Gentlemen of The Dalles ; We are showing a splended line of Spring and Summer Suitings at lower prices than can be obtained elsewhere. No need to patronize foreign firms employing Chinese labor. Our garments are made on the premises by skilled workmen. H. E. BALCH, Perfect Fit Guaranteed. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Newspaper Wasco County. "WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24. 1896 NEEDED LEGISLATION. The legislature of Oregon at its session next winter will be called upon to enact much needed legisla tion. Tle failure of the preceding legislature to do anything but wran gle over the election of a senator and pass appropriation bills, has left to its successor woik in addition to ' what naturally would belong to it. The abolishment of useless, money wasting commissions will be among the first duties of the session ; but of equal importance, and more so from the standpoint of patriotism, is the necessity of passing a registry law, which will complete the usefulness of the Australian ballot system and raise our elections ' to a plane of greater purity, making them the ex pression of the wish of an intelligent people. The enactment of the Australian system was a great advance in the direction of good government. In telligence is a necessary clement in the process of voting, which was far from being the case under the old procedure. Men who have dabbled in politics of the grosser sort have seen the effects of this law in making the vote of the ignorant uncertain, and thus lessening the amount of mcney illegitimately spent at gen eral elections. Political ingenuity has, however, so disciplined by or ganization the ignorant voting class that the influence of the politician has to a greater or less Extent been made to extend to the voting booth. Especially is this so when, through the lack of a l egistration law, voters can be imported from outside places and more than that, can be made to vote several times at the same elec tion by appearing-in different wards. A law which would compel all voters to be registered ten days or. two weeks before election, would in a measure put an end to the iniquitous 'practice of trading in votes. This subject has already received some agitation through the press of the stale, and the sentiment is trongly expressed in favor of such legislation. - The Chronicle hastens to join in the demand for a registry law, and feels safe in saying that the members of the legislature from "Wasco county will be found work ing to such an end. NOW THEY SELL WOOL. Here is the testimony which the East Oregonian proffers as , to the successful results of the venture wnicn hrougut ' tne wool scouring mill to Pendleton. "We wish we could 6ay the same words for The Dalles: Pendleton is the only point in the state where any wool has been sold so far this year. . It seems that the East Oregonian was right when . it declared the wool scouring mills to be most important to Pendleton and made the fight to secure them in the face of the strongest kind of opposi tion. Now those who opposed the milld are reaping the benefits along with others who favored them, and all is well. Earnest, aggressive op position is never to be deplored in anything. ' . An argument in favor of less fre fluent elections is found in the cost of holding national conventions. It T8 Second Street. is estimated that the St. Louis and Chicago meetings will cost in round numbers $8,000,000. This would go a long ways towards the interest on the Cleveland bonds. On the other hand the spending of so large an amount by people who presuma bly are able to pay is of benefit in giving employment to thousands of men and in putting into circulation capital that might otherwise be dor mant. Arteilaa Water In Klickitat. It baa been proven beyond a doubt that artesian water can bo had in Klickitat by going to a nominal deptb Messrs. Taplin & Phillips have just finished the boring of a well for Mr. R G. FergQ9on, who resides about nine miles east of town. At the depth of about sixty feet an excellent stream of water was encountered. While it does not come oat with great force, there is a continual flow from the well. It is evi dent from this that artesian water can be had in this vicinity by goiog to the proper depth. Sentinel. MAKES FT WHITE Mi! Concciti Soap purifies and leantlfiea the kin by restoring to healthy activity the Clogged, Inflaxfs, Irritated, Sluqgus, or Overworked Tores. Sold throughout ths world. Pottcb Dnro AND Chkm. Corp., Sole Proprietory Boaton, U. S. A. "Allabout the llandi end Skin " mulled f-. 50 HORSES Wanted FOR THE CAVALRY. Bays, Grays and Sorrels, from 4 to 8 years old, lo hands and 1 inch high; most be sound, clean-limbed and in cood condition; also gentle under saddle. v ill purchase horses at Ward. Kerns & Robertson's stable, The Dalles, Ore gon, on July Z2d and z3rf, 18t)6. jun24 2 WM. FJRAZIEr! These Mint Go at Once. A home with lot, worth $900; $750 takes it. Owner leaving city, and must sell. Three lots only five blocks from Court house. Lay in fair shape; (150 for the three. One fine business lot in heart, of city ; $800. Among a multitude of offerings, theee three are the very best. Match them if you can. Fred D. Hill, . Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Room 12, Chapman Block. - . ' may-tf Foartk of J ly Rates. For the Fourth of July the O. R. & N. Co. will sell excursion tickets to any fail etation within 300 miles of The Dalles at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold Jnly 2d, 3d and 4th ; good np to and including July 6th. fel9td E. K. Lytle, Agent. Tar Rent Two furnished bedrooms in good local ity. For ratea apply at this office. , jel9 2w w'Hy Great On July 15th.' we will Block. To save the cost of now offering Extraordinary Bargains in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, &c. No trouble to Not a Woman That doesn't admire the handsome new stock of C. F. Stephens,, pleasing to the leminine tancy. New Goods, New Prices. Everything new rons are numerous, and it everyone knew the really fine bargains which are always temptingly displayed, no time the store, lake a glance over the stock. C. F. STEPHENS. Agent for the W. L. Douglas Shoes. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER- vwwA Successor to Cbrlsman & Corson. FULL LINE OF . STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. . I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. The Dalles Commission Go, -DKALBBS IM- Coal, Ice anl Prote, Foreip Oysters, Fish, Poultry NORTH POWDER ICE, which is ROCK STRINGS. KOSLYNi ANTHRACITE ''GQ'ILXm-' and GEORGES I'BEIK Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. NOTICE. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby elven thatat the Jnlv.1896.term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, to-wit, on thu 8th day of Jnly, 1896, at the hour of two o'clock p. m at the County Court Room in the Court House in Dalles City, Oregon, the undersigned petitioners will present the following pet i Hon and will apply to the said County Court to grant to F. Erickson Sc Co-, a copartnership composed of F. Erickson and C. F. Anderson, a license to sell spirituous, xnalt or vinous liauors in less Quantities than one gallon within Oak Grove precinct for the term oi one year irom tne granting ox sucn li cense: To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, uregon: W e, the undersigned, residents and legal voters of Oak Grove precinct, Wasco County, Oregon, hereby petition your honorable body to grant to F. Erick.on & Company, a co-nartnershiD com posed of F. Erickson and C. F. Anderson, a li cense to sell spirituous, malt or vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon wirhin said precinci for the term of one year from the grant ing of such license: NAMES. ' KIVEK. J " Abbott OFWeberg Sr N Turner M Delore G A Ward F 8 Cline Felton W c Greves Richard Bovd Charles Buckham M Orwiler K McLaren 1 J Naele N Jones Peter McDonald F N Vocrt John Green C R Joynt I. Peterson Robert Turev Peter Hansen J Burns August Finn Nels Chrlstensen Thomas 6 wartes Chas Murray A Roberts R Lutey Thomas Durron Joseph Batty C Dawprey Mark Malloy F Dillingham J E Graham W G Flemmirg C Henneghan John Burns LrariK .Barton. , FM27-5t-w. Reduced Kates. Effective March 22d. The O. R. & N. Co. will rednce their round trip ratea between Portland and The Dalles aa fol lows : Two day rate, good goincr Satur day and returning Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all trains. - ' t E. E. Lytle, m24-djkwtf Agent Removal Sale. move into the New'Vogt moving the goods, we are show goods. H. Herbring. in Town which comprises everything but the management. ' New pat would be lost in hastening to anj Domestic Emits and YepLaWes. and Game In Season. ' noted for its purity and lasting qualities. FOB FTTFI. J1ANUFACTUK MAIER & BENTON Are now located at 167 Second Street, opposite A, M. Williams & Co., with a complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, : Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed "Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Plumbing" and Tinning a specialty. ' Also agents for the Cele brated Cleveland Bicycle. ANHEUSER-BUSCH The above are Sole Agents in The Dalles for this celebrated Beer, both in bottle and keg. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. r3 iH The t3 CD CD am -1-3 co o o nn r- ri a a Ph bo x M THE DALLES, J. O. MHCK, pine tZJines - Domestic and St. Louis and Milwaukee Columbia THE OLD ORO FINO STAND, 67 Second St. 11 There is a tide in the affairs leads on to fortune." ,; The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing" Out Sale of at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK, THE CELEBRHTED COIiUmSlH AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. . This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Portei cant of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of gorid health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony be marknt. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING-, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be J. Kill or Catch with "TANGLEFOOT" NING FLY KILLER; Only 5c a Double Sheet at Donnells Drug Store. The! Tygh Val ley Creamery Ask Vanbitrtjer & Worsley 45c. Every Square is Full Weight. TiEiXjiEirPrEaiorEsriEJ zisro BEER Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOR THE Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, OREGON. -DEALER IN- an d Ldq uops , Key West Cigars, Bottled Beer. Brewery Beer on Draught. The Dalles, Oregon. of men which, taken at its fiood Furniture and 6V BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates . . TJNIC.N ST. BPEGUERY, the first-class article will be placed oa Sold Less. Than Cost. P. McINERNY. those Flies or 'DTJTCHER'S LIGHT- la Delicious. - CREAMERY for it. Tygh Valley A. A. B. - eo.