THE BEST Family Medicine She Has "Ever Known. Words of Frciso from a New York Lady for AYER'SPILLS . 'I would liku to aitl i:iy testimony Ju that of others who have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that 1 have tukcu tliciu . for many years, anil always derived ti:r best results from thir use. , For stom ach and liver troiiliW-K, and for tho cure of headache caused by these draiijr--'-raents, Ayer's 1'ills cannot he equale l. Wlien my friends aslt mr? what i. thn nest remedy for disorders of tho -.te:v-ach, liver, or bowels, ruy invarial.!c answer is, Ayei 's Pills. Taken in per son, they will break np a cold, preveiit. la grippe, check fever, and regulate tho digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." Mrs. May Johnson, 3G8 Rider Avenue, Isew York City. R'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. flyer's Sarsapa'iila Cures ail Blood Disorder. The Congo Oil Medicine. The Congo Oil Medicine Co. is giving ., entertainments under a large tent In this city. They are here to advertise and sell the greatest medicine ever offered to an afflicted public. Wonderful cures have been effected ; cases that have baffled the ekill of the most tkillful phy . eiciana. One hundred dollars ,will be .paid, for any case they undertake and fail" to cure. If your caee is incurable they will tell you eo. Thev want cases that have been declared incurable by other physicians. You may go to them on crutches or jcanes ; yon may be brought .o then! on a stretcher, but they guaran tee that you will walk away from their tent of your own free will, with no as- aistance from others. The Congo Oil is Justly styled the marvel of the age in onring rheumatism, eciatica, neuralgia -and all pains that can be cured by an external, application.'. All patients treated free of charge ; no payment of any kind asked. They want living tes timony to back up their statement that the Congo Oil is a marvellous medicine. Go and see them. Thev will remain here until June 3d, and no longer. - my 27-30 Through trains on the O. R; & N will run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec ond class will run in connection with the Union Prcific, the same as heretofore. " A through first-class sleeper from Port land to Spokane, connecting with the first-class sleeper to St. Paul and a through tourist sleeper from Portland to C& !..-! ;1 1 I .. ... ow iaui, win in run in connection wltn the Great Northern railway. E. E. Lytlk, Agent . J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says : "I have used One Minute Cough. Cure in my family and for myself, with result so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly find word? to express myself as to' its merit. I will never fail to recommend It to others, on every occasion that Dfe- sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner-eley, Drug Co. If you want Senator Mitchell to suc ceed himself, vote for Hon. T. R. Coon for joint representative, as he is the only candidate that will unqualifidly agree to support Senator Mitchell. It not only is eo, it must be so, One Minute oongh Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go. Snipes-Kiner-eJy. Drug Co. ' ' . . ' Independent Candidate for 8 lie riff. I hereby announce myself an inde pendent free silver candidate for the office of sheriff of Wasco county. Ore gon, to be voted for at the general elec tion to be held on June 1, 1890. John M. Roth. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time if you take it when you have a eonarh or cold. See the point? Then don't cough, bold by Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co. : T. A. Van Norden, the watchmaker nd jeweler, can be found in his new quarters, opposite A. M. Williams' store. my8-lm Decoration Day. The following program is announced for Decoratiou Day : The G. A. R. and W. R. C. will meet in Fraternity Hall at 1:30 p. m. .sharp.- The procession will form on Second street, the right resting on Court, and will move promptly at 2 p. ni. up Court to , Fourth, west on Fourth to G. A. R. cemetery in the fol lowing order: .. : . Band. ' Co. G, 3d Batallion, O. N. G., Oapt. Chrisman commanding. James W. Nesmith Post No. 32, G. A.'R. Woman's Relief Corps, in carriages. Citizens. The services at the cemetery- will con sist of music by a chorus of voices, a recitation by Mrs. Brigga, the National Anthem, ritualistic service, decoration of graves. At 8 p. in. Hotf. John Michell will deliver a memorial address in the Con' gregational church. The puoiic are cor dially invited to attend. Advertised Letters. - Following is the list of letters remain ing in the po9toffice at The Dalles un called .for May 29, 1896. Persons call ing for the eaino will give date on which they were advertised : Bracmonte, M J Baker, Sherman Baker, S P Bartb, Horace Britten, Jno B - ' Biggs, Mrs M E opd Binup, J C (2) Brooks, H Clark, W II Chilton, C C Gaynord. Bob Hardwick, Johnnie Hainilt, Laura Harriman, Ed James, Dan Mason, Lydia O Meyiae, Andrew Montgomery, Frank Parish, JE ' Parhune, Harvey Pohl.Aug SarklingWm (Punch Shirley, F S and Judy Co Smith, W F Smith, Mrs Lettie Welch, Jno Wood, J H (not Rev J. A. Cbossen, P. M. . lOO Reward iOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there least one dreaded disease that ecience has been able to cure iu all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure, is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the- disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that thev offer One Hundred . Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for "list of testimonials. Address: - F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O gjSf ooia dv uruggiets, to cents. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is harebv crlven thnt tho nnrtoraiirntwl. administrator of the etiite of C, V. LMUe, de ceased, will, on Saturday, the -JOth lv of June, 1896, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, ar Dtdlcs City, Waxcj County, OreRon, sell at tub- but? inmt uixjr ui ids county nnnrtnniiKA in ncui-iiuii, wj me mttnesi. Diaaer, tor casn in hand, the following described real estate, be longing to the estate of said deceased, to-wit: Lot two (2) in Block two (2) in Balrd'R Addl ilon to the town of Antelope, Wasco County, Oresron. beine 47 feet bv 100 feet between Mfn and Baird streets, and also a strio of land 47 feet oy 100 feet in Baird'a First Addition to sld town of Antelope, adjoining said lot No. two (2- on the west, and both sni 1 parcels of land taken to gether and as a whole being 47 feet in width by 200 feet in length nnd lying and being t Ituat d between Main and Baird streets in said town of Atiteloi). ?-ald sale will be made subject to that certain mortgage given by said deceased to Franf 1m M. Dial, recorded In book "L" Kecords of Mortgages for Wasco County, Oregon, at page 270; said mortgage being dated January 7th, 1893, and upon which there is now aue sooui tne sum 01 noou. Dated this 18th day of May, 1896. K. JACOBSEN. Administrator of the estate of C. v . Line, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Land Ofwcb at The Dalles, Or., j ' . . May 4, 1896. Notice is herebv given that the following. named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the register BuuicwHCTM Aue uaiies. uregon, ou June 20. James F. Elliott, Hd. E No. 3269, for the SW Sec. 22, Tp. 1 N, B 15 K. He namti the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. W. Allen, O. J. Hunt, may6-i JAS. V. MOORE, Register. SUIklMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for vv aovu vuuutv. Stella K. Eddy, Plaintiff, " vs. O. D. Taylor & Sarah K. Taylor, State of Oregon as Trustee for the nse of;the Common Hchool Fund of Wasco County, Oregon, John Barger, Joseph A. Johnston and C. W. Gather, De fendants. ' ToO. D. Taylor. Sarah K. Tavlor. Rtnta nf rw.. gon as Trustee forthe use of the Common School Fund of Wasco C unt-, Oiegon, John Barger, Joteph A. Johuhtuii and C W. Cather, De fendants. In the name of the State of Oreimn.- Vnn nn hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled unit within ten davs from the dnta nf thn of this Summons upon yon, if served within this County: or if served within any other Comity.of this State, then within twentv riniu fmm tha date of the service of this Summons upon you, or if served upon you b publication, then on or before the 1st day of the next regular term of this court; and if you fail so to answer, lor want bucrwi, bu i ini 11 11 11 win uij&e juagmeni against yon and apply to the court for the lelief praved for in her complaint. ' , Tbid summons is served upon you, the said I defendant Joseph A. Johnson, pursuant to an' order made and entered in the ahnvp untitle I court by the Judge of the above entitled court on the sixth day of April, 1896. a.UfllJNUTON S WILSON, aprS-i , Attorneys for Plaintiff. XK VOn EXPECT To Become a Mother? If so. lheu permit as to say that Dr. Pierce's tavorue frescnp-, tion is indeed, a true Mother's Friend," FOR IT MAKES . Childbirth Easy ,by preparine the system for partnri- tion, thus assisting Nature and shortening? "Labor." The painful ordeal of childbirth is robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and child. The period of confinement is also greatly shortened, the mother strengthened and built up, and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. Send 10 cents foralarge Book (168 pages), giving- all particulars. -Address, World's DlSPKNSARY MEDICAT. ASSOCIATION, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N.-Y. - . childbirth. Mrs. Fri:; Hvxt, of Glcnrille, A', ssvs : "I read about Dr. Pierce's y., Fa- vorite Prescription being so good for a wo man with child, r.o I got two bottles last September, and De cember 13th I lind a twelve pound baby girl. . When I was confined I was not sick in any uay. I did not suffer any pain, and when the child was born I walk ed into another room and went to bed. I keep your Extract of Smart-Weed on hand . ta. all the time. It was very cold weather and our room was Mrs. Hunt. very cold but I did not take any cold, and never had any after-pain or any other pain. It was all due to God and Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription and Compound Extract of Smart-Weed. This is the eighth living child and the largest of them all. I suf fered everything that flesh could suffer with the other babies. I always had a doctor and then he could not help me very much, but this time my mother and my husband were alone with me. . My baby was only seven days old when I got up and dressed and left my room and stayed up all day." Free I'llls. Send-your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr: King's JSew Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and ate particu larly effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are Kiiarrenteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action,' but by giving tone to stomach and bowels great ly invigorate the system. Regular size 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghtion , Druggists. 4 I IS) COMING ON ITS OWN SPECIAL TRAINS The BIG SHOW 3 BIG CIRCUSES MONSTER MENAGERIE . OF RARE" WILD BEASTS ! An Ethnological Conpr.eea. Wonders of Five Continents.' A Huge Modern Hippo drome Rivalling Cicsar's Days. Undeniably the -Greatest and Grandest Exhibition Ever Conceived. "Will Exhibit at fie Dies, Ttalaf, Jooe 'A An Innovation and Revelation in Amusements. Three Great Circus Tronpes of Foreign and xcnuruiers ui r.vry imminent oeieciea ... in Their Various Many Rare Specimens of the Animal Kingdom never before exhibited in America . . ii uco uiviug ovunauH. AO CtanOlOElCai " 1 Display of Marvelous Surprises. All New and Original , Feats in the Grand Hippodrome. More Elephants, Camels. Wild Animals, Amphibia Performances and Special Ex hibitional Features Than Possessed by Any. Other Show in the Wrld. It Costs no more to Witness all these Combined Exhibitions than it does to see the most unimportant and commonplace Shows that visit you periodically. Make up.your parties and consult your Station Agent for Cheap Bound Trip Ex cureion Rates to Bond Brothers' Shown. . One Ticket, for the Usual Price, admits to the Corset I Second and Washington Streets, opp. French's .: Bank. We are now settled In our new quarters, snd are prepared to do all kinds of work in our line. We make Corsets. Ladies' Dres Reform Waists, Misses' and Children's Waists. Abiominl Band4 or Supports of various stvles. These goods are all made to order; a good fit guarautced or no ale. Why not patroni.u linme industrv? If this western country had ten cr cent, of the money paid eastern and foieiirn lnanufucrnres it would make ns all. rich. Why not ke-p the money at home by building u: Industries at home. Fac tory and offlco at corner Second a d Wcshington Sts.: entrance at First National Bunk. Tiie Discovery saved His Life. " Mr. G. Caillouttce, Druggist, Bearers vine, 111. says: '.'To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told t could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and brgan its use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 2 All Free. -r Those who have used Dr. King's New, Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call oh the advertised druggiet and get a trial bottle, free. Send ycur name and address to H. R. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Fills free, as well as a copy ot Guide to Health and House hold Instructor, free. - All of which is guaranteed to do you good and coBt you nothing. . Blakeley & Houghtion's JJrugstore. ' . Otto Birgfeld is now ready to supply families with the celebrated Gambrinus keg or bottle beer, delivered free of charge to any pert of the city. Tele phone 34. - Dr. T. F. Campbell (M. D., M. C.) physician,' .surgeon, etc., late , of Los Angeles, office at Umatilla houEe. All calls attended. . Telephone 37. dawtf of the UNIVERSE IN 3 BIG RINGS Native Artists. The Highest Salaried lor ineir individual Superiority Specialties. OS :U jn J' - ; GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis . . Omaha St. Paul Kansas City j Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN 8TKAMKRS Leave Portland Xverv Five UaV8 for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. R. A Co.'s Agent Tha Dalles, or address ,. ' ; W, H. II CR LB CUT, Gen. Yass. Agt. , Portland, Oregon ' New Scbedule. ' Effective Tnesday, April 7th, tho fol lowinc will be the new schedule: Train No. 1 airivea at The Dalles 4 :50 a. m., and leaves 4:55 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:40 p. m., and leaves 10:45 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 12:05 p. in., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 2:dU p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry pr.ssengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing ine Dalles at 1 p. m. daily and ar riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. daily, con necting with train Nos. 8 and 7 from Portland. ; - E. E. Lytle. . Agent. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route .- . - i OF THE : Southern Pacific Compy Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. FROM JCNB 23, 1895. r OVERLAND EX-1 j press, Salem, Rose-J I burK, Ashland, Sac- I J ramento, Ogden.San I Frauciseo, Mojave, j Los Angeles, El Paso, i I New orltaus and I I East . I 8:50 P.M. 8:10 A. M. 8:30 A. M. Roseburg and way tta tions 4:40 P. M. f Via Woodburn fori MCAnRol, Silverton, i West Scio. Browns- vlUe.Springfield and f I Natron Doily except Sundays. 4:00 P. M. 7:30 A. M. t4:45 P.M. excent Sunduys. Salem and way stations P10.00 A. M. luorvams ana wsy 1 stations.. i JMcMinnlllo and( fway stations t 6:-J0 P. M. t 8:25 P.M. Daily. t Dully, except Sunday. ' DIXING CARS ON OGDES ROUTE. PUU.MAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attaohed to all Through Trains. ' Through Ticket Office, I3i Third street, where luiuuKu iicjteui ro an noinui in trm vnatam Ststes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom J. B. EIRKLAKD. Tlilct Aovnt - All abovo trains arrive at nnd dAnMrt Imm www eiiwiu duiuou, r ntn ana i streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Joderson street. 10:16 a. m., 12:15. 1:65. 5:15. 6:30 n. m .K no rv m ' and 11:30 p. in. on Saturday only. Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, U;2E a. m., 1:30, V..U, I ,W( V.UQ p. Ill . Leave for Sheridan, week davs. 14'9IIti m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m . Leave for AIRL1E on Monday, Wednesday and Frl-iav ot 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Pnrtlanri. Tn. uuv, anursaay ana saturaav at :o p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:30, 9:00, ii-w - Ui, x4.w, 4.wt o:ou, o:du. o:ou p.m. Anive at Portland at 12:35,8:40, 10:30 a. m.. &u, i.ou, o. iu, i.nj, o:ou, i .oo p. m. xw. n.uinitA, r. r. fiOUJLKS, Manager. Asst. Q. F, b Pass. Ajet. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding-. s:. a- Xj :e isr nsr. Reduced Bates. Effective March 22d. The O. R. A N. Co. will reduce their round trip rates oeiween rortiana ana ine Dalles as fol lows; Two day rate, good going Satur day and retnrninz Mondav nicht. $3. len aay tickets t&.W. Uood on all trains. E. E. Lytle. ' - "The Regulator Line' Tie Dalles, Portland ail Astoria Navigation . Co. THROUGH Freioat ana PasssiorUns Throiich Dailv'TViria -(RnnAa, cerjtedt nctvmn Tho riulloo t- land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 8 a.m.. connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles flir.v Wvo PnrHonH (Oak et-cet dock) at" 7 a. m., connect ing wua oieamer Kegniator for The Dalles. -MDHKNUKk KATES. One way. . .. . , Konnd trip... . 3.00 ates Greatly Reduced. All freight excett car lots. will be brought through. 7vilh- out delay at Cascades. ShiDtnents for Portland any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments eolicted. Call on or address, , W. C ALLAWAY General A(.nf THE DALLES. OREGON DiloRTHERN PACIFIC R. R. ;.. .:..-,' : Sleeping Cars Dining Cars H s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL. ', ' MINNEAPOLIS DCLUTR ' O RAKD FOUP GKOOKSTON WINNIPEG .V tad BUTTE TO Through Tickets CHICAGO -WASHINGTON PH1LAPEI.PHIA KKW YORK BOSTON AND ALL I POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, man and tickets. cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, pt The Pallea, Oregon' A. D. CHAELTON. Asst. G. P. A., too. Morn son yxn. tum, Portland. Oregon J. S. "CHINK, - J. M. PATTXRSOir. Cashier. rreeiacnc first Rational Baok. THE DALLES. - ' - O j A General Banking Business transacted ieposua receivea, subject to Sight ' Drift or Chrlr. I Collections made and proceeds promptly (suukuxi uu uuy ot collection. Sight and Telegraphic Excnange sold on rew i orx, ban irancisco anc "ort 7 -Jand. ' OIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. , Jno. S. Schbnck. -D. M. WILXIAMS, tj0. A. L.IXBI. H. M. Be all. - R-1 -PAN-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity." : y--.' m24-dwtl . ; Agent