ATTV P have we taken. hold of the VICTOR BI W Xl 1 I CYCLE as our leading Wheel. Ko. C7. sures Perfect Fit and Satisfaction j . ' Ooodi Marked la (J Plain Figures. The Dailes Daily chronicle; SATURDAY, - - - - MAY 30. 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Brents of Lesser Magnitude. The Elks will meet at 7:30 tonight. All members are requested to be present. The Sunday school will hold regular jBervices at the M. E. church tomorrow. At the bowling contest last night the single men won the first night's contest by 35 points. Home dramatists are rehearsing their coming play, 'Past;Redemption," at the Baldwin opera house. Mrs. Slee, who came down from Spo kane yesterday, left this morcing to join ber hueband at Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rohr of Portland returned home this morning from a visit to Mr. D. C. Ireland at Moro. The Lutheran church, Kev. 1. CJrey, raptor, will hold services in the- First Baptist church at 9:30 a. m. and 7 7j3oy p. m. , Mrs. B.D. Johnson came up from As torin yeBterday to spend Decoration Day in the city, when she. will leave for a visit with her parents in Columbus. The Baldwin opera bouse now in good order, will be rented at one half for rates, until further, noticei Address my30,3t si. C. B., P. O. Box 211 ATaCsitnile of the ticket to be voted appears on our fourth rage, as voted by a Republican. We trust there will be about 1400 of these ballots cast next Monday. The Regulator left this morning witW flags flying at half masVin honor of the dead heroes, whose comrades will today strew flowers over their graves all ovefl the land. X . A fierce wind is blowingsnp .the riverl today, which makes thexrfver seem higher than it is. It has rajie4 about a font in thA nftflt. tnront o.frtiir Knnta a a , j . nearly as can be ascertained.. -. At the Congregational church the pas tor will occupy his own pulpit tomorrow morning, Sunday school immediately after the ' service. Other meetings will be announced for the anion services. The Congo Oil Co. will give a minstrel show tonight and propose to charge an imlssion fee of 10 cents. After it a pie contest will occur between two boys. The boy who gets outside of it first will be given a prize, the balance of the un eaten pie. - i: i, Major Gifford, commanding the North ern ; Pacific division'; of the Salvation Army, will be with the Army Saturday and Sandayand will deliver addresses. Ice cream and cake will be served, this afternoon and tonight at their ball on First street, ..,-, ' ij j Rev. O. D. Taylor, pastor, will 'preach at the First Baptist cborch, tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock. The sermon will treat of national affairs and Will be of particular interest to patriot hearts. The Leading Clothes of America Are here for those who want the best. We have medium and cheaper grades for those whor. wish , them, and every garment carries our recom mendation, with it. This Label on a Garment in It stands for the best that Money Can Duy or Skill Produce. ...... -v., , PEASE cSnscs. bunday scnooi will follow morning ser vice." Lesson, Luke xxl :20 36, subject "The End of the Age." - ' - The jury in the Snipes case brought in a verdict at 11 :30 this morning as fol lows: We, the jury, find defendant guilty of simple assault, and recommend him to the mercy of the court. ; Tomorrow being Trinity Sunday there, there will be services in St. Paul's church at the usual hours 11 o'clock in the morning and 7 :30 in the evening with a celebration of the Holy Com munion at the morning service. Sunday school 9 :45 a. m. Sut jHct of discourse at the morning service "Life Crowns or the Liberty of Heaven." At the even ing service "The Law of Expediency." Mr. Spencer's Speech. Mr. L. C. Spencer made an old-fashioned Republican speech at the court house last night. He talked along the line of protection and bimetallism in a speech of an hour and a halt's length, and was frequently interrupted with ap plause. He was introduced by Mr. F. V. Wilson, president of The Dalles Mc kinley Club. Mr. Spencer reviewed the financial history of oar conntry from 1796 to the present time. ' He explained the truth of the Gresham law, or the promulga tion of. a well-known ' principle in 1856 in England which he applied to all na tions at all times where two or more metals circulated side by side. ' That principle is that the cheaper money will drive the dearer out of circulation. When money was grnt coined by our government at a ratio of 15 to 1 gold was driven out of circulation. An at tempt was made to remedy it by estab lishing the ratio at16,to 1. This wbs an error the other way and silver, be came the scarcer metal. :: The govern ment cannot legislate a value for silver. Silver must take its place in the com mercial world along with every- other commodity. If legislation would give silver value Mr. Spencer, would go fur jther than the . Populiste. If 16 'to 1 uwoa A wny wonld double its value, he wondered they did not make it 8 to 1 and quadruple it, or 4 to one and make it worth eight times as much. He would make it 1 to 1 and make all of as mil lionaires: ' He closed- with a Btrong ar gument to support the regular ticket and vote 'er straight. When Baby was-sicfc,- wo gav her Castbrls. .. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. ' When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. Vhea she had Children, she gave them Caatorlx -Bueklen's Arimca aalre. : The best salve in' the 'world for cuts, bruises,' 'sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, .chilblains, corns, and all' skin eruption, and poaj lively 'curbs'1 piles'br no' pay.'' required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money reranaed. Price 25 cents' br box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. The Jury Tote the Australian Ballot. ; The jury . amused themeelves daring the long hours last night while they were trying to agree on a verdict in the Snipes case by taking a vote on the po litical situation. Sample ballots were banded them,' which each quietly marked and depoeited in a hat. The vote showed their minds were about in the same confusion on the political sit uation as they were on the Snipes case. Perhaps the best index as to their party complexion was shown in the vote for congress,' Bennett receiving 7, Ellis 3 and Quinn 2. - : This opinion is corroborated by the vote for superintendent of schools, the Democratic nominee receiving 7, the Republican 3, while one of the two Popnlists knew that Miss Hansbury was not legally a candidate. For the other positions, the vote showed a past tre mendous agitation in favor of the Re publican candidates. For supreme - judge, Bean '.led the ticket, receiving 5, Bennett, Dem. 4, Gaston the inevitable 2. " - For clerk, Keleay'a popularity was manifested, receiving the full Republi can vote, a majority of the Democratic vote, and even one of the Populists : Keleay 8, Cases 3. Driver also gained a Democratic vote: Driver 4, Woodcock 6, Taylor 2. ... , - - ' For joint senators the Demo-Pop fuse is apparent: Armsworthy (dem) 5, Dufur (dem) 6, Michell (rep) 6, Moore (rep; 4. : ; . For representatives, B. S. Huntington leads the ticket with 5. . Henry 3, Mes tincer 2, Jones 2, Coon 1. :' For county treasurer, tbo independent candidate is top man." Wm. Michell re ceived 5 votes, Geo. Liebe 4, Seth Mor gan 2, and C. L. Phillips 1. , . ! Geo. Morgan, accepting the jury's vote aa indicative of anything, is the' most popular.' He received 8 votes to Whip-, pie's 3. " Morgan is our townsman,' while Whipple is not so well known in this locality.'5 Vs' 'r:li For coroner, Butts 6, Williams 4. For eurveyor, Schntz 7, Goit 4. . , The last named again shows the com plexion - of the jury-politically.- Both men- are held in equal esteem by the community. ' : It is now too late to subpoena a jury with a Republican - majority which party is really dominant, and the vote if it shows anything is very complimentary, as it indicates that the Democratic party propose' to vote for many men who'rep- resent the' party of protection' and the friends of both gold and silver as money metals. '. Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply j families with' the celebrated Gambrinus keg or bottle beer,, delivered free of j charge to any part of the city. Tele phone 84. . . l . . ! ' Dr. T. F. CampbeU-KM. 'Di, M. C;) physician, uieon, etc., Jate of Los Angeles, office at" Umafilla' bouse. ' All calls attended. , Telephooe37. "? ' - ldwtf : I T. A. Van Korden fte atcWakef and jeweler, can be found in bis new quarters, opposite A. M. Williams' store. my8-lm I9AIER & BENTON Are now located at 167 Second Street, opposite A. M. Williams; &r. Co., -with a complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber .... Garden Hose. Plumbing and Tinning a specialty. Also agents for the Cele brated Cleveland Bicycle. A QUESTION ANSWERED. Why pld Von Come Oat Independent?" - By the- request of many friends and vders of this county, who believe, like myself, that this free country should be run by the people, and not by any - fac tion -nor -political bosses of any party, who would down a man without any cause whatever. " - Now, gentlemen, I do not ask . for more than others have had before me, and have only done my duty as a faith ful custodian of the funds of this county, and shall continue to do so as long as you say by your vote for me to stay in this office; not favoring the rich more than the man who toils long for bis bard-earned dollar. . Heave it for the voters of this county to say if a tried man .is not as good as an untried man in this responsible office. dl-203t ,Wm. Michell. Sacred Concert. The band will render the following excellent program at their sacred con cert tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in the school grounds : , Mircta "The Crusader" ..John Phil Fount Chll ia'i Serenade "Manade".. .: : .. Jean itisud Nocturne "Ihe Prodigal .Daughter" O. A. Ptterion Respectfully dericnted to the Flortnce Crittent n Kscae MiM!ion Characteristic "The Yankee Patrol of 18(55. . Jean Afisaud German 8onr "Auf Wiederso:ien"... ft Bailey Memorial Dirge -"Our Departed Heroes" - ........ Louit Boo Selection Daughter of Love" . W. C. Kenntit Grand Sacred PotPourrl-." Joy to the World" . ' .4rr. bv V. L. Barnhouse Introducing the following hvmns and tiacred koiirh: 'Jov to tbe World. ' "I Am Praying for You," "Rin the Bells of Heaven,'- "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning," '-Rock of Ages,"- "I'll Stand by You Till Morning,' "Playel's Hymn," "My .Redeemer," "Will Jesus Find Us Watching," "Ni. thing but the Blood of Jesus," "Over the Line," "C rona tion," "Date to be a Daniel." Finale. .... Awarded . Highest Honors World's Fair, Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CHEATS mm Most Perfect! Made. 40 Years the Standard. I Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby, given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, as administrator of the estate of Anna Francis iMtlooo, deceased. t r jt.j All persons having elaims, against ialdi estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at my office in Dalle .City properly verified within six months from the date of this notice. Dated May li, l89&.rI- . ... : ,, . . ,, . . FRANK MENKFKK. Administrator of the estate of Anna Francis Carlson, deceased. myl6-6elt- r , a. Emm Because Because all puhcturess free for the season on 1896 , Victor Tires.) . We nave 189ft Bibyclee tbat list at $100 that we will sell for $75, bnt they are not VICTORS. Oar 1896 VICTORS eell for $100. - For medium grade bicycles, we have the Waverley and Crescents $50 to $85. Good second band .wheels, $23 to $50. . . , , ... . , , Bicycles and Tandems for rent. ' Wheels repaired. We keep constantly on hand a good stock of compressed, air, for inflating tires, and give it away. Get your tires inflated. Wall Paper Latest-Designs, . Ne .Cpm'bintions, ..... Harmonious Colorings. ..'i.J; , t . ; At Yery Lo-w Prices. Call and see our samples "before buying. JOS. Bee Hives and Bee Supplies, Fertilizers, Imperial Egg Food, Ground Bone for Chickens, Chicken "Wheat for Sale at J. H. CROSS Feed and Grocery Store. and Harry Liebe have moved in the old Vogt Store on Washington Street, opposite jl lie viiiuincie GEORGE RUCH - ' . . 1 . PIONEER Successor to Chrisman dc Corson. FULL iltNE OF v STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. - - Again in business at the old stand. I would be 'pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. Pure Glycerine Soap, only 10c a cake, or 25c a box. Genuine Briar -Pipes, with, iinber Tip and Leather 6ases, only 50c eacli at Donhell's Th Tygh Val ley Creamery Ask yanbibber & w orsley 45c. Every Square is Ij'tlLI weignt. TEIBPHOITB after thoroughly testing a dozen different makes, we have come to the conclusion that the VICTOR is the BEST. it is mechanically perfect, and while not TOO LIGHT for our bad roads, yet it runs the easiest . : it has "a tire that, while light,' is almost PUNCTURE PROOF. (We will repair T. PETERS & CO. Venice. ! ! GROCER. in t Is'' -Delicious. CREAMERY .';'-.f to lor it. jygjj Valley A. A. B. ' BO-