The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 20, 1896, Image 3

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We have just received Four Hundred Yards of the Choicest
These goods were bought to sell for 50c a yard, but owing to their late arrival we will offer them for one day only at
2 5 Cents per Yard,
These goods will be sold in Waist Lengths only. Don't miss this opportunity in securing a Silk Waist. We ex-
peel Liicuj. m .caiiy..
The Dalles' Daily Ghronieie.
JUNE 20, 1898
Kmkh Observations and Local Emsti
Lt-seer Magnitude.
The river stand a at 41.9
Meeting of the Macabees this evening.
Forecast Tonight and to coo it o7, fair
and warmer.
CMr. Ernest V. Jensen Cook -oat
finail papers of citizenship today.
Seventeen militiamen of Co.'C, Pen
dleton, were-court martialed, and fined
fur non-attendance at drills.
Mr. J. W Jenkins loft today for the,
Christian missionary convention, which
meets at Turner, Or., tomorrow.
Tttere will be a Children's ay exer
ciee by -members of the Sunday school
tiinrorrow night in the Methodist church.
" The Degree of Honor have chartered
tle Regulator for a trip to Hood River
1 tonight, and will visit the lodge at that
p1ace. ' '
Phil Bregan, Jr., lost aboujt 150 head
of sheep by poisoning at Dry Hollow
yesterday.' They have been herded
there waiting co be ferried .across the
Mr. Hayward Riddell took a fainting
spell today at L. S. Davis offiee and Dr.
Sutherland was summoned, who restored
him to consciousness by a hypodermic
bowling record of 58
been i
I 1 J 1 "t'T Cl - l.i
weeks, was broken thiB
arry Liebe made a
-" The cham
' which has
' for the pas
morning wh
j Bcore otl poi
Ward. Kerns & Robertson have dis
' poeed of their barn and livery tbusiriess
lo the Wasco warehouse, and will not
be found in person or by telephone at
. the barn hereafter.
The Regulator will make three trips
per week until further notice. Will
leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and- Saturdays, . and will
inake through connection. ' ,
This afternoon the eale ot a strip of
land 47 by 100 feet, adjoining lot 2,
Baird's addition to Antelope was sold to
F. M. Dial for $1,545.33, at administra
tor's sale. E. Jacobeen is administrator.
I An .individual named McDonald, a.
I trifle "under the influence" fell from thei
1 bridge into the water while trying toil
avoid the train today. He was rescued)
bv Mr. Will.- Moody, and was found
be considerably bruised.
One of the ancient philosopheis said,
that one man would sow and another
reap. This has come true in Grant
county. A dozen or filteen years ago
Major Magone found a lake away up in
the mountains that had been formed by
landslide across a deep canyon. He
caught a few thousand little fish from
the river and tributary-streams and car
ried them in pails across the desert and
stocked the -lake. Now the gallant
Major is not there and people go from all
parts of the country and catch loads of
fine fish from hie lake.
The contractors have kept thewater
from injuring the locks by hauling and
placing stone at the exposed portion.
Several carloads have been sed In this
manner. They were two feet higher
with the rock wall than the river yester-
The boys who were arrested for crneltyv
no animafts, were dismissed today by
Justice Davis. Bert Pthelps and Hay
ward Riddell were attorneys for the
prosecution and N. H. 'Gates for the de
fense. The case was 'dismissed." on mo
tion ot Attorney i&Kraeu tor me prose-
Ncutioa. -
since The Dalies will not celebrate,
many of our citizens will perhaps go to
other 'fields to commemorate the nation's
birthday. Among those places near at
home is Moro, where there is to be ball
games, dancing, etc Douglas AKeo, -the
proprietor of the scae line, proposes '-to
leave The Dalles Friday morning, at -5
o'eloek. He is prepared to carry, as
as many as sixteen. Round trip, $2,59.
For further inforraation inquire of
Blak-eley & Houghton.
The Oregon hog 'law provides that
when 100 citizens of a county petition
the eeunty court to have the qafcstionas
to whether or not fcogs shall mn --at
large-voted on, theoart shall order 'the
clerk to place the eaute upon the ballots
at the next regular election. Such a
petition was prepared and circulated
and signed in Union -county. 'The result
is that a very large majority of the peo
ple of that county deoire that bogs ehaU
not rso at large. ' -
Mrs. Stubling had many visitors last
evening to see the "fewer of the igoda."
It was found to be a large, white flower
of very delicate appearance and with -a
strange but pleasant perfume. The
flower -was as curious as the plant which
bore it. This Was a cactus . plant, an
African variety. It had no foliage, but
is a rope-like vine, covered with barbs.
It will bays other flowers at various
times throughout the year. The one
which opened last evening closed late
this morning and is dead. There will be
amother In a few day j!ging from the
bud. It takes a bud nearly a year to
mature. The plant is a very curious
one. It-resembles a snake in appear
ance, and the buds look something like
a serpent's bead. The flowers, how
ever, have a rare and surprising beauty
f At
At the bride's residence. In this city
aturday, June 20th, by Rev. W. C.
Curtis, pastor of the Congregational
church. Dr. bilas ti. .crazier and Mrs
Alida Dunham.
of Two vEunbuDtlA ofKlio Sams
Woman tn The Itallvs. '
Tfce city recorder, had a interesting
charge today a Cninawoonan around
whose personality there ra waged a
fierce struggle for possessien. ' She ori
ginally lived in San Fraosieco and wn
married to a ChinamaM there, apaa
payment of -$400 to her father. Later he
was stolen by another Ohinantan, with
'whom she has lired until todav. T(e
two husbands met this etorning in The
Dalles a!l husband 5o. 1 had Ke. 2
and wife arrested. Tihe wife was re
joiced to find her r husband, and
will undeubtedly live with hiui if possi
ble, as her affections are ..with him.
This afternoon Che 'recorder gave the,
wife the privilege of selecting the one
she most desired and -she chose the fi rst.
There snay be tooehleaa Cbiaatowa over
the event, but the facte are in no shape
for adjustment at present. The China
woman was kept apart from botitt men
until the hour for judgment arrived, and
not 'Understanding -e. word of English
was very much frightened on finding
herself shut op alone. v "
QuesIoat M Truth.
When Baby was sick, we cava her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she dung to Castoria.
When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. .
. Subscribe for The Chronicle and get
the news. .
Jn a recent iseue of the East Orego
nian appeared an item in which-two
ladies, Mrs. H. C. iLewis and Miss Ray
Robbins, asserted that they had been
robbed of $168, the proceeds of a lectnse
they alleged they gave in. Baker City.
The ladies stated to the East Oregonian
as -'follows : "Their misfortune was
caused by some alleged thief who -robbed
them of $163 cash, which the ladies had
as door receipts for a lecture they gave
in -Baker City. They came from the
opera house in the .evening with the
money in a sack, when some, one in the
darkness snatched the sack, leaving
them almost without funds. They came
on to Pendleton, where they expected to
.-give an entertainment similar to that
:given in Baker City, but here received
word that caused them to go on to Port
iland on the Friday' evening train. Ef
forts to apprehend the thief whom the
women allege stole their money at Baker
City, were unavailing." v . '
In answer to the statement of the
ladies, the Baker City Democrat replies :
"The women referred to were in Baker
City last week.' Mrs. Lewis gave a lec
ture at the opera house and her subject
was: 'A Theory in Tatters.' - Her au
dience was a slim one and the receipts
were more likely $1.63 than $168 08. So
small, indeed, that 'Mrs. Lewis very
probably borrowed the funds necessary
to pay her expenses. How she could
have been robbed and no one here being
advised of it, is strange." ;'
' An .Englishman's View.
A well-known Englishman writes to a
friend in this country: ."Your entire
financial difficulty is in this : . Tou can
not maintain a sufficient balance of ex
ports over imports to . pay the three
hundred million dollars which yon re
quire to meet : first, the interest on your
foreign loans ; second, the enormous ex
pend itnre of your ton riats and residents
in Europe;- third the freights you pay to
British s'kips. This isn difficulty not at
all confined to your community ; it is to
day the case of all d-ebtor communities."
'. -Calvary Baptist church Rev., J. C
Baker will preach doming and -evening,
at HI aod.7:30. ' Sunday school at 10 a.
m. Young People's .Society at -6 :'30 j).
m. "
- A Union m-oeting of the different
young pfople'e societies of this city will
be held at the First Christian hnrch to
morrow (Sunday) at 6:30 o'rfock- to.
Topic "Doubts and -dlfiicuKies:" Pa.
xl :1-17. All young people site cordially
invited to attend. -
Sunday services at the Congregational
church as usaal. - At 11a. -si. end art S
p. m. worship, and a sermon by the pas
tor, W. C. Certis. Sunday school -iu-mediately
after the morning sevie.
Meeting of the Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor t .7 p. .to.
Topic Doubt and Difficulties, Psaias
xl :1 :17. All persons not -worshipping
elsewhere are cordially invited.
fet.'Paul's church Services tomorrow
(third Snnday.after Trinity) at the usual
hours, 10 a. te.. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school 8:45 a. in. Subject. of diecour
at morning -service, "God'e Careful
ness ;" at evening eervice, -"St. Paul's
Prayer for Israjel.". Services during the
week On Wednesday Feast of the Na
tivity of John Baptist at W o'clock in
the morning, avith celebration of the
Holy Communion ; also on Friday even
ing at 7:30, with lecture on Confirma
tion. All are most cordially invited to
these services, especially those on week
days. ' " ".''
Tomorrow's Concert Program.
Dalles people' will have the opportu
irity of listening to the following pro
gram tomorrow afternoon at the band
concert, which will commence at 4:30
o'clock in the publie school campus:
March De Molav Conimaadery. ....... R. B Hall
Overture -"Hot wtull"' L. Booz
Waltz ...Bounds From Erin.,.-. .'...".. .Bennett
March "Mobile Buck" .- , . Ganton
Overture Poet and Peasant Ft. von Suppe
Waltz Pnetillion (repeated by request) .Fnrbaeh
Medley Bric-a-Brac Jean Mi'tud
March Bern Ideal...' Sohbo
O. A. Pkteb80N, Musical Director.
. Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. . '
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
- ToTeduce our large stock of. Bicycles, we will sell them at greatly reduced
prices while present stk lasts. This is your opportunity to get a wheel cheap.
Call and -eee what we have. , ' . ,
Out the Flies.
Now in Stock. V Ne-w Styles and Low Prices.
Odd Sizes made to order on Short. Notice.
Bee Hives and Bee Supplies,
Fertilizers, Imperial Egg: Food,
Ground Bone for Chickens, '
Chicken Wheat for Sale at
Feed and Grocery Store.
Th Xy (ch Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. . tVqi VmiIpv
45c Every Square is FtOl Weight. v '
A. A. B.