The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 06, 1896, Image 3

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Shirt Waists.
They are worth the watching, especially this sea
son, when so many shirt waists will be worn. We
are now prepared to meet the wants of the public in
this line, by offering three of the best lines of waists
made' on this continent.
LINK lj-We guarantee a perfect fit, and fast
colors, in all the new designs. 50c,. 75c and 85c.
The Dalles Daily Gltfonicie.
APRIL 6, 1896
Random Obsemtiona and Local Brents
of Lesser Magnitude.
"Finnigan's Ball"
At the Baldwin opera house
One night only, Monday April 6tb.
Forecast Tonight and Tuesday occa
sional rain.
The county court met today to receive
the delinquent tax roll
The county Democratic convention o
curs tomorrow at the court bouse
Buy a pair of fine shoes of John Hertz
Mr. F. H. Wakefield has announced
that he will run independent tor asses
eor. f
That effective laugh producer and'
budget of hilarious comedy, entitled
"Finnigan's Ball," will be given this(
evening.- - j
Miss Moore will teach the diagonal'
lancers and the four step tomorrow even-'j
ing ; wilt also organize a beginners class.,
All are invited to attend.
The funeral of Augustus Bunnell took
place today at the M. E. church. The
funeral sermon was preached. by Kev. J.
H. Wood, and was largely attended.
Hon. J. B. Huntington of Baker Cit,
who- was m the city Saturday,' has re
celred the endorsement of Baker an
Crook county republicans for congress
The burning of a flue in Mr. T.
Nicholas' residence early yesterday
morning caused the fire alarm to be
rung. ' There was no occasion for the dej
partment turning out. H
Mrs. W. S. Myers left today for Inde
pendence to be present at a business
meeting tomorrow to make arrange
ments tor the date of the department
encampment of W. R. C. and G. A. R.
'. Rev." "Frank Spaulding, formerly pre-
siding elder of the M. E. church, now a
missionary in Brazil, was reported eompfthe local train today for Portland, and
. time since to be in want. Yeeterdajat will attend the Republican state con
service . a letter was read from him by
Rev. Wood, stating that jinch was not
the case.
"Jbinnigan's Ball" has proved itself
be the most successful farce comedy on
the road, and the fastest money makers
X his season s company is the strongest
that has ever supported those popular
stars, Murray & Mack. Don't fall to see
them at the Baldwin opera house tonight
- Mr.- Peter Godfrey of 5-Mile nearly
lost his barn by fire yesterday. His
chicken house caught, and the flames
were blown directly toward the barn,
vhiph fa tftnlv a Fav foot onrov ' Tf m n
happily discovered in time, and the barn
sa ved by... great ffort. The cbickwi
house lost its roof.
Tho marshal arrested what he sup
posed was a crazy man yesterday, who
was shouting and praying by a residence
near St. Mary's academy. He was ex
amined today, 'bat there is a doubt
Shirt Waists.
LINE 2. Made from the best English Percale
and Irish Dimity, with all the late combinations in
Collars and Cuffa. $1, $1.25, $1.75 and $2.
, LINE 3. This line is considered by all who have
seen it, to be one of the best ever brought to the city.
Xhe designs are original, the wordma'nsbip and fit is
guaranteed to be one of the best, the assortment is
large. From $1 to $3.50. .
1 s
' - '' "-wV-
whether he is non compos or a victim of
jlm jams, and will be held for a few
days. ,
The three commissioners appointed to
supervise the building of the Rattlesnake
road have concluded their labors, and
will submit their final report to the
county court Wednesday, when it will
be turned over to Sherman county. The
commissioners deserve great praise for
making so fine a road with eo little
capital to do it with. They are Messrs.
S. B. Adams, A. D. McDonald and Fred
the road menders ie
IVThe attention of
urgently asked to the west side walk on
Union street, between Third and Fourth.:
In all probability some one will have to,
pay for a broken lg before many dark'
nights will hawraaseed.- Soon after the
repairs made onthat piece of walk was
made a few. months since, one of the,
pieces of decayed board, with which the'
width was pieced out, gave way entirely. J
Piece No. 2 has been good to walk on
till now. It has followed the example
of No. 1, and both are gone. It would
be an act of wisdom, on the part of who
ever will have 'to pay for damages, if this,
discreditable work would receive impae
dfate attention. .-
Mr. L. E. Morse of Hood River is
town. -
Mr. C. R. Bone, wheat buyer, is in
the city today.
W. A. Langille and Taylor Hill left to
day for Portland.
Mr. Si Sichel of Prineville arrived in
the city last night.
Mr. Taylor Hill of Crook county came
in the city, yesterday.
Mr. W. S. Geary, ex-councilman of
Seattle, is in the city. .
Mr. E. M. Shutt, editor of the Antel
ope Herald, is in town.
The "Finnigan's Ball" company of 16
members arrived today and are regis
tered at the Umatilla house.
Mr. I. N. Day came up from the Locks
yesterday in bis launch, the "Sadie B."
Mr. Day recently
returned from the
lfri.' j .1
lr 1 nn f m Inwinrr.namon crani lamcn tnri
vention-. T.J. Driver, M. T. Nolan, J.
D. Wilcox, A. E. Lake, J. G. Farley, E.
O. McCoy, M. A. Moody. J. B. Hnntine-
TV, . J -.IT f
Tomorrow J. O. Mack and J. M. Pattei1
son will leave for Portland. -jr
here is any one thinz that needs
to be purified, it is politics, so the re
former says, and many agree thereto.
But blood tells, and as a, blood purifier
and Hver corrector Simmons . Liver Reg
ulator is the best medicine. "I uee it in
preference to any other." So wrote Mr.
3. H. Hysell,f Middleport, Ohio. And
Dr. D. .8. Russell, .of. Farmville, Va.,
writes, ,-It fulfills-ell you promise forJJ."
Sellot Hellol
- This is the -County Treasurer. He
wants all .county warrants registered
prior, to April: lr1892, presented at his
office, corner Third and -.Washington,
for he is ready to pay the same." Inter
est ceases after January 15th.
" Wm. MlCHELL,
County Treas.
HI .
Democratic Primaries.
The delegates elected at the Demo
cratic primaries throughout the county
on Saturday last are as follows:
Dufur John Johnson, H M Pittman
and F L Helfrick. ,
West Dalles A S Bennett, V Harden,
P Stadelman, W H VanBibber, E M
Wingate, F Lemke, H J Maier and M
East Dalles J M Filloon, A Keller, J
Benson. R E Williams, -R H Webber,
Al Bettingen, Frank Seufert and Wm
Cusbing. nv. -
- Trevitt J L Story, Frank Clark, Chas
Michel'bach, N H Gates, Hugh Glenn
and H Hampshire..
Bigelow A . S Mac Allister, Harry
Lie be, Joe Bonn, Jr, E B Dufur, S B
Adams, R H Lonsdale and F Egan.
Wamic James Woodcock, James
Zumwanlt, Isaac ' Driver and H H
Tygh David Miller, Wm Norvall, and
Ed FitsPatrick.
Kingsley P Woid, Bolton, F W
Cascade Locks D L Cates, A M Bar
rett, H E Knightley and V C Lewis.
F. & A. M. Co.
The directors of The Dalles, Portlan
& Astoria "Navigation Co. met Saturday
night and elected th6 following officers
to serve for one year. v .f
President llughGlenn
Vice-president Jos. T. Peters.
Secretary O. Kinersly.
Treasurer J. S. Schenck.
a review 01 tne Dusiness ot tne pas
year shows it to have teen very satisfac
tory. After building a wharf at Rock
land and a large warehouse in The
Dalles, a dividend of 1Q per cent, was de-'j
clared to the stockholders. The next!
improvement in contemplation. Is a!
wharf built unon nilpa af fnrA 'Pittai !
ConSparlson ot frel"t-ate6eTore
and after the establishment of the D. P.
and ' A. N. Co.'s line of boats might
prove of interest. The old rate for haul
ing wheat by rail, as stated by a director
of the company to a Chboniclb reporter,
was llg cents per bushel. The Regu
lator company now charges 3jj cents
per bushel. As the total output is
about 600,000 bushels yearly which
comes to The Dalles, there is a saving ot
$48,000 "annually the producers. On
wool, the old rate was 50 cents per hun
dred, now 10 cents, a saving on the esti
mated total amount of 6,500,000 pounds,
of 26,000 yearly. On all merchandise
coming in there is a reduction of from
33 to 40 per cent.
Gentleman desires pleasant room,
board optional, in private . family.
References exchanged. Address H-25,
care Chkonicie office. - - apr4-3t
J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says: "I
have need One Minute Cough Cure in
my family and for myself, with result so
entirely satisfactory that I can hardly
find words to express myself as to its
merit. I will never fail to' recommend
It to others, on every occasion that pre
sents itaelf." For Bale by Snipes-Kiner-sley,
Drug Co.
CievoianLT ana eagle
See the Cleveland , and
Eagle before buying; both
are high-grade and standard
Wheels. .The Cleveland has
a wood rim, and the Eagle
has an aluminum rim. See
our stock before you buy.
Sole Agents for the above
named Wheels.
The Rattleftnalte ftoad.
A gentleman who has juBt arrived in
the city over the Rattlesnake road pro
nounces it one of the -finest mountain
roads in the country, more particularly
the Sherman county portion, of it. The
regular Rattlesnake grade will be entire
ly finished in about two weeks, and our
informant states that but tor its new
ness and the fact of irregularities in the
roadbed at the rocky portions, which
will be smoothed down with wear, he
can trot from the bottom of the grade to
the top. In Wasco the road to the Des
Chutes grade is first-class. But there
should be more work done on this grade.
The road should be cut deeper on the
inner side and the rut filled on the onter
side. There should also be more turn
ing out places. The free bridge is in
good condition except for some plank
which should be put in The Sherman
county part of .the road especially is a
credit to that community, but there is
room for Improvement in Wasco county.
Off Tear for Sherman County. '
Sherman county has as fine, a stretch
of agricultural lands as can be found
any wherein the country. It has a
deep, black soil, extending over a rolling
country. It is without rocks and every
footcan be plowed. Large areas of wav
ing grain have been an annual feature,
with rare exceptions, caused by an un
usual spell tof unfavorable weather.
Such is the case this year. The storm
of March let injured the fail-eown grain
to an appreciable extent on . the south
and southeast hillsides, where the snow
had disappeared under the influence of
winds and sun. A great deal of it will
consequently have io be re-sown. Un
der ' favorable conditions spring-sown
grain will yield quite as largely as fall
sown, but it is generally considered a
surer and safer way to sow in the fall.
Sherman county is one of the great
wheat-raising sections of Oregon, and it
is hoped that favorable weather may, yet
rente re a full crop, bnt whioh has re
ceived a present back-set. by the March
gold snap.
W. S.Geary, the 'piano tuner, is in
the city, and orders left at either of the
music stores will receive prompt atten
tion.' ' ' ap16 5t
Awarded .,'
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
43 Years the Standan?.
Only a few more Bicycles left that
will be sold at the reduced prices. Ex
amine our Crescents $50 and $75, as
good as any wheel sold at $85. "We
give the same guarantee that you can
get on a $100 wheel.
This space is
T. Peters & Co.
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
and Harry Liebe-
have moved in the old Vogt Store
on "Washington Street, opposite
The GtrTonicle Office.
: i..i . .
' Successor to Chrisman & Corson.
Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased, to
see all my former patrons. ; Free delivery to any part of town.
Try a Bottle.
Atwood's Syrup of Tar, Horehound and Wild
" Cherry for that Cough.
The Tygh "Vl
vj Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
45c , Every Square is Full Weight.
TElPHOOSrai 2STO. so.
"Live and let iive.?5 ;
You are invited to FRED. FISHER'S
Ne-w Q-r ocery Store, where you will find all
the Lowest Prices. - Goods delivered to any
part of the city. . ? '- V'T'
reserved for Joseph
Jm -
Tygh Valley
A. A. B.
Telephone 270.