The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 06, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
NO 103.-:
Sister of Casanova Writes to
President Cleveland.
Be and' Ills Family Are All Naturalized
Americana and Kesidenta of
j . New York.
New- Yobk, May 5. The Herald this
morning says :
Mrs. Emilia Casanova de Villaverde,
Bister of Pedro Casanova, the American
citizen whose servants were ehot near
San Miguel de Cuba after the Spanish
column had raided the residence, was
seen at her home in this city last night.
She is nearly prostrated with anxiety
for her brother's safety, and has sent
the following telegram to President
Cleveland :
"My brother, Pedro Casanova and
family are American citizens. My
nephew, Julio Vidal, is a native-born
American. They have been trampled
upon, their house sacked, their servants
ehot, and their lives threatened by Span
ish troops in San Miguel. As an Ameri
can citizen I demand protection by the
United Statesjfor their lives J and prop
erty." ,
To a reporter she eaid : , -
"I read with horror and" indignation
the account o! the last outrage perpe
trated by the Spanish troops in San
Miguel. Tonight a letter came from my
sister in Havana, which tells me of all
the awful - details and confirms the re
port in every particular. My brother,
although born in Cuba, became an
American citizen in I860, and has made
his. home in New York city since. Own
ing large estates at San Miguel, he quite
naturally spent the .winter months in
Cuba, where he could look after, his in
terests on the island. He served many
years in the Seventh regiment, company
G, of the New York National Guard, re
ceiving an h'ohorable discharge. Being
an American citizen in the true sense of
the world, he did not want to take any
part in the present struggle in Cntu,
but remained there later than usual this
spring, hoping to save the property from
destruction. He was known to every
one as an American, and was respected
as such by the insurgents. . Word was
brought me by an officer of the Ward
line steamer, which has just arrived,
that General Weyler had ordered my
; brother and his family to leave the
Island. If this be true he will - prob
ably leave for New York by the next
A Resolution Introduced By Call
the Senate.
, Washington, May 5. When the sen
ate met today (Jail introduced a resolu
tion requesting the president to protest
against the execution of American, citi
zens taken onjboard the schooner Com
petitor by a Spanish gunboat, and to
demand of Spain that the prisoners be
notjsribject to' cruel treatment. Call
asked for its immediate adoption,
TtT i M.M. r l . . . .
nuiouu quiCKiy laterpoaeq, pointing
' out that this was a surprising course.
directing v . protest and a demand on
Spain', without fitly consideration. t
- (Jail insisted that the case was uigent,
reports being current that the prisoners
were to be executed. , If Great Britain
were involved there would be no hesita
tion about protesting. -
Wolcott answered that if the facts
were as Call stated it was the duty of
-the president to nrotest. and it was nre-
- TTl a t.ll r A fni fVia Dsnata '..olreaof Jka
president to do his duty. He.obiected
to immediate action. - The resolution
- went over. ' " ' ,-, .: ' , . '
A Sympathetic Movement.
Seattle, .May . 5. The firet rmblic
Highest pf all ia Leavening Power.
:-: :-v-
pathy and aid to the Cubans in their
fight with Spain, has been- taken. - A
call has been signed by several well
known colored men calling a mass meet
ing to be held tomorrow evening in the
municipal courtroom at 8 o'clock, "For
the purpose of extending sympathy and
aid to the Cubans iu the struggle for
independence.". One colored man worth
$100,000 takes up the cause with great
ardor. ,
The Nitrate King; Expired in London
Today. ,
Losdon, May 5. Colonel North, while
presiding at a meeting at the nitrate
company's offices today, fainted in his
chair and expired at 4 this afternoon.
Although the death of Colonel North
is believed to have been due to heart
disease, it is stated that shortly before
bis demise he ate a dozen oysters sent
him from a restaurant. The shells will
be examined. A couple of doctors were
summoned almost immediately after the
coionel fainted, but their efforts were
useless. There will be a post-mortem
examination of the' remains.
Officials of the nitrate ' company were
reluctant to admit that the colonel was
dead. His death caused great excite
ment in financial circles, and in the
lobby of the house of commons. Among
those in the room when Colonel North
fainted was bis eon, Captain North, in
whose arms the nitrate king expired.
A French Tragedian Finds It Mightier
. Than the Sword.'
The affection 6f tiie collector for the
objects of his zeal has been amusingly
illustrated by a story told of Melingue,
a. French tragedian who had a mania
for gathering together great quantities
of old vestments, arms and similar an
tique apparatus. Among his treasured
was a beautiful and keen-edged sword
which had belonged to Philip II., son of
Emperor Charles V.
Having vyorn. this sword in a piece in
which he was performing, Melingue.
was making his way homeward in Paris
one night. The weather was rainy, and
he carried an umbrella, . Under his
cloak he bore the precious sword of
Philip II.
Coining around a corner, Melingue
was suddenly menaced by two eneal;
thieves. He was an' expert fencer, and
knew tiiat with the sword he could
qiiickly beat the rascals off. But he
said to himself:
"What! Betray to these rascals that
I have such a precious possession? No!
They, might be too much for me, after
till, and then they would get it. I will
keep it out of sight." ' ; -
So saying, he placed his left hand on
the hilt" of the sword inside his cloak,
and with the other hand let down, his
umbrella. With this as a weapon, he
assaulted the footpads with such force
and spirit that he put them to flight.
In. this case the umbrella turned out
to be mightier than the sword.
Something- -of a Change.
A French paper vouches for this dia
logue, which took place in a French
assize court, as being literally true:
- "Why," asked the judge of a man who
had been caught stealing provisions,
"did you ' attempt to rob this poor
baker ?" ' . ' 1 - .
"It was hunger that forced me to it,"
answered- the man. "When the forest
wolf is hunted from the woods by
starvation,- he takes his prey where he
can seize it
'jHush!" thundered the court, rapping
on. the desk: "He does nothing of the
sort.-. He endures his ills, repents, and
becomes an honest man!"
.'Quick in - effect, heals and leaves no
scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions
quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Haze
Sajve,,, Applied to , burns, scalds,. old
sores, it is magical in effect. Always
cures" piles. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. "' .. ' ' " - -,"' ..'',' , ,, -
"Piles of peoples have piles, bat De
Witt's, Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
When' promptly , applied, it -cures scalds
burns: without the - slightest pain.
SnipeB- Kinersly Drug Co. '
' Itnot only is so it must be so, One
Minute Cough Cure acts quickly," and
that's what makes it go. Snipes-Kinersly.
Drug Co v -
Latest U. S. Gov't Report -.
-!:;:; , --.-THE BEST- u fv.
forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator to do it it also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
; You get THE BEST BLOOD when
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator it is Simmons
Liver REGULATOR which make3 the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it. : -;
J. H. Zeilin & Co, Philadelphia, Pa.
SURE rIII9I? crrtD Dll CO
SJ'lSfcS.'SSr!0 '8 .PILE REMEDY. su;i
;7,. nymitlCUK. t TCll 1:1 M lit ft-ft. PrtCB
In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Av,- - ' .. -
.1 VJVUU.J'. -
Stella K. Eddy, Plaintiff, '
' ' VB.
O. D. Taylor & 8a rah K. Taylor, State of Oregon
no irusin; 101 ine ozine uommin iscnooi
Puud of Wasco County, Oregon, John Barger,
Joseph A. Johnston and C. W. Gather, De
fendants. - - -To
O. 1). Tavlor. Rarah K. Tvln Ktoto nf Oro.
gon as Trustee forthe use of the Common 8chool
Fund of Wasco Ccunty, Oiegon, John Barger,
Jo?-eph A. JohDston and C V. Gather, De
fendiints. - - -
In the name of the State of Oregon, Ton are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you In the above entitled
suit within ten days from the date of the service
of this Summons upon you, if served within this
County; or if served within any other County of
this State, tbon within twenty da 8 from the
date of the service of this Summons upon you,
or if served upon you bj publication, then on or
before the 1st day of the next regular term of
this court; and if you fail so to answer, for want
thereof, the Plaintiff' will take judgment n gainst
you and apply to the court for the jeliel prayed
for in her complaint-
This summons is served nnon Vnn. thn unlrt
defendant Joseph A. Johnson, pursuant to an'
order made and entered in the above entitled
court by the Judge of the above entitled court
on the sixth day of April, 1896.
epr8-l Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Pinal Settlement
Notice is hereby given that bv an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco
County, made and entered on the 27th dav of
marcn, in tne mattei oi the estate of Wil
liam H. McAtee. deceased, unon the flllnir
of the final account of the executor of
said estate, Monday, the. 4th day of May
189ti, at 2 - o'clock p. ra. was fixed ' as - the
time, and the county court room in Dalles
City, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of said
final account and objections thereto and the
settlement of mid estate. AU nersohB havine
objections to said final acoountor the settlement
oi saia estate, are hereby notified to present
them at said time am place.
ma-woi o,u. a. utBt;, nxecntor.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or.,) .
May 4, 1896. (
Notice is herebv given that the follnwln.
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
mane nuai proor in support ot his claim, and
that said proof will be made beinre ihi mHaipp
and receiver at The" Dalles, Oregon, on June 20,
jamti F. Elliott,
Hd. E No. 3269, for the NW, Sec, 22, Tp. 1 N, E
He namfs the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: J. W. Allen, U. J. Hunt,
James Hurst, W. Bennett, all of The Dalles, Or.
niay6-l JAS. F, MOORE, Register. . '
Sheriffs. Sale,
By virtue of an execution issued . out
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon on the 29th dav of February, 1896, In a
suit therein pending wherein C. W. Gather is
plain-iff and O. D. Taylor, Sarah K. Taylor.
JoBeph A. Johron. John Barger, State of Ore
gon, as trustee for the use of tne common school
fund of Wasoo county, Oiegon, and M s. ( aro
lino f. Breese, are defendants, to me directed
and commanding me to sell all of the follawing
desenbed real property lying and-situa e in
Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit: Lots seven and
eight in block twenty-four in Bigelow's Bluff
Addition to Dalles City. Oregon, t, gether with
all and singular the tenements, hereditaments
and ai purtenances theieunto belonging or In
anywise appertal ing, to s-tiffy the sum of
f 1115.2 and interest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent per annum from the 2lst day of June,
1895, and the further sum of $100 and interest
thereon at said rate from said Uot named date,
attornev's fees, and the further sum of 125 costs
and disbursements: I will, on the 6th -day of
May, 189G, at the hour 2 o'clock p. m. of taid
day at the courthouse door in Dalies City, Ore
gon, sell to the highest bidder for cash in h .nd,
all of said real propeity. to satisfy said sums and
interest and the corns ot such sale. . -
apr8-l ,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Or.
yr- -----
Novelties in Our
Notion Department.
Newest Things in-ona- .
Cut Steel, Dresden Novelties, White Metal, &c.
The Popular Fad 3 and 4-inch widths.
BELT PINS, in Black, Silver, Gold.
"THE HOLDFAST," ; ' ' .
The new combined Belt and Skirt Supporter.
Keeps Belt and Skirt in proper position. No.
lady should be without it. Only 10c each. '
Collar, Studs and Cuff Buttons, in new and
novel designs. , , .
-Fancy Shell and Metal Trimmed Side Coin We,
. -- Back Combs, Hair Fins, &c. . ,
Se0 OUT'' ""wiviiii. -. ' -
Just the thing to put-the finishing touch to
your nice Spring Gown.
I"or Infants and Children.' '
Cstatorta promotei Dlgosrtlon, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, ' and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep lustnral. Oaatoria ' contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria Is fo well adapted to children chat
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
.tnowa to mo.'' H. A. Abcsbb. M. D.,
. : . lil Qouth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
For several years I harei recommenced : yon
'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so,
as it has in variahly produced beneficial results."
Edwik F. Pardbb, M. D.,
- 125th Street and 7th Ave New York City.
"The use of Castoria, la so nni-versal and
Its merits so well known that it Beams a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
teliifrent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach." . . v
. .- - ... ClBTiOaaUBTPC, P.P.,
Hew York City.
Tap CsarxACB QoMPAjtr, 77 Murray Street, N.Y.
Letters of Credit issued availab e
. :: . .Eastern States.
Sight : Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicaeo,
St, Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and .Washington.
Collections made at all points' on fav
orable terms.
Harry Liebe,
. - All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second
street. .' '-' " .'
Kb more BOILS, no more PJMPES'
Use Kjnersly's Jroa Tonic". The Snipes
i sly Drag Co. Telephone No. 3.
Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co.
Drugs, Paints,
. Etc.
129 Second St..
Hay aiicf Grain for Sale
Ward, ' Keras & : Rpterfeon's Stabled
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts. "
dec4-lm- -.-V
Assignee's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned'
una i ecu uuiy appointed assignee ot the estate
of R. E. Williams, an insolvent debtor, by
proper deed of conveyance, of all the property
of said insolvent debtor, to the undersigned, in
trust for the benefit of all the creditors of said
insolvent debtor. All persons having claims
against said insolvent debtor, will present the
same properly verified to the undersigned at his
office, in the Chrolucle building, on tno easterly
side of Washington sereet, north of Beeond
street, in Dalle City, Wasco County; Oregon,
within three months from the date of this
notice, Jfcbruary 4, 1896.
- A. 8. MacALLISTER, 1
Assignee of the estate of R. . Williams, an
insolvent debtor. feb5-5t .
Cbicbestrrs Enel:b Dtamood Dmi ''
frrlf Inal&nd Only enntneu ;
, aiwajj reliable. ladiC ask
wi . mi neater m JS'ltfil s ""t4r TkjJ
man Brand in Kd mad Gobi metsUlieV
luozes, teaica wiin blue nbbpo. nke vy.
tioiu and imitation. At Drairiin. r tsnrtl-i
Relief for Ilwllc, letter, tty return
Two Fast Drives in
Fast Colored Wash Goods.
Plaids,' Stripes and Checks.
1 Regular 15c, 20c and 25c yard, - v
Special, 8 J Cents a yard.
A Choice Lot of -
India Dimities, Mclls, Dotted Swiss in printed
enVcts, Ac goods -which have sold heretofore
. at -25c, 30c, 35c and 40c, . ., . , . '
Special, 15 Cents a yard.
See Our Scotch Zephyrs,
Satin Plaids,
Regular 40c goods at 15c yard.
Sheriflrs Sale;
Notice is hereby given, that uriler and by Tlr
tue ot an execution and order ot sale, issued oat
of f h I 'i T-f'M i f r 'in rt thf atata e.t riiM,nn
the County of VVai-oo, on the 6th day of April,
1896, upon a decree given and rendered therein
in a cause wherein C. W. Sietzel was plaintiS
and O. M. B urland, George A. Liebe, and E. C.
Pease and Kobert Mays, partners doing business
under the name of Pease dr Mays, were defend
ants, and to me directed ana commanding me
to sell the premises nereinafter mentioned to
suiiBiy meiuucmeuioi me piainuu lor the cum
oi ?1,400, with interest thereon at ten per cent,
per annum from- the 16th:day of Mav, 1895, and
the further som of Ji;o attorney's fees, and the
further sum ol $l5i7itu, 1 will on Saturday, the
16th day of May, lS'-Ki, at toe hour of 1 o'clock p.
m., sell at the courthouse door In Dalles City.
t A- I' ... t- ... ... . , -
auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand.
for the purpose of satisfying said Judgment sn
H lUirilA Ka fillnnlnn ...... ( V. ... I 1 .. . . 1 .. . .
mises to-wit - - ' ,
The southwest quarter of section 18, township
2 south, range 14 east, W. M., containing 157-
41-100 acres. - ' - .
The northwest quarter of section 18, township
2 south, range 14 east, W. M., containing 1W
acres. y .
The southwest quarter of the northeist quar
ter, the went half of the southeast quarter ad
t h tl winthpntt mi. f ,U . n tk. nmithoaa miartnm
section 18, Township, 2 south, range 14 cast, W.
jncuouuoiug iw acres. .
The southeast quarter of the northwest qoaf-
fatTinli the nnrthnut Ana.tnpAf thtt ui. f V. ... ... .
quarter, and the west half of the southeast quar
ter of section 7, township 2 south, range 14 cast,
containing 160 acres. i . -
.. ... T. J. DRIVER,
apr8-i . -; - . ShertCf Wasco County.
In the Circuit Courjof the State of Oregon for
, Wasco County. - -. , -. -
Ralph Ps Keyes, Plainuff, , ,j : . " . ,
VB. 4
O D Taylor. Sarah K. Taylor, State of Oregon as
trustee for. the use of the Common School
Fund of Wssco Courity, Oregon, Jphn Barger. ,
- Joseph A. Johnston, C. W. Gather and th eCol
umbia Hi ver . Fruit Company, a corpotaUon,
Defendants. -.
To O. D. Taylor, SaTah K. Taylor, State of Ore
gon as Trustee for the use ' of the Common
- School Font) of Wasco County. Oregon, John
Barger, Joseph A. Johnston, C. W. Cather, de-
fenaauts: . m
In the name of the State of Oregon; Yon are
hereby required to apvear and answer the com
plaint filed' against you in the above entitled '
suit within ten days from thedate of the service .
of this summons upon you, if served within this
county; -or if served within any other county of ,
this state, then within twenty days from the
date of the -a. r vice of this summons-noon nnr
or if served upon you by publication, then on or
before the-first dav of the next reffiilnr fmmitf
this Court, and if you fail so to answer, for want
then of, the plaintiff will take judgment againt -you
and apply to the Court for the relief piayed
for in bis complaint. ; ' . . ... . . -
. This summons Is served upon you, the said
flflfl'llHoilt. .1 Ilkl'T.h , A IrVlllttm Iill'ruil .i lit tn
order made aud entered in the above entitled
court by the Judge of the above cuatltd court
on thetitliday of April, lWKi.- -
v.. HUNTlNtiTOS WftSOU.'--.
api8-i . - . Attorneys for Plaintiff.
J M. KAN K , M. X.. ' . :-
Physician anil Surgeon,
Rooms 44 snd 4. ' Office hours, 0 tolls, m..
and 2 to. 4, and 7 to 1 p. m. Phoue. No. 2G8.
T rnfttcA hTcr wncrpa Hnfnornloaeanf Knm a
m r- - e r-. ...I. iivui.
work, and will irladlv send full nariinn.
lnra all sending two-cent stamp.
'.',"' " ' ' Miss M. Stebbiks, ' '
2tw . Lawrence, Mich.