The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1896, Image 1

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    rater 53 mi mmmm m
NO 133.
Disposal of Negro Delegates
to St. Louis.
Hotel Proprietor Claim That Tbelr
' Kiiomi Are All Enjagri) .11 any
Delegates are ArrlTlngr.
St. Louis, Jnne 9. No eolation of the
puzzling question, What ia to be done
with tbe negro delegates to the national
convention? has been reached.
Proprietors of leading hotel deny that
they reluse to entertain colored men,
but say the rooms are all "engaged,"
and they cannot accommodate tbe ne
groes. A large number of national com-;
mitteemen arrived this morning, but
were reticent about giving their views
regarding the treatment of the negroes
by the St. Lou la hotel and boarding
house keepers.
M. H. de Young, of San Francisco,
owner and editor of the Chronicle, and a
member of the national cbuimittee, said
it was not a part of the duties of the
committee to secure hotel accommoda
tions fOr any delegates,' either white or:
black. He would oppose any effort to
bring the matter before the committee..
National Committeeman James Hill,;
of Mississippi, a negro, thought he had
secured rooms at Hurst's hotel, but whs
informed last night that the clerk made
a mistake in assigning him a room,
every room having been previously en
gaged. 1
P. H. Lannon, of the Salt Lake Tri
bute, arrived today in company with
National Committeeman Salisbury, of
Utah. ' Both are for fr.e silver, and will
advocate a plank of that character in the
platform;" '""
"It would be folly for any one man to
say what the convention will do on tbe
money qnestion," said' Lahna'n, "but I
am confident it will not decree for the
single gold standard."
"Neither do I think the platform will
declare for free silver. I am not pre
tending to say what the convention will
or will not do, but it is my honest
opinion that the money plank will be
such a character that the free-silver men
of the party can stand on it."
Do Yuunx and Salisbury were both
. present while Lannan was talking, and
concurred in what he said. ' "
Powell Clayton, of 'Arkansas, favors
the single gold-standard platform. The
list of vice-presidential candidates has
been largely speculative. Governor
Hobart, of New Jersey, has secured the
active support of many Eastern dele
gates. So also has Senator "Proctor, of
Vermont J H. Clay Evans will be
named by the Tennessee delegation.
IT. S. ' Grant, of California, will have
tbe support of some of the delegates
from the far West.
Cy Leland, of Kansas, who is finishing
his twelfth year as a national commit'
teeman, said today :
'McKin'.ey is for eound-money--gold,
if you' please,' and whatever silver is
needed; '-'He' is as mtfctf' opposed lo'thta
16-to-l heresy as he is to free tradeV '
"ihen there will be no concessions
made to silver men from the West
Dubois,1 Teller and Carter?" .
"None whatever. These fellows will
take what we give them and if they
don't like it they can bolt. In fact,
. expect to see some of " ttiem holt. We
can easily do without thmu, with Ne
York and New Jersey, and we've got
cinch on these states, too." "
Izndnt tif Cufegrri.ineD.
Washington, June "9 It "is expected
that there will be a very large attend'
nee of members of 'the house and Senate
at the'St. Lonis convention. Tbe poll
ticians wilf Deleaving here' for St. Louis
all through this week.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
m "man ' Mlf'
Trocha Being; Reinforced and More War
Vessels Prepared. ' ..
Havana,' Jure SJ'.--The government is
hurriedly reinforcing '. the old military
trocha from Moron to Ciego de Avila, in
the hope of, preventing Gomez from re
invading the central provinces' with
fresh insurgent forces from the east.
' Patriotic Spanish merchants in Ha
vana, Cienfuegos and other Cuban ports
are raising funds to buy and present to
the government a new ironclad. The
subscription already exceeds : $850,000.
Madrid1 reports the transatlantic lin
ers Alfonso XIII and Reina Christiana
armed for War. They will sail for Cuba
in a fortnight. Work upon the torpedo
catchers MolKa, Bazana and Victoria in
the arsenal at La Granada is being hur
ried, and they will be launched early in
the autumn.
The Havana press widely comments
upon the senate committee's report on
the weak condition of New York's de
fenses. .
The town of Cubanco, across the bay
from Havana, was excited considerably
y an insurgent band burning various
public buildings at a point in the su
burbs. The band exchanged shots with
ho government piekets. - The insur
gents yesterday made unsuccessful at
tacks upon the government outposts at
Gabriel, Ciaba de Lagna and various
points along the Pinar del Rio trocha,
burning adjacent' houses in their re
treat. '' ' ' "' ' " " -
Garcia at Duaba.
Havana, June 9. Calixto Garcia,
with a large force, is said to be en
trenched at Duaba, on the north coast,
between May'ear and Baracoa. General
Linares, with troops and two gunboats,
as left Baracoa to dislodge bim.
- 1
Citizens Meeting;. '
Pursuant to the usual custom," a meet
ng will be held at the Court house on
rtiursday evening June 11th, 1896, at
8 o'clock, for the purpose of 'making
'iominations for the offices to be filled at
he coming city election.
j9td Frank Mbnkfee, .
' 1 " - : V - i ;: ;': Mayor.
Through trains on the O. R. & N will
run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Fen-
lletohr Through sleeper's, first and sec
ond class will run in connection with the
Union Prctfic, the same as heretofore.
A through first-class sleeper from Port-
ud to Spokane; connecting ' with the
rat-class sleeper to bt. Paul and a
through tourist sleeper from Portland to
St. Paul, will be run in connection with
the Great Northern railway.
- E. E. Lytl, Agent.
It doesn't take much medicine to cure
Malarial Fever, provided you take Sim
mons Liver Regulator, it is just tbe
remedy for Malaria and alt spring ail
ments. And you don't need to take
nuch of it. "Simmons Liver Regulator
broke a case of Malarial Fever of three
vears standing for me, and less than one
boitle did it. - I till use it when in need
f any medicine." C. Himrod, Lancas
ter, Ohio.- ' ; '. " " . ' "
... . 1 r -
Tbese Slant Go at Once.
A home
wltto lot Worth 900: $750.
takes it. Owner leaving city, and must
sell. Three lots only five blocks from
Courti house,.,. Lay- in- fair shape; $150
lor the three. One fine business lot in
heart, ot city ; $800. . Among a multitude
of offerings, thepo three are the very
beet. Match them if yon can.
k bed 1). Hill,
Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Room
12, Chapman Block. mayl-tf '.
...Fruit- growers. will do well to take
notice of The Dalles Commission Co.'s
advertisement In another column; They
offer" good inducements 'to' growers- in
hipping. Also are ' headquarters for
boxes and crates at lowest prices'': '
" ' " . " jnlO-lm-w
We are selling the famous Soap Foam
washing powder. It' xw"iH"'n6i "yellow
the clothes" nor barn the bands, and ia
the finest thing in- the world for the
bath. In extra large packages at same
price of common goods. Sold by Pease &
Mays. ' may22-eod-2m
Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report
'1 5
a.4 1 4 a a-ai " . '
is Simmons Liver regulator don't
forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish
durin? the Winter, iust like all nature.
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, vhich brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver j
now, Dur. De sure you taKe simmuiNS
Liver Regulator to do it. It also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
You get THE BEST BLOOD when
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it. ..-..
i J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
A Jtliltl Physic. One Pill for a Hose.
A motement of the bowels each day is neceasarv fnr
faealth. Tbnte pilla supply what tbe system lacks to
make it regular. They enre Headache, brighten the
Eyes, and claar theCornpleiion better than coamatf OS.
They neither gripe nor sicken. To conTwoe you. we
wiil mail wunnle free, or f u 11 box for 2no. Sold every-
DtL. 1SUSANK.U AxttD. tu rnuaaelpuia. fa,
In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T. A.
McFarland, a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Sutter county, Calif., was
taken with a very heavy cold.' The
pains id bis chest were so seyere that be
had spasms arid was threatened With
pneumonia. His father' gave him sev
eral large doses "of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy; which broke up the cough and
cured' binu'.'" Mr. McFarland says wben
ever' his children have crOup he invari
ably gives them Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and It always cures them.-' He
considers : it the best cough remedy In
the market. For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton's Drug store.' " . - '
If the care of the hair were made a
part of a lady's education, we should not
see so many gray heads, and the use of
Hall's Hair Renewer would be unnec-
The Clarendon restaurant (Haight's
old stand) has employed some French
chefs, late of San Francisco, to attend to
the culinary department, and this pop
ular restaurant is now better prepared
than ever to please their patrons; This
easily places tbe Clarendon restaurant
in the lead as a' first-class house of the
xind in the cityi ' : ; je2 2wd f
ltedaced Rates. ...
Effective March 22d. The O. R. & N,
Co. will reduce their round trip rates
between Portland and The Dalles as fol
lows: Two day rate, good going Satur
day and returning: Monday night, $3
Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all
trains. - - - E. E. Lytli,
I m24-dwtf . Agent
When Baby was sick, we gare her CastorU.
When she was Child, she cried f or Castoria,
When she became Miss, aha clung to CastorU.
Vben she bad Children, she g-are them Castoria.
-i -
Blakeley & Houghton desire as to pub
Iish the following extract from a letter
of Chas.'M. Gutfeld of' Reedley, Fresno
county, Calif., as they handle' the rem
edy referred to and want their customers
to know what a splended medicine it is
' "It Is with pleasure I tell you that by
one day 'a use of Chamberlain's Cough
remedy:! was relieved of a very bad
cold." My head was completely' stopped
up and I could not Bleep at night. I can
recommend this remedy." A cold nearly
always 'starts In the head and afterwards
extends to the throat 'and longs'. By
using this 'remedy freely as soon as the
bold has "been? contracted it' will cure'tbe
cold at once and prevent it from extend
ing to the lungs,' '- " " i 'v-'"-
c- Monarch
Do you wish to see the latest production in this popular
- ; . ' ' :
, For Infant and Children.
Castoria promotes) Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, "-and Feveriahness.
Thus the child Is rendered healthy -and -its
sleep auatnral. Caatoxia ! contains -210
Morphine or other narotftic property.
' Castoria Is to well adapted to children (hat
I recommend It aa superior to any prescription
blown to me." ' H. A. Asobes, I.,
, , in South Oxford StM Broasiyn, N. T.
i tr - :
"For BeversJ years I have reoommerl3edyouf
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so.
as it has in-raxiably produced beneficial remalta."
, Edwist P. PanDBB. M. D..
128th Street and 7th Av&, New Tork City.
"The nse of 'Castoria' is so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In
'teflifrent families -who do not keep Castoria
Vithin easy reach." . . -: :,
New Vork City.
Thb CKjrraUB Coarxinr, IT Mnrray Street, H. T.
Letters of Credit issued availab) .
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Teieeraphic
Transfers sold on New .York,-Chicaao.r
St: Lonis. San Jcrancisco. For tiand Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various- points
V . 1 Vt7 - L. I . . ......
in vregya aiiu ?rssuiupuiut ;
Collections made at all points on far
orable terms. , .
: -.; . - - - ' . -
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
; and waiTanleiU j ; ...
Can now be found at
street. " " '"
162 Second
' if o more BOILS, no more PIMPLES
1 .-. 1 ; : i,i . 1. . ; .- T :- t: ;-l.
Use Einersly'f Iron Tonic. . The Snipes
Kihersly Drng Co. Telephone!?. $j
f! ! ; y r' . ' -V "J. V, TrWi'4 '-'-
fc'w'w'w'w'w'w'ww'w'w w'w'w'w'w w'w'w-w'w'w'l
Pertaining to both stylish and comfortable dress
IS .A.
There are none better.
-i "! I !
''::"'..A: M WILLIAMS S GO 1
X - "JT. 7" TT
-i - . '. . ) DEALER. IN
And the Most Complete Wd Latest Patterns and Designs in,- .; . i'-,
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Alasury liquid raints.v. no cnem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. ; ;: ':- ; ; ,i j. v
Store and Paint Shon corner Third and
lhen you amnt
Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat,
Rolled Barley,TVliole Barjey, ,
r Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts,
; y: . Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the
1 Our prices are low and our goods are fifVt-clasi. ' V ' '
Aeents for the celebrated W AISTBURG VPEFRLE8S" FLOUR.
Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, Q ATS and BARLEY.
. -
Soipes-K'neMy Druf Co.
Prugs, Paints,
Vall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St..
. . i.'Ji jw;,'' '
V :t ., i . - ' .
1 f.-
make? "We have them.
' . ' . . i '
HAN1GEK:' None but the best brands
in , all our. wort, and none but the
?. ,- .- ;, . :t
Washington Sts.. The Dalles. Ore-
to buy
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, fens :& ; Robertson's SiaWe,
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.'
J at. EASE, M. D.,
V Physician and Surgeon,
, , . . . . . . t ' i r 4
' Rooms 4t and 45'.'' Office' hours, 9 to 11 a, ro
al)d2 to, and 7ltp. JiJ- fbune. No. 268.
H Chlpheatrr'aTjnslIaB Dlamoad BrasA
wt. )? Tiail. coiS'a V
briuillt tot Chick Ur I BntlUk Dia- V
,u3aU io Kca and GaU maitti, 7
bozes. lwl wlib blm ribbon. Tskt
bo vtaen. Btfw'mttfmM ukuuw
' liana amdimitalin. At Brucsita.-araa.
ia aumpt for partteiilsrs, milmoniaht aa
"Relief -for I-adtea," a ItUr, br lHaa
Mail. t,CMM ToUamliU. Mown
hr hi f -it- -tIf . rwswtta
- Subscribe for Thb Cheonici.k and get
the-iifews. " , '.-
tit-en ,j. ' '.vA-"-v1 i- t- . ; - 1