10 VOL, IX - ' - THP: DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1896 NO 145. READY FOR THE FRAY Democrats of Three States Convene ToDay; THE LIST HEADED BY NEW YORK Struggle Upon- the . Money Plan. la Probable Here National Dele gates Slated. Saratoga, June 23. Delegates to the Democratic state convention, wbich meets here tomorrow, are arriving on every train. Senator Hill, ex-Secretary Whitney, Chairman Henkley and Mayor John Boyd, of Albany, are here. There are few contests, the most important being that of the. Shepardites from Kings county. The question of the form which the convention's declaration on the currency question shall take is still open. Sen ator Hill is alleged to favor an unquali fiort nlunk in favor of gold. The four delegates-at-large to the Chicago con vention will probably be Senator Hill, ex-Governor Flower, F. R. Coudert and Senator Murphy. It is practically de termined that State Senator J. A. Can ter, and ex-Postmaster-General Bissell will be the two alternates, with chances in favor of John Boyd Thatcher and John Stanchfield, the Democratic leader of the state assembly a9 the other two. Perry Belmont will be district delegate. William F. Sheeham will refuse re election as a national committeeman, and his place may be filled by John Boyd Thatcher. It is probable Bissell will sit in the national convention in the place of Mr. Murphy. of the Texas Democrats met in separate sessions here today at noon. After per fecting a temporary organization and appointing committees, adjournment was had until afternoon. Last night both factions held caucuses. The silver men agreed to send eight delegates to Chicago The proposed platform de clares enequivocally for the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1. The gold men agreed that it would be best to 'send a delega tion to Chicago to contest for the seats. Bland is expected this afternoon. PKKFAKINO FOR A CBUISB. United States Warships Being Rapidly Fitted for Sea. New Yobs:, June 23. Unless signifi cant signs fail, the squadron of United States warships, just now stationed in the harbor of New York, will be dis patched soon on an important mission. Those' who should be in a position to know aay the destination will be the .coast of Cuba. During the last wees work on all the vessels has been doubled in response to a special order received from the secretary of the nayy. The nature of this order cannot be ascer tained. Every boat of the North At lantic squadron, except the New York, which is still in the drydock, was taking in coal yesterday. Officers admitted that services were omitted on board the ship on Sunday, but explained it by the necessity of mak ing repairs so that the ships might be in condition to take the naval militia on their annual cruise early in July. When asked if he expected orders to go to (JDOa, uapiain iarquuar, coin mandmg the Jsewark, said : That I cannot talk about. Only the admiral is authorized to speak on that point." ALTGELU WILL ACCEPT. ' ' OHIO DEMOCRATS. Favor of Will Probably Declare I free Coinage. Columbus, O., June 23. The Demo' cratic state . convention - meets here to morrow. Delegates are all here for the district meetings, at 4 p. in., when the delegates to Chicago from some districts as well as members of ' the committee will be chosen. Silver men have over 600 out of 700 delegates, and the gold men are making no contest. Ex-Governor Campbell, who arrived vesterday, announced to day that he would not, stand for dele gate-at-large or for indorsement for president. Silver leaders have given ' notice that they want only pronounced ' free-silver men on the delegation to Chi' caeo, and even with the unit rule they do not want any conservatives There is onlv one contest, that from Stark county. The committee on resO' lutions is expected to stand 18 to 3 for free silver. ' While John R. McLean and John W. Bdokwalter are both slated for delegates-at-large, both are being pressed for places on the national ticket.. This contest is expected to result in no ln- "tractions being given, except that the Ohio delegation Tote as a unit. Gold delegates from Cleveland are preparing to fight the unit-rule instructions. INDIANA DEMOCRATS. a hey Are Slated to Fnor tne White . Metal. Indianapolis. June 23. The Demo cratic state convention will meet in this city at 19 o'clock tomorrow. There will 1747 delegates. The caucus to be held tonisht will undoubtedly be dominated by the silver men. B.F. Sbiveley will.it ia believed.be the nominee for governor. The number of delegates in favor of free silver will be about 1,400 leaving the number for gold at about 340. Governor Matthews will be indorsed for the presidency and the ' delegates instructed to vote for him. RIVAL FACTIONS CONVENE. Meeting; Held by Both Texas o ratio Parties. Austin, Tex., June 23. Both Dims wings Made by iIk Announcement Was Jndca MeConnell. PEOEIA.III., June 23. "Governor Alt- eeld will be nominated and accept the nomination," was the announcement made bv Judge Samuel P. MeConnell, of Chicago, this morning. He had just had a long talk with the governor. Me Connell said the governor had intended to retire from politics, as he often pub- icly declared. Then his health was poor and he was tired of public life. He is in good health now and his. friends have brought such pressure upon him that it would seem almost like deserting the cause to quit now. Free-Silver Imblem. Washington, June 23. A design has been submitted to the patent office and copyright asked thereon for a floral em blem to be worn by the adherents of the free-silver clan. The emblem is in the form of the common-field, daisy with 16 petals, each numbered on the tip from 1 to 16, and the yellow center marked with a figure 1. The adoption of the scheme is under consideration by the leading silver men sow in Washing' ton. The Mllltla Returns. SxLBM.Or, June 23. Upon information from the authorities at Astoria that everybody was fishing and that the tax payers and non-union fishermen favored the withdrawal of the militia, the gover nor today instructed General Beebe to order the remainder'of the troops home, When Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Wbeaahe bad Children, she gave them Castoria. SIMMoitltX XREGUisATOR? THE SPRING MEDICINE fa Simmons liver regulator don't forget to take it The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes cnoKea up oy the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, l-ever and Ague ana Kneuraa- tism. You want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SslMMONi Liver regulator to do it. It also regulates the Liver keeps it properly at work, when your system will be free from poison and the whole body invigorated. I OU get Axxxli liijoX Hi-iKjyju wnen your system is in Al condition, ana mat will only be when the Liver is kept active. Try a Liver Kemedy once ana note tne difference. But take only SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR it IS SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR which makes the difference. Take it in powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every package. Look for it. J. H. ZeiUn ss Co., fHilaaelpnia, ra. Pacific Corset Co.. Spcond and Washington Streets, opp. French's Bank. We nre now settled In our new quarters, and are prepared to do all kinds of work In our llue. We make Corsets, Ladles" Dress Reform YVi alsta, Misses' and Cnllclren'B wura.Aiomuii oauua or Supports of various styles. These goods are all made to order; a (rood fit guaranteed or no sale. Why not patronize nome inausiry i 11 mm western cimntrv had ten per cent of the money paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would mute us an nun ny m.-.y ." .......... home hv hutldiner up Industries at home. Fi at home bv building up Industries at home. Fac tory and office at corner Second and Washington entrance at nrs bhuuuoi c.um.. DR. GUNITS IMPROVED P1ULS A Mild 1'livHic. One Pill Tor a. le. tti .nr n, ma dowbii bku vow ib uovrow r ' These Dills surely wbmt the system lacks to for A mofement o . I. V. rpha . Sake it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the yes nd clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither irripe nor sicken. To connnoe jou, we rill mail sample free, or full box for 2So boldeery oriB. BOSAMKO MD. CO Philadelphia. Pa, There are others, bnt von know what the Regulator is finest imported'stock a cool summer smoke tne acknowledged Deer of all high trade cigars. Call for it and accept no other. Sold by all first class dealers. jnZZ-lw Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply amilies with the celebrated Gambrinus kes or bottle beer, delivered free of charge to any part of phone S4. . the city. Tele- Highest of all in Leavening Power-Latest U. S. Gov't Report lOO Reward SJlOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there least one dreaded disease that science has been able to pure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the onlv positive care known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being i constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken internally, acting directly noon the blood and mucous surfaces .of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in- doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they. offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for -list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Chbnbt & Co., Toledo, O CCT'Sold by Druggists, 75 cent". . - If you've got bad blood in you take Simmons Liver Regulator and get rid of it. It's wonderfully good medicine for Malaria and Chills. I have taken Sim mons Liver Regulator especially in the Spring and Fall, and found it the best remedy. I know of no way to benefit DeoDle more than by putting Simmons Liver Regulator into their hands." N N. Shepard, Cochranton, Pa. ' Throueh trains on the Q. R. & N will run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec ond class will run in connection with the Union Prcific. the same as heretofore, A. through first-class sleeper from Port land to Spokane, connecting with the first-class sleeper to St. Paul and through tourist sleeper from Portland to St. Paul, will be run in connection with the Great Northern railway. E. E. Lytlk, Agent What? The Talk of the Town; Our Spring and Summer Clothing, of makes which' are recognized , r as representing the , ; ' ' . , Best Ready-made Clothing in America. Now we don't ask any more for a suit of these lines than others do for inferior goods; in fact we lead, for such values as these are the cause of all the talk. Our assortment of eight different styles of Sack Suits, alll light summer patternseach one prettier than the next, at only $10.00 a. Don't miss seeing these, grades. . Give us a call. We have others, in either higher or cheaper p M WILLIAMS & GO DEALER ET PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the MoBt Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WAT1T1 PAPER i WAX1X1 PAPER. For Infanta and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural, Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria is ro well adapted to children thai t recommend It aa superior to any prescription nown. to me." II. A. Ah oh k a, M. IX, 111 Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T. . " For several yeu-s I hare reoommeriHed yonf Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial result." Edwt F. Pardkb, M. D.. 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria' Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." - CaBXos IfAsvrar, D. D., New York City. Tan Cairraca Oohpaxt, Tt Murray Street, H. Y. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BU8INES PRACTICAL PAINTER anrt PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands t -i tit MiciTPV'H pa ktk nnnn in ail our worn, auu uuuo uui. m ui 1 " - - , . ,, r:..!J lit. most skilled workmen empioyea. Agents ior lumurj iiiHu.u ...,. 1 K;n.fmn nr uun mixture. A first-class article in all colors- promptly attended to. Store and Paint Shon corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles. 0reoa - No chem- Ali orders When yog mant to buy Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley,Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the : WAREHOUSE. WASCO Our prices are low and our goods are first-class. . Ajrenta for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS and BARLEY. Letters of Credit issued aviilab . Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon,' Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. - Harry LiEBE, PRACTICAL Watchmaker! Jeweler . All work promptly attended to, and warranted. ' No more BOILS, no more PIMPLE S Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. Snipes-Klnersly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Hay and Grain for Sale Wart, Kerns 4 Robertson's Stable, Corner Fourth and Federal Sts. deo4-lm Chichester's Eacllsh Blmsassid BrasA I EtJNYROYAL PILLS Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St.. THE DALLES, - - OR. Original tuid Only nalme. Arc, tvlmyn reliable, ladic ask Itmrriat Cor (7k lcX.tTM Knoifi hTM BMlal with hi rlbboa. Tt tionm and imitation. A t DrURtat, or bwdA 44k Msl!. Sa tay mil li.l Cinqiill In a mnl lot B&rtlenlsrm. 10.000 Tesutsli.l. JVain. AfA J Jf. KASK, M. D., ' Physician and Surgeon, CHAPMAN BUILDING, Rooms 44 and 45. Office hours, 9 to 11 a, m.. and 2 to 4, and 7 10 S p. m. Phone. No. 208. Forecast Fair today cooler. and tomorrow: f v (