Our Specials in '"muiiiii- Ladies' Footwear For this week. We are Sole Agents for Laird, Schober & Co. and J. & T. Cousins Fine Footwear makes that are well known to the public. Ladies'. Oxfords. Genuine Hand-ttfrh, plain cloth, needle and square toe, black and tan, $3. Ladies', Vici KM; French-cut vomp, fancy heel foxing, patent leather tip; eye lets worked in silk; color black; $3. - Tan Vici Kid, turn sole, fancy cloth foxing, needle toe, white Kid lined; $3.50. Black French Kid, patent leather tip, Turkish toe, hand-turn sole, $3.50. Ladies' Patent Leather, whole foxing, cloth top, needle toe, $4. In Ladies' Lace and Button Boots, we are showing all the up-to-date and swell things of the season. - I ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. fMIER & BENTON Are now located at 167 Second Street, opposite A. M. Williams & Co., with a complete line of Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Plumbing" and Tinning a specialty. Also agents for the Cele brated Cleveland Bicycle. WUV P have we taken hold of the VICTOR BI V V JlJ- Jl I CYCLE as our leading Wheel. RpPQUQP after thoroughly testing a dozen different -LJCicxLlpC makes, we have come to the conclusion . : - . : that the VICTOR is the BEST; it is mechanically perfect, and while not TOO LIGHT for our bad roads, yet it runs the easiest. it has a tire that, while light, is almost PUNCTURE PROOF. (We will repair all puncturess free for the season on 1896 . . ' Victor Tires.) We have 189 Bibycles that list at $100 that we will sell for $75, bat they are not VICTORS. Oar 1896 VICTORS sell for $100. For mediam grade bicycles, we have the Waverley and Crescents $50 to $85. Good second hand wheels, $25 to $50. . . . Bicycles and Tandema for rent. Wheels repaired. We keep constantly on hand a good etock of compressed air, for inflating tires, and give it away. Get your tires inflated. . Because Wall Paper Latest Designs, New Combinations, Harmonious Colorings. At "Very Lotv Prices. Call and see otir samples "before buying. JOS. T. PETER & CO The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY. - MAY 14. 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Event of Lesser Magnitude. Republican rally tonight. Forecast Tonight and Friday, rain, warmer. Regular monthly meeting of the Co lombia Hose Co. No. 2, tonight at S :30 p. jn. Republican speaking at the court house tonight. The ladies are especially invited to attend. Fifty car loads of cattle will be shipped from Arlington Saturday to grazing grounds in Montana. Hon. Chas. H. Dodd. of Portland, will address our citizens this evening upon the political issues of the day. Court house 8 p. m. A municipal league has been organized in Portland to secure an honeBt election in June. The league is promised aid from all the parties, Jerome Lauer and Sam Thurman had a little "onpleasantness" this morning near the boat landing. The trouble was not serious, and in the scuffle both got a ducking Messers. B. S. Huntington, John Michel) and Fred W. Wilson started on a campaigning touiuthisrmorning. They will go to Antelope anuTthen cross over into Sherman county (speaking at the principal points there. They expect to -J The Good Intent Society of the M.E.I church met at the home of Mrs. Monroe Grimes, on the hill, yesterday afternoon, and after all the ladies had arrived pro ceeded to the residence of Mrs. F. T. Es ping for the purpose of giving her a gen uine surprise party, and such it was. Strange to relate, not a single member Jiad divulged the secret, and so the sur ' prise was complete. The afternoon was most pleasantly, spent, business being laid aside for this day and all care abandoned. The president, Mrs. W. H. Biggs, was present for the first time in several months and all were glad to wel come her. Tho Givnarv fni f Vi o Vncrf. O npra hnnDAl j ' to- 1 has arrived and is being fitted. The stage is 60x30, an untmjafiy large size, and believed to be seconaf assize to the Marquam Grand in the state. The scenes are arranged to slide upward in stead of being rolled. The scene shifter operates the ropes from above on a plat form for the purpose. Amory hall is a very large one and is well lighted" and ventilated. The main entrance is fron Third street, and large enough to admii of the hall being emptied in a very eho: ' time. Parrot, of the mercantile house o E. J. Collins & Co., is a practical joker bat yesterday he got caught in his own' . trap. He telephoned up for four sack of wheat. Johnson asked him who for and Parrot said "the chickens." Job eon understood him to say Mr. Jenki and put it on the order book. Later Parrot came in, paw the order for four sacks of wheat to Mr. Jenkins, and de livered it. He was put to considerable trouble and exertion to carry it to the shed, and soon word came from Mr. Jenkins that he had not ordered any wheat. So Parrot had to go backup, and tug with the , heavy wheat sacks again, re-delivering them to the store. He was thus the victim of his own joke'. and carried it out to perfection. The Baad Concert. Money for the toe kg and Boat Rallwi I 9 M 6 The following telegram was received last evening bv The Chronicle from Senator Mitchell : Washington, D. C, May 13, 1896. The Chronicle, The Dalles, Ore. The river and harbor bill has just passed the senate. Jjt carries $50,000 for the Cascades, which with the amount in the Sundry civil bill, makes $230,000 for the Cascades immediately available. There is $100,000 also for the boat rail way at the dalles and authorizing a con tract aggregating $2,064,467. exclusive of the amount heretofore appropriated. John ti. Mitchell,. The Eed Men's Social. Last evening was one of thorough en joyment to the Red Men and sev eral invited guests. The music was of classical selections rendered with rare expression. The speech on Redmenship y Mr. John Michell was a most elo- uent effort, said by his friends to excel ny thing ever before delivered by Mr. lichell in that line. After the program n eloquent banquet and social inter- ourse completed a most enjoyable even- j return in about four days, after which fing. The following was the program other places in the county will be visited1 overture "Jolly Fellows" : Svppi Reading of Prix-Initiation of the Great Council U. 8. Improved Order of Red Men Song "The Hunter's Farewell Mendelssohn Society Harmonie. Selection From omera "Beautiful Galalhea" Mr. Hocker. speecnon Keamenstiip Piano sola John Michell, P. 8. -X. Snhannenla 8on "Better than Gold" Mr. I. Hartnett. Selection "Premier Nocturne Zeybaeh Song "The Rhine'" Jiayeli Society Harmonic. Overture "Zehm Madehen undKein Mann" Suppi y Merely a Suggestion. Supposing we all should send east for everything we eat, drink and wear, how long do you think- any of our merchants would exist? There would certainly be a number of "balloon ascensions" very soon. I need not say anything further about patronizing home merchants and home industry. Everyone knows or ought to know that it is the proper thing to do. It is no longer necessary to send east for fine cigars; they are made right here. The Regulator brand is admitted by all to be equal to anything that can be shipped in from abroad. The best judges, of cigars say so. Now as our local market is not glutted with a surplus of ready cash I would recommend that you call for the. Regulator cigar and leave your spare change in circulation here at home; yon might need it again. When it is sent east it never ccmes back. O. A. Pbtbssok. Below will be found the program of the first open air concert to be given by The Dalles City band in the public s( hooi yard on next Sunday afternoon, c mmencing at 3 :30 o'clock. The plat fc rm will be placed west of the building, ar Union street. It is the intention f the band to give these concerts every unday during the summer months, if their new leader remains in the city. His services are donated to the band. These concerts are absolutely free. PROGRAM. Rose . .Ed. Beyer Ferrazzl March "Kansas City Exposition"... Overture "Red Hot'' A Serio comic- Jnmboree. Tuba Solo "Basso Prof undo" Cris. Paulsen. . March "Harmony!' R.W. Halt Dedicated to J. G. Miller, The Dalles, Oregon, publisher of Harmony, u musical monthly. Waltz "Daughter of Love-' Bennett Baritone Solo "The Floctonian" Casey 3. G. Miller. Descriptive "D nee of the Goblins" Loraine Synopsis Adagio P.' P. near 12 o'clock at night; crickets ami nightbird are heard; the steeple clock strikes the midnight boui, Modeiato. The Goblins esemblt', Crexendo. At the old churchyard, AlUgio, They btgin the dance; the dan-e is on; frightened by the watchman's pistol; confusion, M od erato. 1 hey return cau tiously. Allegro. They da 'Ce ag.in ; getting wHrinea up; inej aance livelier man Deiore steamboat whistle s at ties them; they ral again: another shut fnehtens them awav Allegro cohuoco. scattering in all dirctious.l March "The Regulator" . , Peterson OA. Peterson, Musical Director. Note Tf you are a friend of the band and would like to see these concerts re peated every wetk during the summer call for the Regulator cigar and endeavor to so Increase the sale of these cigars, that it may become possible for Mr. Peterson to reniawi with us. As he re ceives no salary from the band he de pends entirely upon his business. Up to the present time he has received but little encouragement. Thb Band. Excursion. On Monday, May 18th, the D. P. & A. N. Co. will make a rate of 75 cents to Hood River and return, including trans fer to and from the landing. General Coxey and General Weaver will address the people on political questions. BORN. In this city, May 13tb, to II. J. Maier, a daughter. the wife of E. J. Collins & Co. have just received a large shipment of potatoes. - Xeachers' Examination. Mr, day. PERSONAL. A. B MENTION. Craft arrived in the city to- H. Sawver left for Portland . It not only is so, it must be so, One Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go. Snipes-Kiner-sly. Drug Co. Hope ftr Squirrel Extermination. Frank B. Clopton, of Pendleton, has received additional information from Harold Sorby, at Chicago, who says: "I have concluded my experiments. They have terminated most satisfac torily. The stronger virus begins to act in two days and the disease spreads at a prodigious rate. I calculate that, in a week's time, an acre of squirrels could be entirely exterminated. The weaker virus, which is cheaper, is also effective, but is not so rapM in its action, in the first instance, thongh it works enccess fully, once it gets started. There is no doubt about the virus succeeding as well in the field as'in the laboratory. The question presents itself to me as to whether we should supply this virus to individuals, or whether concerted action among the landowners in a feiven section would not be more desirable." Mr. Clopton hopes to make the move ment a general one, and upon pushing investigation a little further, will take steps to interest others in the attempt to exterminate the ground squirrels. From the experiments made by Dr.' C. J. Smith, of this city, and Mr. Sorby, of Chicago, it looks like th- squirrels can be successfully combat.ted. Tor Rent. ' -, . A house ' and grounds on bluff, Fulton street. Splendid, location ; city water. Inqnire of dlw A. A. Bonne y. Mr. C. today. Mr. S. F. Bevins went to Stevenson this morning. . ' Mr. Louis Davenport, of Mosier, came Bin the city today. Mr. A. Buchler left this morning for a short trip to Hood River. 'Captain Lewis and daughter left for Portland this afternoon. Uy 1 Mr. John Booth went to Portland this av. i : aiLcriiuuu uu t uuauicoo tup. . C Hon. C. H. Dodd, the speaker this evening, will arrive on the Regulator. S Dr. G. C. Eshelinan left th's morning for Klickitat, and will return Saturday. N Mr. J. W. Messiuzer and wife went to McMinnville this morning to attend a meeting of the State Grange. Frank Slater and family of Umatilla county, C. W. Peters and family of Wasco county removed to the valley near Corvallis this morning. - Messrs. John Michell, B. S. Hunting ton and F. W. Wilson went ont into the country this morning on a campaign trip, to be absent about a week. Dr. T. F. Campbell (M. Dl, M. C.) physician, surgeon, etc., late of Los Angeles, office at Umatilla house. All calls attended. Telephone 37. dwtf T. A. Van Norden, the watchmaker and jeweler, can be found in - his new quarters, opposite A. M. Williams' store. my8-lm For Rent. cottage. Inqnire of A. A 4-room Keller. Cows for C. A sale. Inquire Cramer, Mosier. of or address Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'DR; TUTTl Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, Jr. v is Notice is ' hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination ot all persons who maj offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county superintendent thereof will , hold a public- examination at bis office in The Dalles, beginning Wednesday, May 13th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Dated May 2 1896. Tboy Sheltby, ' County School Superintendent, Wasco County Oregon. m7-7t . "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate tiie world," yaui a genius. The drnggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt'a Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. For sale by Snipes-Kinersley Drug Co. ' , - . Soothing, heating, cleansing, DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, which it never tails to enre. Stops itching and hurning. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three hoars." For sale by Snipes Kinersly, Drug Co, Jacobson Book & Music Co. and Harry Liebe have moved in the old "Vog't Store on Washington Street, opposite The Chronicle Office. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER- Successor to Chrisman & Corson. J 1,1,11 FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again Sn business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see' all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. . SPECIAL. Pure Glycerine Soap, only 10c a cake, or 25c a box. Genuine Briar Pipes, with Amber Tip and Leather Cases, only 50c each at Donneirs Drug Store. Tlifi Tygli Val ley Creamery I Delicious. Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. 45c. Every Square is Full Weight. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. x