G3 A GENTLEMEN, drop in and see S. E. Balcb, Merchant Tailor, 78? Sec ond street, for SPRING and SUM XIER Suits. He shows the finest line of foreign and domestic, goods ever ex Mbited in The Dalles, at 'Frisco prices. xer mania ; OTTO B1RGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 1-4 -aw P CD CO i m o :SP3 r 4 v a g CD -SOLE AGENT FOR THE . Garments made on premises. Pei.ect fi guaranteed. Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. The Dalles flaily Chfoniela. The only Republican Laily Newspaper n Watco County. SATURDAY. MAY '30, 1896 DEPUBLIB0J1 TICKET Supreme Judge, - -.- R. S. BEAN. Representative in Congress, 2d Diet. W. R. ELLIS. Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Diat., A. A. JAYNE. Joint Senator, Wasco, Sherman and Gil Ham Counties, V W. H. MOORE. Joint Senator. Wacco and Sherman Counties, JOHN MICH ELL. Joint Representatives, Wasco and Sher man Counties, B. S. HUNTINGTON. F. N. JONES, County Judge, ROBERT MAYS. For Sheriff, T. J. DRIVER. For County Clerk, A. M. K ELS AY. For Treasnrer, C.L.PHILLIPS. For School Superintendent, C. L. GILBERT. For Assessor, W. H. WHIPPLE. For County Commissioner, D. S. KIMSEY. For Surveyor, j. b. goit. For Coroner. W. H. BUTTS. Justice of the Peace, The Dalles Dist. G. J. FARLEY. For Constable, The Dalles Dist., . JULIUS WILEY. OUR LAST APPEAL. The state campaign of lo)b can le called completed. A day of rest intervenes before the battle of the Hjallots begins and then the people of Oregon vili declare their opinion as to the fitness of the various cundi dates to represent them in office. The Chronicle has heartily sup ported the regular Republican ticket. "We believe the principles for which the Republican party was foanded and "upon - -which its ultimate success depends, can be best advanced by the election of Mr. " Ellis. In unity there is strength, and the fact that Mr. Ellis was nominated in a regu lar ReDublfcan convention, where the right of the delegates to seats in the convention had been passed ur)on by the highest authority, viz, the convention itself, entitles ' that gentleman to the consideration of Republican voters. The past campaign has not been an harmonious one, but prejudice bhould not triumph over sound judg ment , The candidacy of Judge 2?orthup 'is not free from objectioria !le features, and futbermore we be. liere that Republican Votes cast for INorthup aid in the eleation of Ben jnett ' ' juinn; ' - Wasco county should stand by the regular -Republican nominee and roll up for Mr. Ellis a rousing majority. In this W3y the factional dissensions in the party can Ye the better healed. Since the sheriff's and clerk's office were put upon a salary basis, thous ands of dollars have been saved to the county which forrneily -went to the occupants cf these offices, and yet the county debt - is not reduced. Should Robeit Mays- be elected judge, as there is every probability he will be, the showing four years from now will prove the wisdom of his election. Let us honor this wor thy pioneer, and by so doing benefit ourselves. District Attorney Jayne is deserv ing of re-election. No valid argu ment can be raised against him. He is zealous in his labors for the state and possesses the ability to conduct the office according to a high stand ard. The Dalles should give Mr. Jayne a substantial , majority next Monday. ' Does Wasco county want to be represented in the legislature by men of high character and ability ? Then let the vote be cast for W. II Moore, John Michellv B. S. Hunting ton and F. N. Jones. W. II. Whipple and D. S. Kimsey are the two men named for' assessor and county commissioner. These offices are both important and no better men could be named than Messrs. Whipple and Kimsey. C. Li. Phillips is the regular nomi nee for county treasurer. He was nominated fairly and honestlv, and is entitled to the support of every Republican. Besides he will make a mighty good treasurer.. C. L. Gilbert is just the man we want for count' school superintend ent. He has every qualification necessary to make his administration a great success. fibenfr JJriver is gaining in popu larity every day. He is a sure win ner, and those who want to be on the winning side would do well to vote for this capable official. . A. M. Ke'say has filled the office ot county clcik to the satisfaction of everyone. His re-election will come as a matter of course. ' G. J. Farley and Julius Wiley, if elected to the offices of justice of peace and constable, wilt take good care of the precinct affairs. - J. BJ Goit is a practical" surveyor and will fill the office of county sur veyor to the satisfaction of everyone. . Vote for W. HVs all riyht. "' H. Butts for coroner. These Mailt Go at Once. A home with lot, worth $900; $750 takes it. Owner leaving city, and must sell. Three lots only five blocks from Court house. Ly in fair shape; $150 for the three. ' One fine business lot in heart of city ; $800. Among a multitude of fferin(is, tbeee three are the very best. Match them if you can. Feed D. Hill, : ." Real Estate & Fire Insurance. ; Room 12, Chapman Block. - mayl-tf. An exceptional opportunity will be given to anyone wishing to go into active businees, to trade property for enough interest to control a well established, paying lumber business that will stand inspection, in" PortlandOregon, to "the amount to $12,000 to $16,000. f.The pres ent owner is willing to retain an interest in the concern. ' A change of climate be ing necessary is the reason. fFo' par ticulars call on or address J. E. Young, No. 434 Belmont street, Portland, Oregon. my22-6t f "Pass Your Plate' I '.n .... Prices of .l..cpinmpjihies 5 have been reduced except tobacco 5 . Prices of have been reduced except tobacco " Battle Ax " is up , jto date. Low Price ; High Grade ; Delicious Flavor , Jot 10 cents you get almost twice as much " Battle Ax" as you do .Replug..: ....vi 3 COMING ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS The BIG SHOW , - BOND BROS, i , ,;, "Vl7"ox"lc3.,s Best S1zlo',wq 3 BIG CIRCUSES IN 3 BIG RINGS MONSTER MENAGERIE OF RARE WILD BEASTS ! An Ethnological Congress. Wonder9 of Five Continents. A Huge Modern Hippo drome Rivalling Csear's Dave. Undeniably the Greatest and Grandest ' Exhibition Ever Conceived. "Will Exhibit at 1 ffTTinrr : 11 S . TIE DifiiTloni. ffii 1. An Innovation and Revelation m Amusements. Three Great Circn9 Troupes of Foreign and Native Artists. The Highest Salaried Performers of Every Continent Selected for Their Individual (superiority i in Their Various Specialties i , Many Rare Specimens of the Animal Kingdom never before exhibited in. America. A Colossal Collection of Deep Sea Living Sanrians. An Kthnological -Display of Marvelous Surprises.' All New and Original ' ' ' ' Feats in the Grand Hippodrome. : r , r f .-. More Elephants, Camels. Wild Animals, Amphibia Performances and Special Ex- hibitional Features Than Possessed by Any Other Slow in the World, .l: It Costs no more to Witness all these Combined Exhibitions "than "it does 'to see I the most unimportant and commonplace Shows that visit yod periodically- ' - Make np your parties and consult your Station Agent for Cheap Round Trip Ex-.- . cursion Rates to Bond Brothers' Shows. . . j , 1 -OneriGkeVfor the TJstial Plrice; admits to ::tlief . WOBLEaU"S' " BEST-SHOWS. all commodities of any other high - of the UNIVERSE NO. THE DALLES, 111 I -fJi- STUBLING Are now located on Secbrid Street, between Washington and Federal Sts., where they FINEST BRANDS OP CIGARS. ; Family trade solicited. . A resort first-class in all par ticulars will be maintained. ; , Domestia and St. Louis and Milwaukee Columbia . THE OLD ORO 67 Second St., - - . Dalles -DEALERS IM- Coal, Ice and Prolnce, Foreign a.ni Bomestic Fruits ani TeieiaMes. Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. ' NORTH POWDER ICE, which ia noted for its purity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPRINGS. ' JPB ijlTk ROSLTN, MURCITB iLj SJ and OKUROES VREKS . Phone 128 and 255. ; Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. THE CELEBRATED coliU mBifi BibdEHV, AUGUST BUCHLER. PropV. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the beat Beer and Portei eaat of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed oa he market. , "' ; ' ' ,: ' ' - . ; . TO GET: READY LARGE SPRING I am now selling Men's and Boy's Clothing, Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes, Shoes,' and every thing else found in a first-class Dry; Goods Store. a F. STEPHENS- ASIc t FOR . PRICES. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOOpSIIL CLOTHING-1 1 FITRNISinNa' GfOODS, ' , - t , BOOTS, SHOES' HATS; and, QAPS. , ( . ; ; These Goods Must Be Sold, JLes; Xhap Cost. J - J: P. McINERNY; : v "There is a tide in the affairs oj '-menwhich, taken at its flood .leads onto fortune" The. poet unquestionably had reference to the . i U1US at CRAIDALU& BURQETS, Who are selling these soods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHF.LBACH BRICK, - TTNIO PT. 94 SECOND STREET, OREGON. il Liquor Store. & WILLIAMS have a large stock ot . - -DKAJ.ER IN ; .fi: t vf 'i 1 t n, ssf -t.r- ' ots, Key West Cigars, Bottled Beer, , Bre - w - ery Beer on Draught. FINO STAND, ' - '.J The Dalles, Oregon. M- Tf - JtfL JLM T FOR FUR t. MANUFAC Tl Jt i?u hi o for a ;j, STOCK-