The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 28, 1896, Image 3

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    Don't be Bamboozled
John B Stctsqn C
The Dalles Daily Ghronieie.
APRIL 28.1896
Random Observations and
Local ETcnta
of Lesser Magnitude
jttememoer me lecture inis evening.
. Work ia progressing fast on the new!!
Vogt and Williams buildings. J
Wanted, by two young ladies,- work in
family. Inquire at this office a28-3t
Watch our window tomorrow. We
will gire you a touch of high grade neck
wear. " J. C. Hkrtz.
" Hon. B. B. Beekman's address tonight
on " Abraham Lincoln" at the Congre
gational cnurcn. v I
Mr. D. P. Ketchunwerft out today to
the Deschutes. Bakeov&sf and AnteioDe
country to buy mutton sheep.
A Goldendale paper says the altitude
of that town is not over 15,000 feet. We
should think not.' Neither is Mt. Hood.
Those who travel the new road three
miles from the city now wnderjwhy it
was not done twenty years go. it only
cost about $250 and dispenses WitbNme
of the worst hills iu the country. "' '
Hermann, the "healer," Beems to be
heeling himself in the most thorough
manner, judging from the large crowds of
credulous humanity that are constantly
J LLA 1UI XllO U11IBU1C3 IU 4. blClUU ' I
Mr. George Ernest Stewart returned.!
last night from Hillsboro much improved
in health. - He leaves tonight to accom-
pany Mr. Bennett - in bia political tour
Vi rrkn rrVrn fr. (ha fionnml nnn nraoQinn a 1
1 The express office was .scented in a
most unusual manner this morning. It
arose from a basket of some Chinese
vegetable Bent from ' Portland to The
Dalles, resembling in aroma a -garbage
pile in August.
1 "Si
I foil AUTO?
. The- jury : in the case of Donovan
ibqo ubb uevu ecuureu, auu in asiuiiuwo
'John Robinson, Andrew Velarde, G. B,'
Adams,' Theo. Preige,'F. Ebss, R. F.j
rr i , t a -ii i
Gibons. ' " The trial comes off - at II
o'clock a. m. tomorrow before Jceti
V We have left a few choice canna and
dahlia bulbs, large flowering geraniums
at 15 cents, and the choicest tea roses at
15 cents, or two for 25 cents. . Our late
large flowering pansies are now in full
bloom at 25 cents per dozen. : At the
' Stubling Greenhouse. apr28-lw
' Hon. B. B. Beekman, who -will de
liver an address on "Abraham Lincoln"
this evening at the Congregational
church, is one of the prominent young
men of Oregon. His reputation as an
orator has preceded his . coming to The
Dalles and there will be many people
glad of an opportunity to hear him. Mr.
Beekman was president of . the Republi
can league during- the two years ending
last February, and in that position his
abilities found wide recognition.; The
lecture tonight will be the last in the
course, which :haB proved so entertain
ing and instructive to our citizens.
Subscribe for Tax Chronicle.
Just Received.
Come and 'Inspect Them.
The Oregon Delegation Doing; All In
Their Power for the Locks.
The self-explanatory letters, which are
published below, were -received this
morning from . Senator Mitchell. They
are especially acceptable , just at this
time and convey the information that of
the $179,000 appropriation in the sundry
civil bill; $20,000 will be, available for
building the inner walls that are neces
sary before the locks operate. The pro
vision referred to has passed the senate
since Senator Mitchella letter was
written and will go to a conference com
mittee from the two bouses. The news
is reassuring and with our hopes revived
somewhat, we will await . further de
velopments Washington, D. C.j April 23. 1896.
Jaitor unronicle, The JJalles, (Jr.
my Ukae sir: in response to a com
munication from Hons. J. H. D. Gray,
W. L. Bradshaw and A. S. Mao Allister,
I have just written them a letter, one
cony of which I sent to Astoria and the
(other to The Dalles, bearing upon the
situation at the canal and locks, as I un
derstand it. 1 aiso send you a copy.
i Yours sincerely,
John H. Mitchktl.
.Washington, D. C, April 23, 1896. .
Hons. J. JET. D.- Gray, W. L. Bradshaw
and A. S. Mac Allister, Astoria, Or:
Gentlemen: 14 hasten lo acknowl
edge receipt of yours April 15, inclosing
one to you of date April 14 from Captain
W. L. -Fisk, corps of engineers, U. S.
army. 'I will explain matters as briefly
and as fully as I can.
About the middle of March the atten-
yfioa of theOegon delegation was called
I (to the fact ttmt semetbmg must be done
1by congress immediately to facilitate the
the Cascades. "I immediately consulted
with the chief of engineers for the pur
pose of ascertaining precisely .what was
necessary to be done by congress, if any
thing, to insure their early - opening. I
was advised that there were between
forty and fifty.. thousand dollars balance
appropriated enexpended and was as
sured, as was the whole delegation, that
if a sum not exceeding $20,000 of this
amount could be made available imme
diately in constructing 'on the land and
river, sides of the: canal , between the
Upper lock gate masonry .and .the upper
guard gate masonry such portions of the
walla proposed by the modified project
presented by the: board, of engineers in
its report of October 18, ' 1894. which re
port was printed in the annual report of
the chief of engineers for the, year 1895,
part V, pp. 3576 and following, as - may.
be necessary to construct in advance of
the opening of the canal to commerce,
that then all work necessary ; to the
opening of the locks could be completed
inside, of a month and .the-eanal and
locks opened. At this same time one of
the contractors, Mr. I.: N:. Day, was in
Washington, and in the presence of .the
chief of engineers, after hearing' the en
gineer's . statement, coincided in.- that
view of the case. : I then asked the chief
of engineers to prepare a joint resolution
covering the case and my colleagues and
I would get it through the two houses if
possible, and as Boon as possible. ' The
resolution was prepared by the chief of
engineers and Bent to me, which I intro
duced, and Senator McBride and I took
hold of the matter at once, and promptly
passed it through the senate. " The reso
lution then went to the house where
some ' delay; occurred in getting it up,
occasioned by the-epeaker of the house
postponing it for other matters. It
finally: passed the house some two weeks
after it passed the senate and was signed
John B SktsonCo
by the president on the 6th of April.
See copy inclosed.
Scarcely bad. the resolution become a
law when we were advised that the forty
or fifty thousand -dollars unexpended
balance at the date i the resolution was
presented to the senate had been used
UP, leaving nothing for the .resolution to
tack to. As tht sundry civil bill,
however, which has passed th house,
contains an appropriation of $179,597 for
continuing the improvement at the Cas
cades, I immediately . wen t before the
appropriation committee of the senate
and had incorporated in substance and
effect as an amendment to that bill the
resolution heretofore passed setting
$20,000 of this $179,597, for the purpose
of completing these walls, the comple
tion of which we were assured both by
the engineer department and the con
tractors, through Mr. I. N., Daywould
enable the locks to be opened to com
merce without delay. . I send you today
a copy of the sundry civil bill. The ap
propriation and amendment I refer to
are on pages 84 and 85 ; that printed in
italics is my amendment put on in the
senate committee.
This bill has now been reported to the
senate and will come up for considera
tion and will pass the senate and go Into
conference within the- next ten days.
Just how soon it may become a law' of
course it is impossible to tell, but I
should say some time between the 10th
and loth of May at latest; probably not
later than the 5th of May. We have no
doubt whatever of being able to bold
this provision in the bill. As soon as
the bill become a law, therefore, the en
gineers and contractors will have all the
money at their command, which Ihey
each assured us was necessary, in order
to open the'locks to commerce.
In addition .to this, the river, and
harbor bill, which has passed the houee,
is now under consideration in the senate
committee of. commerce, of which my
colleague. Senator .McBride, is. a. mem
ber, and this same matter as to the ap
propriations Vnecessary to the speedy
opening of this - work is receiving his
careful consideration and attention, and
some further appropriation and provi
sions looking to that, and will, I have
no doubt, be . incorporated in the river
and harbor bill when it comes from the
committee. I can. assure you there has
been no dereliction upon 'the part of the
delegation in either house in doing their
duty and in doing it promptly, in regard
to this whole matter. .. We can : only
move in these matters, of course, in ac
cordance with the recommendation of
the engineers, and whenever , the engi
neers have required money we have
promptly given- it in- the- manner de
sired. .. .
You - can rest assured, and can so as
sure the people interested, we will leave
no stone unturned to secure the early
opening of the canal and locks at the
Cascades. Very respectfully,
John H. Mitchell.
Weather and Creps.
- The following is taken from the bul
letin issued by B. S. Pague, director of
the Oregon climate and crop service, and
appertains to Eastern Oregon :
"The soil is unusually well soaked and
the farmers are pleased . over the pros
pects for the year's crops. As a rule but
little rain falls over Eastern Oregon after
May : 1st, and' the year's crops are di
rectly dependent, upon the moisture in
the soil and the occasional . showers of
May and June; should the soil not be
moist on May-1st, then it. requires good
rains in May and June for good or aver
age crops, but when the soil iq moist, as
it is this year,, then light, or occasional
rains are sufficient to produce good
Are oiow located at 167
Second Street, opposite A.
M. Williams & Co., with
a complete line of
Stoves and Ranges,
Cord Wood,
Cedar Posts,.
Barbed Wire,
Garden Hose.
and Tinning
a specialty.
Also agents for the Cele
brated Cleveland-Bicycle.
VFbdit In the Columbia river ; valley
the fruit shows but little injury from the
frosts. ..The correspondents as a rule re
port no material or, general injury. The
fruit trees have been filled with bloom
and the embryo fruit is now setting. - To
the south of the . mountains the frnit is
just coming into bloom, and the weather
for, the next few . weeks will determine
the crop. One thing is certain, there
has been less injury to the fruit in East
ern Oregon than in the western portion
of the state.
"Stock The rains have caueed the
grass to grow, and excellent food for
cattle is at band. The stock 'wintered
well and are now in good condition.
Lambing is nearly over.' In the section
where the snow was heavy several weeks
ago some loss to the lambs resulted, but
as a whole the lambing season was suc
cessful, and but little loss, resulted
fully nine-tenths of all lambs born were
saved." ' ' . - .
erased Over Her. Boy Death.
. It : is i reported . that . Mrs. Daffron,
mother of the boy killed at Umatilla,
has become crazed over the event. The
story Is told .that she was .sick, in bed
and prostrated with grief at the time of
the funeral, but insisted on arising and
following her boy to the grave. The
doctor's advice was powerless to prevent
her intention, and it was considered
wiser to allow her to follow.her inclina
tion than to prevent, her doing so. .She
arose and - dressed, but the sight of the
hearse was too much for .her mind in
the weakened condition she was in, and
her reason deserted her. The. husband,
also, is now confined to his. bed. This
was the second child lost by the Daf
fron's, the former death nearly resulting
in Mrs. Daffron's loss of reason.
"Mt. Hood Hose.Co-Meeting;.
"There- will be a called meeting of Mt.
Hose Co., No. 4, at the hose, house on
Friday evening next, at 7 :30 o'clock, for
election .of officers for the current year.
By order of the president.
. - - John W. Lewis, Secy.
In everyone'B month Regulator cigar.
Highest Honors World's Pair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
'. Si!
Most . Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
by Smooth-Tongued Peddlars
.Into paying $70 or $75 for a Steel Range when'you can
buy a better Range right at home for 15 to $20 less.
We will sell you a better Range, the " SUPERIOR,"
with .copper, reservoir, for $55, and we guarantee , it tobeas
good.-as anyj.andr better than. many. .
'"We do. not come around once in 5 or 10 years. We live
here, do business here,, and are here to stay.
' - Latest Designs,
New. Combinations,
Harmonious Colorings.
, .At Ve:ry,Low;Prices.
Call and see pur samples "bef ore buying.
Jacobson fBook & Music Go.
and Marry (Liebe
have, moved -in the old "Vogt; Store
on (Washington Street, opposite
3Phe ; GhrQniqle Office.
; Successor to Chrisman & Corson.) ,
Again in business at the old stand. " I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. '
Try a Bottle
! Atwood's-Syrup of Tar, -Horeh.ound and Wild j
Cherry for J;hat Cough.
The Tygrh Val
ley 3reamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. ; jygjj VJgy
45c. Every Square is Full "Weight. :
: " A. A. B.
Live, and let live."
. You are invited to FISHER'S
New Grocery Store,,; where you will find all
the Lowest Prices. Goods ? delivered to any
part of the city. . '.
OF -
-Telephone 270.