The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 25, 1896, Image 3

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    Three Geat
-Wide-awake . Buyers.' ; Qur Second CM;;;
The past has convinced us that the people of The Dalles Includes our assortment of Cotton, Satin Stripe Challies
' , , , , : . ; .j , a . . . " and Fine Organdies. Regular price, '200;; ; Saturday, 14c.
are wide-awake when there are bargains-in sight. ' On Saturday -.. - : . 'y- .-.1; : -, :; ,v; - : .
we will 'make "three of the best offers ever made in this De- ;- .. J -'rr :-" 'v: r
partment. , . '. ; .; -; iU'k
" ' . " : . ; - . : .. .. .'. :, ; Includes our Wool, Satin Stripe; Challies, Fine French and
OllI" FirSt Off?!" : ' ' : , ; Irish Organdies.; . Regular, price35c. -Saturdayj :23c;. .
Includes our complete stock of French Organdies, Jaconat Otir GolleCtion of W Rsh Oo6ds
. DucheSSe, and Linen GraSS Cloths. These goods We Sell ; Is one of the best that , we ever Jiad to. offer to the .. public. Buying W Goods as
- - '1 z- s- q . j rr. ' : - we did, from the only house America making a specialty-of Wash Fabrics, we
a 5C aiia- 10 2"3C n oaturaay, IOC. " , feel assured that every piece we offer you is a novelty." - :V' V' YVr -" v "
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JUNE 25. 1896
Weather Forecast.
Portland, June 25, 1896.
For Eastern Oregon Tonight and Friday
fair and warmer; not northeast winds. Satur
day cooler. ' Paock. Observer.
Random ObierTatioai and Local Events
of Xesser Magnitude.
The Fairfield people are going to cele
brate the Fourth of July at D. L. Bol
ton's grove. .
Today baa been thebottest so far thia
season, tbe mercury iabiog 91 degrees
In oKofla .
in the shade. . ' 1
A chemical engine test in the open air
J will be make tonight on Gibona & Mai
j Alliater'a lot on Third street.
A fall attendance of the Rathbone Bis
ters ia requested this evening, aa busi
ness of importance will be discussed.
Mr. S. D. Fisher has nearly completed
bia contract of erecting a store' building
adjoining Mrs. Mosier'a residence at
Mosier. '
" The trial of the Indian arrested for
stealing $25 a( Hood River was dismissed
yesterday, on motion of Deputy Dist.
VA-tty. Phelps. .
A complaint waa filed in the' clerk's
office today by the J. M. Russell Co. vs.
Wm. Kelsay & Sons for the recovery of
$589.07 for commission charges on wool;
f The 9-year-old daughter of Cbaa
' Becht waa thrown from a horse yeeter
; day and sustained a compound fracture
. of tbe arm. Dr. Hollister attended to
Vthe injury.
Mr. James Snipes found a purse thjaJ
afternoon . containing several dollars,
' which the owner can regain by apply-
! in(T for if. At. fMa nffinA nnrl navtnv fnr
Ebal Cliirno's bouse, built last fall
- near the John Day ferry, on tbe Wasco
county Bide, was destroyed by fire Sun
day, June 14th,-the result of a defective
flue. The furniture was saved.
The Eugene Guard is informed by
several horticulturists that the codlin
moth has made no signs of an appear
ance yet, and it is generally believed
that this pest was annihilated by the
cold raina this spring.
Ice cream and cake, 10 cents, served
by the ladies of tha Lutheran church on
Thursday, June 25th, in the store room
recently vacated by W. A. Johnston,
located on Washington street, next .to
U. S. land office. Doors open at 6 p. m.
Everybody invited. 23-St
Mr. G. E. Stewart has been confined
to hit room about ten daya front an in
jury, received by a fall at the opera
house. The injury ia in bia back in the
same location aa waa operated on a few
weeks ago -at Independence. He ap
peared on the street today.
. Homer Davenport, the New "Xork
Journal star cartoonist, ia lean and lank
with the beat-natured face in the world.
One glance at the man shows - his gentle
humor. He has the soft, graceful ways
of the Californian , f or bia home ia on
the Pacific slope. He has lately been
entertaining New York with his clever
pencil work through the ' columns
of the Journal. St. Louis Republic.
' An illustrated health talk will be giv
en to the mothers and daughters of The
Dalles by Mrs. Mary Brazil, of San Fran
cisco at the Congregational church, Sat
urday afternoon, at 2:30, and on Mon
day at 2:30 o'clock. No admission
charged. : y
.A .subject of great importance to
women will be discussed by Mrs. Mary
Brazil Saturday and Monday afternoons
at the Congregational church. It will
be a lecture on health with illustrations,
and should be liberally attended. These
lectures cost nothing to attend.
. Strawberry shipments have about
ceased at The Dalles and Mosier.' There
are some small strawberry Jarms on
Upper Hood ' River that come in with
their fruit two weeks behind the main
crop and the growers generally receive
top prices for it. Hood River, will,
therefore, ship for several days yet. "
Frank Knox has returned from haul
ing his first load of wool to The Dalles,
says the Fossil Journal. He' brought
back a load of goods for local merchant
for hauling which he got 50 cents per"
100 pounds.' Goods are being hauled to
Antelope from Tbe Dalles-1 over 60 miles
for 25 ctg. per 100. - - t j
Mr. Green McLafferty while driving
home to bis ranch Tuesday , evening
seven milea from the city, Buffeted a
serious accident. While driving down
a grade the berse stumbled, throwing
him out of the buggy. In some manner
he fell beneath the horse, which stepped
on him, crushing in two of his ribs, i
The animal coming in without a driver'
caused others to go oh a search" for him,
and he waa found about two miles from
home, slowly and . painfully walking
homeward. He waa hurt too severely
to ride and he walked the entire dis
tance. Dr. Eshelman was summoned to
attend the injured man.. .'
Grandma Parks is passing away at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Knox, the disease being a large cancer
in. the stomach. She does not get op
any more, and .cannot ; talk except in
labored whispers. ' She is a fine old
woman, who does not fear death. A few
weeks ago, while visiting the editor's
family, she said she believed she had
lived long enough, and waa ready to go
when called, and there' ia little doubt
she felt the end approaching then. - Two
ot her sons died for their country, one
on tbe battlefield and the other in Libby
prison. ' ' Tardy recognition of their
martyrdom ia expected soon' from the
government in the form of a small, pen
sion to their aged - mother, but it will
come too late. Fossil Journal.'' . .'
Blver Readings.
Umatilla, 24.4 ; fall of .1
Wenatchee, 39.8 ; rise of .5
Lewis ton, 18; fall of .8
The Dalles, 41.6; fall of .4
Chart; of Larceny Trumped Up,
Kin 8ln( Stays In Portland.
Wong Louie left for Portland on the
afternoon train yesterday to get his
wife if possible. That he failed may be
judged from the following from today's
Oregonian i .
Won Duck and . Kin Sing, a couple
who were arrested a few daya ago for tbe
larceny of a $50 diamond ring on com-J
plaint of the woman's husband, Wong
Louie, of The Dalles, were given a hear
ing in Justice Geisler'e court yesterday
afternoon, which resulted in their dis
charge. -This case is an almost exact
parallel, of . the Rivera case, which
crowded tbe municipal court Tuesday
afternoon, i The woman -waa-forced to
earn her husband's living by- prostitution,-
and, becoming deaperate, ran away
to escape him.' He,' . aa ' did Rivers,
trumped, up a charge of larceny to bring
bis wife back, and failed Jn - his.purpose
of ' punishing her. The . ladies of the
Christian mission took to the' woman in
charge, and will take care' of her for a
time. ' . ' " ' - . ."' .
' The Bight of Way Cases.
The jury in the case of the United
States against Seutert Bros., Wm. Mi-
chell, The Dalles Packing Co. and I. H.
Taffe arrived on the, noon train today
with U. fe. Prosecuting Attorney Mur
phy, and after eating dinner were
driven to the. location of the rights of
way, for which damages are asked. Mr.1
Schanno testified yesterday -that the
lands were valueless for agriculture or
horticulture and the only question is as
to the inconvenience lot fishing, and tbe
consequent damage ' therefrom.' ' The
jury has settled one case for $2,000,. in
volving a strip of land three milea longf
containing eighty acres. i'
"connection the Oregonian to
day has the following :
The case of the United States vs. Will
iam - Michell to- condemn right of way
through defendant's property for The
Dallea-Celilo boat railway, waa on trial
in the United States court yesterday.
Mr. Michell owns a tract of land extend
ing about half a mile along tbe river.
There is no fishery established there,
but there is a very good place to put one,
and Mr.. Michell asks 'damages in tbe
sum of $4052 for the condemnation of
his property. It is probably that tbe
jury will go op and view the landscape
o'er before deciding on a verdict.
Sr. Darrln Well Known.
Mb. Editor : Having noticed the ar
rival of Dr. Darrih at the Umatilla
bouse, I wish to state to the public what
he did for my ' father, (now residing In
Boyd, Oregon), seven 7 ears ago. For
months be had been sorely afflicted
with a terrible pain in the ear and head,
causing restlessness,- clearness ana in
somnia. He was nearly crazy' with
pain, and all ' remedies failed to care.
He waa induced to go to Dr. Darrin, then
in Portland. In a few weeka be came
home a cured man, all by the' effects of
lam in 'business at 110 Second street,
this city, and will gladly" answer any
questions. , . - ,Tosc McCoy, .';
Proprietor of the O. K. Baths.-,
Appropriation Money Now .Available.
Captain W. Fisk, United States engi
neer, has received an official copy of the
river and harbor bill, as passed by con
gress oyer the president's veto June 3d.
He is also notified that the' various ap
propriations for works in' Oregon nnder
his charge are now available, and will,
aB soon as practicable, have projects for
the various works prepared, jn order
that operations may be commenced
without unnecessary , delay. These im
provements include the following: ' : ' ".
Improving Columbia river at 3-Mile
rapids, and the constriction and equip
ment of a boat railway from the foot of
the Dalles rapids to the head of Celilo
falls, in tbe state of Oregon, the, same to
be constructed under- the direction of
the secretary of war j in accordance with
tbe plans and specification of the engi
neer department, $150,000. '- .'.- .'-.i'- ' ;
Improving Columbia river at the cas
cades $50,000 for maintaining and pro
tecting existing works and for modifica-1
tions required to increase the navigable
capacity of the canal, $20,000, of which.
or ao much thereof, aa may be necessary,
shall be immediately available for ex
penditure in the discretion of the secre
tary of war in constructing on the land
and river sides of tbe canal, between the
upper lock gate ma'sonry and the upper
guard gate, masonry," such portions of
the walls proposed- in the' modified pro
ject presented by the board of engineers
in its report of October 18, 1894, aa may'
be necessary to construct in advance of
the opening of the canal to commerce.
,l Foirtk of Jaly Baui. '
For tbe Fourth of July the O. R. & .
Co. will sell excursion tickets to any
rail ; station within 300 miles of Tbe
Dallea at rate of one fare' for the round
trip. Tickets to be sold July 2d, 3d and
4tb ; good up to and including July 6th.
jel9td E. E. Lytle, Agent.
Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply
amilies with the celebrated Gambrinus
keg or bottle beer, delivered free -. of
charge to any part of the city. v. Tele
phone 34. . ...
Awarded .
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Pair.
. fDR;.'.:'
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
To reduce bur large stock of Bicycles, we will sell them at greatly reduced
prices while present stock lasts. ' Thia ia your opportunity to get a wheel cheap.
Call and see what we have. .. ;' ! "" ''.'
Keep Oac the1 flies.
SCREEN DOORS,--'v.: -'
Now in Stoclr.' V,, . New Styles and Low Prices
v. " : Odd Sizes .made to order on ShpitNotice.';,;--.;''.
; Yv ; JOS. T- PETERS & CO
J acobson .B pok Music Co.
arid Harry fciebe ? y :
have moved to New Vpgt Block.'
Good Old iPotatoes, i ; ; V ? ; :
Choice New Potatoes, V- !
California Onions, Fresh Bananas,
Mason's Glass Fruit Jars, ; y : ;
-' " For Sale at J. Hit :-. G ROSS'7 A '
electricity as administered by Dr. Darrin
' ' - . ' ::. ' , ''. . . v ' ' '" '" "