The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 13, 1896, Image 1

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NO 136.
Piatt Is Said ; to Be Much
Mckinley hen only are placed
Report That IMatt and Sixty Other
New TorK Delegate Will Walt
- Oat or tbe CuiiTention.
St. Louis, Jane 12. Today there was
in circulation a report that Thomas C.
Piatt had declared his intention of bolt
ing if the six contestants from New York
should' bo seated. It was learned from
the members of the national . committee
that probably six Platte men will be
thrown out and other men placed on the
tempory roll. Piatt's, remark was re
ported to Hanna today.
'I shall not get excited over this, even
if Piatt said it." Hanna remarked.
Vh.en assured that Piatt bad made
the remark, he was not disturbed.
Other friends of McKinley said that
Piatt was putting up a grand bluff. The
report of Piatt's intention to bolt was
circulated by his friends quite freely.
One stated emphatically that the posi
Uob of Piatt was that in case eix regu
larly elected delegates in New York
were unseated, 60 more delegates would
walk oat of the convention. This view
is controverted by sime delegates from
New York, who say that 25 to 30 dele
gates from New York are ardent McKin
ley men and cannot be expected to fol
low Piatt,-. ... ..
Members of the national committea
think the talk of New York- wholly ' for
the purpose of influencing the decisions
in the remaining contests.-.
To an Associated Press reporter- today
Piatt said be had not spoken particular
ly of the New York, contests, but. upon
the whole proceeding in the committee.
'They are riding . roughshod, over-
everything,' he said. "The question of
a man's .title to a seat. is not considered
on its merits, bat as to his position- on
presidential candidates... . . '.
"Hahn, a member from Ohio, has de
clared the only- question involved- in
these contests is whether or not a' man
is for McKinley. , That line of ' policy is
what JNew iork objects toi"
Piatt reiterated that Morton's name
will be presented and voted for.. He did
not think Manley's manifesto made any
appreciable difference in the situation.
He thought the Maine committeeman
must have become demoralised. Piatt
has received a dispatch from- Eeed, who
says that Manley's utterance was wholly
unauthorized, and 'expressing astonish
ment that Manley had taken such a
Piatt is interested in having a gold
standard plank in the platform. . ,
"From all I have heard,'' he said, "I
think the, convention, will take, that
course. There seem t to- be a - demand
that cannot bejgpored in, fayor ct a firm,
declaration, for the. gold standard.. . .
"Silver men will not be satisfied with
any kind of a straddle, and there should
be no-attempt to have anything' but., a
straight? gold declaration-" -
The ColHMbla River Salmon Packers to
Portland, June -3 2. .A- gigantic sal
mon combine, to take every interest - on
the Columbia river into ob a corporation ,
and backed by unlimited capital, will
very probably be the unlooked-for reuifc
.of the present strike of the 3000, fisher
men who want more for fishing than the
packers claim, to besabie to- pay -. ; ,
The prospects art that the Columbia
Eiver Packers' Association, which was
formed in-Portland last spring, is- to be
followed by a stronger concern a single
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
corporation which shall be eo firmly en
trenched as to command a vast influence
in the salmon industry, and which will
dictate and not be dictated to. It will
be modeled after! the - Alaska .Packing
Company, and it will absorb all, the -big
and little fishing interests, consolidating
them into one enormous plant and do
business on an unprecedented scale. :
.... The cannery men are, being driven into
consolidation for protection of their in
terests not only from the fishermen, but
from the mischievous state legislature,
and by next autumn it is confidently be
lieved no matter what becomes, of-, this
year's fishing that the combine will be
organized and the consolidation effected.
If organized in time, the combine's lob
by will be a factor in the state legisla
ture this winter, and will endeavor to in
fluence the solons to legislate in the in
terests of the fishing industry.
Tney.Were f-alnt-Uearted.
Huntington Depot. W. Va., June 12-
Forty miles east of Charleston, on the
C. & O. read, masked men boarded the
Washington ; and - Cincinnati express
train at midnight, and crawled over the
engine tender into the cab with revolvers
drawn. The engineer stopped the train.
He was commanded to cut loose the ex
press car. Tins was done. J. be passen
gers were awakened and the lights were
extinguished.- After ten minutes' work,
the bandits became frightened, and es
caped to the mountains. .
Marvelous Results. , ..
From a letter written by Rev. J Gun-.
derman, of Dimondale,' Mich,, we are
permitted to maka this extract : . "I
have no hesitation in recommending Dr.
King's. New, Discovery, as the results
were almost marvelous jn the case of my
wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist
Church at River Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeed
ing La Grippe. - Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours w-th little. in
terruption and it seemed as if she could
not survive., them,. A-friend recom
mendeti Dr. King's New Discovery ; it
was quick in its work and highly satis
factory in results." -.Trial bottles free at
Ulftkeley & Hougbtdn; Druggists. .1
. Two LItm Saved. -. ,
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City
111. was told rby her "doctors she had
Consumption and that there was no hope
for her. but two bottles of Dr.. King's
New. Discovery, completely .cured, her
and she says it saved, her life. Mr. Thos.
Eggers, 139 Florida St.. San. Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption,- tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naturally thank
ful. It is such -results, of which these
are samples, that prove the wonderful
efficacy of t his medicine in Coughs and
colds, i) ree trial- bottles at Jjlakeley &
Houghton's Drug Store." Regular size
50 cents and $1 00.
In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T. A.
McFarland, a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Sutter county, Calif., was
taken, with . a very heavy cold. The
pains in his chest were so severe that he
bad-spasms- and was threatened with
pneumoniae ; His. -father, 1 gave sev
eral large doses of, Chamberlain's. Cough
Remedy r which. broke ip the ough. and
cured him. Mr. McFarland says when
ever his children have croup-he Invariably-
gives- -them Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and it -always,- eures them. He
considers" it the best cough remedy in
the- market; ; tor sale- by - Blakeley &
Houghton's Drug store.-'
Blakeley & Houghton desire as to pub
lish the following extract from a letter
of . Chas. M. Gutfeldoi Reedley, Fresno
eounty, Calif., as they handle the rem
edy. referred to and want their customers
to know what a splended medicine it is :
' "It is with pleasure I -tell you that by
one, day's use. of Chamberlain's- Cough
remedy. I was relieved of.' a4 very, bad
cold. My head was completely stopped
up and I could hpfc sleepiat higbt. I can
recommend this remedy' A cold nearly
always starts in the head and afterwards
extends to-, the -'throat and" lungs. . By
using this 'remedy freelv as soon as the
cold has been contracted it will cure the
cold at once and prevent it from extend
ing to the lungs.
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Lost Hours of the Grand Lodge. .
Promptly at 9 o'clock yesterday morn
Grand Chief ; Templar . W.' W. Breeden
called the grand lodge to order and the
beautiful ritualistic service of the order
was used in opening.
The morning was occupied in listening
to reports of the subordinate lodges and
by consent of the grand chief templar,
(though out of the regular order of busi
ness) E. H. Merrill was allowed to present
the subject of grand lodge organ.. He
showed by figures that if all members, of
the order would take hold of the matter
a paper could be published that would
be very useful as a medium of communi
cation between the lodges. .Such a
paper could be furnished at the very low
price of 15 cents per year per member.
This matter was finally left to a commit
tee to investigate, and George, Ernest ) i
Stewart was appointed chairman, with
power to select the other members of
the committee.
The remainder of the morning was
spent in routine business, there being
two cases of appeals that were referred to
committees. to investigate. . '
afternoon and farewell.
The initiation of officers took place
at 2 o'clock, after which, reports from
the district and juvenile lodges were
listened to and tbeu with the usual vote
of thanks for every lodge who had con
tributed to the success and pleasure of
this meeting, and with the touching
farewell service, the thirty-second, ses
sion of the grand lodge came to an end.
The following is a complete list of the
newly-elected officers :
W.'w: Breeden, P. G. C. T.
W, M. Shank, G. C. T.
W. L. Black well, G. Coun.
Eva G. Bryant, G. V. T. j
Mrs. J. E. Barnett, G. S. J. T.
W, S. Hurst, G. Secy.
M. D. Markbam, G. T.
Mrs. F. W. Cann, G. Chap.
JE. Haines,. G. Marshal.- -
Miss S. Fain, G. Depty Marshal.
Rett Dawson, G. G.V
G Dann, G. S, .
A. NV Varney.-Asst. Secy.
JVH.iPiblee, G. Mess. .
Edith Randall. Organist.
Representatives- to. the International
Grand Lodge, which. holds, its meetings
in Zurich, Switzerland, next month,
were C ' H. Newell, St. Helens, and Wi
W. Breeden,. of Forest Grove...
The next grand lodge will hold its ses
sion at Portland the first, week in June,
i897... , . ' ;,
Wanted Experienced girl for general
housework in small family. jil-3t -
Reduced Kates.
The O. R. & N. Cos will sell round
trip tickets for one fare for the following
conventions : Republican National Con
vention to be held at St. Louis, Mo.,
June 16th. Democratic National Con-,
vention to be held at Chicago. Joly 7th..
Peoples, Party . Convention and Ameri
can Convention to be beld at St. Louis
July .224.; National Convention- Young
Peoples Society of.. Christian Endeavor
to be held at- Washington, D. C., July
7th to 13th. National Educational As
sociation meeting, to. be held. at Buffalo
July 3d to lOthv Encampment G. A. R.
to, bo held at St. Paul Sept. lth.. For
farther, 'information.. call; on, or address
yours truly,- - E; E. Lytlbv ..
jn3-tf - Agent! .
' v . - .. .. '
We are selling the famous.' Soap Foam
washing powder It will not "yellow
the clothes" nor., burn the hands, and is
the. finest thing in r the. world tor the
bath. In extra large - packages at same
price of common goods.- Sold by Pease &
Mays.". . " may22-eod-2m :.
.,' These Mast Go at Once.
A home with. lot,, worth ?900; $750
takes it. . Owner leaving city, and must
sell. - Three -lots only, five blocks from
Court, house. Lay in fair shape r. $150
for-the three.-' One fine business lot in
heart of City $ $800, - Among a multitude
of offerings; these - three are the very
best. Match them if yon can. -
. . - i . . . . ; Fred D. Hill, ,
' Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Room
12,- Chapman Block. - -; mayl-tf
It doesn't take much medicine, to care
Malarial Fever, provided you take Sim
raons Liver Regulator. . It is just the
remedy, for- Malaria - and all spring ail
ments, i And .you don't . need , to take
much of it. ' "Simmons Liver Regulator
broke a case -of .Malarial Fever of three
veara standing for me, and less than one
bottle did it. 'I still use it when in need
of any medicine." C. Himrod, Lancas
ter, Ohio. V
"' Will bring forward some new prices. Wait for the same and buy
Lot 507-8 Misses' and Childs' French Ribbed Lisle, worth, according to size
from 45 to GOc pair....................,......:..:.................,.... Special, any size, 35c pair
Lot 35 is a good heavy-ribbed Past Black; regular 15c.... ::...:....... .....:.Special 10c pair
Lot 142 Misses' and Childs' fine ribbed. Fast Black; regular 12c. Special 05c pair
Ladies' Fast Black; good value at 10a ................................Special 05c pair.
Lot 1 6 Ladies' Fast Black, full fashioned; regular 12Jc. ........ ......Special 08Jo pair
Lot 200-B Ladies' Fast Black, full fashioned ; regular 20c..:........... .Special 15c pair
Lotl450 Ladies' Fast Black, full fashioned; regular 25c........Extra good offer at 15c .
Lot 574-B Ladies' Fast Black, 40 gauge; regular 42Jc ..........Special 30c pair
Lot 660r Ladies' Fancy Lisle, black ground; regular 75c .Special 40c pair
'. ' -i ......
it- -t.
; ; ; , v :;-r
1 ; I"er Infant and Chfldren. .:
Caatoria promotaa IMgestion,' and.
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, . Diarrhoea, . and, Feverishnesai
Thus the child is - rendered healthy and J t.
sleep nalnreX Castoria. contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property. .
" Castoria is o well adapted to children that
I recommend it ait superior to any prescription
tnown to me." H. A. Abchko. M. D.,
. in Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
For several years I bare reoomtnerfSed your.
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.
Edwiw V. Pardsi, M. D., .
125 th Street and 7th Ato New Tork City,
The nse of 'Castoria is so. universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the lo
teftisent families who do not keep C&storia
within aoay reach."
. CaBioa KAmTTK. CD.,
Tn Cnura OoKPAirr, 77 Murray Street, N.T.
Letters of Credit issued, , eilte .
Eastern States. '
Sight Exchange and TelegraphicJ
iransiers sola, on JNew.r.xorfc, (Jmcaeo,
St. Louis, Sao Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and -various points
in Oregon and Washington.
.'- Collections made at -all points on fav
orable terms. . . . '
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,.
and warranted.
N.o more -BOILS, no more PIMPLES
Use. Kinersly's Iron ToniCi The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone- No.
. -DEALER IT - .
i . And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in ' r
PEACTICAL PAINTER and" PAPER HANGER. None bit the best brand
of J. W.. MASURY'S PAINTS : used in all bar work, and none but the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry Liquid Paints. - No chem- .
icel combination or soap mixture. A flrst-claas article in all colors. All order,
promptly attended to..- i . . -
Store and Paint Shon comer Third and "Washington Sts.. ' The Dalles. Oreoi
yog oiant
Seed: Wheat, Feed "Wheat;
Rolled Barley,Whole Barley,
Oats, Rye, Bran,, Shorts,
Or anything . n thie Feed Line, go to the
i Our prices are low and our goods.tire drt-clas. I r v
: Attents fortbe celebrated-WAISTBURG .''PEFRLESS" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLE Y;
Snipes-Kinepsly Drag Co.
. Etc.
129 Second St..
Hay; and; Grain; for Sate.
Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Stable, ,
. Corner Fourth, and Federal Sts..: ;.
dec4-lm. ' .
J M. KANE, M. I)., -
Physician and Surgeon, .
' Rooms 4iiml 45. Office honrs.i 9 to 11 a, m.,
and 2 to 4, aud 7 to I p. m. Phone. No. 268.
Cltlcl(etpr' EncllU Diamond BmA. .
Original and Only vennlDe
brtirfzist for 41MchteT KnolUh Din-J
I ?iWaaJ Tm-alol with fclno rlhbon. Tab
mi mud isnitaiion. At Drajrjria, or wenA
In stamp! Hr prtictilr, tvstkroooimla kjad
Kelif for iJMHe," in utter, bj rt
Il Hi I. , (I.1IVU IflWBBDIl
Subecribe' for The Chronicle and get '
the nwe, ' 1 -'x : " :
it 'ft