The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 03, 1896, Image 3

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Saturday, April 4.
Genuine Blue Point Oysters....
lib cans : 10c
2fi cans . 20c
These are the very beat packed.
Assorted Pie Fruit, per doz $1.00
Potter & Wrightington's Roast
Chicken, 2lb can 2'0c
. Folger's Soda nothing better 05c
Macaroni, lOlb box.... 35c
C it ron , per pound ..... . . ' r 1 0c
Log Cabin Buckwheat Flour..., 15c
Log Cabin Griddle Cake Flour 15c
These prices are for this day only.
What have you been paying for
these or similar goods?
See our Corner Window.
Saturday, April 4.
Dry Goods
All 25c Goods for.. ......21c
Including plain, fancy and changeacle goods.
All 30c Goods for , .....24c
Including all fancy mixtures.
All 50c Goods for 42ic
Including a full line of colors in Mohairs in
plain and fancy, navy Serges, and fancy wool
All 65c Goods for 52c
Comprising the latest Freach Novelties.
All 75c Goods for 64c
Including Plaids', plain Tailor Suitings, Mo
hair Mixtures, and a large line of Wool
Our fine grades of Foreign and
Domestic Dress Goods will be cut
in proportion. -
QlBvelaaof autf Eagle
See the Cleveland and
Eagle before buying; both
are high-grade and standard
Wheels. The Cleveland has
a wood rim, and the Eagle
has an aluminum rim. See
our stock before you buy.
Sole Agents for the above
named Wheels.
Only a few more Bicycles left that
will be sold at the reduced prices. Ex
amine "our Crescents $50 and $75, as
good as any wheel sold at $85. "We
give the same guarantee that you can
get on a $100 wheel. '
Removal Notice.
Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54 Second Street, near Union.
Th Tygrh Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. .
45c. Every Square is Full Weight.
Tyh Valley
A. A. B.
The Dalies Ballv Gliromeie.
- - APRIL 3, 1896
Random Observations and Local Erents
of Lesser Magnitude.
."Finnigan's Ball"
At the Baldwin opera house
One night only, Monday April 6ih.
Forecast Fair tonight and tomorrow ;
"The Confederate Spy" has been post
poned from the 9th till the 14th.
The Goldendale Sentinel will hence
forth he issued as a semi-weekly.
Most of our first page today is devoted
to the Portland primary elections.
The Maccabees will hold a meeting
tomorrow night. Business of im
portance. .
Maier & Benton are moving their gro
eery store today and expect to be settled
in their new quarters tonight.
Dallas Walton, near Fossil, made 169
posts in 2 hoars and 15 minutes from a
tamarack tree that he cut down on his
The plans and specifications for the
proposed agency buildings may ' be seen
by any one interested by calling at The
Cheoniclb office.
The leading milliner, Mrs. M. E.
Brings, has for sale' a complete line cf
children's and misses school hats, 25
cts to $1 in price. apr3-2t
The Umatilla house has reorganized
its culinary department and its table
is par excellence, comparing very favor
ably with any hotel in the state.
Lots 7 and 8 in block 24 in Bieelow's
bluff addition, on which is a good dwell
ing house, will be sold tomorrow at 2
o'clock p. m., at the court house door.
The meeting usually held at the Con
gregational chnrch on Thursday even
ing, will be held this (Friday) evening.
Services preparatory to the communion.
-Seats are already selling rapidly for
"Finnigan's Ball." The company is
splendidly advertised, the "paper" of
the company adorning many ehop win
dows and dead walls. The Telegram of
a recent date contained a half page of il
lustrations and reading matter descrip
tive jfJifljexceUentj:omedyi
; Eon. E. O. McCoy came very near.
meeting with a sen
27th, says the Was
going to Grants on
pede and failed
behind him, owing to
until it was almost
managed, however, to
accident on the
News. He was
lis railroad veloci-
a train coming
i Don bim. He
set his wheel
' v the track inti me
' The following postmasters were ap
pointed in Oregon yesterday : For Aus
" ' tin, Grant county, Linda Austin; Glen
coe, Washington county, Miss A. M.
Sanford; Mitchell, Crook county, A. D.
Looney; Eutledge, Wasco county, W.
C. Rutledge; Trask, Tillamook county,
J. Hastin ; Tygh Valley, Wasco county,
Mrs. E. Horton
The officers of the local Salvation
Army are working hard to present to
the people of The Dalles some very pa
thetic scenes from real life in their hall
next Wednesday night, April 8, 1896.
The drunkard's home and the eaved
drunkards home, or the miseries of
drink and sin and the power of God to
save will be shown as in reality by dif
ferent members of the corps. Special
vocal and instrumental music and recit
ing. Everybody should avail themselves
of the opportunity, as anything of the
kind was never seen here before. Don't
forget the date. -
We are reliably informed that the
statement as to Mr. Gomez' arrcet yes
terday by Justice Rorich was an error.
It is true he was warned not to land ; he
was also warned not to incite any riot,
and not to work upon the wheel built by
bim, in possession at present of Mr.
Roriek by virtue of owning the land
upon which it is built. Subsequent to
our report of yesterday, Gomez while at
the wheel was ordered aboard hie boat,
and escorted there at the instigation of
Justice Rorick for making a threatening
motion. After remaining in the boat for
about two hours he pulled away.
The Coming Comedy.
The potpourri of hilarious fun, "Fin
nigan's Ball," will be seep at the Bald
win - opera house Monday, April 6th.
The stars of the organization are that
excellent Celtic character comedian,
w if. c
Cbas. Murray, and that funny little
Irishman, Ollie Mack, supported by a
large and versatile company of fun
makers, including Geo. II. Emerick, the
author of the farce; Bert Leslie, Clayton
E. White, Chas. Lamb, Frank Carleton
and Vincent Minnelli. The piece is one
of the most enjoyable combinationsvpf
- j i . ...
nuicuious situations, innny aiaiogue,
catchy medleys, and parodies and high
tlase specialties that has ever been
thrown together and called a "farce
cfamedy." Everyone seems to have
been put upon the etage and instructed
to let all the fun that is in ,their nature
escape, and the result is what is known
as a "hurrah show" from the time the
curtain rises until it falls, without any
regard to plot or author's lines. A pleas
ing feature is the large number of un
usually pretty young women who make
up the feminine portion of the company,
including the Loring sisters, Gracie
Cumminge, Edith Newton, Lonnie
Deane, Winnifre'd , Stewart . and Clara
Burgees. The Loriogs are late of
Hoyt's farces.
New Agency Buildings.
- Jir. &. t. Mac A Ulster has received a
copy of the plans and specifications if
the new government buildings, eoorifo
be erected at the Warm Springs InUian!
agency, under the direction or the TJ. S.
Bureau of Indian Affairs.
These buildings are a school and as-1
sembly hall, a dormitory building, a
cottage for employes' quarters, a mess
hall and kitchen, a laundry and a hos
pital. The school and assembly hall is to be
a handsome frame building, the school
having a capacity of 125 scholars and the
assembly hail 350. The building is to
have a stone foundation.
The dormitory building is a two-story
frame, with a capacity of 150 children ;
rubble stone foundation,- brick flue's,
ventilating registers, fire escape, bath
rooms, lavatories, etc.
The employes' quarters cottage is also
a handsome two-story building, modern
in architecture and with all conven
iences. The mess ball and kitchen has a capa
city of 175. This is a one story building
of frame, brick and stone with all needed
plumbing apparatus. It is well venti
lated and lighted, with basement and
The laundry is least unpretentious of
all, but is roomy and well lighted. It is
a plain-looking two-story building.
The hospital is a story and a half
frame, with double windows in front,
hip gable roof, and has porches in front.
Bids for the above buildings will be
advertised for in a short time. They in
volve au expenditure of eeveral thousand
dollars, and will greatly improve the ap
pearance of the agency.
Democratic Caucuses.
Caucuses were held in the several pre
7Ainnta tt T'Iia TIqIIao loaf ovflnino in flAlppt.
delegates to be voted for at the vlemo
calic -primaries tomorrow.
One held in East Dalles precinct at
the engine house resulted in the selec
tion of the following names: J. M.
Filloon, Ad Keller, F. A. Seufert, Al.
Bettiogen, J. M. Benson, R. H. Weber,
Wm. Cushing, R. E. Williams.
For Bigelow, at a caucus held at the
pffice of Dufur & Menefee, there were
chosen A. S. Mac Allister, Harry Liebe,
L-Joe Bonn, jr., R. H. Guthrie, S. B.
. Adams, R. H. Lonsdale, Frank Egan.
The meetings for Trevitt and West
Dalles were held at the court house, re
sulting as follows :
; Trevitt J. H. Jackeon, Chas. Michel
bach, N. H. Gates, James Harper, Chas.
Schutz, Geo. Gibons, Hugh Glenn, J.
B. Crossen, H. ' Hampehirp, W. H.
Allatt, Theo. Seufert.
West Dalles F. Lemke, E. M. Win
gate, M. Doyle, Victor Harden, P.
Stadleman, W. rf. VanBibber, H. S.
Ward, W. H. Shackleford, Wm. Young,
C. Burchtorff, John Caeebnrg, James
O'Leary, A. S. Bennett, Henry Maier.
' The Democrats will take their choice
of delegates from these tickets, leaving 8
names for West Dalles, 6 for Trevitt, 8
n i r.
Rathbone Sisters.
oy the ttatbDone bisters laet evening,
including lunch, games and the usual
accessories. The following program wasi
Reading H. H. Riddell.
Song Mre. Capt. Waud.
Beading Mrs. Lytle.
Duet Mrs. Bradsbaw & Miss Gosser.
Song Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Bradahaw,
Miss Gosser, T. A. Hudson and C. L.
The last two numbers were enthusi
astically encored, and the singers were?
compelled to respond.
Creamery buttet, 40c a square, full
weigni. .c-ggs, sc a dozen at .Tease &
Mays. .
The Baker county Republicans pro
claimed for bimetallism, and endorsed
Mitchell for re-election.
Mrs. M. E. Briggs cordially invites
the ladies of The Dalles to call and ex
amine the spring and summer millinery
display this week. apr3-2t
Go to Moore's for your fresh creams.
He will not sell you chewing gum for
marshmallow taffy. Don't be deceived
by the name, for this is the only place
in the city you can get the genuine
marshmallow taffy. Try his combina
tion taffy this week.
From Sir. Erlcksun.
F. L. Erickson at Wapinitia,
writes : "The work is going on fine, and
Mr. McCoy is kept very busy ten hours
a day building a 20,000 feet capacity
lumber mill. The weather is very
chilly, but no enow on the flats, though
there is considerable in the mountains.
The men are working steadily and do
not quit, nor care to stop work. The
A very entertaining evening was BPenllfarmer8 are doin fa!rIy well,by be T
ppany, with the exception of a few who
have not yet got over their former ecare,
but I think they will all be in a good
frame of mind very soon. I know the
company does all in their, power to do
justice to the men all around in this vi
cinity. Yours respectfully, "
F. Eeicksen.
Ice cream and
Keller's bakery.
ice cream soda
at A
Highest Honors World's Pair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
'DR; .
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard. .
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
knd Harry Liebe
have moved in the old Yogt' Store
on Washington Street, opposite
The Chronicle Office.
Try a Bottle.
At-wood's Syrup of Tar, Horeliound and "Wild
Cherry for that Cough.
"Live and let live."
You are invited to FRED; FISHER'S
"Nevr Grocery Store, -where you -will find all
the Lo-west Prices. Goods delivered -to any
part of the city.
Telephone 270.