fi3 . J- iif CASEY CAWCES. ILL BLOW IKE OAS OUT-' Evening, ilpril ill. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY COMEDIANS, And their Big Company "of Merry makers, in the Great Farce-Comedy,' o INTRODUCING THE CELifSRAJtiD MUSH GSMEBIANS TheDalles Daily Ch?oniele. MONDAY,. MARCH 30, 1896 HISTORY RECALLED. The ne .vspapers of Spain prcfess their inability to understand the at titude maintained by the American people regarding the Cuban revolu tion. The Spaniards accustomed for centuries to monarchical rule fail to realize the passionate desire for freedom, which the 'people of the Western Hemisphere possess.' Captain-General Weyler expresses aston ishment that a nation like the United States, which has long been on good relations with Spain, should declare its sympathy with the men who are struggling against Spanish domina tion in Cuba. 1 The 6ircumstances in this instance are peculiar. The situation is not that of two nations fighting for supremacy, but of one people strug gling for independence, for release from foreign rule, which has ever removed from barbarism. General "Weyler can find the answer to his queries in the history of the former Cuban revolution, which occurred some twenty years ago. The -whole story of that peiiod is black with Spanish atrocity, no incident of which tells a more fiendish tale than that known as the Virginius massacre. This occurrence is recalled by the publication in an illustrated weekly of the 'pictures published in 1873, depicting . this bloody slaughter. The Virginius was an American steamer which had been purchased by friends of the Cuban revolutionists. In 1873 she set sail for Cuba, but a break in her machinery caused a . temporary stop at Jamaica. After leaving that port the Virginius was pursued and captured by a Spanish man-of-war and taken to the port Santiago de Cuba. Notwithstanding the fact that the Virginius was cap tured in British waters while flying an American flag the Spanish offi cials disregarded all rights of foreign intervention and by a drum, head court martial condemned the . cap tain and crew t,o death. The number of the unfortunates exceeding two hundred, it was nec essary to divide them into detach ments,rand within a few hours af ter their condemnation thirtj;six men were led to the slaughler-house for execution. The men were lined along a trench with their backs to the soldiery, and, as described by an eye witness, "the commanding off! cers gives the fatal signal, the men Are, and the wretched objects of Spanish hate and vengeance fall headlong into the shallow trench, some dying and others wounded but alive. Then comes the crowning barbarity. A company of " artillery, till now kept in reserve, gallops 'for ward and crushes, with the broad and heavy wheels of th'e'guns, dying, dead and wounded into one. undis tinguishable mass." The remainder fortunately were saved by the time ly arrival of a British war ship. This was Spain's mode of warfare. It is the same yet, and if the occa sion arrive, like crueJty will be shown. It is the recollection of the Virginius massacre, and such atroci ties that makes America sympathize with Cuba and long to aid her in this final struggle for independence. The cause of Cuba is just and whether cr not it is officially sanctioned by this country, the hopes and sympathies of freedom -loving Americans are with the patriotic revolutionists. The Oregonian has gone into the letter publishing business again. The printing of some' interesting communications yesterday illustrates the old apothegm that it is safe never to write a letter nor burn one. Postmaster General "Wilson, who lectured ' Saturday in Middleton, Connecticut, was given an ovation by the students of "Wesleyan Uni versity. If the causes were analyzed it would be difficult to see the reason for such a demonstration. The gen tleman in question has proven a monumental failure in everything he has undertaken save, perhaps, in the vocation of school teacher. As the author of the infamous "Wilson bill, he contrived a measure which has brought untold misery upon the American people; as postrraster- general he has succeeded in making that office remarkable for its deficits; even as chairman of a national Dem ocratic convention he showed his in capacity to govern a body of men. Altogether this pseudo statesman is of a cheap-John variety, and the sooner he is sent back to his "West Virginia home relieved of the cares of state, the better it will be for the nation he has helped to mismanage. 8100 Reward SIOO. ' The , readers of " this "paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease' that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical" fraternity." " Catarrh' being "a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutionaf' treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address:'' "F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. CfiSold by Druggists, 75 cents. Reduced Hfetes. Effective March 22d. The O. R. & N. Co. will reduce their round trip rates between Portland and The Dalles as fol lows: Two day rate, god going Satur day and returning Monday night, $3. Ten day tickets $3.50. Good on all trains. E.'E. Lytle, m24-dwtf .Agent Piles of- peoples have piles, bat De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures scalds burns- without the slightest pain. Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. Every Artist in the Company Is what is vulgarly called 'A Hot Member;" so y on "be there and see for yourself. AAOOET FUN! . MORE SIDE-SPLITTING- SITUATIONS ! MORE CATCH Y MUSIC! 1Y1U1 Vll GREAT SPECIALTIES! PRETTY FACES ! And more 20th Century Fun-Provoking IJdeas than you ever saw in one Single-Stage Entertainment before. The Bai num of all Farce Comedies. Compared with "Finnigan's Ball," most of the so-called "Farce Comedies" are Sardou Tragedies. . ;,. . Tinkoto Rfl onrl I luPiGlO, OU dill Always call, at W. J. Moore's, the leading candy maker, when yon want the genuine marshmallow taffy. His marshmallow taffy is inimitable. Don't be deceived by the name, it absolutely is not the game. Moore's chocolate sponge taffy is something new. Always in the' lead and up to date, but never follows. Give him a call and you will be con vinced. J. S. PCHEKK, President. J. SI. Pattekson. Cashier. First Rational Batik. THE DALLES. - ORE G A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, Bubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made arid proceeds promptly - remitted on day of collection.' Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- ..: land. . DIREOTOHS. D..P. THdMPBON. Jno. S. Schenck. En. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Be all. - Sweethearts Send your lovers and husbands to Balch & Co., Merchant Tailors, 78 Sec ond street, for their spring' and sum mer suits. They show the finest line of foreign and domestic goods ever ex hibited in The Dalles, at 'Frisco prices. Fine Suits, $ 1 8 and upwards. ;-' ' '. "' ' : Garments made on premises. . Perfect fit guaranteed. GEORGE RUCH PIONEERS Again in business at the old stasd. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. . CLOSING O UT SALE of DRY GOODS CLOTHING-, ! ITOOTSHTNG- GrOODS, . BOOTS, SHOES, These Goods Must Be J. 7Rn RESERVED SEATS AT BLAKE LEY Idb, ON SALE WEDNESDAY MORNING. Bucblen'i Arlnca suit. The best salve in the worid for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures' piles, or no par required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Trice 25 cenu per box.' For Bale by B'akeley and Houghton, druggists. J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says: "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and for myself, with result so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly find words to express myself as to its merit. I will never fail to recommend It to others, on every occasion that pre sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner-sley, Drug Co. If there is any one thing that needs to be purified, it is politics, so the re former says, and many agree thereto. But blood tells, and as a blood purifier and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg ulator is the best medicine. "I use it in preference to anv other." So wrote Mr. S. H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio. And Dr. D. 8. Bussell, of Farmville, Va., writes, ''It fulfills all you promise for it." : ! : L and Wives a GROCER Successor to Chrism an & Corson. FULL, LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. i HATS and CAPS. .. Sold Less Than Cost. P. McINERNX & When yoa uiant to Se d Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE, Our prices are low and our goods are nret-ciasp. . ; Aeents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS' FIXTJK. HigheBt cash price' paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY. The Jbrh3f &tin3VJn'jl Select STUBLING & WILLIAMS Are now located on Second Street, between Washington and Federal Sts.j where they have a large stock of CHOICE LIQUOFJS. FINEST BRANDS OF CIGARS. Family trade' solicited, ticnlars will be maintained. The Dalles Commission Cb, -DEALEES Iil- Coal, Ice and Frodiice, Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Veptalles. , . Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game In Season. , NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for.Jts purity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPRINGS. KOSLYN. ANTHRACITE GOilEfl mull GSOSGE8 CREEK Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. ' x There is a tide in the affairs - ' . leads on to The poet unquestionably ' j 11 ' ii . 1. o at CRANDAl-C: Who are selling these goods MICHELBACH BRICK, IIOSIM UD M C i ii 1311 HOUGHTON'S WILL BE y. j - x Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. -SOLE AGENT FOE THE , Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. . NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, . - - - OREGON". uor Store. A resort first-class in all par- FOR FUEL and J1ANUFACTUKINQ PURPOSES. of men whiqgi, taken at its flood fortune? .- had reference to the rnrni nrft. jiiii mm 1 f-.-rti- . i '. -'.- BORTGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rates. , . UNION ST. Liq