Gentlemen of The Dalles- We are showing a spiended line of Spring and Summer Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese labor. Our garments are made on the premises by skilled workmen. : H. E. BALCH. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 78 Second Street. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Newspapei n VFasco County. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. For President, WILLIAM M'KINLEY .... v. .Ohio . For Vice-President, GARRET A.' HOB ART New Jersey For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEEB ' . . .Marion County 8. M. YOBAN Lane 3E. ti- SMITH Wasco J. F. CAPLES V. Multnomah FRIDAY. JULY 10, 1896 SOME SUBSTANTIAL REASONS. A report made to congress in 1834 gave some substantial reasons whj the monetary system of the country should be based upon a single stand ard. That standard should consist of the metal which has been found best to suit the purpose. Gold has never fluctuated in value to the ex tent that other metals have, and has been adopted by the great nations of the world as tbe best standard, of value. .Under the gold standard bi metallism is possible since both metals can circulate together. Un der a silver standard there will be silver monometalism. The report of the commission, which follows, is as applicable to the hituation today as it was in 1834: . "That gold or silver is the only sound, invariable and perfect cur rency that human wisdom has de vised." "That one metal may be selected with a certain assurance of finding in the raeial chosen such proportion of the entire amount of the money of commerce as their exchangable commodities bear to the total amount of merchandise produced." 4,If both metals are preferred, the like relative proportion of the ag gregate of the metallic cuirency will be possessed, subject to frequent changes from gold to silver and vice versa, according to the variations in the relative value of these metals. "That the desideratum in themon . ctary system is a standard of uni form value; they (the committee) cannot ascertain that both metal." Jiave ever circulated simultaneously, concurrently, and indiscriminately iu any country where there are banks or money dealers; and they entertain the conviction that the nearest ap proach to an invariable standard is its establishment in one metil, which metal shall compose exclusive ly the currency of the country." : Hence, it .coaeludes, "That there are inherent and incurable defects in the system which regulates the stand ard of value in both gold and silver, its instability as a measure of con tracts, and mutability as tbe practi cal currency of a particular nation, are serious impel feci ions. Whilst the impossibility of maintaining both metals in concurrent, simultaneous, or promiscuous circulation appears to be clearly ascertained." "That the standard being fixed in one metal is the nearest approach to invariableness, and precludes the ne cessity of further legislative inter ference." . : . "That if it be deemed advisable to maintain' both gold and silver coins in steady circulation, and to preserve silver as the measure of commerce and of contracts, gold must be restricted to small pay ments." (And vice versa if gold shall be the measure.) A communication published on an other page will amuse as it will fail to instruct those who read it. It i& the argument of one, who believes that by the independant action of this government the value of silver can be doubled. The arguments he advances can be applied to copper, iron, or any other metal with, equal force. He admits the charge of in sincerity, of purpose which is made against the free" silver advocates by saying that the silver men want the privilege of taking sixty cents yorth of silver to the mint and haviDg it stamped, a dollar. Such a plea needs nor deserves no answer. The com munication . is . printed merelj to show to what lengths of folly a man will go who assumes his premises and argues from them. There must be but oue standard of value, and ex perience has shown gold to be the best. Despite all statements to the contrary, this country has enjoyed its greatest period of prosperity since 1873, the time when, according to "Trnthseeker," the "great crime" wa? committed. PURELY VEGETABLE. The Cheapest, Ptrrest and Best Family Medi cine in the world I Am Effectual Specific for all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Regulate the Liver and prevent Chills and Fevbr, Malari ous Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restlbss 1tbss, jaundicb and Nausea. BAD BREATH I Nothing is so unpleasant, nothing o com tuofl , MM bad breath ; and in nearly every case it -comes from tbe stomach, and can be so easily corrected if yon will take Simmons Live; Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for tins repulsive disorder. It will also improve your appetite, complexion and general health. .. PILES! How many suffer torture day after day, m.lHwg life a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing; to the secret suffering from Piles. Yet relief is ready to the hand of almost any one who will use systemati cally the remedy that has permanently cured tluMs. sands. Simmons I-ivkr Regulator is no drastic, "violent purge, but a gentle assistant to nature. . , . CONS1TTATION SHOULD not be regarded as ' .a trifling ailment in fact, nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to serious danger. It is . quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from tbe bowels as it is to cat or sleep, and .no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. SICK ITCATACHE! This distressing affliction occurs most frequently. The disturbance cf the stomach, arising from tbe imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disagreeable """"n and this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick Headache, for the relief of which take Simmojcs uvek Regulator ok Medici nb. . manufactured only by F. H. ZEXLTN CO., Philadelphia, Pa. . Red need Bates. The O. R. &N. Co.'wiU sell round trip tickets for one fare for the following conventions : Republican National Con vention to be held at St. Louis, Mo., June 16th. Democratic National Con vention to be held at Chicago July 7th. Peoples Party Convention and Ameri can Convention to be held at St. Louie July 22d. 'National Convention Young Peoples Society of Christian -Endeavor to be held at Washington, 'D. C, July 7th to 13th. National-Educational As Bociation meeting to be held at Buffalo July 3d to 10th. is-ncamnment Cr.' A. K. to be held at St. Paul Sept. 14th. For farther information call on or address yours truly, E. E. Lytlk, jn3-tf Agent. ' All Free; , ThoBe who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now tbe opportunity to try it free. Call ' on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle,' free. Send ycur name and address to H. R. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of 'Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free.' - All of which is guaranteed to -do yon good and cost you nothing. ' Blakeley & ,' Houghtion's Drugstore. 4 GMt Removal Sale ; ; On July 15th "we will move into, the New Vogt B ock. To sg,ve the cost of moving the goods, we are now offerings- awA!4i& Extraordinary Bargains. in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, &c No trouble to show goods. . H. Herbring. JWAIER 8t BEATON . Are now located on Second Street, opposite A. M. Williams & Co., with a complete line, Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Agents for the Celebrated Cleveland Bicycle. PLUPIlMi IIPP fl SPECIALTY. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER -':"'0 The above are Sole Aerents in The Dalles fin this celebrated Beer,' both in bottle and ikeg. Anheuser-Bnsch Malt Nntrine. a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. . THE CELEBRATED COIiUmBlR . BfEOUEHY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. : This well-known Brewery-is now turning out the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed ob he market. ' . The Tygk Val ley Creamery Is - Deliclona. Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. price 40c. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. IE3C. 3- Ij 3H UsT ZEST. . JO j.A LiQ EKST! GIVE8 THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paxil Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. Nose Sat Ayer's at the World's Fair. Ayer's Barsaparilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction. of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact urers of ' other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were ' all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding the entry of patent, medicines and nostrums. The. decision of the world's fair authorities in tavor of Ayer's Barsaparilla was in effect as follows: "Ayer'-a Barsaparilla . Is . not a patent medicine.' -It does not: belong, to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." OCEAN " STBASIBB8 XeaTe Portland Bverr Fle . Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. B.. A Co.'s Agent Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Aft. Portland, Oregon New Schedule. Effective Tuesday, April 7tb, the fol lowing will be the new schedule: Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4:50 a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m. . Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :40 p. m., and leaves 10:45 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 2 :30 p. m. : " " ' : ' Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. no. daily and ar riving at Tbe Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Nob. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. E. Lytlk, Agent. . Not a Woman in Town That doesn't admire the handsome new stock of C. F. Stephens, which comprises everything - pleasing to the feminine fancy. New Goods, New Prices. E verything new but the management. New pat rons are numerous, and if everyone knew the really fine bargains which are always temptingly displayed, no time would be lost in hastening to the store. Take a glance over the stock. C. F. STEPHENS. Agent for the W. L. Douglas Shoes. .1-2 P CD CO r m o D CQ i-i ri , i i - , 3 S c3 a CD 11 Germania OTTO B1RGFELD, Prop. ' Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOR THE Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON". The Dalles Commission Go., -DEALERS IM- Coal, Ice and ProJuce, Foreip ani Somestlc Mi ani TepidMes. -Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game In Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, whichia noted for its purity and lasting qualities. BOCK NFE1NG6. ItOSI.Y-, ANTHRACITE ,Dd GBOB6EB GREEK FOR VTJEr. MANDFACTUB riiii'o Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. " 'There is a tide in tlie affairs of men which, taken at its flood ... leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates : MTCHELBACH BRICK. : - UNION ST. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon . ABTJSTS MATERIALS.- Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. ' FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON". Kill or Gatch those Flies with "TANGLEFOOT" or "DTJTCHER'S LIGHT ITING. FLY' KTTjTjER Only 5c a Double Sheet at Donnells Drug Store.