(33 BICYCLES 6 To the M.U III. HLJ mutlxWi. People of The Dalles, We cordially invite you to come and examine our stock of High-class Novelties, which we are now showing. Our display; same as evening of the Open ing, will be shown for the balance of the week. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PRASR MAVS; "See the Cleveland and Eagle before buying;, both are high-grade and standard Wheels. The Cleveland' has a wood rim, and the Eagle has an aluminum rim. See our stock before you buy. BIER & BENTON Sole Agents for the above named Wheels. Only a few more Bicycles left that will be sold at the reduced prices. Ex amine our Crescents $50 and $75, as good as jany wheel sold at $85. We give the same guarantee that you can get on a $100 wheel. Removal Notice. Nolan's Book Store now located at No. 54 Second Street, near Union. The Tygrh Val ley Creamery Is Delicious. Ask Vanbibher & Worsley for it. 45c. Every Square is Full Weight. TEIiBPHOTE 35TO. 80. f ' CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. The Dalles Daily Gbronieie. SATURDAY. - - MARCH 28, 1896 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random ObserTations and rocal Events of Lesser Magnitude. Brownies To-night at the Baldwin Opera House. Ice cream and ice cream soda at A. Keller's bakery. "A four-room house for rent. Inquire at Oregon bakery. Your own pick of the finest 'assort ment of pansy plants in full bloom, at 25 cents per dozen at the Stubling greenhouse. m28-lw There will be a republican rally to night at the court house. Let everybody come. Good speakers will address the meeting. Mrs. Inez Filloon, guardian, requests the Woodman Circle to meet at 7 o'clock sharp this evening at Forester's hall. All members requested to be present. A bicycle built for six is one of the latest attractions in Portland. It is 13 feet long, with very heavyjvw heels, em ployed 12 to 18. workmen about three months to construct it, and cost $1,500, Mr. F. Ehrickson, contractor for the McCoy ditch, is in the city today. He states that he has at present about sixty men employed on the work. He says that it is his determination to complete it in the shortest possible time. j Numerous statements from the farm ers of Morrow county go to prove that some disease similar to ecab or mange has Btruck the squirrels. They are dy ing by the score all over the county, ap parently having scratched themselves to death. Wayland Fisher passed through last j night for his home in Roseland, B. C, where he is interested in some good mines. He is the son of Elder Fisher, who organized the First Baptist church in this city. Mr. Fisher has been away i from The Dalles since 1879. cago, and afterward to the East. The Brownies enter the stage seven times this evening, and between their entries are given some splendid music and recitations. These include vocal and instrumental solos by the best talent available, Miss Cora A rich, a very sweet singer of the Locks, coming up es pecially to contribute to the program. The Brownies will be irresistible, and their elfish antics and queer costumes will be of great interest. Mr. and Mrs. Judee Bradsbaw enters tained the whist club last evening. Mr. Houehton and Mrs Crossen won the first and secondAespectively. The weekly meetings ofthe whist club never wane in interest, and even the all absorbing topic of the county Republi can convention did not detract from its attendance. One of the club's famous banquets was a part of last night's pro-i gram, ' and, as usual, was the moe pleasant number. COUNTY REPUBLICANS. Moody for Congress and a Very Satis factory Ticket Throughout. Brownie Entertainment. The Democratic county convention occurs next Saturday. ' A prominent Democrat being asked what about those Democrats, if anywho voted at the Re publican primaries, replied that all he asked of the Republican party was that they return them in good condition by June 1st. , Wood Gilman is going to use juniper for his telephone line from FobsH. Ju- nirjer Doles of the rennired height at very scarce and vaSable, but ' Mr. Gil-j man says he can get enough for three'1 miles, all he requires, as the remainder of the line will run through timber. Fossil Journal. Dr. Roland D. Grant has decided to resign Lis pastorate of the First Baptist church in Portland, and will preach his last sermon on Easter Sunday. He will then take a prolonged trip through the wild country of the British NorthweBt, which the reverend gentleman has long desired, to visit ; thence he goes to Chi- The following program will no doubt insure the young lady friends of the M. E. church a crowded house at their entertainment Saturday evening at the opera house : PART I. The Arrival of the Brownies Bonp "Dreaming or Waking" Leslie Lizzie and Georgia Sampson, Alraa Schmidt, iteuluh Patterson, Messrs. R. G. Davenport and E. G. Patterson, Recitation "At Auntie's Hduse" Alice Trice. The Brownies at School Solo Miss Com Aldrich.. The Brownies at Singing School. Euphonium Bolo Flocktonian Polka Casey Mr. J. G. Miller. .. PART II. Brownies at Leap Frog. Rec. "Grandma at the Masquerade" Banks Miss Marie VandersoL Solo "I Love You Yet". KosenfeU Mr. J. Perkins. Preparation for Kite Making and J Kite Made by Brownies) Solo "Burst Ye Apple Buds" Emery Mrs. J. W. Condon. Brownies at the Polls. Duet "Boat Song" ; jj Mrs. ft. C. Price and Mrs. A. N. Varaey. Brownies at Foot Ball. Solo , : ... Miss Cora Aldrich. Brownies in Grand March. Reserved seats 35 cen ts ; admission 25 cents; children 15. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. S. M. Dial of Antelope is in the city. Mr. Grant Mays of Antelope is in the city. Mr. J. W. Haight from Cow Canyon is in town. -i Mr. Leslie Butler left on the train last night for Seattle. Mrs. Nancy Blakeney went to Mc Clure's Landing this morning. Mr. J. Freiman. a former merchant nf The Dalles, now of Portland, went home mis morning alter a Dnet visit in Xhe Dalles. Miss Cora Aldrich of Cascade Locks came np on the noon train for the pur pose of singing at the entertainment to night. Messrs. O. B. and M. F. Moody, pro minent sheep men of Crook county, were in town yesterday and left this morning for Rogersville, Tenn. ' Reserved seats 35 cents ; general admis sion 25 cents and children 15 cents for the Brownie entertainment Saturday even ing. On eale at Blakeley & Houghton's. The Republican county convention was called to order at 10:30 o'clock this morning by Mr. J. M. Patterson, chair man of the county central committee. The courtroom was filled with delegates and sight-seers. In calling the conven tion to order Mr. Patterson took occasion to thank the republicans of the county for the compliment of making him chair man of the county central committee and stated it to be his desire to see a ticket nominated of such strength that it wonld sweep away all opposition. As he concluded, Hon. M. P. Isenberg and Mr. J. A. Soebe contended for the recognition of the chair. The chair de cided in favor of Mr. Isenberg, when Mr. Soesbe called for a division of the house. On appeal the convention unanimously decided that Mr. Isenberg was entitled to the floor. When recognized Mr. Isen berg moved that the house elect Mr. J. M. Patterson temporary chairman, and stated the motion, at once putting it to vote. It was unanimously carried. Af ter again thanking the convention for the honor conferred, Mr. Patterson de clared nominations were in order for secretary. On motion Mr. L. N. Blowers was nominated for secretary.' No other nom inations were made and he was elected by acclamation. In like manner Mr. Clyde Bonney was elected assistant sec retary. Mr. M. J. - Anderson moved that a committee of five be appointed on cre dentials. The motion carried. Mr. W. H. H. Dufur then moved that a committee of five be appointed on order of business. The motion pre vailed. Mr. M. T. Nolan then moved that a committee of five be appointed on reso lutions. Carried. - The committees were shortly there after announced, as follows : Credentials Anderson, Lake, Griffin, Rusegll and Hudson. Order of Business Dufur, Johnston, Bronson, Husky and Sinnott. Resolutions Nolan, Locke, Button, Roberts and McAndie. The convention then adjourned nntil 1 o'clock p. m. Upon reassembling at 1 o'clock, the committee on credentials presented their report, through T. A. Hudson, chairman of the coaamittee. The re port was adopted. The committee on order of business presented a majority and minority. re port. The majority report was signed by G. W. Johnston, F. E. Bronson and N. J. Sinnott, and recommended that first the state and congressional delega tions be elected, and the county ticket be next taken np from the lowest office to the highest. The minority report was exactly opposite that the county ticket be first selected, commencing with office of sheriff and down to coroner, and follow with the state delegation. This report was signed by W. H. H. Dufur and E. J. Husky. Spirited arguments were made by the adherents of both re ports. Those speaking in favor of the majority report were Messrs. Nolan, Gourlay, Anderson and Isenberg, while the adoption of the minority report was urged by Mr. W. H. H. Dufur and J. A. Soesbe. Being put to a vote of the con vention, the majority report was adopted. Agreeably to this finding, a motion was made that the chair appoint four delegates from the convention to confer with Mr. Moody in regard to the dele gates who should be selected for the con gressional and state convention. The motion was carried and the chair ap pointed Messrs. Anderson, Day, Isen berg and Grant as such committee. A recess of 15 minntes followed to enable the committee to make their report. When the convention again assembled, the committee reported favorably upon the names of J. M. Patterson, A. E. Lake, E. L. Smith, M. T. Nolan, J. G. Day, F. M. Jones and Geo. W. Johnston. On motion the report was adopted by the convention. The county ticket was then takf n np. For coroner there was but one nomin ation, and W. H. Butts was elected by acclamation. For surveyor J. B. Goit was elected on the first ballot, the vote standing, Goit 43, Sharp 26, Campbell 4. For assessor there were placed in nom ination F. H. Wakefield, W. H Whip ple, Hugh Chrisman and P. W. Knowlea. Whipple was elected on the first ballot, the vote being as follows : Whipple 37 ; Wakefield 13 ; Chrisman 13; Knowles 7. For superintendent of schools' there were placed in nomination D. H. Rob erts, W. L. Harrington ancf C. L. Gil bert. Gilbert was elected on the first ballot, the vote resulting, Gilbert 46, Harrington 14, Roberts 9. For treasurer, Wm. Michell, E. Jacob sen and G. L. Phillips were nominated. The ballot resulted, Michell 25, Phillips 36, Jacobsen 14. There was no choice and a second ballot being spread, Phill ips received the nomination. The vote was, Phillips 44, Michell 26, Jacobsen 1. For sheriff Thos. Driver and F. C. Sexton were nominated. The vote re sulted Driver 49, Sexton 23, and Driver was declared the unanimous choice of the convention. For clerk, Mr. A. M. Kelsay and Mr. H. C. Rooper were placed in nomina tion. The first and only ballot resulted, Kelsay 42, Rooper 29. For county judge four candidates were nominated, as follows: Robert Mays, A. S. Blowers, T. A. Hudson and W. M. Floyd. The first ballot stood Mays 21, Blowers 24, Floyd 10, Hndson 15, Har lan 3. The second ballot stood Blowers 28, Mays 23, Hudson 17, Floyd 5. No choice. The third ballot stood Blow ers 28, Mays 30, Hudson 13. Still no choice and ' the fourth ballot elected Mays, the vote etanding, Mays 37, Blowers 35. F. D. Kinisey of Antelope was selected commissioner. , This completed the county ticket. - Piles of peoples have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will core them. When promptly applied it cures scalds burns without the slightest pain. Snipes- Einersly Drug Co. BIG T. Our entire stock of Pianos to be sold before April 1st. We must vacate our store building, and- anything1 in uur niitj u,i uui prices. sxahiLfsr iii'dLU. ia move our whole stock we will sell you: anything: vou mav want before we move, AT COST. jacobsen Book & Music Company, 162 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR. Try a Bottle. -OF- Atwood's Syrup of Tar, Horehound and Wild Cherry for that Cough. "Live and let live." Ton are invited to FRED. FISHER'S -New Grocery Store, where you "will rind all the Lowest Prices. Goods delivered to any part of the city. ; mi.. Telephone 270.