The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 16, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
OFFERS Ghoiee, Seasonable
Some Specialties in our
Burmah Challies, Dresden and Persian Effects 4c yd.
30-inch Percale, light choice patterns, reg. 15c. ...spec. . 5c "
Dimities reg. 15c .. spec. 10c "
Scotch Gingham, new pattern reg. 12c... .spec. 9c "
Duck, fancy shades... reg. 12c ...spec. 7c . "
36-inch Percale, new Persian designs, reg. 15c... spec. 12c "
36-inch Bordered Apron Ginghams, reg. 0c... .spec. 7c"
Silk Stripe Challies reg. 16....spec. 11 c "
Ladies' and Misses' Shirt Waists and Ladies' Wrappers
at greatly reduced prices.
Don't overlook our special offering of School Hander
chiefs at 2c each.
Special lot of No. 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 and 16 Satin Ribhons
at 8Jc per yard.
What Secretary Turner Says
of the Convention.
He Claims Bryan Has Bran a Populist
Two Years The Platform Fits
Him In Krery Respect.
Washington, July 15. J. H. Turner,
secretary" of the (national committee of
the People's party, baa issued a state
ment to the public. It says :
"The result of the late national Dem
ocratic convention is undoubtedly a
triumph of Populism. A large portion
of the voters in the Populist party in the
South and WeBt were originally Demo
crats, and left the old party because it
was dominated in every convention by
the eastern Democrats who represented
Wall street and the monopolists of New
York and New England. The Demo
cratic party has pnrged itself, reorgan
ized itself and come out for true Democ
racy, and to all intents and purposes,
substituted the Populist platform for the
old platforms that the party has been
using for years and which were dictated
and foisted upon the people by the gold
bugs of the East.
"Bryan, the nominee of that conven
tion, is a man who fits the platform.
For more than two years be has acted
with the Populists ot his state. It can
not be successfully denied that the prin
ciples advocated by the Populist party
have captured the Democratic party and
have driven out of its ranks that ele
ment which from the beginning has
been affiliated with the Republican
party as its natural home.
"We have advocated the union of the
South and West in order that we might
bring about the necessary financial' re
forms. Now we have a chance of bring
ing all our hopes and our desires to a
grand consummation. The truth of it is
that the only point we now have to de
cide is whether or not they will take
Bryan, whom every gold bug in the
country has denounced as a Populist,
for our next president of the "United
States, or whether they will take Mc
Kinley, who represents everything the
Populists have denounced and just the
opposite of everything they have advo
cated since they have been a party.
Looking at it from this standpoint I feel
that in the election of Bryan Populism
has triumphed, and when I say Popu
lism I mean the great common people of
the United States, and should McKin
ley be elected the classes have tri
umphed, the English gold standard
has been permanently fastened upon
the lines of industry in this country and
there will be nothing left for us bat serf
dom that will undoubtedly bring on a
bloody revolution in the near future."
Not Surrender His ConTlctlons
Daring- the Campaign.
Philadelphia, July 15. W. A. Har
rity returned today and was at his desk
in the office of the Equitable Trust Co.,
of which he is president. Earrity was
not disposed to express himself regard
ing the democratic platform or candi
dates. He did, however, make the fol
lowing statement :
"Since my return to Philadelphia my
attention has been called to the report
from Chicago during convention week
and I had declared that 'I am a demo
crat, and after that I am for sound
money.' There is no foundation for
such a statement. It is a pure inven
tion, and the editorials based on it
which appeared in some of the Phila
delphia, Boston and New York papers
are both unjust and unwarranted. I
am a democrat and sound money man,
too, not afterwards, but at the same
time, and I shall do nothing whatever
during the campaign . that can possibly
be regarded as a surrender of my con
victions upon the currency or any other
vital question."
". Populists Endorse Bryan. '
Huron, July 15. The Populist state
convention today, after a discussion of
two hours, voted two to one to endorse
What we are doing- in our
Specialties in Towels all reduced. See our 7he. fringed
Linen Damask.
48-inch Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, each . .20c
15- inch Colored Doylies, fringed; regular 75c doz special 55c doz
16- inch Bleached Damaek, " regular $1.25 doz .special 85c doz
20-inch " ' regular 1.75 doz special $1.25 doz
54-inch Bleached Damask 25c yard
60-inch Heavy Scotch Homespun, regalar 60c. .special 45c
56-inch Bleached Special, regular 50c special 40c
60-inch Bleached, Pare Linen, regular 65c .special 52c
54-inch Bleached, Satin Finished, regular 60c '. . .special A2c
64-inch Satin Finished, regular 85c special 65c
64-inch Bleached Satin Damask, regular $1.00 special 75c
72-inch Bleached Plain Damask, regular $1,35 . special $1.00
72-iuch Extra Good Satin Damask, regular $1.25 special 95c
72-inch ' " . " ." regular $1.50 special $1.10
All Colored Table Linens reduced accordingly. The 50c
grade to 35c; the 60c grade to 45c, &c.
Our entire stock of Linens are of this . season's importation.
Seml-Ofnclal Statement by
Secretary Hamlin.
Washington, July 15. The Evening
Star today says : Assistant Secretary of
of the Treasury Hamlin made a short
statement this afternoon in explanation
of his position regarding the Democratic
platform and nominations. Inasmuch
as Hamlin represented the administra
tion forces at Chicago and has . been in
frequent consultation with Secretary
Carlisle over the political situation since
the adjournment of the convention, the
statement by him today will undoubted
ly be accepted by many as a serai-official
declaration of the position of the sound
money men of the administration. This
impression is further strengthened by
the belief that Hamlin spent several
days at Marion, near Gray Gables, on
his way back to Washington from Chi
cago. The statement referred to ia as
follows : -
"No political issue is involved in the
coming election. The - question to
be decided is far deeper and more vital.
The perpetuity of Republican institu
tions has been threatened, and every
loyal citizen should allay hi meelt against
the forces which controlled the Chicago
convention, forces of lawlessness which
are inconsistent with ' the maintenance
of the republic. Henceforth there
should be no Republicans, no Democrats,
but a union of loyal citizens against the
combined forces of repudiation and dis
order. When once this dangerous ele
ment has been stamped out at the polls
by an indignant people, we can again
divide and discuBB these political ques
tions, which for generations have kept
alive the two political parties,
Believes the Disaffected '. Democrats
Will Come Back Into the Fold.
Syracuse, N. Y., July 15. Arthur
Sewall of Maine, the Democratic nom
inee for vice-president, passed through
today. He was asked:
"What do you think of the action f
the Democratic papers in the East bolt
ing the. recently adopted platform at
"Oh," said Sewall, "they will all
eomeback into- the fold. In the - West
the people are enthusiastic over the
ticket. Bryan' is a very strong man. I
have no doubt that when he presents
his views clearly before the people in
the East they will be won to his side."
Iowa Republicans.
Dks Moines, Iowa, July 15. The Re
publican state convention today was
harmonious throughout. The platform
declares warmly in support of the St.
Louis platform and says the party in
Iowa is in line with the national party.
Rollin J. Wilson was elected tempo
rary chairman, but was overcome by the
heat and was unable to preside. Con
gressman Hepburn filled the place. He
made a strong speech in line with the
Only One Opposed Bryan.
Grand Island, Neb., July 15. Tbe
Populist state convention to select dele
gates to tbe national convention con
vened today amid great enthusiasm.
Four hundred delegates composed tbe
convention. Only one delegate openly
opposed Bryan. He is Dan Burr, of
Arkansas Popnlists.
Little Rock, Ark., July 15. The
populist state convention met at Glen
wood Park this morning. J. M. Pitt
man, temporary chairman, in a speech
advocated the nomination of a Populist
ticket, both state and national.
SlOO Reward 100. .
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there. least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure known to tbe
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
updn the blood and mucous surfaces ' of
the system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease,' and giving the
patient strength by building np the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
testimonials. Address:
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75 cents.
Clothing1 and
Furnishing" Goods
Fifteen and Twenty per
and Summer Suits.
Bo s' and Children's Suits the same.
All Summer Underwear
Broken lots, 50 cents on
Our stock of Negligee Overshirts now on display and'
every lot reduced. Special closing prices on the following
makes: Manhattans, Monarchs and Banner brands.
Neckwear, Hosiery, Gloves, &c, at big reductions.
These Must Go at Once.
A home with lot, worth $900 ; $750
takes it. Owner leaving city, and must
sell. Three lots only five blocks from
Court house. Lay in fair shape; $150
for the three. One fine business lot in
heart of city ; $800. Among a multitude
of offerings, these three are the very
best. Match them if yon can.
Fred D. Hill,
Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Room
12, Chapman Block. mayl-tf
Through trains on tbe O. R. & N will
run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen
dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec
ond class will run in connection with the
Union Prcific, the same as heretofore.
A through first-class sleeper from Port
land to Spokane, connecting with the
first-class sleeper to St. Paul and a
through tourist sleeper from Portland to
St. Paul, will be run in connection with
the Great Northern railway. ,
E. E. Lytle, Agent.
Buoklen'o Ames salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruption", and posi
tively cures piles,' or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Lost A dark Jersey cow, branded
CL on left hip. Has been from home
since Wednesday morning, June 24th.
Finder will please communicate with
this office. jun25-2w.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. S.
Letters of 5 lit t n lt i "! i '. '
Eastern States.
' Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at' all points on fav
orable terms.
NO 165.
cent, discount on all Spring
cut from 25 to 30 per cent.
the dollar.
For Infante and Children.
Caatorta promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Btomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Caatoria, contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property;
" Castorla Is go well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to me. H. A. Aboeir, M. !.,
Ml South Oxford Sfc, Brooklyn, M.T.
For several years I have recommerfaed your
Cistoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial refraiia.
Edwik F. Pardsk, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., Hew York City-.
The use of 'Castori Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
telligent families who do not keep Castaria
within easy reach."
Ctmroa Uabttn, D. D '
New York City.
Thb CsirrAcnt CtoMPAirr, 77 Murray Street, K.T.
Second and
Streets, opp.
We are now settled in our new quarters, ft ml
ore prepared to do all kinds of work in our hue.
We make Corsets, Lilies' Dress Reform Waists,
Misses' and Children's Waists. Abdominal Bands
or Supports of vari jus styles. These (roods are
all made to order; a Rood fit guaranteed or no
sale. Why not patrooize home industry? If this
western country h-td ten percent, of the money
paid eastern and f jreign manufactures it would
make us all rich. Why not keep the money at
home by building do industries at home. Fac
tory and office at carrier Second and Washington
; entrance at First National Bank.