The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 27, 1896, Image 1

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    ,:: : .-. v. :-:;. , . , ..'..CO.
NO 94.
Made Its Appearance Unex
pectedly in the Senate.
The Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill
Wnft Completed and l'aed
Iurluc the. Day .'
Washington-, April 25. The tariff
question made its appearance unex
pectedly in the senate today, and for a
time it looked aa though the routine of
considering appropriation bills would
give way to a general tariff debate.
Sherman endeavored to secure action on
the bill relating to fruit brandies and
alcohol used in the arts. Chandler gave
warning, however, that if the bill was
taken np it would involve a debate on
tbe entire tariff question. Piatt went
farther by stating that if this correction
of the revenue laws was attempted, he
would urge that the entire Wilson law
be repealed and the former McKinley
law revived. After these announce
ments, the vote on Sherman's motion
to. proceed was followed with great in
terest, resulting in the defeat of the mo
tion 22 to 27. . -
The sundry civil appropriation bill
was completed and passed during the
day. As it passed the bouse, it carried
about $30,000,000 ; as reported to the
senate, it reached $35,000,000, and with
amendments added today, the total was
raised to $37,000,000.
Ready for the Senate.
Washington, April 25. The river and
harbor bill has been practically com
pleted by the senate committee on com
znerce, and probably will be reported to
the senate Monday. Some few changes
have ben made by. tbe senate com
mittee: Oakland harbor, Cat, reduced $25,000,
and contract authorized for $666,000.
Deep water at Santa Monica, Cal.,
$100,000, and contract authorized for
$2,998,000, with tbe provision that the
Southern Pacific shall execute an agree
ment that any. railroad company may
share in the use of the pier now con
structed on the site of said harbor.
San Diego harbor; Cal., increased $50,
000. San Luis. Obispo harbor, Cal., in
creased $10,000.
Wilmington harbor, Cal., contract for
$342,000 authorized. .
Port Orford harbor, Or., appropriation
of $203,000 stricken out.
Eyerett harbor, Wash., increased $10,
000. The following are among the increases
of appropriations for river improvement:
San Joaquin river, Cal., $37,750.
Columbia river, Or., construction of a
boat railway, $100,000, and contract
authorized for $2,064,467.
Willamette river, Or., below Portland,
Columbia river, Or., at the cascades,
$50,000. ;:-
' Willamette and Yamhill rivers, Or.,
Puget sound and tributary -waters,
Wash., $48,000.
Connecting Puget sound with Lakes
Union and Washington by canal, $100,
000, and contract authorized for $1,
400,000. .
Columbia river, Wash., at Vancouver,.
$37,000. ' ; ' -
Tbe new time card of tbe Northern
Pacific railway, shortens the time' bei
tween Portland and St. Paul ten hours.
This is now the. shortest and quickest
route to the East. Two. through, trains
daily out of Portland. The only line
running a dining car from Portland, and
good connections at St. Paul and Chicago
makes this the most desirable route.
For full information call on or address
W. C. Alia way, Agent, Tbe Dalles,
Oregon. aprl4-dw3t
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
pfvl SB
i i x . y -- - -. i .-
It is said that a dog in Milliken,
. Mich., possesses and uses daily a full set
of artificial teeth. The dog is very old,
and it is a family pet. When it lost its
teeth recently its owner, according1 to
the story, had the local dentist make
the animal a full set of teeth, and they
ore said to be a perfect working suc
cess. ,
'The old notion that southern wom
en are. langnid, feeble folk ought to be
dispelled by the act of four women in
a suburb of Macon, Ga. A house took
fire during the night arid the neighbors
gathered to help the inmates in saving
their effects. Four women earned a
large upright piano from the parlor all
the way out into the middle of the
street unassisted.
A fox and a hunter together stalked
a partridge near Tyson, Vt., the other
day, but each unknown to the other.
The bird alighted in an apple tree be
hind the Darn, and the hunter tiptoed
around one side of the barn and brought
the bird down. But as the, bird dropped
the fox, coming round the other side of
the barn, seized it and was off with his
dinner before the hunter could appre
ciate what had happened.
The tail of the crawfish serves that
animal as an oar. By a peculiar jerk
of the tail the animal can retire from a
dangerous object with almost incredi
ble swiftness. The tail is much more
effective in moving the animal back
ward than forward, a singular instance
of adaptation to its situation, for by
means of its tail it can withdraw into
its hole with such swiftness as in an
instant to place it out of danger, t
' The latest story of' a wonderful
gold find in Alaska is of a lake whose
bed is literally paved deep with gold
dust. The lake is 1,000 yards long, 400
. yards wide and 150 feet deep. It is fed
by water from a glacier, and its only
outlet is a little stream two feet deep,
but of incredible swiftness. The assay
of the sand which a sea captain brought
to Seattle recently showed $8 to $10 a
cubic yard, and on this basis a man
alone could take out $10,000 a year.
The big white moose recently shot
in the Maine woods by a Mr. Sargent, of
Grafton, has greatly interested natural
ists as well as sportsmen. It is the only
white moose ever seen in Maine, and
very few have ever been heard of else
where. The naturalists, say it is, of
course, not strange that there should
lie an albino jiioose, resulting from a
freak of natu re, as white deer and other
albino game animals are not uncom
mon. But white moose are a great
rarity, , '. ! ; -
Uoubted the Bill.
One of the principal men in the bureau
of printing and engraving had a some
what peculiar experience in New York
He had occasion to visit the metropo
lis on business, and. after a stay of sev
eral days at one of the chief hotels he
called for his bill. When "it was given
him he tendered in payment a brand
new $20 silT-er certificate. The clerk
looked at it for a moment and then
passed it back.
"What is the matter?" said the offi
cial. "I can't take that," replied tbe clerk.
"I don't think it's good."
''Not good!" exclaimed the official.
"Not good! Why, man, I know it's
good. I made it myself." ' .
"Yes," said the clerk, "that's iust
what I thought." Washington Post.
Simply Follow Custom. -
Farmer.? in Mexico use oxen one color
in. the mcnruBg and of another color in
the afternoon. They have no reason
for doing so beyond the fact that
their forefathers did it,, and thev con
clude it must be the right thing to do.
Reduced Kates.
Effective March 22d. The O. K. St N..
Co. will reduce their round trip rates
between Portland and The Dalles as fol
lows : Two day rate, good going Satur
day and returning- Monday night, $3.
Ten day tickets $3.50. ( Good on all
trains.. ..' 1 " E. E.: Lyik,
ru24-dtwtf . . Agent,
Subscribe for Thk Chronicle.
There will be a meeting of .The Dalles
Commercial and Athletic Club Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of
adopting a constitution and bylaws.
Secretary. ' , President.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
"E"T"" " ";ya-aaar
is Simmons liver Regulator don't
forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator to do it. it also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
You get THE BEST BLOOD when
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator it is Simmons
liver Regulator : which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared,' or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it.
J. H. Zeilin, Co., Philadelphia, Fa,
Itching and Blind. Bleeding ar Protru'tinc Piles vleld atone
.ug. absorb, tuiuore. A poaitire euro. Circular. free. Prim
J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., Bays: 1
nave used Una Minute Uougu (Jure in
my family and for myself, with: result bo
entirely satisfactory that I can hardly
find words . to. express myself as to its
merit. I will never: fail to recommend
it to others, on every occasion that pre
eents itself.". For sale by Suipes-Kiner-
sley, Drug Co.
Piles of peoples have piles, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
When promptly applied it cures - scalds
burns witbout the slightest pain
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.'
One Minute Cough Cure touches the
right spot. It also touches it at the
right time if you take it when you have
a cough or cold. See the point? Then
don't cough.: Sold , by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. ' '
Situation Wanted.
In the town or country, by a man and
wife witbout children. Kancli work
preferred. Address this office.
for Bent.
Rooms suitable for - housekeeping,
Enquire at this office. a20-3t
Box to Cure Kneumatism.
Ahago, Coos Co., Oregon, Nov. 10,
1893. I wish to inform you of the great
good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done
my wife. She has been troubled with
rheumatism of the arms and bands for
six months, and has tried many reme
dies prescribed for that complaint, but
found no relief until she used this Pain
Balm ; one bottle of which has complete
ly cured her. I take pleasure in recom
mending it . for ; that trouble. Yours
truly, C. A. Ballord. 50 cents and $1.00
bottles for sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store.
"Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world," said a genius. The
druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers,, the ' famous little
pills. ' For eale by Snipes-Kinersley
Drug Co. '
It not only is so, it must be so, One
Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and
that's what makes it go Snipes-Kiner
sly. Drug Co. V
When Baby was sick, tto gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she become Hiss, she clung to Castoria. "
Then she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Estray. '.
From the ranch of the undersigned, at
Hood River, two bay mares, both in
poor condition. One has long curly
mane, and is branded with a heart on
right hip.- ;The-other branded with, cir
cle and' bar on left shoulder. Take them
Our Spring Stock,
Our 20th. Century Last, in Ladies' oxfords,
in Tan. and. Black, possess the combined features
of extreme style and comfort
The Ever-Popular
. Now is the time to buy your midsummer Footwear, there's nothing neater or
more dressy than White Duck Oxfords. We show a beautiful line, neatly trimmed
in White Kid, at a reasonable price. By giving us a call you will see other styles
too numerous to mention here. .
Tor Infants and Children.
Castoria promote Pigeetion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and ' Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains na
Morphine or other narcotic property. ,
"Castoria is to well adapted to children that
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription
.'inown to me." H. A. Akohkk, AI. D.,
in South Oxford St., Brooklyn. N. Y.
" For several yean I hare reoommerJ3ed your
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so.
as ithas Invariably produced beneficial results."
Enwnr P. Pardib, M. D., -125th
Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The nae of 'Castoria1 is so universal and
Itamerita ao well known that it peema a work of
supererogation tot endorse it. Few are the in
teliiirent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.
OaBLoa Habttk, D. D.,
; New York City.
-Tar Cirurja CoMPAar, 77 Murray Street, N. T.
Kb more BOILS, no more PIMPLES'
Use Kinersly 'a Iron Tonic. The Snipes-
nersly Drug Co." Telephone No. S..
Dry Goods,
and Shoes.
TOursda Next
which is replete with the latest
Red and White Kid Strap Sandals.
Beaded Black Kid Strap Sandals.
A full assortment of these styles, as shown in ac
companying' cut. .
Letters of Credit issued availab e
'-. Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sola on JNew xors, Urucneo,
St. .Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Can now. be found at 162 Second
street, i
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, . Kerns & Mertson's StaMe,
Corner Fourth and Federal StB.
deci-tm.. . .. " ' ' '
Uinlfthmn It a
If aiMlMJV.jl
Boss Gciso Stoire
HD ,n R)fp n r
fads, now on display.
Is right to the front this sea
son, in Tan, ; Chocolate and
Black, and is sure to meet
with popular approval.
ipes-KlnersIy Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
French Plate
Mirror, 56x32.
1 No. 8 Cook
ing Stove.
1 lavge heating,
2 small stoves.
Final Dajr
up and notify ' H. C. Cob,
a22-2t Hood River.
yayatf?ua' ge'fiaamV t a4aad4a Ljf al ?