WHY ? have we taken hold of the VICTOR, BI CYCLE as pur leading Wheel. Ko. S7. sures Perfect Fit and Satisfaction 1 Goods Marked la Plain Figures. . Th3 Dalles-Daily CUFonieie. FRIDAY. MAY 29. 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random ObserTations and Local Erenli of Leaser Magnitude. Spencer tonight. . Portland. Baker City and Arlington propose to celebrate the Fourth of July. T:.Aw.A .1 r j i uiiuim (iiugeouiuga were meo. ac me clerk's office today in the case of M. E. Rnhortu ca CI W Pnhurta Mr. R. B. - Hood has just received a number of refrigerators and invites the public to call, and inspect them. Forecast Fair tonight and Saturday. Probably thunder storms Saturday afternoon; stationary temporature. The school directors at Portland have ordered that the flags shall float over the schools every day in the year. The ; Chronicle will tomorrow issne its daily edition about 1 o'clock, in order for the force to properly observe Memo rial day. ' The postoffice will close tomorrow be tween the hours of 11 and 2, in observ ance of that national . day of honor, Memorial day. Rehearsals are now in progress atthe Baldwin opera house for "Past Redemp tion," wnlch is to be presented by home talent on June 12th. Do not neglect the last gun in the Re publican campaign. Mr. L. C. Spencer, who will address our citizens at the court houso tonieht. Mayor Menefee requests that the buBiX I nees houses ; be closed tomorrow after-j noon while the exercises in honor of the nation's dead are being; held.' f t: , X.J Flowers for Decoration Day (next Sat urday, May 30th), will be gladly accept ed if left Saturday morning between ten and twelve o'clock at Fraternity Hall.. . Shad weighing seven and eight pounds are being cuugbt in tfieSAer Columbia river. These shad were introduced sev eral years ago, and seem to prosper well. The Snipes case has occupied the at tention of the circuit court .today. The argument was concluded and the charge to the jury concluded at o .1 x 4, .iu o'clock, since which time the jury has been out. ' Frout street merchants in Portland are cautioned by the Dispatch o prepare for a big flood. Reports frolnthe Rockies are to the effect that the mcuntain8 are full of snow. The river at this point is rising steadily. All members of Monnt Hood Camp, No. 69, and members of the Circle de siring to attend and assist in the unveil ing ceremonies of our deceaeed neighbor, Jas. B. Easton, at Dufur, are ' requested to meet at. Fraternity . hall prompt at 7 :30 a. m. Spnday, May 31st. By order of the Consul. .; . -'.V ; . ; Mr. Peterson desires to meei all ap plicants for the, auxiliary band on Sat nrday afternoon about 4 o'clock to make final -arrangements and order mbtru ments. New applications will be re- The Leading Clothes of America Are here for those who want the best. We have medium and cheaper grades for those who wish them, and every garment carries our recom mendation with it. This Label on a Garment in E31 it . tm 1 stands for the best that Money Can Buy, or Skill Produce. ,, ,. PEASE 5c JSA1J1Z:S. ceived attbe same time. AU those who formerly played, band instruments are invited to call and become members of the baud. No. 83, Washington street. State Sunday School Convention. The annual State Sunday School Con vention will be held June 9-11 at Port land, in the Centenary M. E. church, on the East Side. The program this year has been prepared especially with a view to giving i radical assistance to every school. represented. This is a mass convention to which all Sunday school workers are invited.. The number of delegates from each, school is not limited. Free entertainment will be furnished all who present credentials as delegates from , their , superintendent or secretary, but names of all such must he mailed at once to the state secretary. . . Delegates paying full fare over the Southern Pacific lines will be returned at one-third fare. On the O. R. AN. Willamette river boats a rate of one fare for the round trip has been made. But note carefully, that, in : every case the delegate must take a receipt when pay ing fare to Portland, showing that the holder is a delegate to the Sunday school convention, and this receipt must be countersigned at the convention. ! .Copies of, the Oregon Sunday School Tidings, . containing the program and further particulars,. may be secured by addressing the state secretary, Mr. F. R. Cook, at Portland.. How to Vote., Here is an example of the proper way to mark the ballot this vear : ' For SHERIFF. 'Vote for One. 34 x T. J. Driver. . . .Republican John M. Rothr.Ind. Silver Ticket 36 W. H. Taylor.. .Peoples 37 H. F. Woodcock Democratic Formerly the names not wanted were scratched off, but this year all that is necessary is -to make a cross between the number and' name, which indicates your choice. ' PER90NAL MENTION,. ' Judge G. C.Bla: !lat2y le left on the after- K nnnn train tnflav l . . . J. v, ' vm tm T nr T7 t J t trip to Portland on the iraftaj. train today. Hon. J. C, Leasnre. of Portland was in the city today, leaving oil the afternoon train, ' . ' .. ' L'Misses Ursula and Louise Ruch re turned last night froin"ew days' visit in Portland. - I - Miss Katie Craig returned this morn ing from a five months', trip to Lewi ton and' Walla Walla; much improved in health. Sheriff Driver left on the early morn ing train for Portland. He had just ar rested and confined to-jail C. North, who broke jail in Moro several weeks ago.;. : : Mrs. F. ' Deknm arid daughters, the Misses Humaeon, afo up .'from Port land. !' The formeriLthe guest of Mrs. S.' I. Brooks, and thewdtter are visiting Mrs. W. Lord.J " ". Subscribe for The Chronicle and get the news. Mr. Hani'i Speech. Hon. Wilson T. Home's . speech last evening was a good one for the regular nominees and the platform and princi ples of the Republican party.' The at titude of Harvey Scott in the Oregonian and its bolter candidate for congress, Judge Northupi was .shown up in . a truer light than by. any other speaker who has thus far addressed a Dalles au dience. , The platforni. of the. Republi can party in 1892, and again in 1894 (by the way formulated by Harvey Scott himself) pledged the party to a bimetal lic standard, recognizing silver and gold eqnally, and maintaining both metals on an equality. . This was similar to the Minneapolis platform- . . . After the election of 1892 which re. suited, in electing Cleveland the Ore gonian published an editorial predicting the bard times that would follow, and representing the reason therefor. . The reason given .was solely the abandon ment of the principle-of protection. No prophecy was ever truer. Now the Ore gonian claims the money proposition is responsible for the hard times and that they will continue until the., principle of sound money is established. . As for Mr. Hume, he claimed .to more truly repre sent the Republican party by the prin ciples of protection and bimetallism. .-' j. Taking , up Mr.- Northup's candidacy, he called attention to' his statement that he had consented to the use of his name by his friends, who wanted a representa tive of their views on the money ques tion. Mr. Hume' reviewed the charac ter of many of those friends who signed the petition, and if a man is to be judged by the company he keeps,' Mr. Nirthup is more or less smirched. -The first man who came' under the scrutiny of Mr. Hume was a murderer, the second was No. 11,711 of San Quentin, who bad just completed, a term in the penitentiary. Two. or three more .were, forgers and thieves, half a dozen were proprietors ot third-class saloons and. .dives ,.in Port land. And these were the men to whom Northup, .would be under obligation if he were elected. ;Mr. Hume closed with an ' appeal, to vote the straight, ticket throughout, r f , i ;A n . ij-ij ; i- The speaker was introduced by Mr. E. Jacobsen, of this city, who prefaced the introduction, of.. Mr..,Hume: by ,,a, few timely 'and1 well-chosen remarks con cerning tbe need of the complete success of the regular Republican, ticket. The speech of Mt. Jacobsen was heartily ap plauded. 'Money! Money! Mone jl . , . -1 To pay Wasco county warrants regis tered prior to July 3, 1892. Interest ceases after May 15, 1896. -i ; . : :- "' Wm. MlCHELL,"- mylo-tf County Treas. , ; ." - . , . . , -. :. . , ., ; ' ,. Bncklon'i &nnoi BalT. 1 -Th beaj; elve in the world for icnts, braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum; fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all kin eruption V and. post dvely cures pilesf or no pay required. . It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money Teittnded."" Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. MAIER & BENTON Are now located at 167 Second Street, opposite A. M. -Williams & Co.. -with a complete line oi Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Plumbing and Tinning i a specialty. Also agents for the Cele brated Cleveland Bicycle. f he EvangelUt. "With Congo Oil Medicine Company and Hon. Wilson T. Hume as counter attraction?, the meetings at the armory hall hod.buta slim chance last evening. For these. reasons the audience was the smallest that has attended these meet ings, there ..being not more .than .150 preeent. Mr. Carpenter, before making the announcement?, spoke of being sorry to see tbe article in the paper rather re flecting on him. Now Tbk Chbonici.e does not wish to reflect on any one, nor would we have Mr. Carpenter or any one else go back on his word after it had been given out, but. we would have all lovers of this country, our beloved land, remember that once a year there is a day eet apart to keep in memory the deeds of the brave, men who gave their lives that we might have .a country. We .... would . respectfully inform our brother and all ptherp that that day is the 30th of May and hope that in the future be will remember that "all things should be sidetracked" for that, and in his expressed love for the old soldiers living, we would , crave some of his re gard for the, memory of those .who died lor liberty. THE ANNOUNCEMENTS. . . Evening meetings hereafter-commence at 8 o'clock. Tbe pastors will fill their own pulpits on. Sunday morning. Sun day afternoon mass meeting at the ar mory at 3 o'clock. Meeting this even ing at the armory at 8 o'clock. Mr. Wallace's solo "We Shall Know Him by the Print of the Nails in His Hands," was very fine. Without scripture lesson or even announcing, where the subject was found, Mr. Carpenter said he wished to speak about Elijah, one whom God could trust, and then gave . a running sketch u of that - old . prophet's . life, as found in I Kings jcviii, dwelling on the part where it. spoke of the. test between the prophets of , Baal and .Elijah (God's prophet) and the people., were reqoired to choose who was the, true God, eo it is for all to choose death or life. After tbe sermon an opportunity was given, to any wiebing to; be prayed Sot to rise,, and none; responding,, the ' meeting : closed with Jhe doxology, w . i.. . Awarded Highest Honors rWorld's Fair, Gold Medaf, Midwinter Fair. Most Perfect Made. . 40 Years the Standard. ...... MA f..-.!;T"-Tr"'.M--. '(, . B B B 'fx f A -i-i Qp .after thoroughly testing a dozen different CvclLloC makes, we have come to the conclusion. : ; ; " that the VICTQR is the BEST. . DPOncQ s mechanically perfect, and while not CLdUbC TOO LIGHT for our bad roads, yet it runs mu ecause all puncturess free for the season on 1896 , Victor Tires.); We have 1S96 Bibvcles that list at $100 that we will sell for $75, but tbey are not VICTORS. Oar 1896 VICTORS sell for $100. , For medinm grade bicycles; we have the Waverley and Crescents $50 to $85. Good second hand wiieele, $25 to $50. Bicycles and Tandems for rent. Wheels repaired. We' keep constantly on hand a good stock of com pressed air, for inflating tires, and give it away. Get your tires inflated. 4 . s Wall Pap er- : Latest Designs, New- Combinations, . . Harmonious Colorings. ' . At Very Low Prices ; Call and see our samples before buying. JOS. Bee Hives and Bee Supplies, Fertilizers, Imperial Egg Food, -Ground Bone for Chickens, Chicken Wheat for, Sale at ; ' J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store. Jacobson Book arid Harry Liebe m i have moved in the old Vogt Store on Washington Street, opposite The Chronicle Office. G EORGE RUCH PION EER ' ' Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. .Free delivery to any part of. town. SPECIlB r i Pure Glycerine Soap, only 10c a cake, or 25c a box. ; ' Genuine Bria Pijjes, with Amber Tip and Leather Cases, only 50c each at Donnell's Drug Store. The Tveli Val- Tr! ' " . A 'm ley Creamery . Ja - j " Ask Vanbibber,& Worsley. for it. ' ; 45c, Eviery Square is Full Weight. TEXii'iaroisru jsto. easiest. , it has a tire that, while light, is almost PUNCTURE PROOF. (We will repair T. PETERS & CO. & Music Go. GROCER. Successor to Chrisman Jt Corson.) 1, ' : ; . 1 - FULL. LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. i . I Delicious. CREAMERY Tygh Yailey A. A. B. so.