CO: 3 VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 189G. . NO. 67. i- - ' JMEW SUITS! SPIJSLG STYliES T FOR 1896 VfPOr ( '"'fir I Yn . mm Now Ready for Inspection. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. PRINCETONa We show special new features in our Men's Suits, such as the new Seamless Safety Pocket in Trousers ; Trousers strapped for belt, &c. You are invited to call and look over one of the handsomest and most ex tensive assortment of Gen tlemen's Spring and Sum mer Suits ever shown in The Dalles. We can suit you in goods, style, and most important of all, PRICE. 'Mil; ' Don't fail to look over the largest stock of Boys' 2- v piece fruits in the city. Pants made double knee.dou bie seat and elas tic waiatband. SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING. In our 3 -piece Suita for youDg men and boys, we can show come ready surprises. Offer yon choice of 10 to 25 suits of a size. CAMBRIDGE. . Special To those wishing wide cut Trousers, we offer oar 22-in. knee, ready made, in suite, at $14, $15 and $16. IS STILL A MYSTERY Investigating the Death of Annie McGulvey. THOUGHT LANGDOX KILLED HER And Then Attempted to Commit Suicide, But Repented What Leads to Thin Belief. Philadelphia, March 25. There is little doubt today that Annie McGrath, found dead at 2926 Girard avenue, Mon day night, was either killed as the result of a plan for the doubie suicide of her self and Samuel Langdon, a wealthy coal operator, whose mistress she was, or she alone committed suicide. The evidence thus far' adduced points almost conclu sively to the theory that Langdon took her life and then attempted to commit suicide, but forsook this purpose and fled. The most incriminating fact is that the girl's lips and almost the entire in terior of the mouth were burned and discolored as if by acid poison, while Langdon's tongue from his lips to bis palate is a series of ulcers, which, ac cording to his own statement, were not there before Monday. This condition is almost exactly similar to that existing in the girl's mouth, except that in the latter case it is more aggravated. Bertha Stewart, a colored servant, em ployed by the couple, was the last per son except Langdon who saw the girl alive. This was about 3:30 Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Langdon, as she was known, came downstairs and told the Bervant to prepare dinner. She then returned to the bedroom, where her supposed hus band had been with her all day. There was no further sign from the upper part of the house until 4:30, when she heard a piercing scream. She hurried upstairs and knocked at the door. Langdon, clad only in his night shirt, opened the door and told her her mistress was suffering from a bilious attack to which she was subject. Through the aperture the eer vant saw her mistress lying on the bed with a towel on her face. She was mo tionless, and may have been dead then. Langdon evidently had been lying on the floor. At 5 o'clock he came down alone to dinner and told the girl not to disturb her mistress, who was not well. He gave her the keys of the. house and left saying he was going to New York. That night the body was discovered. The girl's relations deny that she was ever subject to bilious attacks. Tuesday morning the Stewart girl re ceived a postal card from Langdon mailed after he had left the house the night before, instructing her if her mis tress was no better by Tuesday to notify her father, Henry McGrath. When arrested yesterday, Langdon complained of being ill and shortly after ward vomited copiouely. He told Police Surgeon Andrews that his tongue and throat were ulcerated from "excessive smoking, but he had not before been troubled with such an affection. The surgeon found his throat in good condi tion, and smoking does pot produce such an ulceration as in this case. His mouth looked as if it had been burned by an ir ritant such as ether or chloroform. The condition might have been produced by mineral alkali in small quantities. Bertha Steward made the further statement today that Monday morning she went up to awaken Langdon, but could not arouae him. She heard him snoring. She made another attempt later in the day with a similar result. The father of the dead girl told Coro ner Ashbridge today that his daughter had deceived him. Her excuse for her absence for three or four days at a time was that she had been visiting friends, and this was accepted without question A SPANISH JUNTA. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Hi H so Li One Formed in New York Last Tuesday Night. New Yobk, March 25. The founding of a Spanish junta in the City of Mexico has been followed by sfmilar action in this city. Last night Senor Don Arturo Baldezano Topete, the consul-general of Spain, called a meeting of the Spanish colony in New York and "Junta Patri otic Espanola de los Estados Unidos" was organized. The following officers were elected : Don Arturo Cuayas, president; Don Remigo Jimenez, vice-president; Don Cesareo Vigil, treasurer; Don Jose G. Gariot, secretary : Don Laureano Fauja, assistant secretary. Aid From Fern. New Yokk, March 25. Nicolas de Cardenas, who was sent some months ago to Peru as the representative of the Cuban revolutionists, has returned to New York, at the request of President Pal ma. Senor Cardenas' miesion was financial as well as political. He brings back quite a large sum of money, the result of voluntary contributions in Peru. It is understood . to be Pal ma's intention to send Cardenas on a special mission to Europe. The Battle-Ship Iowa. Dks Moines, la., March 25. The people of Moulton, at a meeting, adopted resolutions directed to Governor Drake, asking him to have his daughter, Miss Mary Lord Drake, use water instead of wine in christening the battle-ship Iowa at Philadelphia next Saturday. The governor and his party leave for Phila delphia tonight. Sooth Dakota Republican. Huron, S. D., March 25. There . was a large attendance today at the Republi can state convention to select delegates to St. Louis. A. B. Conns was selected chairman. While the money question has brought out diversified expressions, it baa been decided to refer that subject to the national republican convention. The convention seemed strongly in favor of McKinley. United States Senator Pettigrew, who espoused the cause of free silver, will probably be one of the delegates. Important to Farmers. Wakelee's squirrel exterminator, the original and only article of its kind giv ing complete satisfaction. Now reduced For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic propertv. Castoria is poirell adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription tnown to me." H. A. Archer. M. 1., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. Y. " For several years I have recommended your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." Edwik F. Pardee, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The use of 'Castoria is so universal and Its merits po well known that it reems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Pew are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Martto, I). D., New York City. Tax Centaur CoscpAjry, 77 Murray Street, K. Y. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEKAL BANKING BCSINE8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various- points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker f Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. the Saipes-Kinersly Drug Co. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snfpes Kinersly llrntt Co. Telephone No. 3. Hay and Grain for Sale Ward, Kerns & - Robertson's Stable, Corner Fourth and Federal Sts. dec4-lm Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. DRESS ;OODS, Black and Colored Silks, Black Dress Goods, Ladies' and Missess' Cloaks, Linen Table Damasks, Towels and Toweling, White Bed Spreads, Comforters and Blankets. Trunks, Valises and Telescopes. GENTS' HATS that cost $2.25 each, take your choice at $1.15. Lace Curtains, Bed Tickings, Black Alpacas, Bleached Muslins, Bleached Sheetings, Ladies' and Children's Underwear. Ladies' Hosiery, Ladies Corsets, Ladies' Umbrellas, Lace Embroderies, Ribbons, Velvets, &c, &c. Gents' Light Overcoats. Gents' Underwear. Boys' TTnder-wear. Hats and Caps, &c So:LwrQEsr pans from 50 eta to SO eta per can. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, The Dalles. BOSS CASH STORE. M. HONYWIIZL-