Don't be Bamboozled This Label sures Perfect Fit and Satisfaction It stands for the best that Money Can Buy or Skill Produce. 0 All Ooods Marked In Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Ghpomcie. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Events '' of Lesser Magnitude. . The Maccabees will bold a regular meeting tbis evening in Fraternity ball. A private dispatch states' that General Roadmaeter Peters of the O. R. & N., died today. """J r nr " r o . . 11 iur. Hau mrs. an. ixl. oayreeuwrtaiueu a number of friends at a pleasant socia party last evening. A light snow was observed on the Klickitat hills this mornra, extending tivuub xiaii way uuwo me Hjuuutam. The ladies of the Christian church served an excellent chicken diner last evening and at noon today, and werej lmerauy patronizea. The grand lodge of Oregon, I. O. G. T., will meet in The Dalles June 10th. About a hundred delegates aie expected from all over the state. A list of 100 words were pronounced, defined, written, spelled and reported by Prof. Frazier's school of 31 pupils Fri ' day, all within 20 minutes. The roof will be completed on the Vogt building by the next week. ' About eight weeks further time is required for the full com Diction of the bmrlinc. . The committees of the Commercial Club one to secure lease of ground for sinking the coal shaft - near Buchler's and the one to secure subscriptions be gin "work Monday. O. A. Phelps, a notorious Populist AntV w Vina At-art V vrr r V f Vta states of Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, will address the citizens of The Dalles next Wednesday evening. May 6th. A letter from Mr. Crittenden, the evangelist, received this morning, says that, Providence permitting, be and bis co-workers, will be in this city to com mence meetings on Tuesday evening, May 12th. An old flintlock gun, smooth bore, and bearing the date of 1776, was found in a cabin on the Colville Indian reservation bv two DrosDectors. Thev also found curiously carved beads and a scalp-lock of a woman. . Bids will close May 6th on the pro posed agency buildings at Warm Springs and will have to be mailed by tomorow to insure their delivery on the date named. There will not be more than three or four bids as far as heard fro T i 1 . . . . - TTN. ows ueer aay is not a national holiv ' day, but it IB more or less nationally observed, , the more so probably the more the lnrtalitv in frArmnnifrt TW day is . bock beer day, and pictures of the festive goat adorn the outer walls of many of the city saloons. Rev. I. H. Hazel spent three evenings of last week and four evenings of this week at Liberty school house on 15-Mile in a series of revival meetings. As a re sult, 15 persens have been baptized, and Big Qothes for Big Men stout men who have difficulty in finding clothes to fit them should try our celebrated H. S. & M. "Stout Suits the kind that fit. Easy and comfortable, handsome in appearance they've made many a big man happy. on a Garment in PEASE a society of Christian Endeavor has been organized with a charter . membership of 35 members. The school children of Dafur are to have a picnic May 22d about half a mile from town. The Dufur and Moro banc's; have been engaged for the occasion. The Echool closes the 29th of May. Observer Pague has sent out circulais among the fruit-raisers calling for infor mation upon the effect of the weather upon these particular orchards, lie states that many conflicting reports are received, and he is desirous of ascertain ing the exact situation. - Surveyor Wm. E. Campbell of Enders- by made out his bonds yesterday, re quired on accepting a surveying contract of the government. The townships to be surveyed are 9 s 38 e, 14 s 27 e, 3 s 21 e, and 12 s 26 e, payable from the $10 000 apportionment to the state of Ore gon for the survey of public lands. Fraser Lodge I. O. G. T. at 3-Mlle pro pose to give a weight social Saturday evening, May 9th, to raise funds to meet the expenses of Hje grand lodge which takes place in June. The women are sold for a half-cent a pound and for this valuable consideration are to be the partner for the evening of the gentleman drawing her number. The Dufur Diepatch is to be revived next week, the press to print it being hauled out today. The new editor comes from Oakland, California, and is a ranger to that community. The paper ill be independent in politics. The ispatch was formerly run by W. L. rooks, a portly gentleman, who later oved it to Grants, and various places in Eastern Oregon and finally to Calif ornia, where he died. An amusing incident happened at a social party recently , held in The Dalles. The dramatis personam were, a pair of former lovers and: a vocalist. The erst while beau requested the singer to favor the company with "There's Only One Girl in the World for Me." "Oh, no," said the young lady, "please sing 'Take Back the Engagement Ring.' " '. The hopeful gleam immediately deserted the eyes of the old lover, and they compro mised on "Then You'll Remember Me." The Walla Walla Loan and Trust Co. wrote a letter recently to the water com missioners here asking them if they kept up with the interest on the water bonds, and if not what they did in the matter. The answer might truly have been that hey not only met the interest, but the rincipal, and loaned money to banks be- ides. Dalles City water bonds are away above par at tbe present time, and water rents are more reasonable than anywhere else too. . The .Only Difference. The only difference between imported igara and the Regulator brand is in tbe rice. The duty on raw material is much less than it is on the finished article; so also is the freight. . Leaf to bacco comes 4th class, while cigars come as 1st class freight.. " Smoke Regulator cigars and give American workmen the benefit. V &c "1C.-Z"S. h A COLLISION AVERTED. . f A Trifling Accident Prevents tbe Regolt of an Operator's Carelessness. A serious "collision was averted early this morning between two freight train by what would seem to be an interposi tion of Providence. The usual feature were all present a sleeping operator, two trains going toward each other at full speed, and the time honored curve around a mountain. Freight train No. 22 east-bound was to meet freight No. 21 west-bound and pass at Hood River. The operator at Troutdale was to in struct the conductor of No. 22 of the fact, but he failed. He fell asleep at his post, and No. 22 passed Hood River directly heading for No. 21 at full speed on the same track and between stations, with no one on earth to warn either of tbe impending disaster. Fortunately for the trainmen of both trains (No. 22 being a double header) . the pin connecting the eDgines broke, forcing tbe front en gine to forge ahead at an unwonted speed. It passed the dangerous curve in time to see the approaching train and stop before a collision, otherwise the t&o trains would have met. and there would doubtless have been loss of life and property. : . V HI.. t.v P.rtv. A lne nrst May party of .the season wa elebrated yesterdavaternoon at th sidenna of Dr. O. f! TVnlli'Htor Kjhe occasion comfnemmorated . the Birthday of little Florence, ayer whose tunny head just Mx. summers have passed. Very quaint looked the- little guests as they arrived with their Dolly Varden hats, lace, bonnets and Tarn O'Sbanters, and then the disrobing. Like bumming birds pruning their wings, the little fairies shook out their dainty dresses. One little sweelwcart, the hostess, wore her bonny brown hair in a Grecian knot adorned with pink ribbons. Her cream-colored cashmere fell from the daintily puffed yoke in graceful folds. Red, brown, blue and white were the prevailing colors worn. Only wings were . neeQed to transform them into verita angels, and we won der if, beyond tbe pearly gates, more fair or lovely could exist. Surely sweeter laughter never was heard ; sun nier faces never were seen, for grace and harmony pervaded every, movement of the bright, happy children. The supper table was" artistically arranged with a center piece of smilax, brightened with pink roses and flanked by two exquisite vases, holding white lilacs and pansies. Six pink candles illumined the birthday cake, while hand-painted bon bon boxes, tied with pink ribbon and filled with choice candy, was placed before each. There were pink napkins and pink" cake too, besides cake rabbits, d.cksand fish. Lemonade was served in tiny glasses, and last, but not least, ice cream. Then came Mrs. Hogan, who photographed the nineteen little girls out. of doors, Standing with a back ground of vines running over lattice work. Many and beautiful were tne presents bestowed; but birthday parties cannot last forever, EMAiER & BENTON Are now located at 167 Second Street, opposite A. M. Williams & Co;, with a complete line 6t ' . Hardware, . Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Cord Wood, Cedar Posts, Barbed Wire, Rubber Garden Hose. Plumbing- .. and Tinning a specialty. J Al so aerents for the Cele brated Cleveland Bicycle. so just as tbe clouds threatened rain, the vUHle ones trudged home. ,;, -.. , hose present were, Margaret Bron- on, Oenevieve Fish, Zoe Gunning, Hazel Waud, Ruth Mclnnis, Mabel Mc- Innis, Drue Moody, Bunny Briggs, Trudie - Rowland, Mary Varney, Lulu Nishols, Jessie and Elizabeth McArthur, Nita and Crystal Bennett, Geraldine elly, Manda Kirby, Helen Peters and nqrence nouister. bpectatob.-1 . Unmarried Htill Ahead. Last night's score resulted in another indication of the superiority of unmar ried persons over married in bowling contests. , The former are now 76 points ahead altogether.' The score last night : MARRIED. . W II Wilson. 26 28 Bradsbaw. .. .33 32 Bonn, Sr..... 21 21 Kurtz 84 39 Faulkner 21 27 H S Wilson.. 24 29 Tolmie 22 26 ' Hostetler . . . 25 .24 Moody ...29 33 Dietzel 26 31 UNMARRIED. F W Wilson . 38 29 N J Sirnott. .38 30 Cahen .......26 41 Bonn, Jr .-...38 24 Hampshire . .20 31 Maiden . .29 21 Hartnett ...,39 24 Schmidt.. ...28 42 Fredden 19 30 Schanno . . .. .28 32 Total .551 Total ..607 Horse Thieves In Union Connty. ' Union county is having an experience with a band of horse thieves. We hope they will be as'successful in breaking it up as Wasco county was a few years ago a similarly organized gang. One man. in Union county lopt '. forty head several days ago. Sheriff Kilboorne, of Baker county, is reported to have been close to the gang at a point near the Snake river, and succeeded in scattering it. It is es timated that about 300 stolen horses are now being driven out of the state, and officers are making every endeavor pos sible to capture them. . These Mast Go at Once. A home with lot, worth f900; $750 takes it. Owner leaving city, and must sell. Three lots only five blocks from Court house. Lay in fair shape; $150 for the three. One fine business lot in heart of city ; $800.- Among a multitude of offerings, these three are the very best. Match them if you can. Fbed D. Hill, ' Real Estate & Fire Insurance. Room 12, Chapman Block. ' mavl-tf Awarded' Highest Honors World's Fair, . Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CHEAT 2 Most Perfect Made. 40 Tears the Standard. by Smooth-Tongued Peddlars Into paying $70 or $75 for a Steel Range when you can buy a better Range right at home for $15 to $20 less. We will sell you a better Range, the " SUPERIOR," with copper reservoir, for $55, and we guarantee it tojbe as good as any, and "better than many. - We do not come around once in 5 or 10 years. We live here, do business here, and are here to stay. Wall Paper " Latest Designs, New Combinations, ' ' Harmonious Colorings. At Very Low Prices. Call and see our samples "before buying. JOS. Jacobson Book & Music Co. nd Harry Liebe have moved in the old "Vogt Store on Washington Street, opposite The Chronicle Office. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER, Successor to Chrlsman & Corson. . ' FULL, LINE OF ' STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivory to any part of town. Pure GI3 cerine Soap, only 10c a cake, or 25c a box. Genuine Briar Pipes, with Amber Tip and Leather Cases, only ' 50c each at Ponnell's Drug Store. Tbe Tygta Val ley Creamery Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. . ; Jygh Valley 45c Every Square is Full Weight. ... TEIiEPHOUE 35TO. 80. Live, and let live. You are invited to FRED. FISHER'S Ne-w Grocery Store, -where you will find all the Lo-west Prices. Goods delivered to any part of the city. : T. PETERS & CO Is - .Delicious. CREAMERY A. A. B. 5 J -Telephone 270.