TO GENTLTEMEN, drop in and see H. E. Balch, Merchant Tailor, 78 Sec ond street, for SPRING and SUM MER Suits. He shows the finest line of foreign and domestic goods ever ex hibited in The Dalles, at 'Frisco prices. Garments made on premises. Peiect fi guaranteed; The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Daily Newspaper n Waeco Uounty. TUESDAY. JUNE 23. 1896 THE SOUND MONEY DEMOCRATS, It is well known that Cleveland regards the money question as the most important one in our politics; says the Globe-Democrat. He has done everything in his power to keep his party from taking the wrong course upon it, and his failure in that respect is the worst disappointment of his public life. A declaration for free silver by the Chicago conven tion will make it impossible for him to vote the Democratic ticket. The issue is not one of expedience, but of honesty and patriotism. He be lieves that the free coinage of silver would be a national calamity, and bence he cannot by any ingenuity of special pleading make it seem right or consistent to give the least coun tenance to that kind of a proposi tion. To say the least, he will have to stay away from the polls on elec tion day. But can he afford merely to sulk in his tent, and neglect the opportunity to cast his ballot in favor of sound money? In other "words, will it not be necessary for him to vote the Republican ticket in order to vindicate the integrity of his convictions and the sincerity of his opposition, to a great public fallacy and peiil? It is reported that he has expressed such an inclin ation, and surely he cannot be blamed if he carries it out. As it is with Cleveland in this matter, so it is with all other honest and self-respecting sound 'money Democrats. The adoption of a free silver platform at Chicago will prac tically read them out of their party, They cannot give it their support this year without saying in effect that they are willing to remain un der its banner even when it pro poses to destroy the national credit and bring disaster upon all kinds of business. The situation is in a sense analogous to that which existed dur ing the civil war, when the Demo . cratic party as a party committed itself to a policy of sympatic with the enemies of the government. Pa triotic Democrats did not hesitate at that time to vote the Republican ticket for the purpose of promoting . the success of the Union cause. There is similar justification in the present instance for that method of manifesting devotion to the best interests of the country. If the Democratic, party is determined to pursue an unpatriotic course on the money question, then those of its members who are opposed to such a proceeding canEt decently stay in its ranks and help to strengthen it for its nefarious purposes. They are in duty and honor bound to stand up for what they believe to be essential to financial and industrial safety and welfare, and to see that their votes are placed where they will be effective against one of the most mischievous heresies that has ever appeared in this country. The Democrats of Oregon are seriously considering placing Pen noyer's name before the convention for the vice-presidency. Oregon's erratic governor to excel in fame the many-whiskered Peffer of Kansas. . The nomination of Pennoyer would be in line with the coalition of the free silver forces. All other consid erations are thrown to the winds in their devotion to the white metal. DRS. DARRIN. Drs. Darrin, after a sojourn in Port land of nine years, have closed their of fices in that city, and one of them will be in The Dalles, at the Umatilla house, where be can be consulted free until July 2. Their treatment by electricity baa be come so popular with the afflicted that their offices are crowded night and day, and their patients do not seek in vain for relief from the ills that flesh is heir to, is positive proof of the superiority of their electrical treatment over all other methods ot cure. As a further proof we give the names of some recent cures : Volna Webster, Weston, Oregon, catarrh cured. H. A. Tucker, president of the Bank of Gene see, Idaho, catarrh for fifteen years, cared. Judge O. P. Mason of Portland, deafness for twenty years from paralysis of the nerve, restored. Truman Butler, The Dalles. Oregon, chronic rheumatism and contracted joints and impoverished blood ; all of years' standing, given up by all treatments until Dr. Darrin cured him. William M. Col well, Skamokawa, Wash., sciatic rheumatism and liver complaint, cured. Also his brother, George L. Col well, Skamokawa, Wash., paralysis of one side, permanently cured and remains so this day. Mary McCon nell, Genesee, Idaho, cross-eye straight ened, aleo her brother was cared of con sumption eight years ago. W. R. Duncan, Health's addition, Spokane, Wash.arge scrofulous swell ing and tumor in neck, W. Hays, 944 Fifth street, East Portland, Or., inflam nation In neck of bladder and sciatic rheumatism came on crutches to the doctor, cured and left crutches at the doctor's office. J. A. Linsey, news agent on the U. P. R. R.; residing at Albina, Or., consumption, bronchitis and catarrh, cured and gained fifteen pounds. J. W. Kenny, Long Creek, Grant county, Or., kidney complaint and pains in the back and down the sciatic nerves, restored. Owen James, Spokane, Wash., abcess in left ear and quinsy, cured. Miss Maggie Synhoret, La Grande, Or., cross-eyed, cured. When Baby was sick, re gam her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. Vhea she had Children, she gave them Castoria. 1lci Yon Ever. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are NervoaB, Steepness, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters in the medicine yon need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents and $1.00 at Blakeley & Houghton, urnggist. 3 A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y says that he always keeps J3r. King's New - Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. Kings New Discovery is un doubtedly the best cough remedy ; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never tailed . to do all that is claimed for it. Why not trv a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's .Drug Store. . Kegular size 50c. and $100. 3 These MiK Gii at Once. A home with lot, worth $900 ; $750 takes it. Owner leaving city,' and must sell. Three lots only five blocks from Court house. Lay in fair Bhape; $150 for the three. One fine business lot in heart of city ; $800. Among a multitude of offerings, these three are the very Desc. xaatcn mem ii you can. Feed D. Hill, Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Room 12, Chapman Block. mayl-tf j Great On July 15th yre -will Block. To save the cost of novr offering Extraordinary Bargains in DRY GOODS, CLOTHINGBOOTS and SHOES, HATS, &c. No trouble to show goods. H. Herbring. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrism an & Corson. m FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. Kill or Catch those Flies with "TANGLEFOOT'-' or "DTTTCHEBS LIGHT NING FLY KELLER; Only 5g a Double Sheet at . Donnell's Drug Store. The TygrH Val ley Creamery Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. TVSh VflllBY 45c. Every Square is Full Weight, TELEPHOlsTB OSTO. MAIER & BENTON Are now located at 167 Second Street, opposite A. M. "Williams &: Co., with a complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, (Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, . Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Plumbing1 and Tinning a specialty. Also ascents for the Cele brated Cleveland Bicycle. Reduced Rates. Effective March 221 Tho C Tt Ar W Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as tol- InvR! Twn dflv mtt onrul aninor Ratnv. day and returning Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all trains. E. E. Lytle, m24-diwtf Agent Removal Sale. move into the New Vogt moving the goods, vre are Is Delicious. CREAMERY 80. NOTICE. To all may concern: . Notice is hereby riven that at thn Jnlv.iRofl term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, to-wlt, on the 8th day of July, 1896, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., at the iuniy uourt Koom in the Court House in Dalles City, Oregon, the underpinned petitioners will present the following petition and will apply to me saio. uouoty uourt to grant to F. Erickson A Co., a copartnership composed of F. rick sou and C. F. Anderson, a license to sell frpirituous, malt or vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon within Oak Grove precinct for the wiui ui uu year irom me granting ol sucn- 11 cense: To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, Oregon: We, the undersigned, residents and legal voters of Oak Grove precinct, Wasco County, Oregon, hereby petition your honorable body to grant to F. Erickpon & Company, a co-partnership com- Inw ji r. ncKHoa ana u. v. Anderson, a li cense to sell spirituous, malt or vinous liquors In less quantities than one gallon within said precinci for the term of one year from the grant- lug ui buuu license: . NAMES. NAMES. J P Abbott OP Weberg P N Turner ' - M Delore G A Ward F B Cline Felton WCGrewves Richard Boyd Charles Buckham M Orwiler K McLaren J Nagle N Jones . Peter McDonald F N Vogt John Green C R Joynt ' L Peterson . Robert Tnrey Peter Hansen J Burns August Finn Nels Christensen Thomas Swartes Chas Murray A Roberts R Lutey Thomas Uurron Joseph Batty c Dawprey . Mark Malloy F Dillingham J E Graham W G Flemmirg " C Henneghan John Burns Lrank Barton. FM27-5t-w. Reduced Rates. The O. R. & N. Co. will eell round trip tickets for one fare for the following conventions : Republican National Con vention to be held at St. Louis, Mo., June 16th.' Democratic National Con vention to be held at Chicago July 7th. Peoples Party Convention and Ameri can Convention to be held at St. Louis July 22d. National Convention Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor to be held at Washington, D. C, July 7th to 13th. National Educational As sociation meeting to be held at Buffalo July 3d to 10th. Encampment O. A. R. to be held at St. Paul Sept. 14th. For further information call on or address yours truly, E. E. Lytle, jn3-tf Agent. ml BuSMJSCH The above are Sole Agents in The Dalles for this celebrated Beer, both in bottle and keg. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, unequaled as a tonic. ; . r3 f-H The "A CD I-l 02 CD vD CD Fine Wines, O M bD CD M a . 03 J. Q. MHCK, pine CClines Domestic and St. Louis and Milwaukee Columbia THE OLD ORO 67 Second St., - - The Dalles Commission Co., -DEALERS IM- Coal, Ice' ani Proke, Foreip aiJ Domestic Fruits and Vealles. Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game In Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for Us purity and lasting qualities. ROCK 8PEIfi9. B03LTN, ANTHRACITE and GEOEGES CRBJEK COiLIa , Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. THE CELEBRATED AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony he market. TO GET READY LARGE SPRING now selling Men's and Boy's Clothing, Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes, Shoes, and every thing else found in a first-class Dry 'Goods Store. . C. F. STEPHENS. ASk FOR PRICES. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be J. " x There is a tide in Itke affairs , , leads on to fortune? The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of at C RANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHE LB ACH BRICK. mm AOS Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. liquors and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOB THE- Celebrated Gambriniis Beer. , NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, - - , - OREGON". -DKALKB IN- and Iiiquotfs, Key West Cigars, Bottled Beer. Brewery Beer on Draught. FINO STAND, - The Dalles, Oregon FOR FUEL UAKOFACTUB FGBFU turning out the best Beer and Porter the first-class article will be placed oa for a STOCK- Sold Less Than Cost T. McINERNY. of .men which; taken at its flood Furniture and Carpets & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates -' - UNION RT.