2) Gentlemen of The Dalles. We are showing a splended line of Spring and " Summer Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese labor. Our garments are made on the premises by skilled workmen. - , H. E. BALCH. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. 78 Second Street. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newspapet n -.' " Waseo County. NATIONAL- REPUBLICAN TICKET. e ' For President,-. . - ' WILLIAM M'KINLEY": ... .... . .Ohio For Vice-President, .... GARRET A. HOBART . . ..Sew Jereey For Presidential Electors, T. T. OEEK..r Marion Cotinty S. M. -YORAN ...Lane E. L- SMITH ! Wasco J. F. CAPLES Multnomah THURSDAY. JULY 9. 1896 A DANGEROUS EXPERIMENT. be the unit of value by our fore fathers. They endeavored to secure a unit from the relation of the two metals based upon their commercial values. The attempt was not a suc cess, and ; the experience of years showed that gold was the better standard. And so gold has come to be the recognized standard of value in all civilized countries. - The excellent editorial in today s Oregonian, and one of like merit in yesterday's Telegram, discusses al most these same points. - A correspondent under the nom tie plume of "Truth seeker" ad dresses The Chkoxicle as follows: "You speak of - free silver coinage as 'an experiment.' I have always been under the impression that si I ver was coined free until 1873 and was a decided success, but was de monetized without the knowledge or consent, cf the American people by an act which is sometimes 6 poke n of as tbe crime of -'73.' I have also been taught to believe that the silver dollar was the original unit of value by which the . gold dollar was meas ured." ' To put in practical operation the scheme proposed by the free coinage advocates would be trying a decided experiment. Never in the history of the country has an attempt been made to coin silver and gold at other ratios than their commercial values. The ratios which at various times have been adopted have all been based on the relative commercial values of the two metals, and were possible only because the fluctuation in 'value in the early history of the country was not nearly so great as it is now. -The free silver men wish to coin silver at the fixed ratio of 16 to 1, ignoring: altogether the xelative commercial values which the two metals possess. This would be An experiment, and a most dangerous one at that. Silver was never coined free to any extent up to 1873, as the' total amount of silver dollars coined up to . that date was only $8,000,000. Vari ous coins'were used as money, those of many 'foreign' nations being al lowed to pass as mediums of ex change. Since 1873 an amount of silver has been coined many times as great as that coined prior to that date. 4 . It is but idle talk to refer to the act of 1 873 as a "great crime." It is no more of a crime than the act restoring equitable duties upon tariff imports under the McKinley admin istration will be. For three years preceding- its passage the provisions of the act were discussed in congress . and in the press. Its purport was made known and those who voted for it did so with a full knowledge of their action. The crime of '73 is but a myth, a bugbear used to fright en unthinking people. i "Whether or not the silver dollar was the unit of value a hundred years ago, has nothing to .do with' whether, or , not it should occupy such a position to-lay. Times are changed wit'i the flight of years, and what might suffice at one time will not do. so'fifty years later. But the silver dollar was not intended to The Democratic convention now meeting in Chicago will have a place in history. For bitterness of feeling and expression it is- une qualled in repent years. Men are wrangling for. an opportunity to lead a broken party, to utter defeat next November. PTTREIY VEGETABLE. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medi cine in the world 1 An Effectual. Specific for all diseases of the liver. Stomach and Spleen. Regulate the Liver and prevent Chills and Fbvbr, Malari ous Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restless kbss. Jaundice and Nausea. BAD BREATH! , Nothing is so unpleasant, nothing: so common, as bad breath ; and in nearly every case it comes from the stomach, and can be so easily corrected if yon will take Simmons Liver Regulator. Do not neglect so sore a remedy for tlfis repulsive disorder. It will also improve your appetite, complexion and general health. PILES! How many suffer torture day after day, making life a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing to the secret suffering from Piles. Vet relief is read to the hand of almost any one who will use systematic cally the remedy that has permanently cured thou sands. Simmons Liver Regulator is no drastic, violent purge, but a gentle assistant to nature. CONSTIPATION SHOULD not be regarded as , , a trifling ailment in fact, nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation -from this demand paves the way , -often to serious danger. It is quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from the bowels as it is to eat or sleep, and no health can be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE! This distressing affliction occurs most frequently. The disturbance of the stomach, arising from the Imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the bead, accompanied wi.h disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick Headache, for the relief of which take Simmons Liver Regulator or Medicine. v . manufactured only by ' J.H. 2ELLIN & CO., Philadelphia, Pal' , - Free I'ills. - Sertd yoni addrest to H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills., A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are partieu lariy effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guarrenteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious eub- stance .and to be purely vegetable; t They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great y invigorate the system. Regular else 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley & Hough tion , Druggists. Reduced Bates. ' n Great Removal Sale " On July 15th we -will move into the New Vogt B'ock. To save the cost of moving the goods, we are now offerings us- , Extraordinary AME Bargains in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING-, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, &c. No trouble to show goods. USER-BUSCH BEER mim& TJiLUAiiis The above are Sole Agents in The Dalles for this celebrated Beer, both in bottle and keg. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nu trine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. at ST Not a Woman in Town H. Herbring, Are now located on Second Street, opposite A. M. Williams & Coi, with a complete line, Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Agents for the Celebrated Cleveland Bicycle.- PLBIPG jp TIOTB H SPEGIflLTY. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON THE CELEBRHTED COIiUmBlR BfECXlErV, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropY. This well-known Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the. first-class article will be placed ob he market. ' Tim Tyfch Val ley Creamery " Delicious. Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full "Weight; TBLEPHOITE 2STO. 80. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A.. B. price 4foc. The O. R. & N. Co. will sell round trip tickets for one fare for the following conventions : Republican National Con vention to be held at St. Lonis, Mo., Jane 16tb. Democratic National Con vention to be held at Chicago July 7th. Peoples Party Convention and Ameri can Convention to be held at St. Louis Jaly 22J. National .Convention Young Peoples" Society of Christian Endeavor to be held at Washington, T). C., July 7th to 13tb. 'National Educational Association-meeting to be held at Buffalo Jnly 3d to 10th. Encampment G. A. R. to be held at St. Paul Sept. 14th. For farther information call on or address yours truly, . E. E. Little, . : jn3-tf Agent. Dalles-M oro Stage Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. . Douglas Allen, Prop. .. .; The Daisy McCormick Reaper, the best on ear,tb, is sold by John M. Fil loon, Bet End, The Dalles, Or. . '. Anheuser beer on draught at the Mid DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, ;: LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. -E3I Gr Ij IH3 ZLST ILSJ Noit But Ayer'a ut tbe World's Fair. Ayer's- Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the 'world's fair, Chicago. v Manufact urers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the world's fair authorities in tavor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla .was - in effect as follows.: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent medicine. ' It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." EM ST! - - . GIVE8 TflE . ... . Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA Spokane Minneapolis. Denver Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STKAMJER8 Leave Portland .- Kverv . Vive . Jay lor SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ' For full details call on O. K. Co.' Agent . Tha Dalles, or address . W, H. HURLEURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. - . : Portland. Oregon i - New Schedule. ; Effective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol lowing will be the new schedule: Train No. 1 arrives at- The Dalles 4 :50 a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m." - ?' : . Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:40 p. m., and leayes 10 :45 p. m. - Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12 :05 p. m., and weat-bound train No. 7 leaves at 2 :30 p. m. - - - Train 23 and 24 will carry; passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at The Dalle 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. E. E. Lytlx, Agent. That doesn't 'admire the handsome new stock of ' C. F. Stephens, which comprises everything pleasing to the feminine fancy.' New Goods, New Prices. Everything new but the management. New pat . . rons are numerous, and if evervone knew the . really fine bargains which are always temptingly displayed, no time would be lost in hastening to the store. Take a glance over the stock. C. F. STEPHENS. Agent for the W. L. Douglas Shoes. r3 . CQ O rH rM I I . a 60 CD Ihl Germania OTTO B1RGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SOLE AGENT FOR THE Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON". The Dalles Commission Go., -DBA LEES IM- Coal, Ice and Prota, Foreip anOomestic Fruits ani VepiaMes. Oysters, Fish. Poultry and Game in Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for Its parity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPRINGS. KOSL.TN, ANTHRACITE end OIOBGES CKEKK FOR FUEL MANCFACTUK PtBPO Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. llT?iere is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on tq'fortu?ie." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RANDALL & BURG EX'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK, - - UNION RT. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS. V ST" Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. ' FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Kill or Catch those Flies - with "TANGLEFOOT" or "DUTCHER'S LIGHT NING FLY KILLER; Only 5c a Double Sheet at Donnells Drug Store.