The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1896, Image 1

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    jj lj)
NO 152.
Cubans Defeated in a Recent
loinrgenta Pat to Flight With Helij
Loil-Onat Alarm in Flnar
Del Klo. 'V "
Havana, July 1. A Bahia Honda let
ter received here today gives the details
of an important engagement in Pinar del
Rio, near Cayo Redondo. The rebel
leader, Brigadier Frani and his 13 fol
lowers were killed and many wounded.
They were carried from the field. The
coast steamer Trito brought yesterday
from Bahia Honda many .Spanish fam
ilies. The feeling in Pinar del Bio is
now one of alarm.
General Gonzales, Munez and Malinos
arrived here from Pinar del Bio last
night to confer with the captain-genaral
Lieutenant-General Valdez sailed from
Havana today for Spain to recuperate
his health.
The insurgent chief, Aramado San
chez, fighting under Maximo Gomez, in
the late battle of Kajaao, was wounded.
Sanchez leg has since been amputated.
Gomez is said to be now encamped
with only 600 men all mounted, 400 be
ing from Minas Point, known ,as . Los
Estrapodes. .
Fonr hundred rebels commanded by
. Salvador Reves attacked, on tha 24th,
26th and 57th inste., the town oi "Xara,
near Manzanillo, but were vigorously
repulsed with heavy loss. It is reported
the rebel chief, Perez, was encamped on
the 27th at Manga Daraga, near Santo
Domingo. It is said . be came from the
east. It was his intention to march to
Vulta Jarada. " ,
Santiago de Cuba advices report 420
cases of smallpox in that city. Two
Sisters of Chanty, belonging to the St
Vincent de Paul Association, died of
yellow fever at Santa Clara hospital
while attending their patients.
The inhabitants of Morgazo, in the
province of Santa Clara, on the
night of June 26, were surprised by the
presence of rebels who had entered the
town without aronsingthe troops, which
were supposed to be defending the place.
The insurgents looted a store and killed
a clerk and a cousin of the owner. The
garrison at length learned of - what was
going on under their noses, rushed to
arms and attacked the invaders, who
were, according to the government re
ports, compelled to retreat, with four
killed and 12 wounded.
Many Damacratic Delegate Gather at
Chicago, July 1. The. delegates from
North Dakota are expected to open
headquarters at the Palmer house to
morrow and a number ot the Michigan
delegates are already upon, the ground
The Nebraska men, who were expected
to make their headquarters at the Pal-.
mer house, have concluded to shift to
the Clifton, and the rooms of the dele
gation are expected to be opened today,
Three members of the Michigan dele-
gation arrived in the city last evening,
but were averse to talking to newspaper
men. Michigan is regarded as the
pivotal state, as of 28 voters, 13 are for
eonnd money and there are three con
tested seats. ' It is supposed the three
contested seats will be given to the sil
ver men, and in that case- the vote of
the state would make the necessary ma
jority. ' None of the Michigan delegates,
however, would submit to an interview.
and would express no opinion as to
the contests.
Two of the Southern states, Alabama
and Georgia, will be represented in Chi'
cago tomorrow. The Georgia delega
tion, while uninstructed, is said to favor
Highest of ail in Leavening Power.-
1 X.I 1 . 1 f J m i I
1 1 -si r a m w m t w
Boies for the presidential nominee.
Should Boies fail; the delegates
say they wilV -vote for Matthews, of In
diana, and a third choice, Bland of
Missouri Xa said to be their preference.
The delegation favors free coinage.
From Alabama will come a delegation
headedby John B. Knox, chairman of
the state central committee, and a num
ber Of adherents. - The Alabama delega
tion, said a member of it last night, who
did not care to have his name published,
is first ' for Governor Matthews. Then
it is for Bland. The delegation is unin
structed. v. V :-
' Notwithstanding the protestations ef
Senator-elect Money, to the contrary, it
is' said the Mississippi delegation is
largely for Bland. Mr. Money's claim
is that the men from the rolling water
state are for Boies, bnt several members
of the delegation declared last night
that "Silver Dick" would be its first
selection. -.,'' - -
Today the headquarters the Indiana
men have decided to maintain for their
presidential candidate, Governor Mat
thews, will be opened and the boom
for that candidate be launched..
All Attempts at Reaoae Ban 'Resulted
- In Failure.
Wilkesbabbe, July 1. In the Twin
shaft at Pittaton the 50 meit have now
been imprisoned for four days, and still
there ia no way of reaching them.
The six men who attempted to crawl
over the two falls last night, and had to
retreat before the threatened fall,' prom
ised to renew the attempt today;-'
Mine Inspector Bodeiick was asked if
there was any possibility of. the men
being alive. He replied : "There is a
bare possibility ; that is all." The low
hole from the adjoining mine has not
yet been driven through the 84 feet
wall partition separating the two mines,
but it is thought the work will be com
pleted this evening.
on fkhfectlt jlkvki. ground.
Young Girl at Baker City
Fell and
Bioka Her Neck.
Baker City, July 1. Fannie Jenkins,
a daughter of Captain William Jenkins
a miner employed in the Virtue mine,
while walking to a neighbor's house
with her little brother in her arms,
etumbled and, in trying to save the child
from being injured, fell backward and
broke her neck. Death was instanta
neons. - She v?aa 14 years of age.
Mrs. Stowe Dead.
Habtford, Conn., July 1, At noon
today Mrs. Harriet BeecherJ Stowe, the
famous authoress passed away at her
residence in this city.
Lost A dark Jersey cow, branded
CL on left hip. Has been from home
since Wednesday morning, June 24th
Finder will please communicate with
this office. v " iun25-2w
Through trains on the O. B. & N will
run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen
dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec
ond class will run in connection with the
Union Prcific, the .same as heretofore
A through first-class sleeper -from Port-
land to Spokane, connecting 'with the
nrst-class sleeper to St. Jfaul and a
through tourist sleeper from Portland to
St. Paul, will be run in connection with
the Great Northern railway.
.... r E. E. Lytxe, Agent.
" " - Wanted. '"
' A man to manage branch office in The
Dalles. . Must furnish reference and
$600 cash , capital. Address room 718,
Oregonian Building, Portland, Ore
gon. jun29-eod3t
Otto Birgfeld is now ready to' supply
amilies with the celebrated Gambrinos
keg or bottle beer, delivered free of
charge to any port of the citv. - Tele
phone 34, , '.'; j''
We are selling the famous Soap Foam
washing powder. It will not . "yellow
the clothes" nor burn the hands, and is
the 'finest thing in the world lor the
bath.; In extra large packages at same
price of common goods. Sold by Pease &
Mays.. . ; i . - . ' ' may22-eod-2m -
Latest XJ. S. Gov't Report
' ' ' J i-: '
Ci 2JC' '-;"'
Delegate Nickel 1 Goes to Chicago With
a Mission. ; L'r-..-
Mr. Charles Nickell, of the - Jackson
ville Times, and a member of the solid
eight Democratic free-silver delegatiou
that goes to Chicago to nominate a can
didate for president, was in Portland
yesterday, says the Oregonian. Mr.
Nickel 1 is secretary of the delegation,
and, in addition, he claims as a distinc
tive honor that he is the man who put
up the job to have the Oregon delegation
to Chicago instructed for free silver.
Mr. Nickell left last night, fully de-
termined, as he put it, "to join with the
other Democrats of the country, who
favor free silver in nominating a man
who will be sure to beat MclCinley in
the presidential race." All ".that he
wants is to concentrate all the free-Silver
forces on one man, and ' then he looks I
for an easy game. Mr. Nickell says he
has no personal choice for president;
but he expects it will be Bland, Morgan'
or Pennoyer, and he mentions the latter
name with 'an exceedingly -big "P."
The Jackson county delegate bad his
pockets crammed with pictures of Port
land's new mayor, on the reverse
are printed some snappy utterances of
the . ex-governor, giving his political
record, where he was born, and how
educated.- It also refers to his deter
mination only to accept half of his salary
as mayor, and winds up with an extract
of Pennoyer's famous message to Cleve
land, when he told tbe chief executive
to mind his own business. .-
Mr. Nickell takes the Pennoyer presi
dential boom to Chicago with him. '. If
Pennoyer fails in getting the presiden
tial nomination, then the Oregon dele
gation will try for second', place on the
ticket, and between the two they expect
to win. ' .
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Chtchciiter'a Enellah Diamond BraaA
Original and Only CS canine,
sure, always reliable, ladies fctk
Druggist for Chichcster'u English Dia-i
mond Brand in Red nod Gold metallic'
Ihoxea, sealed with blue ribbon. Take
no cither. Jtefuas I'mnaertma M&tii
tion and imitations. At OraKsista. oraend 4a.
in stamp for particulars, testimonials and
Relief for Ladle," letter, bj returm
Mall. 10.000 Testimonial. Njkb a.ner.
by ail Isaeal r m?t - - jhllaria P.
YTIiIi liiilmi lliins.lmsaH- m-
Second and
Streets, opp.
: Bank.
We are now settled In our new quarters, and
are prepared to do all kinds of work in oar Mae.
We make Corsets, Ladies' Dress Reform Waists,
Misses'.and Cbildreu's Waists. Ab-iomin-1 Bands
or Supports of various styles. These goods are
all made to order; a good fit guaranteed or no
tale. Why not patronize home industry? If this
western country had ten per cent, of the money
paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would
make us all rich. Why not keep the money at
home by building ur industries at home. Fao
tory and office at corner Second s;d Washington
. : entrance at First Nations! Bank. .
Friday, Jdit 3.
Ball Games and Horse Eacing. -:
,' "Saturbav, July A: .
Procession. . Beading of the Declaration.
Oration. Barbecue. -Bicycle
and Foot Races for Prizes. ..
Tbe citizens of The Dalles and vicinity are
cordially invited to come and participate with
this end of the county in a season of tun, frolic
and patriotism. ' . . ' . . ...
'-,' Baoklen' Aruica aalT.
The best salve in the world for cats,
brmsee, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fevei
sores, tetter,- chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin ernptioni, and posi
tively cures piles,' or' no" pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents
per box.. . For sale Dy Blakeley and
Honghton, druggists.
: , OXIAND i. ... '
for Infants aod Children. v. ..
Cagtoria promote Pigesrrion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Soar
Stomach, Diarrhoea,, and ; Feyeriahness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
Bleep) natural. Caatoria. contains no
Horpliine or other narcotic property. ; '
CastoriaIsw well adapted to children that
3 recommend it as superior to any prescription
inown to me." H. A. Abchks, M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn. N. T.
H For several yean I have recommenced yoo(
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
EdWI P. PiRDIt. M. D.,
. 135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
The use of ' Castor ia,' is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are tne in
tela gent families who do. not keep Castoria
withia easy reach.
. , CaBMm.ln'iBTTW. P. P.,
New York City.
... . . ..- ,
Thb Osaxains Ookpat, 77 Murray Street, K. T.
Letters of Credit issued liU '
? : v . ' Eastern States.
: Sight Exchange and'' Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis,' San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington. . '
' ' Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. : ' . ' . '
Harry vLiebe,
. AU work promptly attended to,
and warranted. . . ..
, No more more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes-Kinei-sly
Drug Co. Telephone No. S.'
Faultlessly Attired
Wearing' the
157 and 667
sHot Weather Wear.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in '
PRACTICAL PAINTER ancl PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASTJRY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors: ' All orders
promptly attended to. . "
Store and Faint Shoo oorner Third and. Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Oreoa
When yog TOt to bay r;-;..
: Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, v
Rolled Barley,Whole Barley,
' Oats, Rye, Bran,' Shorts,
- Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the 4 ;
Our prices are low and our goods are fiift-class.
. Agents for the celebrated WAISTBTJRG "PEFRI.ES8" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerns & Robertsons Stably;
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.
50 HORSES Wanted
Bays, Grays and .Sorrels, from 4 to 8
years old, 15 hands and 1 inch high;
must be sound, clean-limbed and in good
condition; also gentle under saddle.
. Will purchase horses at Ward, .Kerna
& Robertson' stable, Tbe Dalles, Ore
gon, on July 22d and 23d, 1896. v ,
jun24-2w VM. FRAZIER.
Sobtcribe for Thb Chkoniclb. '