GENTLEMEN, drop in and see S. E. Balch, Merchant Tailor, 78 Sec ond street, for SPRING and SUM MER Suits. He shows the finest line of foreign and domestic goods ever ex Mbited in The Dalles, at 'Frisco prices. Garments made on premises. Peiect fi. guaranteed. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Eepublican Daily Newspaper n Wasco County. "WEDNESDAY. ' MAY 13. 1896 REPUBLIC! TICKET Supreme Judge, R. S. BEAN. Representative in Congress, 2d Dist. W. R. ELLIS. Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Dist., A. A. JAYNE. Joint Senator, Wasco, Sherman and Gil ' Ham Counties, W. H. MOORE. Joint Senator, Wupco and Sherman Counties, JOHN MICH ELL. Joint Representatives, Wasco and Sher man Counties, B. S. HUNTINGTON. F. N. JONES, Coonty Judt:e, ROBERT MAYS. For Sheriff, T. J. DRIVER. For County Clerk, A. M. KELSAY. For Treasnrer, C. L. PHILLIPS. For School Superintendent, C. L. GILBERT. For Assessor, W, H. WHIPPLE. For County Commissioner, D. 8. KIMSEY. For Survevor, j. b. Goir. For Coroner. W. H. BUTTS. Jastice of the Peace, The Dalles Dist. G. J. FARLEY. For Constable, The Dalles Dist., JULIUS WILEY. FOREIGN WOOL. Eastern Oregon, as vhe greatest sheep raising section in the United States, is deeply interested in the rise and fall of the wool market. The conditions that prevail at Bos ton, or at any of the great wool cen ters, affect the weal or woe of the growers in the "West. The outlook for the coming season can hardly be called bright. A large portion of last season's clip remains unused in the eastern warehouses, and the de mand is light. The only phase of the woolen industry which is thriving is foteign importation ; the bringing of wool and woolen goods to this country goes merrily on, aided by the fos tering care of the Wilson bill. The result is as satisfactory in England as it is not so here, as this comment from Messrs. Helmuih Schwartz fc Co-., a large London concern plainly shows: Messrs. Ilelmuth Schwartz & Co. of London comment upon the fact so well known here, that the United States in 1895, in addition to the un precedented imports of raw wool, also imported 'manufactures of wool to the extent of over sixty million dollars as against less than seventeen million dollars for the preceding year. "This increase in the American imports of woolen goods is roughly calculated as equal to 130,000,000 pounds of raw wool, which is exactly the amount of the increase in the world's supply of the year 1895. If American wool had been used to manufacture the increased amount of imported woolens, more than one half of the entire American clip would have been consumed in their production. 'The increase in the imports of wool, including that used in . the manufacture of woolens imported in 1895, over the average of the previ ous four years was over 257,000,000 pounds (a quantity within 37,000, 000 pounds of the American wool production for 1895),- an increase of about 114 per cent. The effect of this extraordinary increase in im ports upon American prices is now being very seriously felt." The American people should take respite from politics long enough to watch with close scrutiny the action of Spain regarding the men impli cated in the Competitor affair. - Spain is a barbarous nation, unaccus tomed to the merciful ways of civil izatioD. She Is a relic of the dark ages when might was right and jus tice was of small concern. Under this Democratic administration there is no telling what may happen ; but if that incomparable statesman, James G. Blaine, were in charge of foreign affairs, the country might l est as sured that the rights of American citizens would be protected. The present administration has been a dismal failure in its foreign policy, and the fear is well grounded that another dark chapter may be added to its history. Missouri Republicans held' a riot instead of a convention yesterday, Politics there are getting so close that they are becoming interesting. Hon. C. "H. ludd Tomorrow Night. A review of the merits of the Republi can party and . its principles is ever pleasing to Americans. Hon. C. H Dodd, of Portland an efficient political speaker, will have something new to eay to our citizens, as regards the part of wisdom in the present campaign. Ev erybody should torn out tomorrow night at the court house and hear him. Hypochondrical, despondent, nerv ous, "tired out." men those who suffer from backache , weariness, loss of en ergy, im paired mem- ry, dizzi ness, melan- holy and discourage ment, the re sult of ex hausting dis eases, or drains upon the system, excesses, or abuses, bad habits, or early vices, are treated through cor respondence at their homes, with uniform success, by the Specialists of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. A book of 136 large pages, devoted to the consideration of the maladias above hinted at, may be had, mailed se curely sealed from observation, in a plain envelope, by sending 10 cents in one-cent stamps (for postage on Book), to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, at the above mentioned Hotel. For more than a quarter of a century, physicians connected with this widely cele brated Institution, have made the treatment of the delicate diseases above referred to, their sole study and practice. Thousands, have con sulted them. . This vast experience has naturally resulted in improved methods and means of cure. - mm mi Blakeley & Houghton desire ns to pub lish the following extract from a letter of Chas. M. Gutfeld of Reedley, Fresno" county, Calif., as they handle the rem edy referred to and want their customers to know what a eplended medicine it is: '"It is with pleasure 1 tell you that by one day's use of Chamberlain's Cough remedy I was relieved of. a very bad cold. - My head was completely stopped up and I could not sleep at night. .1 can' recommend this remedy." A cold nearly always etarts in the head and afterwards extends to: the throat and lungs. By nsing this "remedy freely as soon as the cold has been contracted it will cure the cold at once and prevent it from extend ing to the lungs. A Household Treatnre. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y,. says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and bis family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. Kings New Discovery is un doubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. "Why not trv a remedy bo long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $100. 3 . Did Ton E?er. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the re lief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Steepness, Excitable, Melan choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters In the medicine yon need.- Health and Strength are guaran teed by. its use. Large bottles only fifty cents and $1.00 at Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. 3 Through trains on the O. R. & N will run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec ond class will run in connection with the Union Prcific, the same as heretofore, -A through first-claes sleeper from Port land to Spokane, connecting with the first-class sleeper to St. Paul and a through tourist sleeper from Portland to at. .raul, will oe run in connection with the Great Northern railway. E. E. Lytle, Agent, These Must Go at Once. - A home with lot, worth $900; $750 takes it. Uwner leaving city, and must sell. Three lots only hve blocks from Court house. Lay in fair shape; $150 tor the three. One hne business lot in heart of city ; $800. Among a multitude of oflerings, these three are the very nest. Match them 11 you can. Feed D. Hill, Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Room 12, Chapman Block. mayl-tf Hello! Hello! This is the County Treasurer. He wants all county warrants - registered prior to April 1, 1892, presented at his office, corner Third and Washington, or he is ready to pay the same. Inter est ceases after January 15th. Wm. Micbell, County Treas. Go to Moore's for your fresh creams. He will not sell you chewing gum for marshmallow taffy. Don't be deceived by the name, for this is the only place in the city you can get the genuine marshmallow taffy. Try his coin bin a tion taffy this week. When yog wmt to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley ,Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WARE H OUSE, Our prices are low and our goods are firet-class. . ' Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLiY. No Place Like Home WITH A BOTTLE Or DR. HKNLEY'S lery Beef 8 In your home you have a COMPANION FOR LIFE It stimulates the APPETITE Strengthens the NERVES " Gives you a good night's REST A perfect BLOOD PURIFIER It is NATURE'S BUILDER AND TONIC FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. lOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there lsast one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only - positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood und mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, aud giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors Lave so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: . F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O gJS&ooia by Druggists, 75 cents. The DlscoTery Hed His Life. Mr. G. Caillouttee, Druggist, Bearers- ville, 111. says : . "To Dr; King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physi cians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up. and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discoverv in my store I sent for a bottle and began its -use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." ' Get a free trial at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. B07 to Care jxlieamatlsm. ; . Abago, Coos Co., Oreoa, Nov. 10 1893. -I wish to inform yon of the great good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done my wife. She has been troubled with rheumatism of the arms and hands for six months, and has tried many reine dies prescribed for that complaint, but found no relief until she used this Pain Balm ; one bottle Of which has complete ly cured ber. I take pleasure in recom mending it for that trouble. Yours truly, C. A. Bullord. 50 cents and $1.00 bottles for sale by Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. 'Independent Candidate for Sheriff. - I hereby announce myself an inde pendent free -silver candidate for the office of sheriff of Wasco county. Ore gon, to be voted for at the general elec tion to be held on June 1, 1896. John M. Roth Notice. There will be a special meeting of Co lumbia Chapter No. 33, O. E. S., Wed nesday evening, May 13th. Our grand worthy patron, J. H. Bridgeford, will be in attendance, and work will be done in several degrees. A full attendance is requested, not only at this meeting, but also at the regular meeting tonight. Maey Scott Myebs, Worthy Matron. J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says: "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and for myself,. with result so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly find words to express myself as to its merit. I will never fail to recommend it to others, on every occasion that pre sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner-sley, Drug Co. - Quick in effect, heals and leaves no scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old sores, it is magical in effect.' Always cures piles. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. and iron li G-ermania OTTO B1RGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. - is r-l . an;.- P CD 02 1 I xn- o s s -SOLE Celebrated Gambrinns Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. CD Wholesale and Retail Liquor Store. STUBLING Are now located on Second Street, between Washington and Federal Sts., where they have a large stock of CHOICE LIQUORS FINEST BRANDS OP CIGARS. Family trade solicited. A resort first-class in all par ticulars will be maintained. J. O. MHCK, pine Cllines Domestic and St. Louis and, Milwaukee Columbia THE OLD ORO 67 Second St., The Dalles Commission Co., -DEALERS IM- Coal, Ice and ProtoForeip ani Domestic Mts anl Yeptals. Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for Its parity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPRINGS. KOSLTN, A NTH It CITE and GEORGES CHEEK Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets: Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. "THE CELEBRATED S J1. AAJ 'JLJl JL JmmfA. Ss J- JL y -Ml. 9 August buchlerppopv. This well-known. Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on. y the first-class article will be placed on TO GET READY LARGE SPRING I am now selling Men's and Boy's Clothing, Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes, Shoes, and every-, thing else found in a first-class Dry Goods Store. ASk FOR PRICES. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, " BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J P. McINERNY. "T'here is a tide tn tke ajfatrs . leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the tag Out bale oi Mrnitiire and Carpets at CRANOALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling thesa goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHE LBACH BP.TOK, . - ITNlCiN RT. AGENT FOR THE- & WILLIAMS -DEALER IN- and Liiquotfs , Key West Cigars, Bottled Beer. Brewery Beer on Draught. FINO STAND. The Dalles, Oregon.. FOR rCFL I1 MANUFACTURING FUBroSES. for a STOCK- C. F. STEPHENS. of men which, taken at its flood