The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 15, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
NO 84.
Squire, of Washington, Ad
dresses the Senate.
Oar Entire Coast Eipoicd and Helpless
Affalnst Foreign Navies Senators
Morrill's birthday.
Washington, April 14. Senator Mor
rill, of Vermont, reached the age of 86
years today, and the event was referred
- to in the opening prayer ot the chaplain,
who spoke of the white-haired senator
as hale in body, clear, sound and vigor
ous in intellect, .and esteemed by his
brother senators, by his state and by the
. whole country. At the conclusion of the
prayer Morrill received congratulations
from many of his associates.
Shortly after the session opened Mor
rill announced that Thursday next he
would speak on the necessity of. addi
tional quarters for the national museum.
Squire was then recognized for a
speech on coast defenses'. He said all
the evidence taken by the committee on
cost defenses is lamentable in the ex
treme. The defensive works are of a
character incapable of resisting modern
aitillery. The evidence is overwhelm
ing that in case of war our whole people
would suffer immeasurably. He con
cluded : "We are encircled as a nation
-with a chain of foreign fortresses and
while our rich sea coast cities or port?,
coaling stations impervious to attack,
including San Diego, . San Francisco.
Portland and Puget sound lay exposed
add helpless against the attack ot for
eign powers that possess navies."
Whether Nicaragua Canal Bill Shall Be
Reported to the Boase.
Washington, April 14. The Nic
aragua canal and Hawaiian cable ques
tions were considered by the house com
mittee on commerce today, but no vote
was taken on any of the bills. It was
decided to dispose finally of the question
of reporting the canal bill to the house
one week from next Friday. In the
meantime hearings may be continued,
and 'probably some of the government
engineers will be called upon to give
their views.
General Wagner Swayne, who repre
sents the Pacific Cable Company, of
New Jersey, of which Colonel Spaulding,
of the Hawaiian islands, is president,
made a statement to the committee in
the interests of that company. A reso
lution was adopted, by a vote of 10 . to 4,
expressing that the sense of the commit
tee is that the government should aid,
by subsidy, the construction of a Pacific
cable. Neither of the two rival compan
ies, which are competing for govern
ment patronage, were named in"the re
solution, and no terms were suggested.
Southern Faolfle to Create
Similar to Pullman.
a Town
San Francisco, April 14. In connec
tion witu the plan 'of the Southern Pa
cific company to construct a short line
to Baden, via Potrero and South San
Francisco, there is another important
enterprise. This is said to be nothing
less than the creation of a railroad town,
similar to that of Pullman, near Chicago,
on the property of the Southern Pacific
company and its individual shareholders
in this and San Meteo .counties, where
the two counties join.
It has long been known that the rail-
' road contemplated constructing a short
line through this section, and that this
- would have been the original route, but
"for the opposition of certain landholders
- 25 years ago, but it Is only recently that
numerous developments have indicated
that the Southern Pacific people have
something more in view in making
Highest of all in Leavening Power.'
heavy . land purchases in the Potrero,
and , more particularly in South San
Francisco, than securing a right of way
It ia proposed to remove the company's
repair shops, and rouDdhouse to the new
town. It is said that work on the pro
ject is only delayed by the company's
lack of ready money.
Cleveland's Offer aft Mediator Said to
Save Reached Canovaa.
London, April, 14. A dispatch from
Madrid to the Pall Mall Gazette, says
Senor Canovas del Castillo, the Spanish
premier, is ill, and cannot be inter
viewed. His relatives, however, confirm
the existence of a "communique" from
President Cleveland. But, in the pres
ent state of public feeling, it will be im
possible for the government to accept
his offer. -
Matters are very complicated, and
while the government' will do every
thing in its power to avoid a quarrel
with the United States, it will prefer to
figrVir ather than lose Cuba through
foreign pressure.
The coming cortes will grant Cuba
every reasonable franchise which has
been enjoyed under the Spanish flag.
' Unheard of at Washington.
Washington, April 14. Nothing is
known at the state department of any
such communication from President
Cleveland to the Spanish premier, Senor
Castillo, as is referred to in the le'egram
from Madrid. It is surmised 'however,
that the matter is entering into Spanish
politics and is, perhaps, being more or
less distorted to serve party purposes.
Head of Pearl Bryan Thrown Into
the Ohio.
Cincinnati, April 14. At Newport,
Ky., today, the attorneys for the com
monwealth made an official announce
ment that they would prove that Jack
son and Walling were together on the
Covington suspension bridge soon after
the murder, of Pearl. Bryan, and that
they were seen throwing the bead of the
murdered girl into the Ohio river.
Another Catch "Phrase.
"Just tell them that you saw- mo,"
that is the catch phrase of the hour these
It is the first line of the refrain of one
of those maudlin ballads ' that attain
sudden popularity in certain circles that
tell in mournful cadence the story of the
rural visitor to New York, who recog
nizes in a hollow-eyed and pale, woman
of .the street, Madge his schoolmate,
once the village belle.
He oegs of ner to send by him some
message to the poor - old mother who is
waiting for her erring daughter's return.
The girl struggles for a moment with
her feeliDgs, and then sadly replies :
"J ust tell them that you saw me, they'll know
the rest; ' ' .
Just tell them that I was looking well, you
know ;
Just whisper. If you get a chance, to mother,
dear, and say ;
I love her as I did long, long ago."
Piles of peoples have piles,1, but .De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
When promptly applied it cures ecalds
burns ' without the slightest pain.
Snipes- Kinerely Drug Co. '
It not only is so, it must be .so, One
Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and
that's what makes it go. . Snipes-Kiner-sly.
Drug Co. :
Quick in effect, heals and leaves no
scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old
sores, it is magical in effect. Always
cures piles. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. ""
. J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says: "I
have used One Minute Cough Cure in
my family and for myself, with result so
entirely satisfactory that I can hardly
find words to- express myself as to its
merit. " I will never fail to recommend
It to others, on every occasion that pre
sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner-sley,
Drug Co.
Subecribe for The Chronicle. '
-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
-1 Hr,... - T; .;-" -.-i "J
is Simmons Liver regulator don't
forget to take it' The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You vant to wake up vour Liver
now, but be sure you take "SIMMONS
Liver regulator to do it it also
regulates tha Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole bodv invigorated.
You get THE BEST BLOOD when
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver Regulator it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on everv
package. Look for it.
J. H. Zeilin. & Co-, Philadelphia, Pa.
Through trains on the O. R. & N will
run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen
dleton. Through sleepers, first and sec
ond class will run in connection with the
Union Prcific, the same as heretofore,
A through first-class sleeper from Port
land to Spokane, connecting with the
first-class eleeper to St. Paul and a
through tourist eleeper from Portland to
st. ir'aul, will be run in connection with
the Great Northern railway. "
L. ki. LYTLE, Agent.
If there is any one thing that needs
to be purified, it is politics, so the re
former says, and many agree thereto.
But blood tells, and as a blood purifier
and liver corrector Simmons Liver Keg'
ulator is the best medicine. "I use it in
preference to anv other." So wrote Mr,
3. H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio. And
Dr. D. 8." Russell, of Farmville, Va
writes, '"It fulfillaall you promise for it.
Hot to Care Rheumatism.
Abago, Coos Co., Oregon, Nov. 10,
1893. I wish to inform you of the great
good Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done
my wife. She has been troubled with
rheumatism of the arms and hands for
six months, and has tried many reme
dies prescribed for that complaint, but
found no relief until she used this Pain
Balm ; one bottle of which has complete'
ly cured her. I take pleasure in recom
mending it for that trouble. Yours
truly, C. A. Bullord. 50 cents and $1.00
bottles for sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton s urug More. ,
. f .
It May Io as Much for Yon. "
; Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
many yeare, with severe pains in his
back aud also that his bladder was af
fected. He tried mroy so called Kidney
cures but without any good result. About
a "year ago he began, to use Electric Bit
ters and found relief at once. Electric
Bitters is, especially, adapted, to cure of
all Kidney and Liver troubles and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial'
will prove our statement. .. Price 50c and
$1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's .Drug
Store. v
"Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world," said a genius. The
druggist banded him a bottle of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, .the famous little
pills. - For eale by Snipes-Kinersley
Drug Co. '
' You hear it almost everywhere, and
read it in the newspapers, that Simmons
Liver Regulator ia the best liver remedy,
and the beet Sprinp medicine, and the
best blood medicine. '5tlh "n'v medi
cine of any consequence that Ee is
Simmons "Liver Regulator." So wrote
Mr. R. A. Cobb, of Morgantown, N. C.
And W. F. Park. M. D., ot Tracy Citv,
Tenn, writeB : "Simmons Liver Regula
tor is the best." .
Hello! Hello!
, This is the County- Treasurer. He
wants all county warrants registered
prior to April 1, 1892, presented at his
office, corner Third and Washington,
or he is ready to pay the sameJ Inter
est ceases after January 15th.
. " Wm. MtCHBLL,
County Treas.
Is a salute that is rather jarring on a person's nerves at any time, and
still more so when you have in your possessionthat amount -which is to
buy that Spring Suit, therefore -we suggest: Lose no time but safely
invest m one of our . "
Special $ 10 Spring Suits
or one of these 4-BllttOn Sack SlltS.
Dark Grey Mixed, well lined and nnished...V....V...L..,V..v...;..,.vv,....,..:......:.;..:..,:....'; $4 75
Brown and Black mixed material, well cut and finished................. ; 5 00
Grey Mixed Serge, a marvel in low priced Clothing......... 6 00
Brown Tweed, extra good Sateen Lining, very neat and dressy 7 50
Our Leaders.
We have strengthened our already strong line of , popular Ten Dollar
Suits by adding several different lots of our regular $11.00 11.50 and
12.00 suits, giving you choice of excellent values in Cheviots, Flannels,
Serges and T-weeds, light medium and darks, at the popular Price of $10.
You will find it to your interest to look us up.. '
For Infants and Children.
Caatoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natnraL Castorla contains no
Morpiiine or other narcotic property.
" CaKtoria is fo well adapted to children ehaX
X recommend it as superior to any prescription
tnowE to me." ' H. A. Ahoher, QL I.,
Ill Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T.
For several years I have recommencted yonr
K Cistoria,' and phall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Enwnt F. Pardee, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. .
The use of 'Castorla is so universal and
Its merits po well known that it reams a work ot
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in ,
tpflifrent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach." -
CUaxos Mabtth, T. D.,
New York City.
Thk Ckxtaur Ookpaht, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly's lrou Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drag Co. Telephone No. S. ,-
Dry G-pods, .
Clothing and Underwear,
Boss Ghsh Store
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c.
Letters of Credit iesuod availab
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange - arid Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. .
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
. Can now '. be found at
162 Second
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Stable,
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts. '
'X U Ti
Sflipes-ersly Dri Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,