- j VOL. IX THE .DALLES. OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 15.1896 : NO 137. GOLD PLANK ASSURRED Convention Will Declare for Soundest Kind of Money. THE SILVER- MEN WILL BOLT Tkt; Will rrobrbly J' at Up Teller for President and FisU for Demo cratic Endorsement St. Louis, June 14. When lion. Charles W. Fairbanks, the temporary chairman, arrived this morning from Indianapolis, Mr. Hanna and others others had a long conference with him over the keynote speech, and later, this keynote speech was submitted to a con ference of McKinley leaders. It Is un derstood the keynote speech will be in the line of the Indiana platform, which specially shows opposition to the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. Senator Dubois, of Idaho, and Repre sentative Hartman, of Montana, joined Tenator Teller here tonight. There is no longer any doubt of the purpose of these radical silver men to bolt the ac tion of the convention unless they can have their way about the financial plank. They realize that they are in a hopeless minority, and they have care fully laid their plans to walk out of the convention. The programme they have arranged will probably furnish the. most dramatic and sensational incident of the convention. They intend, as a preliminary, to marshal all the strength they can in the committee on resolutions for silver. They know they will fail, but instead of their attempting to secure a compromise, it will be their plan so to throw their strength in the committee aa to force, if possible, the adoption of a straight-out gold plank, believing that an emphatic gold declaration will put them in a more advantageous position for what is to follow. HAS VOTES lO SPARK. McKinley Claims Six Hundred and Forty Delegates. St. Louis, June 13. Mr. McKinley's headquarters have been crowded all day, and tonight access to them was almost impossible. Mark Hanna and General Grosvenor, after tonight's session of the national committee, said McKinley had 640 votes, as the contest - now stands. Major Charles Dick, who is doing the tabulating as the committee proceeds with temporary conuideration of the contests, puts the McKinley vote on the first ballot at 633, with 460 necessary to nominate. The opposition is keeping lip the fight, especially the Reed, Morton and Quay men, and Piatt is not disposed to make any overtures. The Grasshopper Plague. South Bind, Ind., June 13.-Grass-hoppers are doing immense damage in portions of this county. Alexander . Smith, of Center, township, has 80 acres of wheat from which every blade has been eaten. Another 80 acres is being eaten ap- entire, as well as 15 acres of potatoes and a large field of oata. Quay's Kuu Will Be Presented. Indianapolis, June. ,13. Governor Hastings of Pennsylvania and party passed through this city, en route to St. Louis, this morning. When Hastings was informed that the- morning dispatches stated that Quay's name would not go before the convention be said : "It is a mistake, for I am to present his name myself. He has 60 out of 64 Pennsylvania delegates. Surely a can didate could not complain" 'of-that These delegates will vote for him to the . last." - - ' , '-' " "If McKinley is nominated, will Quay accept second place?" "I am not authorized to aay anything on that point. We are going there to nominate him for president, and not .to make any compromises." Highest of all in Leavening Power. THE ASTORIA STRIKERS. - Attempts to Commit Murder Contlnne Flrlng; from Ambush. " The fishermen around Astoria are still pursuing their bloody work. ': ' Sheriff Hare of Astoria received a tele gram from Clifton Saturday evening stating that masked men had boarded a fishing boat at Woody island, five miles below Clifton, and. were throwing 150 salmon overboard. - So many boats are now engaged in fishing np the river in the neighborhood of Clifton that one patrol boat is insufficient to protect them. Arrangements were accordingly made this evening to put on a second patrol boat. Sheriff Hare in speaking of the affair, said this evening: "Just as quickly as fishermen ask for protection'they shall have it, even if it is necessary to cover the entire Colum bia river within my jurisdiction with patrol boats." An attempt was also made to murder a fisherman named Sam Brown, who was fired on from shore by parties in ambush. Sheriff Hare's patrol boat im mediately steamed for the sppt where the .shot had been heard, and found Brown some distance up the sloughs, darintr the men in ambush to come out and give him fair fight. "You cowardly Brown was heard to sav. "yon dare not show your beads and give' man a fair 6how." . The woujd-be murderers refused to come out, however, and Brown finally resumed fishing oper ations. The following private dispatch was received from Clifton tonight by The Oregonian correspondent here : "This morning one of the Cook's most successful fishermen, while on his way to the cannery, was attacked by 25 men, eome of whom were masked. After disarming him, the attacking party threw 150 salmon, valued at $150, over board. This afternoon another of Cook's men was attacked and disarmed, and 80 salmon were thrown in the river.. Other fishermen have been fired upon within the last 24 hours. One brave fellow was fired upon from the shore and made for his assailant, ho took to the woods. Sheriff Hare has placed a posse of depu ties, above Clifton, but this is not suffi cient. We desire more protectionand, to the credit of Sheriff Hare, be has promised it." - - All efforts to settle the fishermen's strike through mediation of the Cham ber of Commerce and the committee of citizens have proved unavailing, and the movement was entirely abandoned this afternoon, leaving the .union complete master of the situation, and stronger than ever. Two Iles Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City 111. was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Egger8, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approach ing Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and iq two weeks was cured.1 He is naturally thank fulw It is ailchr results, of which these are samples,, that, prove' the wopderfal efficacy of t his medicine In Coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. ; Regular size 50 cents and $1 00. , . , , Blakeley & Houghton desire as to pub lish the following 'extract from a letter of Chas. M. Gutfeld of Reedley, Fresno eounty, Calif., as they handle the rem edy referred to an'd want their customers to know what a splended .medicine it is : . "It is with pleasure I tell you that by one day's use of Chamberlain's Cough remedy I was relieved, of . a "irery bad cold.' ' My head was completely stopped up and I could" not sleep at night. 'I can recommend this remedy.'' A cold nearly always starts in the bead and afterwards extends to' the -throat ahd-lunga. By using this remedyrr;f.reelv as soon as the cold has been contracted it will cure the cold at once and prevent it from extend ing to the langa. .'"".'' . Wanted, a girl to do housework and cooking. Inquire at this office. jnll-4t Latest U. S. Gov't Report ' ; i .-.. f i A QUESTION OF VISION. Incidents Which Co to Show That. Mind and Not Eye Sees. . It is an admitted facttthat the eye is the "organ of vision,'" yet there is but little -doubt, even in the minds of" opti cians and physiologists, that the phe nomenon of "seeing" is chiefly, mental in other words, that it is the mind and not the eye that "sees." How often have you seen a friend who, seemingly, was engaged in look ing intently on some object on the ta ble, at the opposite side of the room, or at some picture, who, on being aroused from his day dream, would confess that he was "looking at noth ing in particular." The explanation ox the fact that he saw "nothing in par ticular" is plain enough if properly set forth. It was because bis mind was busy with other times and scenes. Faces, bits of wayside scenery, and the like, were being presented to view in the panorama of the mind, and the "mind's eye" or mental vision -was engaged in eagerly scanning of impressions made thereon -years or k cores of years before. Again, if you want to know whether your com panion looked at his watch with his brain or his eyes, ask him the time of day after he .puts the timepiece in his pocket. . . PREPARED FOR EMERGENCIES. Young Man Who Got a Clerkship In An ticipation of Ills Prodigality. . Here is a story that or.e of the south ern members vouches for, according to the Washington Post. A young man, one of his constituents, applied to him for a $1,000 clerkship. The member secured the appointment, but the day before the constituent w as to be sworn in he came to his representative in a troubled state of mind and said : "Colonel, I have had $125,000 left me by an aunt, and, my God! just think what I have to go through again." "Let me congratulate you," said the representative. . . "Jfo, don't do that," said the con stituent; "you don't know what you're congratulating meon."' "Yes. I do," said the member, "for now you can live without working." "Colonel," said the distressed young man, "I may as well tell you. Several, years ago I bad $100,000 left me by an other aunt and it took me nearly a year to spend it. After I got through I had to go to the hospital for six months to get over the effects of my dissipa tion. The reason I came to see you to-day was to ask you to keep that place for me until I can spend this money.". . - , We are selling the famous Soap Foam washing powder.- It will not "yellow the clothes" nor burn the hands, and is the finest thing in the world tor the bttth. In extra large packages at eame price of common goods. Sold by Pease & Mays.. . .. may22-eod-2m SIMMONSN VREGULAfOR? j ' THE '.BEST A '.;; V SPRING MEDICINE Is Simmons liver FEGULATORdon't forget to take it. - The Liver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all Jiature, and the system : becomes choked . up by the accumulated waste, which brings on Malaria, Fever and -Ague and. Rheuma tism. - Vou want to wake up your Liver now, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver 'Regulator to- do it it also regulates the Liver keeps it properly aH worK, wnen your system will De tree rrom poison and the whole bodv Invigorated. You get THE BEST BLOODwhen your system is in Al condition, and that will only be when the Liver is kept active; Try' a Liver . Remedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS LIVER -REGULATOR It is SIMMONS Liver Regulator which,, makes the difference. . Take It in powder or In liquid already prepared,- or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS LfVER REGU LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every package. Look for it.- . , J. H. Zellin & Ckx, Philadelphia, Fa. DR. GUNITS WPBOT1D f , A movement ox the bowel a&eh day la nocwi? tat health. Tbem pills supply what the jatem lacks to f ake it regular. ' They care Headache, brighten the yea, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics, bey neither pripe nor sicken. To convince yon, we will mail wunple free, or fall box far SAe. Sola every Where. D& BOSAMLO M0. CO., Philadelphia, Fa 'afvfVfVf"sV'''''' Take a Note For this entire week v , , .We Will give our customers the op portunity of. buying "our regular 25 c Ladies' Fast Black Hose ' i ' - . - . . ' ' -i . , -.. ':,;;... v. . ' . .. -.--' -' - . '.... At reduced price of 25c pair. : Also offer extraordinary bargains in our .. .... Dress Goods Department; .V ' Full assortment of English Checks, all-wool material; reg. price,. 50c yd, Cut in half 25c yard.' t, ' The New Collarette, 'Which -makes such a stylish trim ming for the finer grade of Wash Dresses is shown at bur counters At 5QC and over. .fv - t've, - ve For Infant and CMIdrea. ' : Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Btomach, Diarrhoea, and FeTerishness. Thus the chad Is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Caatorla contains 'no Morphine or other narcotic property. M Caatorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription .tnown to me." H. A. Jlbcbkb. M. D., Ill Booth Oxford St., Brooklyn. N.Y. " "Forseivoral yearsIhTe(reoommeiaedyonr Castorla,1 and shall always continue t do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwib F. Fardbe, H. D., : . 135th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The ase of ' Caatorla ' is so universal and Its merits ro well known that it reenu a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in tellifrent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cl BTiOBi KlTTK. P. P- ' . . New York City. ' Taa ChnrrAna OostrAirr, TT Murray Street, N. Y. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. ; TRANSACT A GENERAL BASKrSQ BCSINE8 Letters of Credit issued availabe . Eastern States.'V . v. .'. Sight Exchange and -.Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicaab, St.. Louis-, San Francisco,. Portland Ore gonSeattle Wash,, and .various points in-Oregoo and Washington..." , Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . ....' . Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL ', All work promptly attended to, ' . . , and warranted. . . No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Druf Co. .Telephone No. S. (Miliil Watchmaker Jeweler of Our This Week's Specials. $ Cheviot Laundered Shirts, " Collars and Cuffs attached ; in email and fancy Btripes; made to seli at 75c; go this week .at 60c. " 7- -; ' - ' , ' " .. . . 7 . - ' ' Percale. Laundered Shirts, Same style, of a different ranpe of patterns ; a very good Dollar Shirt.;', this week, 75c. Men's Summer Underwear, - f In light mixed Balbriggan ; well finished ; in all " , sizes from 34 to' 44 ; sells Xsn sight at 25c each. . Special 12 i-2 c Half Hose, - In Tan and Black ; never fails to give perfect sat isfaction ;. try them. . . " ' ' v "'r '-: ' ' :' " '.' ." We have just a few sizes left in pur Spec ' Ualv;!SurAmer Random XJnderwear -at 25c each.' - . .. . ';.v... : 7. - v. - - .' StxiciwHats,-" ; Any utvle, at lowest prices. See our "Stanford." :.. '',-":,:;, '- : "77' ' .' " We show a "Warranted Gore" Dress Shoe fjor Gentlemen at a pair. t. 1 A M WILLIAMS & GO - v 33 - "5757". VJLUSE:, " . DEALER IN : ' ..- '.' PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. . And the Most Comnlete and Latest Patterns andf Deaigna in ; . WALit PAPER: WALL PAPER. - . ppf!TTnAl. PATNTER and PAPER of J W. -MASTJRY'S PAINT8 osed most skilled workmen .em pioyea. Agents ior axasury jiquiu ramus, xtu cuoiu icel combination or soap mixture. 'A flrst-claas article in all colors. All orders ' promptly attended to. . .. - ' - ' ' . . ' r ' 7 Store and Paint Shou corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles. 0reo When yog to t Seed Wlieat, Feed Wheat, ; ' Rolled iBarley, Whole Barley, . Oats, Rye, Bran; Shorts, 7 Or anything n the 'If.eed Line, go to the ;. WASCO : WAREHOUSE. Our prices are low and our goods are firt-cla"fi. Assents foV the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. - Highest cash price paid for WHEAT. OATS, and BARLEY. ' v THE Saipes-Kwly Drug Co. . Etc. 129 Second St. THE OR; DruRS Paper HANGER. None bnt the best brands . in all our "work, and none bat the Hay and Grain for Sals Ward, ".Kerns . & ' Robertson's Stable. Corner Fourth arid Federal Sts. dec4-lm. J M, RANK, M. D., -'.: .. ;V v. Physician and Surgeon, ' CHAPMAN BUILDING, ' ' ' . Room's -44 and 45. Office honrs, 9 to 11 a, m., M 2 to 4, and 7 lo f p. m. Phone. No. 268. -.1 . , i " - . - . i. !' - ' ' ' '" ' - . i 1 , .. . . .1 ' P ' . .: CAtrbcoUVs Eil!li Dtamooil BiM ENflVROYAL PILLS alae. ' JS. .it. mMkJj unigein lor twruiur. haxes. st-Altk! wtih bine rlbhoa. Tke nn w h (. fir fuse ftvrcm tnbtixw a L iBrmnd in Kd mod Gold tiansantZ imitations. Al Druggist, trml40k in ta.rnpa ror partfcnilAra, tetlnwlatsi mwI Kellof tor tad le, UUmt, by vmvm MnlK lO.OOtt Teetimoolala. Nairn iw. v Subscribe If or Thb Chbonici.k and get the news, -rtm