Gentlemen of The Dalles. We are showing a splended line -of Spring and Summer Suitings at lower prices than can be k obtained elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese labor. Our garments are made on the premises by skilled workmen. " r , " H. E. BALCH. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The Dalles My Chronicle. The wily Republican Daily Newspaper n Waco County. MONDAY. JULY 6, 1896 AN IDEAL SECRETARY. It is too soon to discuss cabinet pos sibilities in the event of McKinley's election, but there is one point upon which all Republicans are agreed. No act of the next Republican exec utive would meet with more popular enthusiasm than the naming of Thomas B. Reed as secretary of Ute. It is no. reflection "upon Reed or no sign that he . is unpopular among the people that his' vote at St. Louis was not a larger one. The drift had set towards McKinley, and liaraan agency was powerless to pre vent it. Circumstances had so pointed to the Ohio man that all other candidates no matter how high their ability were superfluous. The country admires and respects Reed and wants him in the front of public life. His career as speaker of the house has given him a place in fame with the who have held that high position, and he has demonstrated that he is competent for any task. "With Reed in the state department the foreign policy of the'nalion would be vigorous and honorable. The spirit of Blaine would be present and the country would see a counterpart of his glo riohs administration. The appointment of Reed would be but carrying out a custom which Las almost the force ot law. For successive administrations it has beeji usual for the president to name for secretary of state his strongest op ponent in the convention. Lincoln did this in 1860 when he named Seward. So" did Garfield in 1881 when he chose Blaine, and Harrison in 1889 was governed by the same consideration. GranC was not com pelled by force of opposition to name any certain" man, and IIa3'es was not a president that Whs governed strong ly by precedent. Cleveland in 1885 chose Bayard, his principal compet itor. With McKinley as president, and Reed as secretary of state the people of the country might go about their business confident that their interests would be well cared fcr. The action of the Oregon delega tion at St. Louis, together wjth that of Washington, aided . greatly, in counteracting the wild reports which had gone East regarding the lean ings of the Northwest states toward Populism. The indorsement which the delegations' actions received at home has caused the St. Louis Dem ocrat to comment in these "favorable terms: A look through the Re publican papers of California, Oregon and vv asmngton . shows no lack of en thusiasm for McKinley and Hobart There will be no Republican bolt ir the Pacific states, and Democratic managers who count on it are dclud ing themselves'. The county officials who assume their office today enter them with the confidence of the people.. Three of the number . have been re-elected and the others doubtless will be when their terms have expired. The management cf the county will be in safe hands, Judge Mays and Com missioners Blowers and Kimoey TS Second Street. being men solicitous for the common welfare. Economy in all branches must be the watchword of the com ing administration, and the people will expect to se a steady reduction in the county. debt. It this connec tion it is but fair to say that the re tiring officers can surrender posts with the consciousness of duty well done. Judge Blakeley and Commis sioner Darnielle have labored earn estly through a period of unparalleled hard times, and the people will not forget ther efforts. The fortunes of politics,, as., in war, are fickle, and of the many contestants but one can win.1 The Chronicle congratu lates the new officials and predicts for' them successful administrations. Tom Piatt has recently learned that silence is as good as the gold standard. few months' ago he de clared that McKinley was a man un fit to be nominated for the presi dency. Now he is trying to explain that he meant something else. Piatt needs to make his grip upon the ma chine tighter if he intends to ha ve the power of former days. Yesterday " a gentleman was heard to say 'that he believed ' the Cascade locks would be ready for operation next .fall. This is what psycholo gists, would class as an extreme, ex ample of a sanguine temperment. It is alueer kind of a Republican who . will sacrifice the traditions of his party to vote for a free silver, free trade Democrat. Before worry ing in what kind of money we will receive our 1 wages, we had better consider the means ' of obtaining wages at all. With the enactment of a wise tariff law one of the chief hin drances in the way of financial secur ity will be removed. PURELY VEQETAB LE. The Cheapest, Purest and Best F&miiy Medi cine in the world f An Effectual Specific for all diseases ot the ' Liver, Stomach -T and Spleen. Regulate ' the . Liver and prevent Chix-la and Fever, Malari ous Fevers, Bowel Complaints, Restless ness, Jaundice and Nausea. .. J5AI EREATH1 ' Nothing is so unpleasant, nothing so common, as had breath ; and in nearly every case it comes from the stomach; and can be so easily corrected if yon will take Simmons Liver Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for tins repulsive disorder. It will also improve your appetite, complexion and general health. - .. . , -' PILESl ' How many suffer torture day after day, making' life a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing to the secret suffering from Piles. Yet relief is read to the hand of almost any one who will use systematp cally the remedy that has permanently cured thousands-. Simmons Liver Regulator is no drastic, violent purge, but a gentle assistant to nature. CONSTIPATION SHOULD not be regarded as a trilling ailment in fact, nature demands the utmost regularity of , the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the way often to serious danger. It is quite a necessary to remove ' impure, accumulations from the bowels as if is to cat or sleep, and : no health can be expected where . . "' a costive habir of body prevails. . SICK HEADACHE! . This distressing affliction occurs most frequently. The disturbance of the stomach, arising from the imperfectly digested contents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what is popularly known- as Sick Headache, for the -relief of which tajcb Simmons Liver Regulator or Medicine. manufactured only by ' . J. H. ZETJLXN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. It's an old saying "The proof of the pudding is in the eating of it." And it is because people have, taken Simmons Liver Regulator that they know it to be a most excellent medicine and especially for the Spring and Fall when there is eo much Malaria in the air. Mr. W T. Lee, of Pendleton, N. O. says, "I have used Simmons Lirer Regulator for twenty years, in pi ace of calomel and quinine." Mra. Hogan will, for the next 30 days, make a cut on photographs. ' Call and get her prices. jolS-dlw Wanted A girl to do general house work. Inquire at this office. je30-tf Great On July 15th. we will B'.ock. To save the cost of now offering Kxtraordinary Bargains - in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, Sec: No trouble to show goods. H. Herbring, "THE AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now eaRt of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health fal Beer have been introduced, and ony he market. Tim Tygrta Val ley Creamery Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.' Every Square is Frill Weight, MAI ER '& BENTON Are now. located at 167 Second Street, opposite, A. M. Williams & Co., -with, a complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood,. Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Plumbing- and Tinning a specialty. Also agents for the Cele brated Cleveland Bicycle. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding; EC. G- Xj 33 3ST ILSTY Removal move into the New Vogt moving the goods, we are RHTED turning out the beet Beer and Portei the first-class article will be placed ob Is Dellcloua. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. price 45c. EKSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paxil Kansas City Low Rates to ail Eastern Cities. OCEAN BTEAMKRS Leava Portland Kvery Five Dm for SAN" FRANCISCO, CAL For frill details call on O. K. & Co.'s Agent Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HURLBURT. Gen. Pass. Airt. Portland, Oregon New Schedule. -Effective Tuesday, April 7th, the fol lowing will be the new echednle: : Train No. 1 ai rives at The Dalles 4 :50 a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :40 p. m., and leaves 10:45 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 .leaves at 2:30 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at 1 he Dalles 1 p. m. dailv, con necting with train Nob. 8 and 7 from Portland. Jfi. j. Lytle, Agent Chichester' EszIIah Diamond Br EflfJYRGYAL PILLS Original and Only Gen nine. Src, always reliable, uioict mA Drnceist for Chtehetterm EnalUM Dia mond. Broad, in Ked mod Void metallic boxea. sealed with blue ribbon. Take bo other. JtefuoaSmnaeroua mubstitu tion and imitslian-t. At Druffiriafa. orirad In stamps for particulars, testimonial and Keller rot lautle. m uttr. by wntmrm .mair. 1U.WV renumoniais. asim roper. fr.if (fii f hnaslraalf- M"'"- 8narA Local JDxuccUfb - XUt4m.LV . Reduced Rates. Effective March 22d. The O. E. & N, Co. will reduce their roand trip rates between Portland and Tne Dalles as fol lows: Two day rate, good going Satur day and returning Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets $3-50. Good on all trams. JK. i. Lytle, ' m24-d&wtf Agent . Money! Money! Money 1 To pay Wasco county warrants regis tered prior to Jnly 3, 1892. . Interest ceases after May 15, 1896. Wh. Michkll, myl8-tf Connty Treas. KaRaRBRaB9aVBanBnRaBBRmflRl I in r , ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER The above are Sole Agents in The Dalles for this celebrated. Beer, both in bottle and keg. . Anheuser-Busch Malt beverage, unequaled as a tonic. Not a Woman That doesn't admire the handsome new stock of . . Ci : F. Stephens, which comprises everything pleasing to the feminine fancy. New Goods, New Prices. Everything new but the management. New pat ' rons are numerous, and if everyone knew the really fine bargains which are always temptingly displayed, no time would be lost in hastening to the store. Take a glance over the stock. C. F. STEPHENS, Agent for the W. L. Douglas Shoes. 3 Jhi Germania OTTO B1RGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. .1 2 CD -1-3 m o CD CQ CD M The Dalles Commission Go, -DKUEB8 IM- Coal, Ice anilrote, Foreip ani Domestic Fruits anl Tepidfe Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which ia noted for its purity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPRINGS. B08LN, ANTHRACITE and GEORGES CBEBE CO Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. " x There is a tide in the affairs of men ' which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune? The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RANDALL & BURGET.'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. - - UNIOJ. ST. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS . CLOTHING-, FURNISHING- GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J. P. McINERNY. Kill or Catch those Flies With "TANGLEFOOT" or "DTJTCHER'S LIGHTNING- FLY KILLER; Only 5c a Double Sheet at Donnells Drug Store. Nutrine, a non-alcoholic in Town -SOLE AGENT FOR THE- Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON". jQ.Hi FOR FCBL MANDFACTUK PUBPO