r n 1 Great Removal Sale. 'GENTLEMEN, drop in and see H. E. Balch, Merchant Tailor, 78 Sec ond street, for SPRING and SUM MER Suits. He shows the finest line of foreign and domestic goods ever ex hibited in The Dalles, at 'Frisco prices. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER On July 15th we will move into the New Vogt Block. To save the cost of moving the goods, we are onr DRAUGHT now offering Garments made on premises. Perfect fi guaranteed. The Dalles Daily Chflmiele, The only Republican Daily Newspaper n Wasco County. MONDAY. . - JUNE 22. 1896 A SOUND STATEMENT. The Republican convention teemed with sound money sentiment. Such an overwhelming vote as the plat form received shows how strong its & sentiments were supported by . the rank and file of - the' party. At no convention - in . the' history of the country was there, less trickery and equivocation.- i ne ; piauorm adopt ed is an honest statement of correct beliefs. The candidates named are - men of probity and ability. Among many patriotic expressions ' made by eminent men none will carry greater weight than this one uttered by Chairman Fairbanks in his open ing address. It is unanswerable by the free silverites: "As well undertake by a resolu tion of congress to suspend the law of gravitation as attempt to compel . an unlimited number of 50-cent dol lars to circulate with 100-cent dol lars at a parit with each other. . . ; A change from the present 'standard to the low standard "would cut down the earnings of labor, reduce the value of the savings i .r i i " j v..:us.. .1 loan associations, salaries and in comes would sink, beneficiaries of life insurance would suffer; in short, the injury would be so universal and far reaching that a radical chaDge can be contemplated, only with the gravest apprehension." The fishermen's strike has been declared off and taken its place in ". ,the graveyard of such movements. The right or wrong is swallowed up to a 'large extent in the sympathy which is felt for the men, the dan ' gers of whose occupation fail of rec ompense in the money earned. , How ever much it may be wished that the fishermen who spend their nights in treacherous waters could receive better wages, yet the laws of trade are inexorable, and it is these laws which clearly govern in the present instance. The predictions made early in the year that The Dalles would be rec ognized as the great wool market for the West are being verified. Our warehouses are daily receiving im mense quantities, and the end is not in sight. The fact that no satisfactory price is being offered is not due to any local conditions, but because of national legislation enacted by the ' friends of Australian wool producers. Whenever the market opens, if it . ever does, it will be found that ; higher prices will be paid at The Dalles than anywhere else. ' And now the Populist leaders publicly adopt Teller into the fold and indorse him Tor the presidency. Well enough; let the issue be be tween Populism and good govern ment and see which the American people will decree. Free silver, fiat money, government control of rail ways and telegraphs oposed to pro tection, sound money and vigorous government. There can be no strad die on these points, and every voter will be called upon to decide clearly 'between them. What shall the ver dict be? Water seeks its level, and so da politicians " finally. ' That is what Teller, Dubois et al have just done. They have been Populists in deed for a long time, but have just as sumed the name. William C. Whitney refuses to be a delegate at large to the Democratic National Convention. Whitney is wise in his generation and knows when it is time to leave a sinking ship. It will take most of Boss Piatt's spare time explaining to his follow crs in New York how it all happened. Piatt's career at St. Louis, was dis astrous in the extreme. - STATISTICS MAY ERR. Figures Never Lie, rtnt Their Basil May He Faulty. Figures may not lie, but on the bae& of statistics may sometimes be very faulty. Commenting on this limitation of the statistician's science, Carroll TS. Wright points out that, in the matter of crime, the number of sentences in a given state may vary with the legisla tion. Laws are constantly being passed, Air. Wright says, to raise moral delin quencies to the grade of positive crimes, and then, after a time, such laws may .be repealed, with the result of vitiating conclusions obtained by comparing one year with another. This is illus trated by the record of liquor legisla tion ' in connection with crimes. Pro hibitory legislation seems uniformly to increase drunkenness, for the. reason, in large part, that it increases, if en forced, the number of convictions. A new class of statistics is called into ex istence. It is to be noted also that, as a rule, the authorities of large cities are opposed to prohibitary laws, deem ing licensee more rational or expedient. They are accordingly often led to en force prohibitory laws with extreme rigor in order to make them odious and secure their repeal. With a license law they are lenient in making arrests of drunken persons. Thus it comes about that statistics seem to prove prohibition extremely prolific in crime, while li censes promote virtue. In any . case, errors enter the record by reason of want of uniformity in methods in vari ous parts of a given state. This want of uniformity at a particular date is ex ceeded by the variations between dif ferent dates. In recent years statistics are better kept than formerly, with the effect fit appearing to show an increase Df crime. But appearances are deceptive in this ease, Mr. Wright t hinks. InlSSO the number of convicts in penitentiaries was 37,538, or 709 to themillion of popu lation. In 1890 the number of convicts was 45,233, or 722 to themillion of popu lation. WOOD MOST USED. Fine la Fashioned Into the Greatest Va. rlety of Products. Oak can be put to the greatest variety of uses, but as a matter of fact pine wood is most used. A phenomenal de mand for the latter in the wood-pulp industry has arisen within recent years. Over 1,000,000 tons of wood pulp were produced in the United States alone in 1894, and 240,000 tons in Norway and Sweden, the bulk of it from pine. Pine is also largely used in ship" and house carpentry, ' and . it is adaptable to so many purposes, and is eo abundant, that it has come into almost universal requisition. Common turpentine is ex tracted from it, as are also tar, pitcji, resin and lampblack. Splinters of the rtesinous roots ore used by the High landers instead of candles. J Fishermen make ropes of the inner lark, and the Karotchatkans and Lap landers steep the latter in water to 'make a coarse kind of bread. The oil obtained from the snoots of the dwarf pine is used medicinally by the peasants of Hungary, while the soft-grained sil ver fir is used for the sounding boards of musical instruments, and the Ger mans employ it almost exclusively in their vast toy factories. The wood used in the manufacture of lucifcr matches is mostly pine, and the aggre gate amount of pine wood used in these various industries exceeds that of all other kinds of wood put together. When Baby was sick, -we gave her Castoria. When she -was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wben she had Children, aha gave them Castoria, Extraordinary Bargains in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING-, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, t&c. No trouble to show goods. 1 GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrisman & Corson. 1 ' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand . - I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town- Note- The Change in M. Z Donnel's advertisement- tomorrow. The Tygrn Tal ley Creamery Ask Vanblbber & Worsley for it. , 45c. Every Square is Full Weight. MAI ER & BENTON Are now located at 167 Second Street, opposite A. M'. Williams & Co., with a complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Plumbing1: and Tinning a specialty. Also agents for the Cele brated Cleveland Bicycle. Reduced Bates." ' Effective March 22d. The O. R. fc N. Co. will reduce their round ' trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as lol lowa : " Two day rate, good going Satur day and returning Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all trains. E. E. Lytlk, ; m24-dawtf Agent H. Her bring. Is Delicious. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. NOTICE. To all whom it may ameer: Notice Is hereby given ttaatat the JulT.1896.term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, to-wit, on the 8th day of July, 1896, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., at the County Court Room in the Court Bouse in Dalles City, Oregon, the undersigned petitioners will present the following petition and will apply to the said County Court to grant to F. E rick son 6 Co-, a copartnership composed of F. Ericksou Him Vv. r . Anaerson, a license to sen spirituous, malt or vinous Honors in less Quantities than one gallon within Oak Grove precinct for the term oi one year irom tne gran an g ot sucn li cense: To the Honorable County Court of Wasco County, Ore a on: We, the undersigned, residents and legal voters of Oak Grove precinct, Wasco County, Oregon, hereby petition your honorable body to grant to F. Ericitiion & Company, a co-partnership com- putHsu oi r. i.nci80D ana u. r .. Anaerson, a li cense to sell spirituous, malt or vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon within said preclnci. for the term of one year from the grant ing of such license: - NAXK8. MAXES. J P Abbott O P Weberg P N Turner M Delore G A Ward F 8 Cline Kelton -- W C Greaves Richard Boyd Charles Buckham M Orwiler K McLaren J Naple ' N Jones Peter McDonald F N Vogt j John Green C R Jnynt . L Peterson Robert Turey . Peter Hansen J Burns - . , August Finn Nels Christensen Thomas Swartes Cbas Murray A Roberts R Lntey Thomas Durron Joseph Batty C Dawprey MarkMalloy ; F Dillingham J E Graham , . W Flemmirg . C Henneghan John Burns Lrank Barton. FM27-6t-w. ' . Red need Kates. The O. R. & N. Co. will .sell round trip tickets for one fare for the following conventions : Republican National Con vention ' to be held at St. Louis, 'Mo., June 16th. Democratic National Con vention to be held at Chicago July 7th. Peoples Party Convention and Ameri can Convention to be held at St. Louis July 22d. National Convention Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor to be held at Washington, D. C, July 7th to 13th. National Educational As sociation meeting to be held at Buffalo July 3d to 10th. Encampment 6. A. R. to be held at St. Paul Sept. 14th. ' For farther information call on or address yours truly, . E. E. Lytlk, , , jn3-tf ' Agent. The Germania 8 OTTO Fine Wines, aw h3 P CQ TO O s s 03 S3 CD M -SOLE Celebrated NO. 94 SECOND STREET, , THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. J. O. MKCK, -DKALEB IN" pine GUines , Domestic and St. Louis and Milwaukee Columbia THE OLD ORO 67 Second St., . - - -DKALEE8 III- Coal Ice and Proince, Foreip ani Domestic Fruits ani YepiaWes. , Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game In Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for its purity and lasting qualities. ROCK 8PKINOS. ROSLIN, ANTHRACITE and OBOBOES (JKKKK Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. THE CELEBRATED AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony" the first-class article will be placed on be market. . - TO GET READY LARGE SPRING I am now selling Men's and Boy's Clothing, Fancy . and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes-, Shoes, and every thing else found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. - ASlc FOR PRICES. C. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS OLOTBTJTG, FTJRNISBTJSTGr GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J. R McINERNY. "There is a tide in the affairs ; . . leads on ' The Doet unauestlonably Closing Out Sale of at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK. B1RGFELD, Prop. Liquors and Cigars. AGENT FOR THE Gambrinus Beer. OPS, Key West Cigars, Bottled Beer. Brewery Beer on Draught. FINO STAND. - V The Dalles, Oregon. row FUKL MANUKA CT UK for a STOC F. STEPHENS. of men which, taken 'at its flood to fortune" , had reference to the Furniture and Carpets. & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates - - UNTC RT.