ONI The Germania BHNB THE The first excursion of the season -will be given by CONCERT BHND; CD V Vr ' - vi On the STEAMER ''REGTJTjATOIT to CASCADE LOCKS, on MHY "" stpn-rri at leaves The Dalles at 8:30 a. m., returning at 7 p. m. On reaching the Locks, the hand will ! nnan o4i. r.mirert n.nrt also furnish, dance music for those -who wish to dance. : ? I- ? a v -c.-r.-r. ic -TrT tTift -nn-rrioRft of obtaining uniforms, and a considerable amount? will "be ooriort t.h -n-rififl of tickets has been -olaced at one dollar, with a feeling that the many friends of the organ- iwim -m-in that-, the boat i filled to the limit. Tickets may be had at the principal business houses and of the members of the band. It will be well to buy your tickets early, if you care to enjoy this de lightful excursion. Remember the date and time of leaving. ' : ; CD P ax CD ; OTTO BIRGFELD, .Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOR THE- Celebrated ! Gambrinus Beer. XO94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OREGON. J. G. MILLER, Business Manager. O. A. PETERSON, Musical Director GENTLEMEN; , drop in and see H. E. Balch, Merchant Tailor, 78 Sec ond street, for SPRING . and. SUM MER Suits. He shows the finest line of foreign and domestic goods ever ex hibited in The Dalles, at 'Frisco prices. Garments made on premises. Peiect fi guaranteed. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, 5Thi only Republican Daily Newspapei n Wateo County. ' : "WEDNESr V.f r MAjY 20. 1896 BEPDBlI mum . Supreme Judge, R. S. BEAN. Representative in Congress, 2d Dist. ; c W. R. ELLIS. Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Dist., A. A. JAYNE. Joint Senator, Wasco, Sherman and Gil liam Counties, . W. II. MOORE. Joint Senator, Wasco and Sherman Counties, JOHN MICHELL. ' Joint Representatives, Wasco and Sher . man Counties, B. 8. HUNTINGTON. F. N. JONES. County Judge,, ROBERT MAYS.' For Sheriff, '. .' T. J: DRIVER. For County Clerk, A. M. KELSAY." " ' For Treasurer, ' ' C. L PHILLIPS.' . . - , For School Superintendent. : C. L. GILBERT. For Assessor, '';'. W.H.WHIPPLE. For County Commissioner, D. S. K.IMSEY. - For Surveyor, . . J. B. GOIT. , ' For Coroner. . . W.H.BUTTS. Justice of the Peace, The Dalles Dist. G. J. FARLEY. . For Constable, The Dalles Dist., JULIUS WILEY. vote for no man for United States senator who is not a Kepublican. Whether or not Mr. Huntington made this statement at wasco, we are not certain ; 'but he certainly did at other ' places, and " we honor, him for it. Mr. Huntington is a candi date for the lesislature upon the Republican ticket, and it is safe to assume he is a believer in Republi can principles". I If; so, hbw could he possibly, as long as a glimmer of conscience remained to him, vote for a Democrat for United States sena tor? If Mr. Huntington is elected to the legislature it will be because of bia personal worth "and the added consideration that he ' will ' vote for a Republican for United States senator. ; : Mr. Huntington has ' many warm friends who are enthusiastic in his support, but if it were deemed pos sible, which it is not, that he would vote for a Democrat for United States senator, those, friends could not support him. Let it be understood, and une quivocally so, that not only Mr. Huntingdon,- but Mr. Michell, Mr. Moore and Mr. Jones, will work and vote for a Republican for United States senator, and in case a dead lock ensues, they will refuse to vote for a Democrat. .... It. is better that Oregon, be un represented in the; -senate than that Democrat be chosen . from this state, Have . we not. .had 'enough of Demo crats? Has'not the country suffered enough from this un-American, free- trade, bond-selling, debt-creating, prosperity-destroying administration without a Republican being criticised because, like an honorable man, he comes out and says he will not vote for a Democratic" United' Slates sen ator? " .Well we think so, rather. as mud by the explanation offered in The Chronicle. It mentions 1892 wanants bought b3 Dr. Logan at par, but those variants were bought in 1893, as the cancelled checks the doctor holds show, What we have said, and still maintain, is that war rants of Wasco county, issued for small amounts, the payment of ser vices rendered for the county by in dividuals, jurors, witnesses, etc., were not at par in 1892. " " The issue is a plain one. Either county warrants were at par in 1892 or they were not. If purchasers of warrants oaid for them 100 cents upon the'dollar, then the contention made by The Chronicle that, war rants were at par is proved. . The fact of the matter is, county warrants in 1892 sold at par; that is all there Is to the question. . -The editor of the Mountaineer, who is an honorable gentleman, and one for whom we entertain the high est possible regard, has lived in this community . but a few months' and has 'relied upon the' Statements of friends.": We do not'! think Mr. Douthit rwould intentionally deceive any one, and are fully convinced that when the facts are placed before him he will view the question" in "its proper light, - ; '- On Nov. 3,- 1892, a warrant drawn in favor of J. H. Fisk for $200 was presented to the county treasurer for payment. It is number 2S3 in series 35. The warrant came into the possession of . J. H. Phirman and by him was sold to Dr. II. Lo gan, the price paid being $200, which is as near par as anything can conveniently get. ' Dr.' " Logan's check was drawn and paid November 26i 1892.-and can' now be seen at this office. . . . : But the Mountaineer maintains that -warrants for small"'-amounts did not sell at par. Here is one that did: A warrant drawn in favor of Jl Ii; Mullau- for $6, Series 34, NoT ij05, was sold to Dr. Loan for $6. This one was purchased July 23,1892, There wasn't much discount , in that instance. ' But there were smaller ones yet. : A warrant presented to the treasurer .July 11, 1892, for $3 was sold July 19, 1892, for $3. The redeemed checks in all these in stances are at this office. Besides THE. TRUE POSITION TO TAKE. It comes to " us from Democratic Borircea that Hon. B. S. Huntington iu a speech at Wasco stated that if elected to the legislature he would THE END OF IT. An: issue-' has arisen between the TimesMontit'uheer and The Chron icle relative, to the price of "Wasco county" warrants in 1892.' The mat ter was considered ' settled until an editorial appeared in last nighlfs Mountaineer which gave the under standing that our contemporary, was not fully satisfied - with the truth of our statements. The, editorial is as follows: V . ' ' -.( ; - ; ' :a ..:y. 'The controversy regarding the price of Wasco county warrants in 1892 has been made almost as clear J. O. MHCK, '4 Domastic and Key West Cigars, : ; ; it was due to other causes St. Louis and Milwaukee Bottled Beer. . - . - .ii. . . i i i . - . " . ColTim'bia Brewery Beer on Draught. payment for county warrants bought in 1892 at txr, It is possible that in some, isolated cases warrants for small amounts were sold at a discount. - This would be but natural in the ordinary course Of ' business when circumstances might compel the seller to' dispose of his scrip hurriedly without an oppor tunity to look ouer the market. But the exception? prove the rule. ' -'.' " The Chronicle 'does hot blame Judge Biakeley because county war rants took a slump during his term of office than' his administration ; but we cer tainly refuse to give him credit for performing something he did not perform. ' It is furthermore tiue that the I 67 Second St., checks referred to in the Mountain eer as being drawn in load vre drawn during January of that year so that our contemporary has been doing some special pleading. In fine the conclusion of the whole matter is that county warrants m 1892 sold at parl l If the statements of The Chronicle are doubted, let the doubter 'inquire of French fe Co., the First National Bank, The Dalles : National or Dr. Logan and see how completely , our contention is sustained. Wholesale ind Retail Liquor Store. STUBL1NG & WILLIAMS Are now located on Second Street, between Washington and il ; Federal Sts., where they, have a.Jarge stock: ot . . . . CHOICE-:- ElQtCDRS FINEST BRANDS OP CIGARS. - Family trade solicited. A r(esort first-class in all par ticulars will be maintained.- ' . , ,". . , ' . .V THE OLD ORO FINO STAND. The Dalles. Oregon. The Dalles Commission Go., -DEALERS IK- Coal, Ice anl Froiuce. Foreip. A Mestic Fruits aiil Yepiatles. Qysters.lFIsh. Poultry arxt Game In Season.,. .- NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for Its purity and lasting -qualities. ROCK 8PK1N68. ' ROSL5EN, ANTHRACITE and 6EOBOIS CREKK, FOR FTTKI. MANLFATIIU -PBBF O Dr. T. F. Campbell , (M.- D., M. C.) physician, surgeon, etc., late of Los Angeles. ofBca at Umatilla house. All calls attended. Telephone 37. : " dwtf T. A. Van Norderi, the watchmaker and ieweier, can be found in hie new quarters, opposite A. M. Williams' store. - - my8-lm Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received ior Cold Storage and Forwarding. CELEBRATED THE COliUmfilH BRECUERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This, well-known Brewery ia now turning out the beet Beer and Porter eant of the Cascades. . The latest appliances. , for the manufacture of good health-, ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-claas article will be placed oa hemarknt.- .' ... . .. ; v ... , t . . ' i,.';:. 'F .' .!. -f' ,-y ill I TO GET READY for a we " have - in our possession many other i checks which were issued in Before you try anything else for the blood take Simmons Liver Regulator. It is the beet blood medicine because it ia the best liver remedy. If your liver is active and at work the blood will be the best. : Simmons Liver Repiilator !h the .beet spring .medicine. , "I tell my LARGE SPRING' STOC irienas u iney want to enjoy neaun ana happiness they ought to take Simmons Liver Regulator." Mrs R. W. Smith, Mclntpeh Bluff, Ala.. , ' ' It not only is so, It must be. so, One Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go'. ' Snipes-Kiner- Soothing, beating, cleansing. De Witt's Witch Hazel ; Salve is the enemy., to sores, wounds and piles, which, jt never tails to cureu Stops itching and burning Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three boars." Jbor sale by bnipes- Kinersly, Urng Uo. ASJc FOR? PRICES. I am now selling Men's-and Boy's Clothing,: Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks; Capes; Speilah $veTyr thing else found in a firslass .Dry- Godda Store. ,. : ai IT. STEPHENS. CLOSING OUT SALE When umaDt;tb:; of CLOTHINGrV FURNISHING; GOODS, : i '" ' ' BOOTS, SHOKS,HATS and CAPS.; . - These Goods Must Be Sold Less IThari Cost. j; P. McINERNY. Seed Wheat; FedWJieat, -Rolled Barley,Whoie Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran; Shorts, ' Or anything n the Feed Line',go tb the y ) ; Wlseol: VREHOUSE. Oar prices are low and onr goods are firet-clase. . Ajtents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid tor WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY. y' There is a tide in tht f affair i' of men which, taken at its flood '.: - . - - 'leads on, tS fortune" v , " :,' .. . . : . . .'.";? -.J f l -j .. J j -r (C 1 Tf.' 4' 'I: '. i The poet unfluastionably h&i reference to tY0h"P l '- - '' ";'.. ...' . z?-1 ! J lit l ' y.' -'-.K i'i ' sii S..T-'- v. Mimmmk AT CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. ' MICHELBACH BRICK, - - ' ' UKTCA ST.-