The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 21, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL: IX ' iEHREOON, THURSDAY.'MAY 21, 1896. . ' . - NO 116.
- - .... . -.' :
I III III I II 14f .
They Stand Beady to Erise
' With the Democrats;
- Will Support the Chicago
Candidate If Sllrer
dared JKor.
Js le- .
Indianapolis, May '20. The Populists
of Indiana make the announcement that
within the4ast 10 days nn understanding
has been reached whereby the Popqlists
of every state in the Union are to accept
, the platform and candidates ot the Chi
cago convention, in case both are for
free, silver. "
In accordance with the negotiation,
which . began several months ago, the
pdpulist national convention of; the
national silver party have been' called to
meet in St. Louis on the same day, July
22, two weeks after the Democratic
national convention in Chicago. The
leading Democratic advocates of free
silver throughout the country have been
quietly informed that if the' Chicago
convention adopts a free silver plank
and nominates a candidate who will!
pledge himself to sign a free coinage bill, T
if one comes to him from congress, thej
bii7 WUVCUUUU WML uc luuvrbeu
by the St. Louis conventions.
Representatives of the Populists have
been traveling in the West and South
west, for the " past three weeks, suggest
ing that state conventions be postponed
until the Democratic national conven
; tion in July shall have been held, and
asking too that the Populists Btand for
- tha free coinage of silver as the pre-eminent
It is announced that in all directions
the plans suggested are being carried
out. Iu many states there have been
. conferences between the leading free
. silver Democratic representatives of the
national silver party and the Populists.
It has' just leaked out here that last Sat-
: nrday there was a meeting of the repre-
sentatives ot the Indiana free silver
Democrats, Populists and national
free silver party men. The represents
Vtiyes of the Populists announced in the
, meeting that the state convention had
been postponed nntil August, in order
.that the party, might have the action of
-toe Chicago convention before it ar
ranged for the campaign.
. Blakeley & Houghton desire pub
lish the following extract from a letter
- of Chas. M. Gutfeld of Reedley, Fresno
county; Calif., as they handle the rem
edy referred to and want their customers
to know what a splended medicine it. is
"It is with pleasure 1 tell you that by
one day's use of Chamberlain's Cough
'remedy I was relieved of a very bad
cold. My head was completely stoDbed
tip and I could not sleep at night. I canTRecitation "A Girl Heroine," Maude
recommend mis remedy." A cold nearly
always starts in the head and afterwards
extends to -the throat and lungs. By4
rising this .remedy freely aa soon as the
cold has been contracted it will cure the
cold at once and prevent it from extend-
ing to the lungs.
Through trains on the O. R. & N will
run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen
Through sleepers, first and sec -
ss will run in connection with the
ond class
Union Prcific, the eame as heretofore.,
A through first-class sleeper from Port
land to Spokane, connecting with the
first-class sleeper to St. Paul and a
through tourist sleeper from Portland to
St. Paul, will be run in connection with
the Great Northern railway.
' E. E. Lytle, Agent.
Quick in effect, heals and ileaves n'o-l
scar. Burning, scaly skin 'eruptions
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
c.1m a l .i . i t , , ,
Salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old
sores, it is magical in effect. Always
cores ' piles
Bold by Snipes-Kinerslya
Drug Co,
v i
Highest of all in Leavening Awer.
nnnni thto . OUR public schooi s Th. b t . . " .
-''b m r w . . .. i
Complete Frotram of XxeKliu to - Bo
Observed Friday. -1
. Tomorrow . will be the last day of
school before the long vacation, which
extends till September, and the schools
win close witn appropriate exercises.
These are ae follows at the different
. Exercises at 2 p. m.
Miss Nan Cooper
and Mrs. Roche, teachers :
greeting Song Schtior:
A3TfrB890iWeIcome -Charles Becht.
Recitation "Her Answer," Winnie
Dialogue "Where There's a Will
There's' a Way," Three boys
Motion Song Primary pupils.
Rec "A Secret," Lindsay McCartney.
Song "Four-Leaf Clover," School.
Rec "A Boy's Opinion of Grand
mothers," Bennie Stevens. ' "
Rec ' Grandma's Spectacles," May
Song' "Boot Blacks," Eight little
-Rec "The Removal," Roy Taylor.
Parasol Drill Twelve little girls.
Rec "Mother's Fool," Eugene Davis.
Dialogue "The Ghost" Six pupils. -
Song "Whip-poor-will," Anna and
Jipporah Harris.
Re$ "Playing for Keeps," Walter
Song "Happy Are We Today."
Rec "The Reason Why," Nora
Barzee. y ' . . -
Song :"A Jovial Farmer Boy," Seven i
bovs. '
The Flower Recerjtion," Seven Boys
ec "The Fireman's Story," Ernest
Mother Drill.
Exercises at 2' p.m. Miascs Snell,
Cheese and Ball, teachers : :
Song "Happy Days'; School
. Flag Salute School.
" Song "Won't You. Come To Mv Tea
Party," Two girls.
Rec "Sheridan's Ride," George
Rec "The Groceryman's Cultured
Daughter," Eva Bagley.
Song Chorus, Twenty girls.
Kec "Johnny's Ride," James Hunt
ington. ' ,
Rec "Army Overcoat," Hugh Fraser,
ooiig "xecauee . iove tier," xwo
Rec "The Grandeur, of the Aurora
Borealis," Nona Gray
Rec "The Razor Sellers, Dollie
Instrumental duet Two girle.
Babv in Church." Emily
urossen. ' -Glove
Drill Twelve girls. ...
Song "The Gardener's Daughter,'
Eight pupils. ".-
HRec "Yes, I'm Guilty," Rqy Hill.
-4iec "The Little Peddler," Alice
instrumental Solo Emily Crosnen.
Song "L!ght Tripping," Five Pupils
' Wreath Drill Twenty-four pupils,
Exercises at -2 p. m. - Misses T. Rin-
toul, L. Rintoul, Flinn-and Pbirma
teachers :
Greeting Song Class
Recitation "Music On the Rappa
hannock," Nellie Clarke.
f Song Margarette Kinersly and Pru
dence Patterson.
Recitation "A Little Goose," Gladdis
Wood. - -
' Recitation "The Owl Critic." Vernon
Cooke. -
Songs Primary Class.
'A Boy's Relief," Arthur
Song Th Jolly Farmer Bov." Class
of Boys.
"lnfc JKose Urill Eighteen Girls.
Recitation "A Little Hero." Lu-
cile Crate'. '
Recitation "A Nauehtv Little Girl's
View of Life," Edna VanDuyn.
Song "A Little Rag Doll,'.' Helen
T.trt 1 anA T.rtln tfif1irklaa
fiicitation "Sir Napier 'and Little
Joan," Helen Hudson. ,
Kecitation "Our Baby," Oscar Beck.
Recitation "Nellie's Troubles," 1
onie Sexton.
Recitatioa "A Little Bird Tells."
Henry Crate.
Ruler Drill "Flag Salute," Twenty
tour Girls.
Exercises at 2 p. m. Mieaes-R5we
nd E. Cooper, teachers
Chorus "The Roll Call," School.
"Welcome Friends," Seven boys.
Recitation Zell Gibons.
Red, White and Blue Drill Sixteen
girls. .
.' Recitation Clyde Hovle. - -
Tlecitation Nova Dawson..
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
X7 :i rr
Vibe May Sone " Chorus of hov
Choras "GrasshoppecGreen,"School.
-Recitation Jesse HareeUv- . -Cats
Recitation Edna Harding, s
Dnet-'The Dandelion Song.'V Anna
and Bert'Reynolds.'
Delsarte Drill Four girls.
, Recitation Marshall Young,
tecitation .Imnpn Ktniriilv
fStecitation Ella McCov.
Chorus "The Pigeon House," School.
Solo-r-"The Farmer." Nellie Forwood.
Recitation Georee Vanse.
- Kecatoi Five boys
i Tall Boughs," Seven girls and
Chorus "Wandering Song," School.
Chorus "The Stars," School.
Recitation Merta Gatton.
Recitation Harry Jackson.
"The Child's World," Chorus of girle.
Recitation Ray Filloon. .
"Slumber Song"," Chorus of girls. -'
Chorus "Five Little Chickadees,"
Wreath . Drill Eighteen bovs and
a. great many people are influenced by
what others do, and that Is one of the
reasons why so many take Simmons
Liver Regulator. "I was suffering
greatly from Chills and Fever and the
more quinine I took the worse I felt. I
was told of Simmons Liver Regulator,
by a friend in Arkansas, and I didn't'
need to take much of it until I was en
tirely relieved." Byron Bradley, Tal
lahassee, Fla.
For Kent.
A 4-room- cottage. Inquire
Keller. -
of A.
Go to Moore's for your fresh cream st
He will not '.sell you chewing gum for
marshmallow taffy. Don't ' be. deceived
by the name, for this is the only place
in the city you can get the genuine
marshmallow taffy. Try his combina
tion taffy this week.
The Baldwin opera house, centrally
located, well ventilated, lighted by elec
tricity, and newly tenovated, is now for
rent tor theatrical - shows, campaign
speakers, concerts and lectures, church
sociables, dancing parties, etc., on very
favorable terms. Address J. C. B.,
P. O. box No. 211. ml2 3o
Then Must Go at Once.
A home with lot, worth $900; $750
takes it. Owner leaving city, and must
sell. Three lots only five blocks from
Court house. Lay in fair shape: $150
for the three. One fine business lot in
heart-of city ; $800. Among a multitude
of offerings, theee three are the very
best. Match them if you can.
Teed D. Hill,
Reftl Estata& Fire Insurance. Room
12, Chapman Block. mayl-tf
Otto Birgfeld is now ready to eupply
families with the celebrated Gambrinus
keg or bottle beer, delivered free of
charge to any pert of the city. Tele
phone 34
ne Minute Cough Cure touches the
lgbt spot. It also touches it at the
right time if you take it when you have
a cough or cold. See the point? Then
don't cough. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly
Urug Vo.
Second and
. Washington
Streets, opp.
We are now settled in our hew Quarters, and
are prepared to do all kind 8 of wort In our line.
v e mojee Dorsets, laiea' Dress Kelorm waists.
Misses' and Children's Waists. ArKlnmin.l Rundi
or Supports of various stvles. . These goods are
aii maae to oraer; a rood St guaranteed or no
sale. Why not patronize home industry r If this
Western Countrv had ten tier tmL of t h f mnnpv
paid eastern and foreign manufactures it would
make us all rich. Why not keep the money at
home by building ur industries at home. Fac
tory and office at corner Second and Washington
8ts.; entrance at First National Bank.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued out
of the. Circuit Court of the State of
Oregontra the 29th dav of February, 1896, in a
suit .therein ponding wherein C. W. Cather is
plain' iff and O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor.
Joseph A. Johnson, John Barger, State of Ore
ion, as trustee for the use of the common school
juuu vi nasco county, Oregon, and Mis. Caro
line B. Breese, are defendants, to me directed
and commanding me to sell all of the following
described real property lying and situa'e in
Wasco county, Oregon, to-wlt: Lots seven and
eight in block twenty-four in Bigelow's Bluff
Andition to Dalles City. Oregon, together with
all and singular the tenements, hereditaments
and atpurtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertai- ing, to satisfy the sum of
f 1115.72 and interest thereon at the rote of eight
percent per annum from the 2lst day of June,
1895, and the further sum of 100. and interest
thereon at said rate from said last named date,
attorney's fees, and the further sum of 25 costs
and disbursements; I will, on the 6th day of
May, 1896, at the hour ot 2 o'clock t. m. of said
day at the courthouse door in Dalles City, Ore
gon, sell to the. highest bidder for cash in hand,
all of said real property, to satisfy said turns and
interest and the costs of such sale.
. , T. J. DRIVER,
apr8-i , ; tSheriffof Wasco Co'jnty, Or.
;. SpeciaL for Saturday.
We will put on sale an assortment
of the best values offered this sea
son in
Ladies' Summer
at the low price of
y consisting of - - "000352
.adies' Tan Strap Sandals, pointed
' toe, all sizes; regular price .'..$1.40
adies' Tan Oxfords, pointed or sq.
toe; regular price. .$1.50
adies' Vici Kid, patent tip, pointed
or square toe; regular price $1.25
Ladies' Vici Kid, pointed or square
toe; regular price......... '.........$1.50
An assorted lot of Ladies' French Kid
Oxfords; broken lot of sizes; in
widths B, C,.D and E; reg. $3.00 pr
.Special price-",nasasS
For Infants and Children.
.. Caatorta promotes PigesrtJon, and
Overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and it?
sleep natural. Castoria, contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property. .
Castoria ia o well adapted to children that
3 recommend it as superior to any prescription
Ynown to me.' H. A. Abcheb. M. D.,
ll'l South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
For several years I h are recommeiSJed your
Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial resulta."
Emm F. Pardee. M. D.,
125th Street axid 7th Ave., .New York City.
"The bss of 'Castoria is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it reems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Oimoa TdABTTw, P. P.,
, Kew York City.
The CxnTArm CoxpAa-r, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
Letters of Credit issued availab e
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and . Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Cbicaeo,
St. Loais, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and varions points
in Oregon and Washington. -
- Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Harry LiEBE,
all work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Can how
street. -
be found at 162 Second
No more BOILS, no more PIMPL ES
Use Kinersly'a Iron Tonic. The Snipes-
: i.Co. Telephone No. 3.
wvy .it.- m -
. v -i t
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. -Etc.
129 Second St.,
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Stable,
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.
dec4-lm -
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., )
. . May 4, 1896.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the register
and receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on June 20,
1896, viz:
' James JT. Klllott,
Hd E No. 3269, for the NWJ, 8ec 22, Tp. IN, E
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, via: J. W. Allen. U. J. Hurt,
James Hurst, W. Bennett, all of The Dalles, Or
may6-i J AS. f. MOORE, Register.
P CbJchmtcr's Ensi:.h Diamond Brani
SiX wijpinnland it nly Genuine.
urantn tor VUichtuter t Bntlish Dia-.
mondBrnud. iu Ued aod Gold met&lllo
boxK, snlod with blue ribbon. Talc
woatken Rtfum r'mmnmrottm auWif as.
tianm and. iakitatitm. a t f)ru - " m
io tmpj for nsrtfenlara, iesUiaaoUla and
MHlielr for Had . in UUer, hr rtra
Bfalf. IOlOOO TniimoQlali. Nam IapT
eBetTtci-UtemleattAlAdiMa Kqia,
j vn
Special for Saturday.
Gentlemen's Dress Shoes.
The opportunities for purchasing a
neat, stylish pair of either Lace or Con
gress Shoes, in square, round or needle
toe, for the low price of -
per pair, will be offered you by us Satur
day next. These are all new goods, and
worth a great deal more than we ask for
them. The, elastic used in this line of
Shoes is of the celebrated. . '
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Stella K. Eddy, Plain tiff,
vs. "
O. P. Taylor & Sarah K. Taylor, State of Oregon
as TruBtee for the use of;the Common Kcbool
Fund of Wasco County, Oregon, John Barger.
Joseph A. Johnston and C. W. Cather, le-
To O. i. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, State of Ore-
fon as Trustee forthe use of the Common School
und of Wasco C' unty, Oicgon, John Barger,
Jo.-eph A. Johnstou and C. W. Cather, De
fendants. In the name of the Ptote of Oregon,' You are "
hereby required to kj K?ur and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
of this Summons uron yon, if served within this
County; or if served within any other County of
this State, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this Summons upon you,
or if served upon you bj publication, then on or
before the 1st day of the next regular term of
this court: and if you fail so to answer, for want
thereof, the Plain lift will take Judgment vgainst
you and apply to the court for the telief prayed:
for in her complaint.
This summons is served upon you, the said
defendant Joseph A. Johnson, pursuant to an
order made and entered in the above entitled
court by the Judge of the above entitled court
on the sixth day of April, 1896.
aprS-i Attorneys for i-laintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Ralph P. Keyes, Plaintiff, . -vs.
O D Taylor. Sarah K. Taylor, State of Oregon aa -trustee
for the use of the Common UchooL
Fund of Wasco County, Oregon, John Barger. .
Joseph A. Johnston, C. W. Cather and the Col
umbia River Fruit Company, a corporation.
To O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor, State of Ore
gon as Trustee for the use of the Common
School Fund of Wasco County, Oregon, John,
' Barger, Joseph A. Johnston, C. W. Cather, de
fendant: In the name of the Btate of Oregon, You are
horeby required to apiar and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service '
of this summons upon you, if served within this
county; or if served within any other county of
this state, then within twenty days from th
date of the service of this summons upon you;
or if served upon you by publication, then on or
before the first day of the next regular term of
this Court, and fi you fail so to answer, for want
then of, the plaintiff will take judgment againt '
you and apply to the Court for the relief pi ayed
for In his complaint.
This summons is served upon you, the ssld
defendent, Joseph A. Johnston, pursuant to an
order made and entered in the above entitled .
court by the Judge of the above entitled court
on the 6th day of April, 1896. '
apr8-l Attorneys for Plaintiff.
J ST. RANK, M. I)., --
Physician and Surgeon,
Rooms 44 and la. Office hours, 9 to 11 Si m..
and 2 to 4, a iid 7 io (p.m. Phone. No. 268.
. , '. - .Ladlpft! .
I make big wags doing pleasant home
work, and will gladly Fend full particu
lars to all 8endini; two-cent flam p.
Misa M. A. Struiiins,
2tw Lawrence'. Mich.
aitnatton Wanted.
A situation is wanted as housekeeper
by a widow lady. 'Country preferred.
Address Mrs. Jennie Morris, thin office.