SPEQIAL SALE. Great Cut in Prices in Dress Goods Department. We will have the hottest wave of the season in our Dress Goods Stock on Saturday. The old prices will melt away completely uiider the hot wave of prices. FOR ONE DAY ONLY. All Black and Colored 50c Goods only 35c All Black and Colored 60c Goods ..only 42c All Black and Colored 65c Goods only 47c All Black and Colored 75c Goods only 55c All Black and Colored 85c Goods ... only 65c. All Black and Colored $1.00 Goods '. only 72c All Black and Colored $1.10 Goods C only 80c- All Black and Colored $1.25 Goods '. only 90c We need not comment on the excellence of our Black and Colored Goods, as they are well known to The Dalles shoppers. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. JOS. T. PETERS & CO m m i : . mm n. m w r - a, - ia i i - 3. . i . ... I ...... X, .. , ... , " : i : : PER & BENTON Are now located at 167 Second Street, opposite A. M. ; Williams &c Co., "with a complete line of ' ' Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Plunabing" a specialty. Also agents for the Cele brated Cleveland '-Bicycle. KTTJ X? 0 have we taken hold of the VICTOR BI- VV 11 I i CYCIJ Because jE as our leading Wheel. after thoroughly testing a dozen different makes, we have come to the conclusion ' that the VICTOR is the BEST. Toon oq s mechanically perfect, and while not J-JCCcLUoe TOO LIGHT for our bad roads, vet ;it B ecause runs the easiest. it has a tire that, while light, is almost PUNCTURE PROOF. (We will repair " ' airptincturess free for' the season on 1896 Victor Tires.) : J- ' . ; We have 189ft ttibycles that list at $100 that we will sell for $75, bat they are not VICTORS. Our 1896 VICTORS sell for $100. . For meditirn grade bicycles, we have the Waverley and Crescents $50 to $85. Good second hand wheels, $25 to $50. . ;. Bicycles and Tandems for rent. Wheels repaired." We keep constantly on hand a good stock of -compressed air, for inflating tires, and give it away. Get your tires inflated. . XHLGL3TS f ' CROW22. f ;it '; it ! ik t ,y , Wall Paper Latest Designs, New Combinations, Harmonious Colorings. . At V'ery Low Prices. Call and see onr samples before "buying. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY,':-' - JUNE 4. 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations mnd Local Erenta of Lesser Magnitude. Milton Nobles in "For Revenue Only" ' At tLe New Vogt opera house tonight. ' Forecast Tonight and tomorrow, showery. The river rose five inches last night and three yesterday. Frank Angell, with a sulky, collided with ' a buckboard this afternoon and was thrown among the wheels, severely injuring his leg. X f1if tr nTotiin rtpnnrQ a woplr frntYi AT n n -l- day. The retiring councilmen are JSshel man and Laner. There are three wards and the judges and clerks have been ap pointed, y The Regulator made her last trip this morning until Saturday. On that day there will be a grand excursion to the locks, for which a rate of 50 cents will be charged. At the council meeting last night the recorder's office, Wm. HrfheH's office and the Union street schojWhouae were fixed as the polling places for tFJe coming city election. A city ordinance was passed at the council meeting last night increasing circus license to $150. This does not apply to Bond -Bros.,' who 'will pay the usual $75 rate. The tent in use by the Bond Bros, suffered severely from snow and wind at Idaho Falls. It is therefore not in first class Bhape, and will be replaced by a new one tomorrow in Portland.' Several jurors at the last session of circuit court failed to claim their time before the county clerk and in conse quence be is unable to make out a cor rect claim. They are requested to call and attend to tbe matter. " ' '' "For Revenue Only," red hot politics, full of ' humor, satisfied as well aa de feated ambition, tricks, turns, sacrifices. plays for votes, demagogism, statecraft, everything that is entertaining and in etructive . at the INew vogt tonight l "For Revenue Only." - Marshal Blakeney has appointed as special police .officers today : Dan Ma loney, Ralph Gibcina and Bill Young. The recorder has aleangiven notice that if any crooked work goes oh-at the circus grounds the malefactors will : be pun ished to the full extent of tbe law i they are apprehended. "For - Revenue Only," by Milton No bles tonight, is a political play fall of fine satire and peculiarly apropos to the time and place, where we have just passed through a heated political cam paign. The. defeated and the elected candidates will see themselves on the stage tonight if they viBit the -Vogt opera house. jjThe Dalles City failed to etem the swift current of the Columbia yesterday , ! Miiht's which poured through the narrow pass ' ' below the cascades like a mill race. 1 'From S,rn to Son" 5a one of those Riyer traffic will therefore be stopped JM-.f"bKned and powerful emotional bttween the Cascades and Portland un-. lramf8' which llave larKeI? 8iven &co til the river falls again. The boat eould lf lat -vears to Hht medy,- spectacu- f iar or vnuueviue troupes.' JUl PiODieK, A come up the river at the stage it is now if it were falling. " The defect in the acoustics of the New Vogt opera house is being remedied to day by putting up streamers throughout the ball. The room is so large that with nothing to break the echo, many of the words spoken .on the stage are lost. The trouble will be remedied this afternoon, eo that every word will be heard plainly. ' The McCoy casa came np before Judge Davis this morning. Testimony for the prosecution was submitted, the defense waiving their right to produce testi mony. Court then adjourned until 4 p. m. today, when arguments will be made upon tbe testimony submitted. It is in all respects like that published by The throughout the long years he hua been before' the public ' as actor and play wright, has never been influenced by the allurements' of these idealees if money-making presentations,' has never pandered to the baser tastes of . man kind for low comedy, as furnished by coarse jests and the display of the female figure. On the contrary he has pursued the even tenor of his way, fur nishing a highly moral drama, with ten dencies for good i entertaining, instruc tive and with . comedy and drama well balanced. In this field he has achieved deserved success and his fame is now as broad as the continent. "From Sire to Son" is a play founded upon the incidents of frontier life in the West iu the early days. The onenine Uhhonicle yesterday. ' scene is in Yuba. Calif:; a mining town, Mr. J. M. Huntington was out at Ce l tilled with the characters of those days, lilo yesterday with Mr. Peel, of the U. la community of roughs and toughs, S. engineer corps looking at the right of with moral perceptions dulled by con- way lor the portage road. They made an approximate estimate of the damage that would accrue to tbe various owners of ground over which the road will pass and find it will probably be small. No part of it is valuable for agriculture, and the only damage that will lesult will be act with vice and lawlessness, yet pos eesing inherently noble natures. ."Ai red Armitage," the character ' assumed i)V Milton -NoIiIra. ia n anppfifuifnl tram. Juler who tires of his pursuit and deter- l.MI I I1PU tn 1 .n rl a tmtlu. lift. TTa im ftfnually fo'.ied bv one of his former corn- its deterioration for fishing rights, and panions, who is always trying to pull a few cheap buildings that will have tJ him down, a man who does not hesitate be removed. . . , to stnop even to murder, and the closing Jerome McNeil, aged 10, lost a han A scene in the 'first act is whre this man and narrowly eecaped being killed by ala'tempts to kill Armitage and his wife, train at Mosier on Monday. He was lArmiiaije survives, but is stricken dumb crossing the trestle bridge across Mosier y passion. 'The close of each of the our acts is a thrilling climax, and at he end of the third act Milton and Dollie Nobles were compelled to respond o an enthusiastic encore. "They were kell sustained throughout. The widow, he doctor, the lovers, the sheriff, the l-acon. the villain were all taken with out affectation and mirrored real life. "Jonas Hardy" deserves special men tion for a meritorious rendition of bis trying part. Tonight "For Revenue Only" has leen put on tbe boards, and the un qualified success of last night's perform ance should assure the company a full house. . : ' City Council Meeting. creek when a train appeared around the curve at the farther end of the bridge. He started to run back and fell between the ties. The train came on, the engine and two cars passing over him before it was stopped.' He was then fished "out between two cars. The poor little fel low was unconscious, and it was found he had lost bis left hand, which was cut off at the wrist, and was also in jured the back of his head Bond Bros.' Show. The circus and menagerie of Bond Bros.' show arrived this morning and soon the work commenced ' of raisini; their mammoth tents on the beach be- ow the Wasco warehouse. The parade his morning was very creditable. The ond tiros, have four - elephants, a romedary and three camels, also a uagga, or zebra, which is a very rare cquisition. The chief circus attractions are the La Role Bros., aerial navigators and tight rope performers, formerly with Barnum, and who draw a salary of $400 per week, Miss Anna Carroll and Miss Grace Thomas, bareback eques triennes, lour tunny clowns and many performances of various difficult feats A good show is assured . to all who attend. ' - No more BOILS, no to ore PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. The regular monthly meeting of the city council occurred last night. There were present Mayor Menefee and Coun cilmen Lauer, Ross, Saltmarsbe, Eshel man, Nolan, Thompson and Crowe. Petition for night watchman read and on motion laid on table. Report of fire and water committee read. Also a communication from Mr Siinmsof Portland regarding the chem ical engine and fire alarm system. On motion of Eshelman, seconded by rnoian, tbe - committee report was adopted. Nolan moved, seconded ' by Laner, that a committee of three propr erty owners be appointed by the mayor to can vacs tbe -town and ascertain whether money could be raised by pri vate subscription. Carried. ' Councilman Esbelman, from the com mittee on health and police, verbally re ported defective sewers in the Schanno and French bank buildings. Council man Thompson , of jcdiciary committee, reported in the matter of claim of J. Story against the city that money ehould be collected by the city from Story. A motion by Crowe, seconded by Ross, followed - that the matter of collection be left in the hands of judiciary committee with power to employ an attorney if necessary to pro tect the city's interests. . An ordinance taxing bill posters was on motion of Lauer, seconded by Crowe, carried. . A circus ordinance fixing $200 as the license was read and lost." Amended to $150 and carried. Honest Boys. The boys of The Dalles must be a pretty honest lot after all, notwithstand ing Ibe disclosures -made epme time ago iu. The Chronicle cocerning the Dirty . Dozen" c!nb Go. FitzGerald, Glenn Patterson, JohHFitzGerald and Clint Bradshaw are' erAitled to the ut most confidence and reepect of this com munity, and if either pi themver comes up fo" congress we wall vote for them. This morning ''these boys brought to Tbe Chronicle office a pocketbook con taining over a dollar in small change. There was enough money to buy them all a ticket to the circus, and enough left to buy peanuts for the . elephant, but heroically shutting -their eyes and ears to the well-nigh overpowering allure ments of that acme of a boy's delight the circus they choose the part of honesty. They may well rejiice in' that victory; over the tempter wbo'is'ever in wait' to start boys on the downward path of dis honesty and deceit. If no one claims the money, then of course its all right. FmderB keepers. Losers weepers. - Hirer Readings. Bee Hives and Bee Supplies, Fertilizers, Imperial Egg" Food, Ground Bone for Chickens, . .... i Chicken Wheat for Sale at J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery" Store. Portland, June 4, IS96. Umatilla, 20.5. Wenatchee. 27.3 Lewiston, 19.6 North Point, stationary. " . .Awarded Highest Honors-EWorld's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. V v kS mmm .?r Most Perfect ' Made.";.. - 40, Vears the Standard, Jacobson Book & Music Co. and Harry Liebe - have moved in the old Vogt Store on Washington Street, opposite The Chronicle Office. GEORGE RUCH -1 PIONEER GROCER. l ; M'' . 1 c5 : ' . Successor to Chrisman & Corson.) " FULL, LINE OF STAPLE arid FANCY GROCERIES., Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to. see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. SPECIAL, Pure Glycerine Soap, only 10c a cake, or 25c a box. Genuine Briar Pipes, with Amber Tip and Leather ?ases, only 50c each at Donnell's Drug Store. Tli a Tygli Val ley Creamery Is Delicious. Ask Vanbi'b'ber & Worsley for it. 45c. Every Square is Full Weight. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. TZXEZJSiOTSTJEi 35TO. SO.