Don't be Bamboozled Specihl by Smooth-Tongued Peddlars SHLE. Fine Our Spring Styles of Ladies' Boots and Oxfords, the latest achievements of Artistic Shoemaking for inspection. To introduce our stock, we will discount of ". 12 Per Cent on Saturday. Don't forget that you must use them. The Boot for the Twentieth Century Woman, and Up-toDate Novelties - for the Womanly Woman. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Cfifonicie. FRIDAY. APRIL 10.J1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Events of Lesser Magnitude. Forecast Light ehower9 tonight; to Seufert Bros, started irn some of theiJ .fish wheels today. J Maya & Crowe will give away another? bicycle this evening. The river is now ten feet above low water mark.rising 8-tentbs of a foot since yesterday. The box sheet at Blakeley & Hough- ton's drugstore will be opened tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock for sale of seats for "The Confederate Spy." Rev. Frank Abram Powell delivered a very interesting lecture on phrenology, concluding his talk with some delinea ations. His lecture will be continued this evening. Word is received todav that Waited Moore and John Michell have beenlJ nominated joint senators and F. M. Jones and B. S. Huntington joint repre sentativea in the state legislature. fH xieiurninE citizens 01 i ne Danes irom the Portland state convention are of the opinion that the Carey faction has been grossly misrepresented by the press of Portland, although the methods of both the Simon and the Carey factions have been open to criticism. The apparatus for operating the huge gates at the Locks is now all placed and ' a successful trial was made yesterday. By attaching cables to the hydraulic ma chine, the big . gates .were opened and closed with apparently iittle effort. No water has yet been turned into the canal. 4 . Judge Blakeley and Commissioner i Darnielle, with the county surveyor went this morning to the county road leading to town three .miles from the city, for the purpose of ascertaining the work needed to make a good grade.' Stakes will be set by the surveyor, and ' an estimate furnished of the amount of work to be done and its probable coat. Early Morning Fire. Fire broke out about 3 :30 o'clock this morning in a, bawdy? house on the alley back of Marders & Michelbach'a saloon. fl The fire was caused from a cigarette! which . caught the lace curtains and: quickly communicated itself to , the whole room. -The fire bell was prompt ly rung, but some men running in thel nouse quicKiy exunguisnea tne names by pulling down the curtains and throw-: ing the burning furniture out of the: bouse. A few gallons of water did the rest. The Jackson Engine company and the Columbia Hose each got their carta out within five minutes after the alarm bell started ringing, but happily thefeJ was no occasion for their servicea Subscribe for The Chronicle. Footwear. Spring Stock Now Ready. PRARF PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Seufert Bros. Employ Guards to Pre vent a Repetition of Astoria Lawlessness. Russian Finns are running the fishing business with a high hand down at As toria. Michael Pecovitch, a native of Aus tria, but a naturalized American citi zen, while engaged driving piles in the river for trap fishing was approached bv a fleet of some 200 of these Russians, and compelled on pain of death by hanging, to pull up the piles he bad driven, and set them loose on the ocean. He says he is a ruined man, but will try to get damages from the county allowing such an un-American procedure on American soil. While Pecovitch' was at woik destroying his own property, an other boat came over with a Russian brass band, and the incongruity was wit nessed of a mob of unnaturalized foreign pirates forcibly destroying an American citizen's property, with a brass band standing by playing "America," and the leader of the mob with a rope in his hands ready to commit murder. Pecovitch said : "At about the time that half my property had been de stroyed, another fishing boat came over with a lot of young Russian Finn women, dressed up in their holiday attire, and then the mob turned itself loose for a good time. They cheered and sang and shouted, and the men fired off guns, and all had a regular jollification while my property was being destroyed. They all stayed until the last pole was pulled up, after which the leader ordered all to leave and, before going, he warned us never again, on paiD of death, to attempt to put down traps in the Columbia river. I am a ruined man. I had . bought gear and made every preparation for the season's fishing, and my loss will not be less than $500." - Mr. F. A. Seufert of this city, who has large fishing interests above The Dalles, has ebecome fearful that bis property may be destroyed by fire by some of these Russian law-breakers, as they have threatened - that will allow no wheels to run on the entire river, unless the 5 cent rate ia paid. Seufer Bros. paid 3 cents last year, and they got along harmoniously with their men, and there waB no trouble. To prevent some Astoria foreign tough coming up on the night train firing bia wheels, and re turning again the same night, Mr. Seufert has placed guards at all of his wheelB and the cannery, and haa pub lished and posted the following notice: The Dalles, Or., Apr. 10, 1896. Owing to the trouble between the Fishermen's Union, and the Columbia Packers' Association, which started at the mou'.h of the river several nights ago, we warn the public not to trespass on our property or approach any of our wheels after dark, aa we have placed guarda on them and will maintain our righta to our property against lawless ness, if any attempt ia made to destroy it. Seufebt Bsos. Chinese .Doctor Dies. . The death of Dr. Song Sing, the Chi nese physician, who baa resided in Baker City many yeara and counted among his patrons numerous white peo- comprising all are now ready make a special .". . . . Coming Century ... . MAVR pie, died in Chinatown Tuesday morn ing at y o ciock alter a Drier illness at the advanced age of 75 yeara, eays the Democrat. Dr. Song Sing was an early pioneer of Boise Basin, Idaho, where he practiced bis herb cures until coming to Baker City about ten years ago. Among his own people he waa highly esteemed, and being a member of the Chinese Masonic order he will be given an elabo rate funeral. ACTS OF DEMOCRATS. Tne Oregon State Democratic Conven- tion in Session. Portland, April 9. "Free silver, and plenty of HI'.' seems to be the shibbo leth of the Democratic state convention in session in A. O. TJ. W. ball today. At the caucus held last night, so report haa it, it waa determined to ignore all aspir ants to political favor at the hands of this convention who would not unquali off? Ik V. fiedly subscribe to the 16 to-1 article faith. This also was the burden of talk in the Hotel Perkins corridors before, the convention was called to order thisVlocal which arrived Udy noon. A forenoon. presaging ; that silver, and nothing but the white metal will be the momentum to sway this body of repre sentative Democrats. " The sound-money Democrats who' were quartered at the Imperial, at a caucus- held by them last night, reached the conclusion not to enter the lists for the permanent organization of the conven tion, aa they are outnumbered by about two to one. Thia faction ia opposed to making the money question an issue at this time, and advocates its relegation to the national convention. The foreshadowing was verified in all its'essenUals daring this forenoon's ses sion of the convention, which was called to order by D. W. Bears of Independ ence, chairman of the state committee, at 10 :15 o'clock. To the credit of the gentlemen comprising this convention it must be said that at the outset they conducted themselves as if they were in a church, but subsequent proceedings were marked by the noisy features at tendant upon the meetings of all great political bodies. P. H. D'Arcy waa nominated chair man by acclamation. A spirited argument arose over the committee to be appointed on resolu tions. , S. F. Floed, of Douglass, moved that the delegation of each county name one of ita members to constitute a commit tee on platform and resolutions. T. H. Crawford moved an amendment that the chair appoint thia committee, on the ground that he ia familiar with the leading Democratic spirits in the state. -i. ao not aouDt tnat tne chairman is well acquainted with all the Democrats in Oregon, but the majority shall rule, and when possible the people shall speak," replied Mr. Floed. "I am very much in earnest that my motion shall prevail." F. A. E. Starr, detecting what he be lieved to be a sinister motive in Mr. x ioea'8 motion, saia tnat tnere was no Continued to fourth page. Maier & Benton have moved their Grocery and Hard ware Store in the building" formerly occupied by I; C. Nickelsen, opposite A. M. Williams & Co., in the French Block, Where they can "be . found "with a complete stock of Groceries and "Hardware, Stoves, &o. Telephone No. 4 on . . "both phones. : Hit. Adams Pine. Mr. R. Lauderbach of Lauderbach Bros., merchants and mill men of White Salmon, returned home this morning after a short business trip in this sec tion. He haa taken orders among the cannerymen for 30,000 fish boxes, prin cipally with Messrs. Seufert, Taffe and Herrick. Thia looks very much aa if those gentlemen intended to catch-some salmon. Mr. Lauderbach informed a reporter that the company have on hand now for eastern shipment a half million feet of white .pine lumber of the Mt. Adams variety, a very fine grade of wood used for finishing fnaterial.J PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. E. M. Shutt came in from Port land todav. . . Mrs. Hilton Vno daughter Florence, id last evening. . J returned from PorUand Mr. B. S. Buntington, W, H. WilsoTsJ and W. A. Johnson returned laet nightj from Portland. r" Messrs. Hnorh -Glenn. F.- W. WilsoiM Miss Willie Hanna, a school teacher at Union, who haa been visiting Miss hull in this city, went to iugene on the Regulator this morning. Mr. C. W. Rice, who has been in California for the past two months, principally in the San Joaquin -valley, returned home today much improved in health. Through trains on the O. R. & N will run via Umatilla, Walla Walla and Pen dleton. Through aleepera, first and sec ond class will run in connection with the Union Prcific, the same aa heretofore. A through first-class sleeper from Port land to Spokane, connecting with the first-class sleeper to St. Paul and a through tonriet sleeper from Portland to St. Paul, will be run tn connection with the Great Northern railway. E. E. Lytle, Agent. J. W. Pierce, Republic, Ia., says : "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and for myself, with result eo entirely satisfactory that I can hardly find words to express myself as to its merit. I will never fail to recommend It to others, on every occasion that pre sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner-aley, Drug Co. - Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CHEAT! Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, ; mm Into paying $70 or $75 for. a Steel Range w hen you can buy a better Kange right at home for $15 to $20 less. 'We will sell you a. better Range, the " SUPERIOR," with copper reservoir, for $55, and we guarantee it .to be a3 good as any, and better than many. . V We do not come around once in 5 or 10 years. -We live here, do business here, and are here to stay. . - This space is T. Peters & Co. Jacobson Book & Music Co, and Harry Liebe have moved in the old Vogt Store on Washington Street, opposite The Chronicle Office. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER, Successor to Chrlaman & Corson. - - . . - 11 FULL, LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to aee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. - Try a Bottle. Atwood's Syrup of Tar, Horeh.ou.nd and Wild Cherry lor that Cough. . Th Tysrh Val ley Creamery Ask Vanbi'b'ber & Worsley for it. 45c. Erery Square is Full Weight. TEIiEFHOITE! DSTO. SO. "Live and let live." You are invited to FRED. FISHERY'S New Grocery Store, where you -will find all the Lowest Prices. Goods delivered to any part of the city. : . reserved for Joseph OF- Is Delicious. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. .Telephone 270.