' J- ' ' ' o INTRQDUCtN THE CELEBRATED IRISH COMEDIANS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY. - - APRIL 6, 1896 TIME TO TEACH A LESSON. . Oregon Republicans are not far behind those of Texas when it comes to holding interesting conTentions. The scenes which marked the session f the county convention in Port land Saturday are without parallel in the history of the state. Without assuming to judge of the right or wrong ofthe matter, since the data from which an opinion may be formed is entirety insufficient, we feel free to say that Portland's ways of conducting politics do not meet the approval of the rest of the state , The result is not surprising. Multnomah county has suffered from bossism during many years, and a revolt has come from the domination of a particular boss, which revolt threatens the disruption of the party organization. Whether the charge, if it comes, will be for the better we cannot say, "bat this much we do believe, that if the delegates to the state and con gressional conventions from counties outside of Multnomah wish to ren der a service to the Republican party no better method can they adopt than to refuse to recognize either of the contesting Multnomah delega tions. Let Multnomah county be told that until she learns to behave herself she cannot be allowed the in fluence in the party councils to which, under ordinary circumstances, she is entitled. It would be a wholesome lesson to Portland politi cians if the congressional and state conventions would refuse to sanction the actions of either faction. The Republican party is greater than any one man in it. It existed without Joseph Simon; it can do so again. Hume, Minto and Frank are not necessary to the party's welfare. 'There were kings before Agamen non,' and there will be newspapers after the Oregonian has ceased its one-sided representation. The Ore gonian is a great newspaper when U discusses large issues, but when it lends its power to the building up of Joe Simon and his friends, its influ ence becoires weakened. If the delegates from Eastern Ore gon and the Columbia river coun ties, outside of Multnomab, will go into the congressional convention determined that Portland politics shall not be the directing force of the Republican party, a great good will be done to the loyal "voters " throughout the state who care not for the personal aggrandizement of any one man, but desira the success of the party and the principles for which the party stands. Otherwise defeat and consequent disaster are imminent. SECRETARY CARLISLE AND THE PRESIDENCY. Secretary Carlisle' ha3 written a letter which might be taken as a refusal to accept the piesidential nomination from the Democrats. .. It is, however, more of a declination to take part in any contest at the na tional convention. Mr. Carlisle ex presses himself as concerned more about the principles' for which the party shall declare than for the man whom it shall nominate. Between the lines of Mr. Carlisle's letter can be read the sentiment that if the Democratis platform declare against the free coinage of silver, he would not refuse the nomination. This action of Secretary Carlisle in making his position known is praiseworthy. There is none too much frankness on the part of our public men, and the people read with approval the statements of one who is not afraid to have his position known. If Grover Cleveland would make a similar declaration of his be lief regarding a third term, he would increase the estimation in which individual- he is held by the 'Ameri can people. . Honesty of position, as well as of action, is what is needed in public life. When Baby was sick, ire gave her Castoria, -When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Quick in effect, heals and leaves no gear. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly enrrd by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Applied to burns, scald?, old sores, it is magical iu effect. Alwavs cures piles. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Reduced Rates. Effective March 22d. The O. K. & N. Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as -follows: Two day rate, good going Satur day and returning Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on "all rains. E. E. Lytxe, ni24-d.wtf - Agent "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world," said a genius. The druggist handed htm a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early . Risers, . the famous little pills. For sale by Snipes-Kinersley Drag Co. - - -. , Piles of peoples have piles, ' but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures ecalds burns without the slightest pain. Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. Ice cream and ice cream soda at A Keller's bakery. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time if you take ifwhen yon have a cough or cold. See the point? Then don't cough. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. .' Your own pick of the fineet assort ment of pansy plants in full bloom, at 25 cents per dozen at the Stubling greenhouse. m28-lw CilelieW, Enell.1i Diamond Brand. ENftYRQYAL FILLS Original and Only Ctontune. afc, always reliable, laoics ask urnsgtst tor tnimsweri jew? LHa-i mood Brand la Red and GoUi metallla" boxes, sealed with bine ribbon. Take noethen Kef mmamnmm ubstitt (tons and imitations. Al Druirriata. or send Sa. in stamps Tor particulars, testimonials and " Keller Tor i jutiee," csKer, by retrnrm Mail. 10.000 TefttimooiaW. Name Japtr, Every Artist In the Company Is "what is vulgarly called "A Hot Member;" s6 you be there and see for yourself. ' AAHDC FUN ! , MORE SIDE-SPLITTING SITUATIONS ! MORE CATCHY MUSIC! IYIUIvlI GREAT SPECIALTIES ! PRETTY FACES! . And more 20th Century Fun-Provoking Ideas than you ever saw in one Single-Stage Entertainment before. The Bar num of all Farce Comedies. Compared with "Finnigan's Ball," most of the so-called "Farce Comedies1? are Safdou Tragedies. ' .; - -". ' . ' ' ' '" ... I . Tmbntr Kfl nrJ IJGKcIS, UU anil SlOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional ' treatment. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in' doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to care. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. 3iySold by Druggists, 75 cents. You hear it almost everywhere, and read it in the newspapers, that Simmons Liver Regulator is the best liver remedy, and the best Sprincr medicine, and the best blood medicine. "Ihe -inlw medi cine of any consequence thai. ise is Simmons Liver Regulator." So wrote Mr. R-. A. Cobb, of Morgan town, N. C. And W. F. Park, M. D., ot Tracy City, Tenn, writes : "Simmons Liver Regula tor ia the best." . . Subscribe for The Chbonicle. arts Sveethe Send your lovers and husbands to Balcti & Co., Merchant Tailors, 78 -Second street, for their spring1 and sum mer suits. They show the finesst line of foreign and domestic goods ever ex hibited in The Dalles, at 'Frisco prices. Fine Suits, $18 and upwards. Garments madd on premises. Perfect fit guaranteed. . Removal Notice. Nolan's Book Store now located at No. 54 Second Street, near Union. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS- CLOTHING FURNISH3N& GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and GAPS, These Goods Must Be J. .Sp'jadasr vEtrenixiii, Spiral Gill. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY COMEDIANS, inni 7Kn RESERVED SEATS AT BLAKELEY (3C. ON SALE WEDNESDAY MORNING. J. S. Schink, President. J. M. Patteoson. . Cashier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - ORE O A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and procerus promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oi New York, San Francisco and Port ... land. . ' : -J I ' DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck. Ed. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Lijcbk. - . -. II. M. Bbaxl. . RIPANS The modern stand ard. Family Medi cine : Cures ..the common : e very-day ill$ of humanity. and Wives. Sold Less Than Cost. P McINERNY. & When you mant Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley ,Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts; . . ' ' Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE ' v' Our prices are low and our goods are firct-class. " .' ' ' - ' A cents for the celebrated WAISTBTJRG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. ' Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY. . : . The Ill L, Select teSV Wholesale and Retail Liquor Store. STUBLING & WILLIAMS Are now located on Second Street, bet weeii "Washington and Federal Sts., .where they have a large stock of : CHOICE LIQUORS. FINEST BRANDS OF CIGARS. ' Family trade solicited. ! A resort first-class in all par ticulars will be maintained. The Dalles -DEALKES IK- Coal, Ice and FroJice, Foreip ail Domestic Fruits ani Yeptattes. Oysters Fish, Poultry -and Game In Season. ; NORTH POWDER ICE, which ia noted for its parity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPRINGS. BOSLTN, A NTHRA CITE and GEORGES CBKEE Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and forwarding. (,There is a tide in- ike affairs tfmeii lohickj taken at its flood . , ; leads on to fortune" .- 7 The poet unqqestlqnab(y had "reference to the Closing Out Sale Of at CRANDALL Who are selling those goods ' MICHELBACH BRICK. And their Big Company of Merry makers, in the Great Farce-Comedy, i HOUGHTON'S WILL BE Germania OTTO BIRCFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOR THE- Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. NO. 94 SECOND STREET, - , ' THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. Commission Go., ' FOR FUKL ' and HAKOrCrVKINO . PURPOSES. 1 a eUBGET'S; out at greatly-reduced rates. - . - UNIOK ST. Mrnitore and larpcts