Populist
leaders all day.
The belief continues generally preva
lent that a bolt is among the strong
probabilities of the Populist convention,
whatever course is decided upon by the
majority. ' Delegates are constantly ar
riving and as the crowd grows larger it
becomes more evident that there is in
tensity of feeling over the one queetion
at issue. .
This question is whether to endorse
Bryan and Sewall or nominate a separ
ate ticket. In a general way the con
test is between the North and South.
Northern men, as a class, contend that
in the endorsement of Bryan lies the
only hope of making the influence of
the party felt or achieving practical re
sults, while Southern men, remember
ing their many contests with the Demo
crats of their section, maintain that
such a course is ntterly suicidal.
Middle-of-the-road Populists express
great confidence in their strength. ' Up
to noon more than 100 delegates to the
convention registered at their headquar
ters. The most of theui were pro
nounced in favor of a straight ticket
and will tight against, the nomination or
endorsement of Bryan.. More than a
majority of the states were represented.
-Some claim a two-thirds majority. It
Populists of California Send a Letter
to Bryan.
Kansas City, July 20. While en
route to the National Populist Conven
tion, the California delegation, 39 strong,
last night issued an open letter to the
Democratic presidential nominee, Will
iam J. Bryan, urging him to go before the
country as the nominee of the Populist
party. The letter was composed and dis
patched while the delegation was wait
ing for the train to St. Louie. Dr. G. W.
Daywait, of San Francisco being chosen
secretary and instrncted to write it.
, The letter says in part :
"If you will accept the nomination
from the Populist party, declaring your
self a Populist, yon will become a leader
to whom will rush every reformer, be he
silverite, Democrat or Republican, and
not only be elected yourself, but also
elect a congress, the law-making power.
This is the opportunity of your life,
which, if taken advantage of, will send
your name down in history as the savior
of our country by the means of Popu
lism. If yon don't do it. we must, in
defense of our principles, pnt another
nominee in the field. Canyon thus be
Will Be Opened In KebraaKa and Min
nesota at Unee.
Chicago, July 20. Mark Manna ar
rived in Chicago today, and national. Be
publican headquarters are to be opened
as soon as the executive committee se
lects quarters. ; '
While nominal charge of. the Western
committee's work will be in the hands
of Hanna himself, the committee which
will have to do with the actual work
will be Messrs. Payne, Durbin and Ice
land. The distribution of literature
thronghout the West will be one of the
first aims of the committee.
The Republican campaign in the West
will be opened in Minnesota and Neb
raska, with speeches by Senator Bur
rows and Roswell P. Poor, of Minnesota.
Before leaving tonight, Hanna said he
was not seriously disturbed by the ap
parent growth of the free-silver senti
ment in the Western states.
"We will Inaugurate the campaign at
once," he eaid, "by distributing sound
money literature arid eending sound"
money speakers into the silver strong
J. H. Morris, a resident of Fossil, Or.,
was found dead in his bed yesterday
morning, after having retired the night
before in bis usual state of good health.
The cause of bis death is not known.
It is reported that the entire popula
tion of Independence, yonng and old,
male and female, turns out en masse
each day to bathe in the cool Willam
ette above that city, and thns keep at
least partially cool.
At Tacoma, on Saturday, a 3-year-old
boy named Johnnie Rosa plucked a
burning brand from a fire in his
mother's yard and in some way set fire
to the dress of his 5-year-old ' sister
Anna. The little girl was frightfully
burned and soon died from her injuries.
John Lawrence, a convict, who was
released from the Walla Walla peniten
tiary on Saturday morning, proceeded
to Riparia and brutally mnrdered Jacob
Malquist, a saloon-keeper, by beating
him to death -with a club. : Lawrence
was captured and is now in jail at Col
fax. An educational circular has just been
issued by Superintendent of Public In
struction Irwin, which gives the names
of those constituting the' board of edu
cation and the board , of examiners, a
list of county superintendents and other
valuable information relative to school
Bills Allowed.
Anhenser beer on draught at the Mid'
The following is a partial list of the
bills examined and allowed at the July
term of the circuit court :
C F Stephens, jnror inq Conroy . .$ 1 00
FN-Hill, " " .. 1 00
S B Adams, " " . . 1 00
T H Clark, " " " . . 1 00
J E Barnett, 44 44 . . 1 00
D S Dnfur, " 44 . . 1 00
W M Armstrong, wit. inq Conroy I 50
Wni Harding, " " 1 50
J P Kirby, " " 1 50
J H Graham, " " 1 50
F S Gunning, 44 44 1 -50
H Cloogh, j 50
W H Butts, coroner's fee 16 20
J B Crossen, juror inq Russell ... 1 00
W G Kerne, " 44 ... 1 00
F D Hill, " " ... 1 00
Paul Kreft. -.. ... 1 00
C W Rice, " " ... 1 00
Frank Hill, " " ... 1 00
Fred Wickkam. wit inq Russell. . 2 90
Pat Kelly. ' " 44 . . 2 90
J J Hogan, " " . . 1 00
W II Butts, coroner's fees 16 05
Chas Malander, juror inq King. . . 1 00
C A Stewart, " " ... 1 00
E C Wiley, " 44 ... 1 00
FF Shaw, " " ... 1 00
D SDufur, " " ... 1 00
John McCoy, " " ... 1 00
C G Greene, witness inq King. ... 1 50
J C Lewis, " 44 .... 1 50
John Trana, " " . .... 1 50
W H Butts, coroner's fees 21 25
E F Sharp, surveying 12 00
J P Mclnerny, clothing pauper. . . 1 75
I C Nickelsen, snp school eupt. . . 10 25
W A Johnson, supplies panper lo 00
Irwin Hodson, supplies election
and county . . 88 20
Frank Kramer, remit poll tax 1 00
Mary A Butler, remit school tax
Dist JSo 23 Z sa
Pease & Mays, snp Mrs Puckett.'. 5 00
Columbia Hotel, board and lodg
ing paupers.. a 7o
M P Potter, on salary sup Dist No
3.. WW)
G W Phelps, dist atty fees 30 00
Julias Wiley, witness grand jury . 2 00
G P Morgan, work on county maps 42 50
Jacobsen Book and Music Co, sup- .
plies county 2 00
Henzie, moving chairs 75
Hannon, hauling dirt from alley 1 00
J F Ha worth", legal forms 3 50
R Brookhouse, hauling lumber. . . 5 00
Gunning & Hockman, blacksmith 4 50
H Barto. .'. 1 00
II W Wait 2 00
James Hurst ....... 1 00
August Deckert 1 00
J A Bolton 3 00
JP Abbott. 7 00
GeoBorstel .. . ..: 7 00
EOdell.... 15 00
M S Evans.... 2 00
H A Baker 2 00
William Brookhouse 1 00
A Woodcock 0 00
M Butler 7 00
Joe Hurst. : 3 00
E H King 1 00
Dick Southwell 5 00
E P Butler 3 00
A Y Marsh ... 1 00
Will C Adams 1 00
C P Ragsdale 1 00
C A Easton 5 00
M C Painter 1 00
S V Mason 1 00
E W Trout 5 00
C R Egbert. 8 00
Wm Shelley 3 00
Henry McNulty 1 00
E R Reno 1 00
Jake (Indian) 2 00
Guy Southwell - 100
M 8 Evans 5 00
W A B Campbell 20 00
John M Lower 1 00
MThorbnrn 8 00
Skikas Gray 1 00
H C McKamey 00
Chas Deckert. . . : .' 1 00
WmSavey...: 3 00
M S Adams 2 00
John M Roth. 1 00
MSEvaus... 2 00
FC Clausen. 2 00
W J Davidson .' 1 00
Stockmen's Union 71 00
Park Bolton 7 00
F W Griffith 7 00
Louis Schadwitz 6 00
Frank Gabel - 15 0
W A B Campbell : 1 00
Frank Leiblen. 1 00
Mike Abnet 3 00
F C Wagonblast 3 00
Lemuel Burgess 13 00
H F Woodcock ' 3 00
Jim Henan 2 00
John Sweeney, board and care
Mrs Stanley two months 28 00
T W Glavey 5 00
CJ A Stewart w
Geo Bice 3 00
James Le Due 4 00
W L Harrington -. 3 00
W H Williams .. . i 2 60
Polk Butler 3 40
G W Reno 3 20
F M Jackson 4 40
8 F Bly the 4 40
Van Woodruff 7 00
B Savage 7 00
HTCornm.. 9 00
M E Miller........ 13 00
JC Baldwin 2 00
EC Bayard 2 00
C VCbamplin : ..... . . . 12 00
J W Morrisou 16 GO
John Darnielle. 13 80
H C Liebev.-. . .'. 6 00
Hans Hansen 6 00
Ior Infant ad Children.
Castoria. promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feveriahnees.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
Bleep natural. . Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic propertv.
44 Castoria Is sow ell adapted to children chat
I recommend it as superior to any preacrtptiOB
.tnown to me." H. A. Abcheb. M. I..
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn. B.T.
For several years I have recommedaedyoC
Owtoria,' and shall always continue to do so.
as it has Invariably jr reduced beneficial results.'1
Ed ik F. Pardbe, II. D.,
125lh Street and 7th Ave- New York City.
4The nse of 4 Castoria la so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in- .
tellifrent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.1
Carlos Marttit, D. D.,
Now York City.
Tbk Ckstacb Coxpajtt, 77 Hurray Street, K. T.
Second and
Streets, opp.
Wo are now oe'tled In our new quarters, and
nre piepared to do all kinds of work in our liw.
We uinke Corsets, Ladies' Dream Reform Waists, ,
Misses' and Children's Waists. Ab-iomlnl Bands
or Supports of various styles. These goods are
all made to order; a Rood fit guaranteed or no
sale. Why uot patronize home industry r If this
western country hod ten per cent, of the money
paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would
make us all rich. Why uot keep the money at
home bv building up industries at home. Fac
tory and office at corner Second and Washington
: entrance at First National Bank.